Want to get into more fighting games

>want to get into more fighting games
>can't use dualshock because stick placement makes inputs and movement awkward and makes 5-6 button games hell
>can't use arcade sticks because i hate using sticks for motions and it wears out my wrist

are these a good alternative? if not, what else can i use?

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Plenty people use pads. I don't know about that one in particular. Do some Google research

your pic related is a very good controller for pad users


A Razer Naga with Autohotkey. Just bind all complex inputs to 1-12 and use wasd to move around.

spend the extra money on a fighting commander 4, if you can. i've been using that and it's working wonders for me.

use a hitbox. It's just an arcade stick sans a stick, so it just has more buttons for the stick directions instead of a stick or a shitty dpad.

I play on a fightpad and I do decently.

OP if you're first getting to fighting games it's easy to blame your lack execution on control type but it's not really that important. Use what feels best.

These have a godlike dpad if you prefer circular pads like the Saturn. The ergonomics could be better though. Just avoid the first version which had a different dpad that sucks ass.

I use that pad, it’s really good. I’ve only used a few fight pads but this was the best one, and it’s miles better than using a Dualshock 3 or 360 controller.

Is the licensed one good as the non licensed one?

>Decide to check out some pads
>all of them are more expensive than pic related
I'm also starting on fightan and want a cheap stick to begin with, is this one gud enough?

I use a converted to USB Saturn pad, cost $25 total

That looks like a bretty good pad though

Is there a controller out there that replaces the dpad on the DS4 with the one similar to XBOX ONEs

It functions.

This version is better.

BULLSHIT, this is the version to not buy

yeah no

I use the asymmetrical version. It's good. Probably the best pad you can buy on the market right now.

It's a lot smaller than it looks. Make sure your hands will actually fit on it.

>are these a good alternative
hitbox (not really sure if it is any good, but if you don't want stick then it may be for you) or building your own controller (again, you can replace stick with buttons)

I'm currently doing the latter, it's fun by itself and lets me personalize the controller to my exact needs - button locations, spacing, size, etc.

check out focusattack.com/ if you want to try building one yourself, be aware it's a bit on the expensive side tho.

do people actually play like this


>it wears out my wrist

i've been wanting a hitbox but they are so damn expensive.

just use your keyboard or make one

Get the Fighting Commander 4 like another user recommended. Also don't let anyone tell you that a stick is necessary to be good at fight games. The recent winner of Capcom Cup plays on DualShock.