Anyone playing Rust still ? How's the new update post legacy ? Does it perform well or still a lot of issues ? How does it compare to Day Z?
Anyone playing Rust still ? How's the new update post legacy ? Does it perform well or still a lot of issues...
Rust is... Rust
The new component system is better than the xp system. But it makes it hard to get equipment as a solo player. Setting up a base can be done sooner, but instead of spending the time resourcing you have to go to rad towns or get lucky with the shitty barrels full of rope, tarps and metal blades.
A ladder hatch takes 3 gears, and they aren't all that common in barrels. Makes it tricky if you make a proper solo base that can't be beancan raided
okay so lets go ahead and move forward assuming i know absolutely fuck all about the game....
What the fuck is a beancan raid, and is crafting vastly complicated and under explained for new players?
Crafting is easy af, building well is hard.
Beancan raids are shitty explosives that do a little bit of damage to structures. If you're a solo player you don't want low level explosives and other solo players to be able to raid the place. You want them to waste their good shit or avoid raiding you entirely because it's not worth using c4 and rockets, or they can't get in unless they have a clan full of people trying to break in
cool, i also hear that the community is a bunch of niggers, killing people on sight regardless of reason or rhyme, this true? not that i mind i'm just curious
yea thats how it is but thats true for every survival crafting game
Okay, what kind of specs will i need to run it?
Anythign fuckin mind blowing or will a pretty recent laptop be able to run it just fine.
Your input is appreciated amigo
Very true.
If you see people, assume they will try to kill you. Avoid them or approach prepared for a fight. Often people pretend to be friendly and try kill you if you aren't looking. People sit on top of their bases and shoot at people for no reason too.
Basically gear yourself appropriately after establishing a base.
If you're resourcing you don't want to lose good weapons. If you're hunting for animals or other players be armoured up and have spears ready and shit.
Depends. I have a 4.2GHz i7 and 980ti, and make 100-70fps
Loads of hackers. An unbearable amount of them.
Was inside my small base a few days ago, and started hearing the failed code sound go on. It happened maybe 12-15 times a second, and then some fucker opened my door and got inside, killed me with a bow. Just opened the armored, locked door.
Then later on I was standing on top of my base, waiting for an airdrop, and heard someone below. I peeked over the edge, saw nobody, then peeked over my sandbags on the other side and instantly got headshot with an AK. As I was falling down, he HS'd me again.
Met a LOT of aimbotters, too. The game is fun, but the hacking is unbearable. People can cheat virtually anything in the game. I still have fun with it, though. Playing as a solo player is virtually impossible though. Clans of 10+ will clean the map of all nodes, and burn through bases like a hot knife through butter.
Oh, also, you need 8GB of RAM minimum, of course. 16GB is better. Make sure you have a 650Ti or better if you can, a good CPU helps.
im running on a laptop
Radeon r7
4gb ram
3.30 ghz
am i fucked?
yeah Ideally il be able to snag a gift key and avoid paying money to get raped but we'll see
you're fucked. You need 8GB of RAM, minimum. The game uses 6.5GB constantly for me on the most minimal settings.
how fucked, game/comp crash fucked or shitty frame rate fucked?
any tweaks or anything?
You'll have to stick to max 50 or less population servers, and avoid modded. There'll be too much building and fighting going on. You'll play with 10-25 FPS on average, considerable stutters and drops to nothing, it is extremely hard to shoot.
t. I have a friend with 4GB of RAM, a 650 and a shitty CPU and this is all true for him.
Not sure of any tweaks. The game is just an unoptimized piece of shit, even on my decent rig it takes about 5-6 minutes just to load a server.
Can't understand how the fuck to play this game.
Group of 3 of us spent 5-10 hours about 5 separate times on 5 different servers on wipe day.
Our last few bases had 5-6 layers you had to break through to get to the actual base.
Every single time we came back in the morning ~12 hours later our base was broken into and literally everything gone. We followed guides and used the right walls/doors and all that shit, I just don't get it.
Probably didn't make cabinets in the right place. People just raid tower or boost over the side m8, or go through the roof. git_gud.
would Day Z better a better option then?
External walls and quadrupled airlock ladder hatch entries
Well obviously if they had broken through the roof or had building privilege I wouldn't have pointed out how many layers the base had. It was through the base walls each time.
OP here
anyone got a DAYZ or Rust code ? ill touch ur bhole, TIA
Backward walls?
No, not really. The standalone Day Z is very poorly made, just get Arma 2 or 3 and do whatever you like from there. (I suggest playing Epoch).
Fair enough, but a clan of 10-12 players can probably make about double their count in C4 an hour, and sheet metal walls only takes two if I remember correctly. So, it takes 'em an hour to get though 8+ walls. That's why you honeycomb and build multiple layers; try for a 5-7 layer cube that's at least 8x8, and the bottom two/top two are a "Honeycomb" of squares. Don't forget the pillars, too!
Nope made sure we placed them from inside our base and used some rope trick on the twig walls that someone told us about to tell which side was which
Had external walls, they broke through them and another ~5 layers of stone wall
the games performance is not consistent across all graphics cards but some cards run the game pretty well. it is leaps and bounds better than the legacy version at this point and gets updates on a weekly basis. I will say however that it is very hard to play solo so bring some friends along.
i have no friends
>Playing Rust
> coming into a thread to post edgy memes
When are they going to stop forcing wipes for the most trivia updates? Just let me horde shit in my tower you fucks.
Game is 2000x better than ARK but for the fact that you lose everything after one month max.
the only way to survive solo in this game is to build a really small base with a lot of storage density in the form of shelves and just pray nobody looks at your house and decides it's worth raiding.
The game will literally shit itself if 50 players play on it for a week, building shit. The wipes are necessary every few weeks, or else the lag will be intolerable. This will NEVER change.
That works sometimes.
You can tell just by the way they look, use the hammer tool to rotate the rough edges outwards, you aren't stuck doing all of the walls from the inside
As for honeycombing, make a minimum of 8 layers if you want it to survive more than a day. Your server must be very high pop, cus that sounds like a clan raid.
Double walling it is also very handy. If you've got a clan nearby you need to take bigger measures or move.
If you're new to it I recommend going to solo servs because going to a regular one will just make you get raped by who has the largest group of Russians
yeah. I had a little 2x2 (pic related) with more stuff in it than I could ever need. It lasted a solid week and a half before it got raided.
Naw. Build in stages with a clear plan.
Make it unboostable every step of the way.
someone gimme a gift key i wanna get up in this bitch,
Buy it yourself it's like 8 fucking bucks
it's like 21$ CAD lol
posting my comfy base from awhile ago, its a lot more fortified now and stuff but rust has some pretty great base building mechanics
>tfw you have a gtx 1080 and only get 30 fps in this game
what's the deal with this shit.
No, DayZ runs like shit, plays like shit and has the shittest devs in the world.
Rather Arma 3 + mods (Dayz)
The Component system is good in theory, but the main issue is that it's impossible for you to get things like Bolties/AKs on populated servers. And then they nerfed the falling speed of care packages so zergs are even more insane because they can come from every corner of the map to contest it. It's basically impossible to play as a solo/small group now unless you're on a dead server.
I want to like it, but I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. I can't take down AKs with Pistols at range anymore.
fuck i'm not even terribly upset by the community or anything, i played day z standalone when it first launched and am pretty used to the dickish players, no im just trying to get my little jew hands on a free code because i dont want to spend 21 dollars and get fucked on install :(
You would not believe how many clans were killed by this thing. Here's the outside...
I get 110 on max settings
>tfw Sup Forums laughed at me for getting a 5960X
...and here's the same view from the inside.
those are some clever shooting holes. I've never seen anything like that before.
They make it too difficult to get weapon components if you're a solo player. Big clans roam and pillage while nobody can defend themselves.
It was basically the same with the goddamn XP system, except you could at least make the things you unlock. The RNG factor of blueprints at least levelled the playing field if a naked manages to find a rifle or pistol blueprint.
It works really well unless they have a ton of places outside to hide.
The game is fucking awful to play alone; you have to go in knowing that any time you've spent rewards you only in personal experience, since it's so easy to lose everything you've gained, and it's much easier to actually have a fun time and feel like you haven't wasted hours of your life if you're enjoying it with friends.
Frankly the XP system was decent, but all the structures need to be unlocked before level 10. Grinding to level 24 before you can make external stone walls was so fucking stupid
I've played this game with friends and even then it sucks.
I don't want to join a fucking clan, seems boring and I don't want to deal with shitty people I don't know.
Naw, a good base build and smart playing is the way to go. Don't bring anything out with you that you can't afford to lose.
Go out with spears and stone tools, make a bow and go to town. Solo-ing in full gear is risky as fuck.
Does it still run in god damn Unity?
You need at least ONE good friend with you to play at all.
didn't happen, codelocks do increasing amounts of damage when you put the wrong key in and there's no infinite health hack right now
source: i hack
>Make tons of small, 1x1 stone houses nestled into rock formations
>Or an obscene, large "neighborhood" of homes
>Or find a destroyed, raided base and build a small base hiding inside of it for disguise
>Spread your shit thin as to minimalize loss
>Advocate peace, force yourself to play pacifist (even if it means dying a lot in the begining)
>Wear shitty, unenticing gear that no one uses
This shit kept me so safe for so long. I would pose as an ignorant player with shitty gear and have decoy-honeycomb bases for raiders. As the major populace got to know me, they supposedly learned that I had little of value worth raiding and I fell off as a priority target. All the while, I kept stockpiles of my good shit in other places and could join raids whenever I wanted to.
That, and I would do public projects like making a hotel or a general store selling shit to new players.
yes and that isn't going to change.
Team work is essential if you want to do more than base building. Raiding is reserved for end game after you're set up unless you have a friend.
Being able to boost into places and have someone ready to help steal stuff is the best way to play. It's a less tense game if you are able go out with nothing and manage to steal gear, otherwise you're forced to make weapons and venture out with equipment.
Why can't there ever be people like you on my servers
I might play like this for shits and giggles.
I usually find prime real estate and set up a monster double/triple walled base that I build in incremental stages that are safe. I make myself much more of a target, and people are unhappy when they waste stuff on my base, since I focus on building and don't have anything of value. I don't even keep charcoal or sulphur until I'm ready to start making guns and bullets.
Well gorsh, user. Hopefully that'll change sooner than later for ya.
It's definitely a lot of fun and, if you get as autistic as me, if you lose anything it'll only be wood, stone and time put into it. It changes the whole game and makes it more interesting. I want to make a bank of some sort, or maybe re-open a KFC like a friend of mine had: you'd exchange charcoal for water, rad pills and cooked chicken. Every night, he'd climb up to his roof and up to the giant KFC letter sign and light campfires behind the letters to advertise.
If I had my harddrive on hand, I'd show you pictures from the old /vg/ server. We had a whole homeless commune in a place called Burger Town and no one seriously tried to raid it because it was a well known homeless place with no worthwhile loot. One night, the twenty of us snuck into a destroyed metal building and built up about five floors and opened the grand Hobo Hotel. Shit was cash until hackers fucked everything up.
I'll give it a shot, I've gotten bored of designing mega bases and never raiding anyone.
Is there any way to prevent raids? Could you just store your rarest shit on some insanely hard to find spot in a chest and pray some autist doesn't go treasure hunting?
Is what the wiki says about highest tier houses true? Are metal houses just begging to be raided?
anyone feeling generous and have a key laying around?
If your base is well fortified it's because you are defending for a reason.
That's the logic.
To avoid raids build small, but build smart.
Eventually some autist will decide to door camp you, so build rooftop exits and at least 2 entrances.
I usually end up making a building within a building, with access to the internal building only through doors on the roof of the outer building, and literally nothing but honeycomb on the inside to the large furnace.
You cannot control what people do unless you are on a server that does not enable items that can force entry, so no. No base is safe, only safer, and if someone wants inside badly enough, they'll get inside with enough time and effort.
The most appealing items are those most difficult to attain, user.
By this, a smart build is a pizza of triangle foundations, then one additional layer of 'em on the outside. Small, center is secure. Make it like two high with an extra little tower on the top, then make some decoy bases around it, 1x3 or small loop huts of stone and stuff.
>The most appealing items are those most difficult to attain, user.
That's why I want to hide them and at least try to keep them safe at all costs. But is it ever a good idea to stash stuff outside of a base or should I just keep everything inside my base?
What building tier should I aim for? Stone? Sheet metal? I haven't played in a while but how common is it to get high quality weapons (full autos, rocket launchers, etc) Should I be worried about some nig trying to get into my base with explosives while i'm away?
Australian servers are fucked. There are only two with any decent population, and they usually have a queue of 40+ for the first few days of wipe then barely anyone. My mate and I played for 3 hours the other day and after several attempts finally managed to get a 2 storey 3x4 stone setup. Of course, while we smelting the FIFTY high quality metal for two armoured doors we got bean can raided and that was that. All gone, boys
Stone outside, metal inside. Use discretion, you can always upgrade if you get a large furnace and wall it up with high externals. Sheet metal door front, armoured doors on the inside.
Work on fortifications before weapons if you're solo. Yes, nigs will try get in.
High quality weapons are rare unless you've got a group. Steal if possible. Its worth a half inventory of resources if you find something interesting.
never store items outside. people with ESP hacks (a lot of them) can see where small stashes are even while they're buried so there's no point to that.
Really only bother with stone, and have an airlock -- ie a door after your front door, where one door is ALWAYS closed. If someone sits outside your door and shoots you when you open it they can't get inside your base because of the second door. Build a sheet metal then an armoured door for the front as soon as possible, and get stone walls as soon as possible. Wood walls, foundations or doors will get destroyed within 2 minutes with a flamethrower, and sheet metal doors will get crushed by beancan grenades. Both are easy to obtain.
tldr stone building materials, armoured doors, keep it kinda small and you should be outside the view of anyone capable of raiding you and outside the capabilities of anyone on your level. People know that a small base won't have enough loot to justify using incredibly expensive C4 but sheet metal doors can be broken down for a few hundred metal fragments and sulfur worth of beancan grenades.
I'd like to play but it just seems like a pain.
You're at the mercy of the RNG to start off with, and even further at the mercy of the clans who have everything.
All pretense of friendliness that may have existed when the game first released EA is gone, it's full on MW2 in there now.
Jesus m8, I'm . I build huge bases solo.
Try sydney 3 if you want to learn the basics of raid proofing without too many faggots trying to murder you.
Full pop Rustralasia is doable if you know exactly what each of you are going to do. If you mess around you'll die.
after years of playing on PvP wow servers, im over the whole getting camped for hours for no reason thing. it's just a side effect of games with the freedom to kill other players.
It's more like there's no objective to the games other than kill each other.
It's kind of why I liked the idea of The Culling since it cut all pretenses and made it entirely about killing the other player, with the only team-mode being a permanent two-player team thing.
If there's nothing to work together for, then players will just hack, camp, and generally be douchebags for fun.
I mean when you think about it, what's the ultimate goal of Rust: get the best gear so you have the best chance of killing someone else and not them killing you.
Alright, thanks for the insight guys. Will definitely keep that in mind.
Just one more thing, I know this is server and population dependent, but is it worth building on mountains and snowy areas? There doesn't seem to be much activity around them where I am. Any advantages to building in tall, snowy hills and isolated mountains?
oh yeah, don't get me wrong, we both have 80+ hours and know the theory of raid-proofing, we just fuck around a bit. Problem is the density, I think: like the number of people meant it took us literally hours to get 25 and 50 HQM to actually be able to build the door, and that's while our neighbours, 2 random dudes, have P2s and metal gear within a few hours of wipe. They take down the heli on day 1 consistently on rustralasia, but at the same time the game isn't worth playing with low population. Maybe we just need a proper game plan.
Our current move is: spawn, make maps, run to our chosen spot (if someone finds 30 cloth we bag the other in)
build a stone 1x1 crab shack, hunt desperately for animal fat (another issue caused by the population being that there is never any), then start building the rest of the house around that 1x1 including the airlock
then if we're lucky enough to get the armoured door by then we're usually sweet. but we almost always get flamethrowered or beancanned before we can get enough fat for a fuckin furnace. that or dudes spot us and decide to sit outside with their P2s for 40 minutes at a time
what's your game plan? maybe we can adapt
Not sure what you're doing, but I can get 30+ high qual ore in like half an hour. Avoiding people is the key. I'm a stealth ninja.
someone hook me a code u niggers
post an email or your steam account and I'll hook you up. merry christmas faggot
>love playing Rust
>use to play all the time back in the day
>want to play on my new laptop
>runs most games decently at 60fps
>can't run rust smoothly at any settings
>can barely play at 30 fps but the second someone comes near me I get the frame rate of a powerpoint
feels bad man. I've looked up all the fixes, tried overclocking, tried all sorts of launch settings, etc. It seems alot of people have this problem, but none of their soultions help me.
all i wanna do is shoot naked nignogs
refreshing like a jew, the pitter patter of my hopefull heart
>inb4 troll
same dude here, try this one
you're making it real hard
sorry for the delay, my little fingers are sweaty with anticipation
alright I'll do this one. Let's hope you aren't a jew stealing this poor user's key
it is me user, and your kindness will no go unrewarded, the universe will smile upon your grace
Merry Christmas, bud. Check out rustafied for some handy game info
badrats received.
You cut me deep user, you cut me real deep.
that's what you wanted, right? badruts?
you've hurt me in ways the world hadn't shown me yet.
May god forgive me allowing hope into my heart
you can make these tiny caches and bury them in the ground in a discrete location but they individually dont have much storage space
>Spend hours building
>Lose everything
faggot game
you were my last resort user. i am defeat.
He saved you from wasting hours dying and getting fucked by cheaters, there is litterally no way to survive in this game, people find you within 5 hours no matter where the fuck you are and they have insane gear within 2 hours of a wipe its just ruined by spergs