Where is the Gravity Rush thread?

Where is the Gravity Rush thread?

Other urls found in this thread:


clearly here


How are people going to dismiss it so they can keep calling the PS4 a Bloodborne machine?

Reviewers apparently got their codes sent out recently

Gravity Rush sucks. The Gravity part is pretty cool but once you start fighting Nevi you realize all you do is gravity kick and maybe the occasional kick when you're filling your meter. They didn't fix the Gravity Slide animation for GR2 . It looks as stiff as ever. If Kat wasn't completely naked in every other cutscene no one even care about this game.

Give me your Kat lewds.

Also witcher 3, last gaurdian and thats all

anyone watch the anime yet? it's pretty cute

What exactly is this game? Is it an action rpg? A beat-em-up? All i've seen is a lot of softcore pornography and videos of bizzare physics interactions.

Is this actually worth looking into as a quality game, or is it "Waifu" Fap material for basement neets?

>releasing within a week of Resident Evil 7, Tales of Berseria, Yakuza 0, and Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Gravity Rush comes out first but I feel it will be the biggest victim.

Its a 3D platformer with basic combat and anti gravity you use to fly around most of the game, reminds me of the kind of experimental stuff you'd see on the Dreamcast only with waifubait. So to answer your question, both depending on your tastes.

ARPG is the most basic sense.

>Waifu" Fap material for basement neets
Pretty much.

By pointing out the fact the game is obscure and the threads are nothing but a pathetic circlejerk.

>ARPG is the most basic sense.
Well aren't you a retard.

It's an open world hero game like spiderman or infamous. It's quintessentially a 7/10 game.

>ostentatious fetishization of an already fetishized character
It just doesn't get much more weeb than this.

Remember at one point in was in the same week as FFXV, The Last Guardian, South Park, Steep and Dead Rising 4

I felt the same after playing the demo too. I like the look of the game but its pretty simple.

Kat is a fucking qt though.

Go fuck yourself.

Literally nothing he said was wrong.

>ps4 game running at below 30fps
>literally looks like a vita game

This is the most normal jap game other than dark souls i've seen in awhile.What the hell are you talking about.

>They didn't fix the Gravity Slide animation for GR2
>he thinks that webm was an example of something bad
Theres something wrong with you

I like the presentation from what I've seen, but the gameplay just doesn't seem very compelling beyond the initial fun of flying around everywhere

and I get the feeling that it would have been long forgotten without a waifubait main character with skimpy costumes

Thats totally wrong
The gameplay in the original was fun, now with the combat being improved with the two different modes and more combat options its going to be better

You seem to think that flying around is infinite or something, but its not and thats part of the challenge, thats not including the other powers

Like a lot of Japan Studio and their subdivison's output, Gravity Rush is very much a case of style over substance. Absolutely gorgeous soundtrack and art direction, but as an actual game it's pretty so-so.

I'll be buying it day one to support the Project Siren guys, though. Toyama said a few weeks ago that they're starting work on something new as soon as they're done with GR2, so I'm praying for a new Forbidden Siren.


If I like Jet Set Radio will I enjoy this series? I just want to go fast and look cool while doing it

>but its not and thats part of the challenge,
do you get paid to come here and lie?

Well, I had meant to quote
but OPs pic also depicts part of that.

If you don't see this game for what it is, then I guess that's that. Not gonna try to ruin your simple delights.

Are you retarded?
The gravity meter in gravity rush 1 and 2 is never infinite besides the tutorials? In fact how long you can fly is used as a challenge in the first game several times along with managing your gravity meter.
Did you play gravity rush?

It mas as well be and this game has ltierally zero challenge.

Ah ok thats what you mean

GR2 seems a lot harder with the guys with guns, when I played the demo they destroyed my health really fast

I'll agree I want it to be more challenging