What went wrong?

What went wrong?

No Clone Wars

Rushed release for the shitty Force Awakens movie.

It's star wars battlefield

If it was battlefield it would have had classes and squads

it feels more like a sterile fake movie set than the sequels. no battle lines, combined arms, squad interactions, just bland runny-shooty. and the outcomes don't even make sense, it like AI walkers and bombers and whatnot just randomly decide at the end of the game which team should win. no space battles is kind of a joke.

There are space battles now and lots of combat dialogue from all characters, especially the heroes.
>Blast em'!

>no space battles
>no clone wars
>battlefield, but actually less content than battlefield
>Non controllable AT-AT
>Vehicles are power ups not spawns on the map

what else

This. Rushed and then abandoned for Battlefield 1.

In turn battlefield 1 was rushed to compete with EA's other game, Titanfall 2, to guarantee that it would fail commercially.

>"fuck prequels, its all about the old ones and TFA amirite"
>generic shooter in general
>no worthy single player content
>Voice acting except Lando & Boba Fett are trash
>Base game feels rushed and bare bones with few maps over and over
>star cards,vehicle, and hero character have no rewards for your skills in game since they are just randomly dropped on the map
>no Droidekas to roll up on niggas capturing control points
>space battles are just wild goose chases with no real aiming, hold the left trigger and the ship aims for you
>doesn't deserve the name of "Battlefront"
>rushed in time for the holiday season/TFA's release
>Rogue One DLC rushed in time for the movie as well.

Too little base content, most of the interesting stuff is DLC, most of the already very little content is locked out to you in singleplayer so you're out of luck if you're a console baby with no PSN/Xbox live

>We had designed it to be a much more accessible product to a wide age group. So, an eight-year-old could play with his father on the couch, as well as a teenager or 20-year-old could play the game and enjoy it. It is more accessible. And for the hardcore, it may not have the depth that they wanted in the game.

So would a battlefront game.
They couldn't even do that right.

>no galactic conquest mode

how could I fucking forget this, fuck EA

Also do you guys remember in the movies when Darth Vader dropped AT-ATs on Cloud City?

No Clone Wars
Bugged out the ass
Too expensive with little content
The content that you do get becomes stale really quick
Somehow managed to make space battles more bare and repetitive than they were in 2
No Galactic conquest
Battlefield reskin

Which is weird, because I remember the first Battlefront being pretty accessible. It's fucking Star Wars.

Honestly, I feel it'd be far better if it actually was that.

I fucking enjoy BF1 to be honest.

>I haven't actually played it so I'll just spout what everyone assumed the game would be when they announced it

>Too expensive with little content
> $60 basegame
> $60 season pass
> $120 game total not including tip at launch
> was being sold during black Friday for $20 with season pass in the Goty edition
> Goty edition is just the original disc pressing with a paper insert containing a code for the season pass

>extra DLC characters you pay for
>they are just reskins of already available characters

>get a whopping 4 space craft to fly not including level specific ships like a cloud Cars

>deluxe edition (some unlocks and emotes shit) $13 on origin sale right now

Should I do it?

Base game is also just $9.99 but I dont want to grind for shit and its $3 more.

I like how the entire game is designed around being imbalanced.

If you're Imperial in any mode other than Turning Point you're basically guaranteed a win. If you're a Rebel in Turning Point then you stand a slim chance of winning.

The unlocks are just shit you'll unlock in 2 hours of play time.

Also people have said the PC version is basically dead, and reminder there is almost no single player content.

It didn't come out as a full game like Battlefield does for example. This was a lot more like Battlefield 1943 (an XBL arcade game really) which made it meh as hell for the hype that was made.

I wish

I'm convinced Greedo was supposed to be IG-88. His traits seem like they would be more in-tune with a robot assassin (shit like seeing enemies through walls and lining up a bunch of shots in a row). It also makes more sense to have IG-88 be a playable hero because Greedo fucking died in Episode 4.

Battlefront III got cancelled

Fuck accessibility people are going to buy the game no matter what if it's fucking star wars me included

You don't remember that scene in Empire where Greedo is helping Palpatine to take over the Hoth base?

It was made for kids and casuals

which wouldn't be an issue if it was still fun, but it wasn't due to terrible mechanics and lack of content.

>this insufferable namefag acting like Battlefront hasn't always been a what-if sandbox type Star Wars game

"gee guys remember when the death star blew up hoth in galactic conquest? or the big hero battle in mos eisley featuring clone wars and ot heroes and villains? xD im so funny"

lobotomize yourself with a fucking rake you little cunt

>no fucking sliding
>no squads or classes
>everyone looks the same
>everyone uses the same weapons (e11 and that OP pistol)
>no rolling (but I heard it works if you have the DLC)
>no galatic conquest mode
>melee is beyond retarded

This is neither a Battlefront nor Battlefield game how can you mess this up?

Not enough content.

Only a handful of levels you can play offline. No options for customizing battles. Most of the content is DLC that costs more than the game itself. Most of the content is online only. Barely any options for couch multiplayer with friends. Almost none for single player.

There was no love put into the game so it gets none back.

Pure cash grab for a casual audience but nothing for the casual audience to enjoy.

I find it very interesting that most of these complaints are just repeated talking points from people who clearly haven't played the game.

If they did, the principal complaint would be that DICE couldn't balance their way out of a paper bag.


>bitch niggas complaining about no prequels
>completely forgetting that the clone wars are gay as fuck

>clone wars are gay

Fuck off JJ.

>what I wanted
Battlefront III
>what I expected
Battlefield 4 feat. Star Wars
>what we got
Watered down run and rooty tooty point-n-shooty

>a children's cartoon is supposed to somehow make the prequels not utter shit

wrong again, underage scum

>implying Battlefront games are canon

>muh TFA

Oh fuck off back to Sup Forums

>Le funny prequels are bad meme

Those movies were fine

What does TFA have to do with the prequels being horrible?

I defy you to sit through episode 1 and 2 back to back, giving them your undivided attention, without laughing at any of the unintentionally shitty acting or dialogue.

this 100%

you can roll sideways, its a separate key, look it up in the controls in the bottom of the list

>no class system just equips which resulted in everyone selecting the same stuff so there's no variety in what you'll see in-game
>no prequel stuff meaning a lot of good stuff was cut for no good reason
>everything is a pick-up now which resulted in heavy camping
>missing a lot of content from Battlefront 2 including Galactic Quest, Space Battles and a single player mode
>it exists only to promote TFA and RO everything else was secondary
>helmletless Storm Troopers

"SORRY guys we are not supporting any content from the prequels because we want to keep the classic trilogy feeling and are going to stay true to films."

"BTW there's Rouge One content because Rouge One is part of the classic trilogy"

"BTW you can play as dead toons from the films in scenarios which they didn't belong to"

"Please enjoy AT-ATs and Rebel bombings on Cloud City."

Fuck off you dumb shit. The point of the original games were to play scenarios that weren't in the movies using new assets and familiar characters. This Battlefront is just an excuse to rip people off with nostalgia.

Also the clone wars were good, to fuck off.

Except the 3D animated series. That fanfic garbage can go to hell.

Sup Forums hates TFA though

>no prequel stuff meaning a lot of good stuff was cut for no reason


>acting like prequel content magically appears in battlefront games and isn't a fuckton of work

>promotes TFA even though there is zero fucking TFA content aside from a battle that took place on a planet during the GCW

>liking tacked-on Galactic Conquest, a game mode with no depth and no replayability

>no space battles
>there are space battles

u r small time little biznitch

they patched the helmetless stormtroopers, everyone wears them now


Bretty much everything. Big disappointment

What's really sad is you're doing this for free.

Well that's something at least.

Really? Lmao.

>female stormtroopers

The game is just pandering to Americans.

Aren't the space battles paid DLC only?

>socialist Islamic Caliphate of Europe resident feels game developers should work for free

wow what else is new

I defy you to watch the original trilogy in order and not roll your eyes at the tilted dialogue and shitty effects.

OT has soul, PT has none.

That's the difference.

The prequels are literally a cash grab with George Lucas's ADHD-tier "storytelling" against a backdrop of a shit conflict that nobody cares about.

Prequelfags are the same people who fellate Marvel movies, FYI. Utter cancer.

Nice projection, nigga. Are you showing Return of the Jedi anytime on that projector?

Quick being an EA shit eater.

>"there's no space battles!"
>"yes there is, you just have to pay extra for it!"

It was made by EA
If it was just battlefield with a star Wars skin then it would be bland but alright , it's not even that, it barley even meets the level of CoD, there's no fucking content and nothing lasting about it
>no space
>no clone wars
>all of the very few guns are exactly the same
>few game modes, most ar boring or no plays them
>ships are useless
>ships being power ups instead of physical objects and 100% random spawns
>all the character skins and customization is boring
>the interesting and cool unlocks are at max level
>survival single player could be fun if it had better maps and a mode like ODST survival , but was forgotten about
>DLC added way too little way too late after 70% of the player base dropped
>for 180$ fucking dollars
Your yearly CoD is deeper and more interesting
It essentially was a glorified cash in for TFA,
I will admit it was nice visuals though

There are space battles in the game.

Watch out for that truck, cuck.

>180 dollars

you shills keep inflating the price of the game with every post, next you'll tell me it cost $240 for the game and all the DLC

Why are all the rebels black women?

>shitty effects
Bitch, I bet you think Metropolis from 1927 has shitty effects too.

I don't believe it could be any more than the australian price due to our insane games tax.

Here it's $60 for the game and $60 for the DLC aka the other half of the game.. So $120

is the single player content good at ALL?

Im tempted by the deluxe edition being 14 bucks

How would you do a Battlefront 2?

>Prequel era
>Clones vs Droids in most situations, except where it wouldn't make sense canon-wise
>Base game heroes are Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme
>Base game villains are Dooku, Jango Fett, and Grievous
>Maps: Geonosis, Utapau, Kamino, Mustafar, Mos Espa, and Kashyyk
>More single player modes (Galactic conquest, etc)

>1st DLC: Naboo
>New maps include Theed (Droids vs Naboo guards), the plains/swamps of Naboo (Droids vs Gungans), and space Naboo
>New game modes: Distraction (100 Gungans have to hold out against a seemingly infinite droid army for 10 minutes), Political Prisoner (Naboo guards have to infiltrate the palace and capture the Viceroy)
>New heroes are Qui-Gon and Maul

>2nd DLC: Coruscant
>New maps include Coruscant's underworld, the Jedi temple, and space Coruscant
>New game modes: Rescue (Land inside Grievous' ship and rescue the chancellor), Order 66 (Clones vs Jedi)
>New heroes are Mace Windu and Zam Wessel

battlefield 4 feat star wars wouldn't have even been that bad.
well, not THIS bad.

>No prequelshit allowed

Done, 10/10 game.

This bait is so bad, it doesn't even deserve a (You)

They wanted it to be flashier to sell more copies. It was all about graphics and marketing. They didn't care to make it compete with Battlefront 2, which objectively blows it out of the water to this day if you ignore graphics and maybe soundtrack.

so you're saying EA Battlefront is 10/10?

The worst part is that Battlefront 2 was rushed for the prequels, but still ended up being a better game. I think they made BF2 in a year or two.

>no polis-massarce
it should only be prequel stuff though

pls respond

the price

>all these niggas wanting prequel shit
What the hell is happening, those movies were fucking garbage you assholes. Though the settings were nice, I'll give you that, so in gameplay sense they could make something decent out of that collection of turds.

The magic's gone

calm down user
there's next to no single player, this game is practically made for multiplayer. The single player missions are only a enemy horde mode where you defeat enemies in waves and a few missions with their own goal that only last about 4 mins each and theres about 6 of those
The DLC adds no single player content at all

>All three eras (might as well try and do what the originals did and cover all known periods)
>don't bother with space, just try to match BF1 in terms of content and quality (which is something EAfront failed utterly to do) and maybe you can get space down in EAfront3 or DLC

>PT maps: Naboo (plains), Geonosis, Kashyyk, Kamino
>OT maps: Yavin (base), Hoth, Bespin (platforms, because fuck yeah CORRIDOR FIGHTS AND DOGFIGHTS), Endor, Scarif
>ST maps: fuck if I know, Maz's cantina maybe there was a big enough fight there
>All Era maps: Tatooine (dune sea), Tatooine (Mos Eisley)

Lower priority maps that will probably end up in DLC
>PT: Naboo (Theed), Felucia, Utapau, Mustafar, Jedi Temple (clones vs jedi, asymmetric team sizes), that other BF2 map I can't remember
>OT: Bespin (city), Yavin (arena, for the METRO 24/7 children)
>ST maps: some tie-in with VIII
>All Era maps: RHEN FUCKING VAR, Tatooine (podrace, because why the fuck not)

>Courscant (space), Endor (space), Death Star I, Death Star II, Naboo (space), Asteroid Field, Geonosis (space, Jango Fett gets sonic bombs for maximum BWAAAAAAM and they can show off frostbite destruction)

>no classes
>stormtroopers with their helmets off (muh immersion)
>vehicles are powerups instead of on map spawns
>no classes
>pants on head retarded card system
All that shit could be forgiven, but then
>dumbed down target lock starfighter controls
>heroes are a random powerup instead of going to the best player
>no space battles
>lack of maps
>god awful DLC model

>Can't kill clones
Why bother.

>Though the settings were nice, I'll give you that,

Yes, this is exactly why people want prequels. Good for you to finally figure that shit out instead of being a braindead retard who can't figure out that movie quality=/=setting quality.

Throw in the good work of the TV show and you have a shitload of potential for unique maps from the PT alone, especially compared to the threadbare OT (in it's current new-canon state).

The gunplay is atrocious. Ground combat grinds my gears like no other. You'd think that DICE would get this part right but every encounter is a complete crapshoot.

However, Fighter Squadron is really good.

>"why do you guys want prequel shit"
>goes on to say why people would want Prequel shit

Also Clone Wars shit was debatably the best part of the first two Battlefronts.

It is literally a tech demo


>Droids vs Clones fighting in the middle of the desert on Tatooine
>The actual track is a no-man's land scenario, with both sides shooting from the sidelines
>Pod racers occasionally zoom past, killing you instantly

Fund it.

Just because the movies sucked doesn't mean their content doesn't make for great vidya battles.

>shitty effects
>literally the best effects available at the time, revolutionary techniques never before used in any film, like 50 times more work from the effects team than prequels
>shitty effects

By the time Battlefront 2 comes out the next episode 8 might have given them some new settings. But they could set maps on
>Maz's planet
>Starkiller Base

>like 50 times more work from the effects team than prequels



The prequels had a bunch of miniatures and models and shit, far more than they get credit for. The CGI, while not perfect, was also groundbreaking at the time, and helped pioneer many of the effects you see in modern film today (Motion capture, for example, with Jar Jar).

I'm sick of this "le prequels are nothing but cgi" meme. When you actually look at how they did a lot of the effects, it's pretty damn impressive.

>Disregarded the Prequels
>Stripped features that became core in Battlefront 2
>Gunplay felt boring and kits were pretty shit
>Cant communicate in multiplayer
>Despite being talented developers, not able to fly up into Space from the ground or go up to a Star Destroyer to continue the fight similar to 2142's platform assault mode
>No follow up themed packs with special jedi/sith characters, maps, and new units

Perfect vehicle to exploit consumers but zero follow through.

>is the single player content good at ALL?

No. I hate MP games and got tricked into buying the deluxe edition plus the season pass by a friend who claimed it had "good singleplayer"

it doesn't. there's virtually no singleplayer content at all. You can't even do SP bot matches. there's only like two singleplayer modes and they don't seem to include any expansion pack content so you HAVE to play online if you want to see the Death Star, for example.

you forgot some maps that have been heavily featured in the movies
>PT maps: Polis-Massacre , Mustafar
>OT maps: Death Star I/II, Yavin IV, Tantive IV, Jabba's Palace Inside/Outside
>ST maps: Not the Death Star III Inside/Outside

also we should also have a mode/mission that reenacts the fight in Episode I with the Gungans and Droids,Battlefront III was going to have something like this.

it says right in the middle of the frame you moron
>Star Wars

also the VA they got for vader does a really bad job

The PT was also a pioneer in use of digital filming, which was a double edged sword: great for pushing it be the eventual standard, but bad for the two films that used it (II and III) because the technology wasn't quite ready. It's why those two films look like utter shit in some places with very "CGI-looking" scenes that are actually real sets or models because the colors got washed out and some details were lost.

>made game pretty
>rushed literally everything else from game modes, to map complexity, to balance, etc
>stripped literally 2/3 of shit from previous battlefront games only to release in dlc packages that are overpriced and years late.

they released space battle dlc in the fall for like $20 but who the fuck is playing now to make it worth while. Its been a year since its release.

>What went wrong?- 95 posts and 12 image replies shown.


Do people really not understand why there was no Clone Wars? Photogrammertry or whatever the fuck it's called won't work because it's all CGI green/blue screen shit.

>one year has passed and prequel babies are still salty