ITT: Gamer Fuel/Food + Good decisions without thinking

ITT: Gamer Fuel/Food + Good decisions without thinking

>wake up at 8pm
>get dressed and drive to chipotle
>its 8:20 now
>its empty aside from one woman in front of me
>she wanted a bowl and said burrito accidentally
>they were about to throw the tortilla away
>i say "ill take that tortilla and get a burrito"
>she felt saved that a tortilla wasnt wasted
>i get what i want in the burrito
>she pays for her food and walks out
>the employees realize she forgot her quesadilla
>without thinking like its my time to shine
>i bolt out the door before i hand over my card
>find her about to pull out of the parking lot
>in perhaps the most tired slow possibly stoned voice i could have, i say "you forgot your quesadilla"
>she realized she did and goes back inside
>thanks me immensely
>i pay for my food
>eat a burrito
>on the way out she thanks me one more time
>the employees thank me too
>i tell them "shit wait, i dont work here. i didnt have to do that"
>thought i worked there for some reason
>finish eating
>drive home
>play vidya
>teach someone how to abuse a few in game bugs for a few hours

Pic related gets me going for the night


I eat rice krispy treats


home made or the prepackaged ones

whats not to understand

You thought you worked at a restaurant?

i was very tired

You might want to visit the doctor user.

Pre packaged.
Wish I had time to make my own

Spag-nog is always a good gamerfuel treat, but it's mostly for the holidays.

Dont have time to melt marshmallows+butter and then stir in rice cereal?

Takes like 10 minutes



OP here
eggnog is nasty
why would you do this

>cactus cooler
>crystal pepsi
>followed by lots of water
>chips and chop sticks

keep it clean yo

>not getting a bowl with a tortilla
Dum bich

eggnog is delicious

Egg-nog is great.

that is a funny story. i can't recall anything like that but i know i've had times where i'm "off-duty" but have "on-duty" impulses like that.
but it's nice. i hate the disappointing feeling of missed food. in fact, it's something i frequently dream about. forgetting some food, or ordering it and it never comes. those are some shitty dreams...

anyway, these days i eat a lot of stir fried noodles w/ vegetables and/or meat because it's easy for me to make and tastes good. always with that some tasty chiu chow chili oil.

also, could anyone recommend a sweet kind of snack which isn't too sweet? pretty much all the cookies and candies and shit out there are good, but i pretty much always think "they could really tone down on the sugar here and i'd enjoy it more and not instantly get a toothache"

Sweet but not too sweet?

You've made me realize that's a tough category. I can't really think of anything.

Could try making your own Kettle popcorn or something and not use too much sugar.

>eating anything while playing videogames
>drinking anything but water
I've finally see why each and every single one of you fuck faces is in a bad mood
Who wouldn't be mad when they are a fucking ball of pure mass and toxic shit in the inside?

i liek to eat 'fat kid salad'

crush up oreos and mix in chocolate pudding and millk

>not drinking alcoholic beverages while you game with your bros
user... You do have friends, right?

Eggnog is good for 1 carton and then you get sick of it for a year.

Okay you got me there
I drink from time to time with some friends and even family
We usually joke and remember some good times
But still, the only thing you should is good ass fine water

Projecting much?

Ok now there is where I draw the line... Jesus...

>not cracking open a bear and playing TF2

Holy fuck, just when I thought my hope for humanity could not drop any further.

none of these dews can compare to Voltage

OP here
I have 3 cases of mountain dew still in the fridge

Voltage, Pitch black, and that Titanfall mango one
white out is way better

Like I'm not kidding. I am committing suicide over this image. GG Sup Forums

Every mountain dew I've ever had tasted like shit.

Sprite and 7-up are better for that type of soda.

hypocrisy much?

never tried the titanfall one or white out. that's going on my to dew list.

yeah, i should try that.
in the end it's probably just the type of thing i have to make myself

Steam it.

>never tried whiteout
what the fuck man

best flavor aside from code red

mango one is okay. im not a fan of mango but its still good enough
compared to the others its way "better" for you on the nutrition shit, let me get a pic

mountain dew is anglo garbage, rots your teeth more than coke and tastes worse
only anglo culture with their terrible food would ever consider this beverage any good.
>it even has fucking call of duty ads all over it
at least they know their demographic.

Yeah, seriously dude. Learn to cook. It can be really easy and fast.

And if you have a buddy, tell him to help and you guys can go halvesies. Makes it go by much faster and fun. Also makes cleanup easier.

M I L K is the way to go

you're a human

Left - Voltage
Middle - Titanfall 2
Right - Pitch black

Look at the difference in this shit

Isn't the Titalfall one diet?

My preferred drinks:

Iced water
Beer if I'm raiding in wvw on gw2
A sprite (lemonade) maybe once a week as a treat


This is a tough one. I don't really eat much whilst gaming. But if I were, I'd eat....

Mini meat pies (party pies)
Mini sausage rolls
Celery and peanut butter
Yummy meat and salad sandwiches cut up into bite sized pieces
Nuts (with some interesting flavouring preferably)
And probably other things that I forget..

Also sadly in australia we never get any meme foods really, so I've never had vidya mtn dew with vidya doritos, apparently its not a good combo, but i wanna have it once just coz..

yes and by default that means it has more caffeine

seriously go look at diet/regular and youll see it has more in diet

... exactly[/spoiler


skeletons are inside us all user

How do I stop craving sweet drinks? I stopped getting soda but now i've developed a craving for Minutemaid limade.

you gotta ween yourself user
i drink bottles of soda every few hours

bottles of apple cider too

you cant just stop, you have to bring yourself off it

Damn man. Like 2Ls?

im weening myself with 1L bottles but the family started bitching at me to get 2L because theyre cheaper

theres no winning

and diet doesnt help shit

I actually stopped cold turkey a few years back. Forced myself to drink nothing but diet then moved on to lemon water. Shit flew out the window when I went to college.

Buy a half gallon mason jar. Fill it with water. Drink it throughout the day, then refill it and drink it all again. You'll only have soda 2 or 3 times a month just to taste some sugar.

OP thanks for comfy threads they are the reason I enjoy midnight lurking.

cut off your dick and balls, and only eating salad.

i just mean that you as a human felt disgust toward that. and that image has only spread over the years to find its way to your eyes because others reacted with similar disbelief to it. the time to lose hope in humanity is when this stuff is considered so normal that no one finds it funny or any reason to spread it around.

Yeah and they're fucking stupid.

Also gourmet burger patties/gourmet rissoles are really yummy even when cold/had the next day, at least for me.

>moved to diet
so absolutely nothing changed

i was on vitamin water XXX for a while. then i switched to diet vitamin water XXX and went back to soda because diet is so shit i have to have regular to keep me going

>calling the spooker stupid
that skeleton is going to rattle inside you and kill you

>Eating while you play video games
>Eating fast food
>Drinking sweet drinks every day
>Eating some overly sweet buzz feed tier recipe
Stop it, get some help.

And also
>Consuming any product with the word diet for your daily nutrition

Just stop drinking it and buying it

Do you really have so little self control? Yes obviously you might crave it, but if you learn to recognize that, it becomes easy

yeah I only drink coke zero

>that skeleton is going to rattle inside you and kill you
Good, I can't wait. Fuck my spoopy skeleton insides.

Let me off this gay earth.

faggot much?

How does Coke Zero differentiate from regular Coke to you when it comes to taste?

Is there a problem, triggered tumblrina?

Aspartamane being bad for you is a meme.

>you have no friends if you dont drink beer while playing video games

I can tell that there's a difference but I don't prefer one over the other

Better than diet, but you can still taste the difference. Anyone says otherwise is a shill.

it tastes like shit

No not really but I do care for your personal health If you want to lose weight just stop consuming coke its pretty easy to get over your addiction if you know you are addicted, I used to drink coke daily but I stopped for a week straight but I felt the addiction but I fought it so can you

It kills the craving for sugar a bit with it's fake sweet. Diet Fanta was my poison of choice, not bad compared to the other garbage.


gamer fuel is fucking retarded. Only retards like yourselves fall for the "gamer food" marketing and buy that disgusting shit up.

Drink plenty of water and cook yourself whatever meal you feel is necessary for the time of day.