Steam friend keeps buying you games to play with him

>steam friend keeps buying you games to play with him
>they're shit and you don't want to play them, but feel obligated to because he spent money

What are you supposed to do in this situation?

Other urls found in this thread:

>shitposting with Maki

I hope you feel bad about yourself

>tfw no tomoko bf

>steam friend keeps messaging you repeatedly and saying weird shit
>just want them to leave you alone

I want to impregnate Maki

Who are you?

I wish I had a friend!

>steam friend clearly has a crush on you but you don't want a ldr

I wish I had a friend on steam that dressed up as Maki for me.

Turn him down gently user.

a faggot who wants a bf

>you have a crush on your Steam friend
>you don't want a ldr
>he does

It's worse when you live with them

I would dress up as Maki for you user.

Are you cute? Would you stutter and call me a "baka!" every time I asked for pics?


my idiot bought so many terrible looking 2d games and expects me to play them with him...

Your idiot?

That is so cute, user

shut the fuck up and play the games or appear offline you fag. your sakura shitter game can wait


oh shit, is that me? If so, sorry boss, no worries.

>being gay

Don't worry user, I'll be your friend.

This thread is all sorts of gay

Tell him to consult you before gifting a game.

Convince him it's "for his own sake" to save money or actually get you to play with him and don't mention anything about being annoyed. Not that you're being dishonest, but the more selfish a reason you give him, the easier it will be for him to accept it.

I want a bf though...


These thread are autistic, its just a giant cesspool of weebs and lonely trash who cant even get online friends

welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

>buy steam game for friend
>never ever plays it

I'll be your boyfriend for Morrowind GOTY

People who usually use this term spent at least five years in this website kudos to you for wasting your life oldfriend

well sadly the cwc thread got nuked.

time for me to lurk this qt /sft/ thread and see awkward anons do awkward things

>Like a person but they constantly try to ERP

Come dude I just want to play video games

holy shit you're still going at it

>tfw no Steam daddy to gift you cheap games from decades ago


It's your fault for being so cute/sexy, user!


you are all such giant fucking faggots


Everyone ITT needs to be gassed

>featured badge: suicide
>friends: 1

sides have left spacetime continuum

Just report this giant shitpost of an thread and ignore

Please do no compare me to the cutest and sexiest idol, Sachiko, which you and I have currently posted

I have zero interest in Love Live beyond Maki.
And even then my interest is primarily sexual.

I fully agree with you

I have a similar thing. Besides that being my entire life is gifts I don't want/deserve, I hate TF2 with a passion.
2/10 would rather buy standard edition of Infinite Warfare. Then take clorox, a funnel, and pour bleach into my ass rather than play TF2.
Anyway, my friend keeps urging me to give it a second chance, going as far as saying he'll buy me 30$ of microtransactions if I reinstall it. I really don't know what to do. I passionately loathe it and don't want to give Grabbing your money Newell to get my hard earned coin. Plus Overwatch is way better.

Will do.
Once you stop posting so cute.

who scammed your hats user?

This is a pretty gay thread.

You already failed at lurking. Fucking namefags I swear

where are the cute bois at?


I can't help post so cutely if I post Sachiko. As you know she is a magnet of cuteness

user please stop doing this, I'm going to fall in love.

Suck his cock.

a lil bit of comfy goes a long way, user

It's only nature to fall in love with cuteness in perfect form

It's more than just that. It feels pay to win, it has aged worse than Rainbow 6 Vegas 1, it's humor is funny but gets old fast, the community is full of reddit and furfags. I don't like PC games other than strategy games like Civilization and flight sims, I have an average PC that's a laptop so it will cost the equivalent of an 80's BMW 325i if I wanna get more than 30 FPS. Not worth it to me

Marry him - he wants you to be close to him forever... faggot!!!!

Namefagging kills my comfy

I second this notion

>pay to win

I want a steam bf

is it just me or is that kid pointing at a purple penis in that thumbnail?

I never played RGV, so can't say anything
opinion, but I get your point
they have containment servers
>don't even like shooters
ok then

well i'm sorry, everyone has different tastes in comfy i s'pose.

That does it user, I'm in love. Now take responsability.

all of you are faggots and should kill yourselves

>tfw playing on a $250 family prebuilt PC from 2010
>fps is fine
How are you possibly getting a bad frame rate?

lose weight
add me up losers

what the heck is wrong with that chair? Does it have a footrest or some shit?

Do you promise to get tsundere jealous over my 50+ steam friends?

>friends now zero

please someone send help im gonna die

I am not playing "The Ship"

I get very jealous thats why I dont have a bf.

>lonely trash who cant even get online friends
Haha that's me ;_;


Of course, Sachiko expects you to pay all sorts of responsibility. She takes google play and iTunes credit. Now make sure to praise her and call her cute everyday, okay?

hey its that friend collecting faggot


>Make friends online
>They act cool for the first week or two
>Sometimes they play it cool for up to a year
>Ultimately all reveal themselves to be major SJWs, Bears after my shaved shota booty, or both.
>Because of this can't have any online friends
Why do you all have to be so gay? I just want someone to talk to about giant fucking mechs.

Be grateful you have a friend who wants to spend time with you, you fucking faggot.

add me up loser

>cebruz now has no friends


be my bf we can talk about anything at anytime

Want to play senran kagura with me?

i honestly have no idea, i tried to think of how the chairs work (i've been skiing before) but those ones in the picture I don't understand. The smaller bar does look like a footrest, and they do look like they are in the closed/locked position, but there's a bar of plastic that needs to move to get people in and out and I can't figure out where or how it would move to allow that.

I deleted all my steamfriends after i decided to leave my teamspeak after 4 years and my bff after 7 years.

The context behind it is pretty autistic, but now idc about friends and just want a bf again

what the fuck is wrong with you losers holy shit

Have you ever considered not showing off your ass? Or not talking about it? Not being like "I shave my ass and legs, I wish I had a bf owo"?

But are you cute jealous or crazy jealous

Hey it's me

I sent a friend request because everyone should have at least one friend.
I'm hetero tho.

But I dont do any of that. Nor do I talk about "I wish I had a bf". Im a straight and make that clear. The only reason they know about my shaved legs is the normal comment of "Yeah I have a baby face and body hair to match haha"

Please stop posting your ugly pimply ass and dangly balls.

just regular jealous I guess

Looks like it might fold back and is in that position so snow doesn't build up on the side you sit on. Been skiing for 15 years in different places and never seen a chair that folds like that.

Sure thing fagmo