In what game can you best get the sense of utterly wreking your enemy?

In what game can you best get the sense of utterly wreking your enemy?
Bonus points if you later feel digital guilt.

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medieval 1

Extra credit if you can't justify the shreking.

Honorable mentions if it can be compared to an act of God.

I might add I've played and tapped every total war game.
Though FOTS is so far my pick for the disgusting amount of shreking.

Pic related is the opposite of what I'm after.
While you do in fact treat your fellow man like a household invasive insect, the enemy are mostly limp noodles that no one will truly miss.

Plus the game(s) too easy mayne.

Well, if you think of Total War, the answer to OPs question would most certainly be Fall of the Samurai

dominating someone in a fighting game, no wonder fighting games have the highest amount of people who quit them after trying to go online vs other people

Serious Sam is a good example but it's hard to feel sorry for shreking rape monsters from space.

Street Fighter 3 and other fighting games.
when its 1v1 it feels very personal
MGE in TF2 too (1v1 training mode)

Conan Exiles looks good

While highly personal combat gives a good mix of high adrenaline violence and unsung victory that leaves you in a quiet cell with nothing but a dead man and the cold realization that you'll have to bear this scene of violence in every silent moment for the rest of your days: it doesn't provide the sort of awe that comes from a bonafide industrialized shreking that only a group of dedicated mortal men could conceive.

Exanima is p gud for the former tho

>this post

Dynasty Warriors

>thousands of enemies on a map
>officers amongst them put up better fights

you can set it on hard for a challenge or easy to feel like a killing machine. Its a fun button masher but not a strategy game. It has minor strategy elements in some of them.

Valkyrie Profile 2 you can hit your enemy so hard they literally rip into pieces.

Unfortunately this doesn't work on humon beans.

Red Orchestra 2

>limbs and gore get blown off with high caliber weapons and explosives
>can gun down 5-15 soldiers easy in good spots
>the brutality of warfare from deathrattles to screams of burning japs

Pretty good game if you want a realistic brutal WW2 first person shooter. When you gun down a squad of running soviets you feel like some saving private ryan shit

To clarify, I'm not looking for a Elliot Rodger simulator or that Friday the 13th game. But where you have an enemy that you wrek so hard that it become morally reprehensible.

Play Total War Warhammer

Spam Minotaurs

Await results

Holy fuck OP you sound like such a huge faggot. Please kill yourself and your shit thread.

>Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star

An autistically detailed and gritty WW2 Eastern Front RTS, you can outmaneuver your enemy on the campaign map, then crush him with superior tactics.

Tanks attacking infantry? Fuck that! Watch the infantry break ranks and run, or get cut down and run over by steel.
Flamethrowers? Hell yeah! Listen as the heat crackles flesh from bone, and watch the poor victims flail hopelessly. Bonus points if their vehicle catches on fire.

Company of Heroes 1 & 2

>tanks, half-tracks, many soldier classes, ect.

You can tear entire platoons apart with artillery and bombing runs. Its satisfying as fuck to see a bunch of german squads rushing your trench just to get blown apart in massive barrages leaving only craters and screaming soldiers. Best with friends.

Total War Warhammer. You can set up battles where it's literally a wall of cannons versus an elven princess. She'll literally charge to her death.

Exanima is a sucky meme game that jerks itself to its 'difficulty' which doesn't constitute actual AI difficulty, but an itemization curve so hilariously broken that even if you could swing weapons properly you're likely not to do any damage. So kindly fuck off.

Not a fan of the lulzy disparity between the officers and the grunts in that game.
Though if you haven't tried "Tiger Knight Empire War" (it's chinese I think) I'd recommend it.
It's a 3 kingdoms mount and blade pretty much.
Also it's free on steam.

Mount and Blade Warband, I defeated an enemy rhodok army that is 4000 men large with just an army of 100 Swadian knights.

>m-muh rhodok legendary spearwall
Yeah right rhocucks ...

we can do better
squig riders

did it have a western release because that idea is really getting me hard

>i can actually be lu bu

Yeah, it has a lot of itemization ideas from World of Tanks though.Pretty good for a F2P game.


and there go all my hopes.

>I'm bad at Exanima

After I'm done playing video games.

Still can't make qt gril officers though.

Wow that actually looks pretty good. Ill check it out. thanks

>his steam tag is Lu Bu


>implying you horseloving assblasters will ever taken Grunwalder castle

>be nord
>win every castle fight but lost every field fight

such is a life in the north

>paying 19 dollardoos for old DLC
>vastly superior wood elf is same price

>calls exanima a meme game
>plays Total Warhammer

>Le 'Ur bad at it' meme

Exanima is a waste of money. The combat is beyond clunky, tiresome after three fights, and hilariously imbalanced. The itemization is horrible, especially in the Arena where currency is a literal trickle with ungodly prices for basic (and almost mandatory) pieces of gear.

And to top it all off, the devs have taken a Dark Souls-esque idea of 'We're making a hardcore difficult game' when the difficulty doesn't come from NPCs or fights themselves, but rather the utter shitpile that they call the 'mechanics' in the game.

Why does that castle have an enormous amount of sharpshooters? Fuck you TaleWorlds.


Bulls shit. Lose the extra zero pal. I doubt anyone has a computer that can handle a battle size more than 1000

I am a stupid and can't handle the amount of micromanage in those. Especially with #2.

It's really fun man. It's definitely the best Hollywood war movie simulator out there.

Play the campaign on hard mode, you will have to face armies that are 1k+, when you have your own kingdom all the rival lords will gather up so eventually you would have to face such enormous amounts of armies in the late game, but yeah, it is a bit boring because you have to kill 200-300 men at a time before the next melee, that one was a bitch, that battle took me 3 hours I think.

Because God wills it Swadicuck
>pic related, what an actual King looks like.

>i'm getting too old for this shit

Yeah sure Graveth ... If you say so.

Have you ever used the term "artificial difficulty" before?

I greatly enjoy the first but the second had way too much to keep track of.
A lot like world in conflict. Great game but I'm just one man.

>It only takes a straight week of playing to 'properly' play it, so that means the combat's still good

I'm sorry your game is garbage, user.

>this son of a bitch walks into the club and slaps ur Thane's ass
>wat do


t-t- take that back!

>Conan Exiles
Fug. I played the shit out of Age of Conan.
So much potential shat on.
>Early Access on PC begins January 31st 2017
This is going to break my heart I know it.

Mount and blade: warband. Running down a bunch of farmers on their way to a market town to sell their meagre harvest and using blunt weapons to knock them all out and capturing them. Then later selling them into slavery but not before setting their village on fire while they are your prisoners and are forced to watch everything go up in flames.

I-i thought I was the only one that played this game.

replying to my own post but this image is exactly what worries me.
Look at that purple shit sneaking up on this guy "crafting" a 4x4 with a fucking battle axe.
I can't resist Conan shit but this is not looking good.

skimmed over that it does look p edgy AND autistic.
Will check out.

>I-i thought I was the only one that played this game.

There are only six of us in the world that ever bought it

The artillery in that game was absurd against AI opponents.
Or perhaps not absurd, but what you might expect.

World in conflict.

Having so much resources i kept calling in napalm, airstrikes, artillery and nukes.

My earliest memory playing Rising Storm was

>hiding in bush with my M1 scanning ahead for targets
>suddenly hear a voice very close (in Japanese)
>turn to my right
>see a helmet in the bushes right next to me
>wonder why my teammate is pointing his gun in the wrong direction
>realize its a Jap helmet
>shoot him while also wonder the the fuck we came to be hiding in the same bush

Felt like some Vietnam shit but 1944

>not buying both
>not owning every faction in a warhammer game

This and Wargame are correct when it comes to dropping bombs and napalm and completely annihilating enemy formations

I always feel bad invading players in Dark Souls, especially when they're kitted out in just plan knight looking gear

>tfw you know they don't have far to go until the safety of the next bonfire
>they put up a good fight against you and dont pull any sneaky tricks but you land the killing blow on them

Wargame is by far more in depth while WIC happens to have a more approachable and quite excellent single player campaign.

I don't think I could recommend one over the other. Although WIC being more "approachable" might make it easier to reccommend. Most missions are easy to complete with the proper application of armored vehicles and air support.

>Not Gay but $5 is $5

>The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster.

can I wrek in this

>0 results for "Men of War"
You can literally blow everything up there.

the mods look p sweet

Brigador has some crazy powerful weapons (especially in heavy/main categories), fully destructible environments, civilians running around killing whom is encouraged...