Name a more frustrating game

Name a more frustrating game.

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This game was so good, holy fuck

I dont know what to make of this game.

It was so infuriating and yet so unique.

FFXV, not being able to grab/climb edges or jump over 2ft fences made my fucking blood boil. TLG is my game of the year.

Be honest. There was some hair pulling moments trying to coerce this ai around.

The vast majority of AAA games released in the last decade are more frustrating to me. I get frustrated when I know I'm playing a vapid design-by-committee piece of shit. The Last Guardian was a breath of fresh air.

It wasn't really that unique. Play A Boy and his Blob for a similar, but better executed, game.

Lifeline for PS2 is still the king of frustrating games.

I'm actually upset that Microsoft didn't hijack that franchise from Sony and put it on Kinect, because that's one of the few games that would've been improved by it.


it begins

Name a game based around an escort mission which isnt frustrating and makes you want to kill the ai.

Actraiser 2

>OP is a retard that mashed buttons constantly to get Trico to do commands overloading and confusing him because he thought he act like a video game and not a real animal

Not really. I never had difficulty with the AI because I didn't spam commands and watched his head

Afterbirth + is already out.

Did anyone actually cry or become attatched to Trico by the end?


So how is this compared to the two previous entries? Is the atmosphere good? Story? I don't hear much about how this game is overall.

>user is retarded and defends broken AI because it's "supposed to be bad" despite the fact that it's not thematically appropriate

Atmosphere is great, story and gameplay are shit.

Any sex game is frustrating to those with idle hands.

i played that game on the school computers
