Apologize to me; I am still mad.

Fer wut?
Daddy told us not to be ashamed of our dicks, being that they're such a good size and all.


New Gameplay out yet?

What am I apologizing for?

I'm still salty about ME3. I'll never NOT be salty over it. I'll be dead, old, and buried, and nothing will grow over my grave, because the very soil will be salted through. Far in the future, mind slaves will harvest salt from the vast, deep mines once rumored to hold an ancient civilization, with the overlords puzzling at just how a deposit of purity and depth exists on our long dead world.


>tfw this is literally going to be inquisition with guns and aliens
>i'll probably still buy and play it at release because fuck me

Eat shit.

We all will

Bioware, always keeping me just interested enough to keep falling for their bullahit. Make one or two fucking great games and murder the IP.

They should be the ones apologizing to me im still salty

>this is literally going to be inquisition

Does that mean we get another child and mother pairing?

No, we wont.

For what? It's even worse than I expected.

Morrigan was one in a million for Bioware.

No you get more ugly gay monsters.

That armor looks kinda cool.

Get cancer tool.

If only it could have the same tone.

>hey guys everyone is laughing at us about this clip
>lets show it on twitter

Are there any Mass Relays?


The game isn't out yet, Bioware could have hidden its flaws. They never mentioned DA2 had three copypasted dungeons for 40 hours.

The only saving grace for this game hinges on it having a female Turian you can romance.

Vehn Terev, I'm Path Finder.

Was losing the gun part of your plan?



KROGAN _ _ _ _
SO _ _ _ _




I'm not buying this shit game

The face animations look shitty in that scene, at least the woman main character. It's like she's smiling when she's not supposed to.

>Dance off!

Please keep all things Disney & Marvel away, thank you very much.

That's Bioware for you.

Anyone want to start posting
>Bioware quality

It's not even the facial animation. It's the fact that the animators fucked up and the leg starts to spazz out, as well as the hand of the antagonist jittering extremely. Like how incompetent do you have to be at a company that gets almost a billion dollar budget and then present that garbage ridden with actual errors.

She looks very unfinished, Turian face looks untextured too

Always keep the best one saved.

I think that the problem with faces is related to customization. The other bits, have no excuse.

Why are there gangs already when you just have arrived?

Also, a reminder that in the scene, the chick sat on the chair's arm starts to vibrate because they didn't get rid of the mocap noise.

>oh boy now that we're done with this first human spectre shit I hope they'll let us play as aliums
>you can't


Because you arrived really late and the Nexus arrived first before all the other arks.

Why is the gang leader a human, then?

this tbqh

I wanted to play as a female Turian

The majority of the Milky Wayans who come here are of low quality, violent and vicious .

I don't know how that makes sense since it's an alliance project and other alien governments, they couldn't have just taken random thugs with them.

But we already have ME2

>I don't know how that makes sense

The whole thing is just a way for BioWare to soft reboot ME. They just want to move the old universe into a new galaxy.

>Not blowing up your own ships to ensure that your troops have no choice but help you conquer the insignificant planet full of repugnant primitives.

im excited for this I dont give a fuck.
the jet boosts in your suit look fucking amazing.
I loved mass effect dispite all of its fuck ups. Ill be buying this day 1 like the little bio-drone I am
cant wait for ASSdromeda

Jacobs dad already tried that and they wanted to tear him apart in the end

It was not his fault that the only food on the planet was weed.

I think the combat in the latest trailer looked really fun, but everything else looked pretty mediocre.

I'll probably get it when it is $10.

Tell me about Tali! Why does she wear the mask?!

I'm sorry your game sucks.

I won't even pirate this, not as a "Fuck you" to bioware for releasing another shitty product, but because i probably will only ever hear of this game again after it rapes biowares bank account to death and they have to get bought out by some Chinese mobile game company just so they have the rights to make a Mass Effect Candy Crush Saga clone..

I'm sorry I expected something good out of bioware.

i remember the first time i played DA2

i was so confused, i thought "havent i already been through here?"

then after a while i realized

just wait, they'll fuck it up with some ancient aliums bullshit again

Yeah, it should be more like super or slither in tone.

Speak for yourself.

underrated post

>Be sure to buy used.

no, don't buy it at all, pirate it if you hate yourself, but don't give no one money.

Well, that's why nobody in vidya development gives a shit about Sup Forums.

Fuck that loser

Can I romance a Turian (male) in this game as a dude? If not then I don't care.

> i m p l y i n g

>purchasing bioware video games after ME2

Lmaoooo. Just fucking burn $60, it will keep you warm for a few seconds at least

Manveer will always be booty blasted that he wasn't born white.

(also his tiny penis)

I refuse to play it.
Everytime I see a mass effect thread I try and post the pic to let other anons know what type of persons bioware employs.

>tfw they're going for cheap halo look instead of 60s sci-fi aesthetics

Does any white person actually care if some dirty shitskin is racist towards them? I hate them just as much back, that's the way it should fucking be,

We can all admit ME3's gameplay was good, and the multiplayer is better than anyone thought it would be, right?

Not about the racist part. I just want to see manveer fired because if it was any other color he would no longer have a job.


Can I have hot gay aliens instead?

>implying they're able to do any better


I laugh at people who say this, and unironically praise Origins, Origins was even worse with this, with worse combat.

>Does any white person actually care if some dirty shitskin is racist towards them?
Yeah I do care
Racism is racism. I get to use that card too

>worse combat than 2

Origins is way better than the sequel

I know you enjoy low quality posts, but the combat in both the games was ass, but at least it looked cool in 2, and wasn't just the same dull shit over and over because every battle was the exact same.

Are the Krogans castrated in this one?

>wasn't just the same dull shit over and over

It's literally auto attack that you have to hold a button for instead of being able to toggle.

Not a chance.

I'm not going to apologize for someone else's mistakes.




Delusional. The movement is super stiff, every battle is literally just geek the mage, or just play a mage and nuke everything, it had terrible dungeons like the fade and deep roads when it actually tried to be different, otherwise it was the same generic dungeons over and over.

Rogue had flashy attacks, but like I said, they were both shit, just one was slightly better than another, but 1 and 2 were both bad games, my point is it's hilarious when people complain about the second game, where they both suffer the same terrible flaws.


This a Space Opera, right? Can you pilot a ship?Are there Space fighters?

Origins was closer to crpg combat. Combat in 2 was shittier and less tactical.
Keep on laughing, kiddo.

>pirate a denuvo game

You DO know the pirate meme only applies to old games / small releases right? Why do you keep pretending pirating on release day is doable?

Meaningless, it could be exactly crpg combat, not all crpg's have have good combat, in fact it's a rarity the combat in both games is shitty and uninspired call it what you want but it doesn't change the fact that origins is bad and you're a memer.

>Assassin in DA2 gets a "teleports behind you" attack

DA2 combat is hyper speed button mashing garbage, Origins was at least a bit tactical

>check at ME official fb
>those posts
Goddammit, they following citizen star