This is garbage. Worse than Rome 2, fuck all you faggots that shilled this shit to me, thank God for refunds

This is garbage. Worse than Rome 2, fuck all you faggots that shilled this shit to me, thank God for refunds.

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shogun 2 is the last good total war

It's better than Rome 2 but still pales in comparison to the first couple games of the series.I at least managed to finish a campaign in it unlike Rome 2. This thread reminds me that I need to start a new campaign in Medieval.

I haven't played Warhammer yet but I'm starting to think this as well.

Warhammer is like Attila with all the interesting parts stripped out and $20 DLC. You can't even control basic things like taxation or formations.

Warhammer is very arcade, but I guess this is to be expected from a non-historical total war based on a tabletop game with monsters and magic.

>this triggers the attilaplebs and warhammercucks

>all the interesting parts
>food and squalor are interesting
Kill yourself
>cant control taxes
So you havent played it? Good to know.

It's the best part of it. Also, I'm sure the first Rome had it.

>playing Medieval 2

His first and last mistake

Not an argument.

>attilapleb instantly resorts to shitting med2

What caricatures they've become. Throw in some "Attila is the best Total War game!" next time, shill.

You don't need any arguments when a game is so obviously a broken turd that only the biggest retard could possibly defend it.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-but mods will fix it


I honestly don't understand how anyone could believe this. Have you actually played any of the older total war games or are you just angry that so many people sperg out about the new ones.

>EVER listening to attilaplebs

Your first and last mistake.

Yeah, I'm sure none of the newer Total War games have any stupid shit like that happening in them, right?

Looks like the wheel of contrarianism has once again turned

Can't wait for when it happens again!

people shilling Shogun and Medieval has me interested. Is it possible to buy those games still?

If I tell a unit to attack an enemy they actually go do it

Really makes you think huh

I'm pretty sure every TW game is on Steam.

>Goal: Achieve long campaign victory with despite never achieving a single victory on the battlefield. Only defeats and draws are allowed. Restrictions: Not allowed to exit battles/concede defeat.

The absolute madman!

You faggots tricked me into wasting time with it and I honestly think Medieval 2 is a fucking turd.

There is nothing there, you have absolutely nothing to do on the campaign map.
I literally had to turn on the option to let me build buildings in my towns instead of the AI doing that on it's own

The battles are absolutely terrible, even if you manage to ignore all the broken stuff they are still terrible, incredibly clunky, janky out the ass and not fun or entertaining in any way whatsoever

Mods don't help at all

Why do people like this shit? Is it just "muh knights"?

I either play Europa Barbarorum or Fourth Age Total War mods for RTW/BI. I've heard M2 has some great mods but I never felt the desire to stop playing Rome.

I just checked. They're there but a lot of people are saying that the steam release of Medieval is fucked.

Yeah but the game crashes if you don't set the campaign map resolution to your desktop resolution. Enjoy it, Medieval is unironically the best game in the series and is only overshadowed by its sequel because M2TW has full 3D graphics.

I've never played the first Medieval. What's better about it vs 2?

I have found that a lot of games went to shit for the 3d meme. I recently started the first Tropico and I think it's the strongest.

>dinosaurfags (s1, m1)
>retrofags (r1, m2)
>nufags (s2, a, w)

who is right

i didnt include e and r2 because they're objectively shit and nobody likes them

>Worse than Rome 2
Literally how?

Dinosaurfags are always right. x-com was better as an isometric game and any fps game not made on the Quake Engine that isn't Unreal can fuck off.

Remember when people were hyped by Rome 2? These were happier times...

>Total wars
>Not all being arcady

>Taxation or formation

The thing is that both of those "features" were always barebones, taxation was just something you'd adjust if the province's happiness allowed for it. There was zero thought to it. Warhammer made made the campaign map side run much faster and had much more focus on fun and interesting battles and in the end everybody plays total war for the battles, nobody ever has played a total war for the empire management

Dinofags are deluded.
Retro is pretty good, especially with mods.
Nu is actually great (excepting R2), but people don't want to admit it.
Empire and NapoopaN are the best, though.

>tfw you've played every single tw game but have never finished one

I almost finished the original Rome but lost the save before conquering the needed settlements to achieve victory, but still.

original shogun > all

S1 and M1 had he best campaigns. Total war needs to go back to the 2D boardgame style campaign map as it is painly obvious that the AI can't handle 3D world and never will be.

Better AI, campaign map, soundtrack, and overall mechanics. It's hard to list all the little things it does differently than the rest of the series like named officers for every unit with their own traits and stats, titles you assign to governors (which can be any unit from your knights to peasants), fleshed out civil war mechanics even better than Attila where you can pick between both sides of the civil war, three way battles between rebels and the opposing army along with the ability to betray allies in battle. The ability to swap out reserve troops with your first army before reinforcements enter the battle, the ability to dismount cavalry on offensive battles, and three different formations + three different forms of engagement for every single unit. The battles are well paced unlike Rome 1 and units don't bug out like Medieval 2. Soldiers behave in a more believable manner instead of being glued to eachother while chasing routing units/routing and the game has clear push/pull mechanics to the point where you can tell which unit is winning in a battle just based off of the lines. There's a bunch of stuff I'm probably glossing over but you get the picture.

>Worse than Rome 2
>>cant control taxes
>So you havent played it? Good to know.
all the control you have is turning them on or off, in literally every previous game you could set different tax levels

With Medieval and Shogun is the idea that they're the same and you just pick your preferred setting, is one better than the other or what?

Also the game is still being modded to this day and one of the big mods got updated this December.



Medieval has a more refined campaign map and more mechanics. Shogun is still fun but simpler.

>taxation was just something you'd adjust if the province's happiness allowed for it. There was zero thought to it.
There was only 0 thought in it after they took population out.

nice strawman
it's better than what it is in warhammer

No it isn't, removing meaningless micro is a good thing in any strategy game.

There was a time before Rome 2 when you couldn't game taxes by waiting until it hit 99 then lowering taxes/untaxing. You can still game it in Warhammer which means the problem hasn't been fixed.

Can't remember how it is in Rome 2, but doing that in Attila can supremely fuck your economy. You have to build wisely to fix it or garrison a lot of troops (economy hit).

what is this guy problem?

And I'm not even joking

There is a reason people call the guy Legend of Autism, he is full on fucked in the head and has somehow deluded himself into thinking Medieval 2 is a good game

this is ture
>worse than rome 2
that is false, but the climate change thing is fucking stupid

Settle down there, attilapleb.

>Vanilla medieval 2

for what reason, why would anyone play that broken piece of shit. Mods are what made it good.

Medieval 2 is a good game, but damn is that guy autistic as fuck.

It's still a better game than Warhammer.

Can anyone respond to this post?

I'm in the same boat as that guy, I just don't get what people see in M2
Is there something I'm missing?

I conquered all of Britain as the Scottish, then starting to make my way through Norway and got bored enough to never want to touch the thing again
Campaign is lame and battles are lame

Played Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel is a terrible mod and I cannot comprehend why people recommend it. It destroys the building tree with shitty percentile bonuses everywhere and destroys balance with heavy cavalry/general's units dominating the map moreso than vanilla.

Stainless steel is perfection and you are a fucking Mongoloid. Heavy cavalry dominated without equal in medieval Europe.

Tell me about that time in history where a general got surrounded by hundreds of spearmen and fended them off for 40 minutes. SS is the Radious Mod of M2TW.

RP a Crusading nation, smaller the comfier, esp trying to keep your gains in the East

Is Stainless Steel the Europa Barbarorum of M2?

Bellum Crucis is. It's also much better balanced.

>hes good at the game
>so hes autistic

stay salty

No he's autistic because he sounds like he literally has autism. I agree with the guy, but he spends like 5 minutes talking about how W:TW has replenishing troops when that's been the standard in all TW games for almost 8 years.

In W:TW your troops replenish fully from being decimated in about 2 turns.

Rome 2 is great with DEI
Attila is garbage , the Charlie DLC is decent
The part the annoys the hell out of me more then anything is the battle advisors who sounds like fucking Cookie Monster and you can't turn him off, even if you turn off thr advice setting

I'm an unapologetic casual and even I think Medi 2 is the best TW. You have to be a fucking idiot to not realise how excellent it is.

You have to be an idiot to not see what a broken turd it is.

>annoying Cookie Monster advisor
Glad I'm not the only one
Not even entertaining like the S2 advisor and his engrish, just annoying as fuck

Any evidence for this, aside from the pikemen bug (which is the only really awful bug I'm aware of)?

Is he worse than Mark "The men are wavering" Monotone from Rome 2?

Please explain because you seem to be close to the only person in the world who can see what should be so readily obvious to everyone.


Siege battles are pretty broken in Medieval 2, but they're shit in every other TW game as well.

>pikes don't work at all
>guns don't work at all
>two handed swords don't work as intended
>unit collision gets units stuck and vibrating
>units don't listen to your orders
>units will charge, then stop in front of the enemy and send in five or so guys while the rest patiently wait
>sieges are a complete shitshow in every way
>the campaign map
>the agents

the list goes on

out of the newer ones id say shogun 2 and atilla have the best sieges

i cant understand how they went from atilla's to warhammer's though, its ridiculous

>front line decides to charge
>rest of the unit sees those infidels in skirts pajamas and nopes the fuck out


>the campaign map
>the agents


It is
You can silence mark and he's not that annoying to being with
You can't silence barbarian Cookie Monster , he will keep talking even when the advisor is turned off and he has even fewer lines then rome advisor

>>the agents
yeah because agents from rome 2 on are so much better?


I only played little of Attila, but are you sure you turned him off?

I don't remember hearing that guy anywhere outside of the faction intros and when he says "aaah Rome" when you launch the game

Sounds like you have a chronic case of shitty taste.

Attila and Warhammer are the best vanilla TW games yet.

I love Shogun 2 as well as Medieval 2, but honestly the AI is too fucking dumb for me to play them anymore. I'd keep playing Shogun 2 despite this if the campaign didn't have Realm Divide fucking it up every time.

>Reach 15 territories
>Stop expanding
>Stack armies on all fronts
>Invade everything in one direction to clear all territories
>Guard front from invading forces in the other direction
>Move armies back to vulnerable front
>Steamroll everything

Politics in that game are pointless and retarded

Your whataboutisms don't make Medieval 2 any less of a turd.

>fanbois IRL

>Attila and Warhammer are the best vanilla TW games yet.

Ah, I was waiting for the blatant shills to appear. You're a bit fucking late though. Not reading the rest of your garbage post, shill.

Oh if it's better than your Rome 2 strawman than it surely is amazing!

Turning off the advisor will turn off advice and such, but he still talks when important stuff happens , such as routing allies and if your winning or losing
Combat in Attila is faster so he talks often

>Attila and Warhammer are the best vanilla TW games yet

Jesus Christ

Sorry you just are caught in nostalgia and can't handle that not everybody is a fedora tipping hipster faggot like you.

Not even /twg/ would disagree.

Warhammer is the most fun I've had since M:TW. Not M2:TW. M:TW.

Warhammer is trash. It honestly shouldn't even be called a strategy game because there is no strategy involved you just go through the motions and steamroll the map.

It's not the intro voice, it's a deeper more barbarian sounding VA , but he sounds ridiculous ,

hm I guess I at least didn't think he was incredibly annoying because I can't remember him at all for what that's worth

Thinking about it I like the intro guy


I hate Gauls!

>not playing mp

Why can't we hace a CA/Paradox colab. Paradox can handle the campaign, economy and politics while CA takes care of the battles. Best of both worlds.

>he fell for the total war meme


>he fell for the Liquor 2 meme


Anybody have a mirror for Darthmod Medieval 2? TWC has been down for fucking ages and I can't find it anywhere else.

If you're too retarded to realize that Vic 2 and Total War do 2 totally different things and have NOTHING at all in common aside from both having an economy then I don't know what to tell you.

>being such a massive retard he flaunts his autism to prove just how mentally deficient he really is

I play Paradox games as well as TW games, Paradox games don't offer tactical real time combat with formations.