Can everyone who always complains about having to farm these please get in this thread so I can fuckin laugh at you?

Can everyone who always complains about having to farm these please get in this thread so I can fuckin laugh at you?

Just beat blood starved beast on my first try, cleric beast went the same way.

Amazing game so far though.

Other urls found in this thread:

At release you couldn't bank as many of them, if a later boss tripped you up a few times you could run out of vials pretty easily. I don't run out of vials but it's a legitimate complaint.

>Not using your spare blood echoes after levelling up to buy blood vials
You guys suck at videogames.

>being able to run out of blood vials
>a complaint
Being able to run out is the entire point.

>I've barely played the fucking game but I'm an expert on it

Come back after you've done some chalice dungeons and pvped a bunch.

There is literally no reason to force the player to stop playing and go farm for vials for thirty minutes so that he can return to the boss fight and try again.

Estus was created specifically so that the player would never have to farm for his basic healing item.

>using more than 3 vials on any boss

Literally get fucking gud, fucking casuals.

There were situations where you could get stuck on a boss in an area where it was unlikely or impossible for mobs in the area to drop blood. On top of that you could only hold 100 back up at launch. If you are new to the souls series and you are stuck on a boss, you will have to go back to previous areas to farm boring enemies in order to give the boss another shot.

I wasn't great at the game my first playthrough and I remember losing all my blood vials in several lengthy fights against Ebrietas and then having to farm those pigs. It just felt like time wasted that I could have used to get better at the boss.

Post patch it was never a problem. You get maxed out at 600 or whatever the ridiculous cap is now in a couple of areas.

Again. I'm not amazing at Souls or anything but it was the people who weren't great at the game that had to go farm. Nobody should be forced to farm. Farming is the worst mechanic of all time forever.

On my 2nd play through farming them wasn't an issue as I got better at the game and learned to put aside a portion of my echoes to keep the supply topped up.

But on my first play through farming them was an issue because I wasn't very good at the game and put too much importance on leveling up. And farming them sucked. It was a frustrating and unrewarding experience that just wasted my time in a game about fast paced action and content. It ruins the flow of a fast game.

The only reason faggots like OP defend this mechanic is because they're exactly that, massive faggots who like to be superior to everyone else. "Hurrdurr I finished the entire game and never used ONE git gud scrubs nothin personnell."

Not everyone is a good player, stop being a faggot and analyse the mechanic objectively as opposed to the filter of how good you are.

>I can put up with shitty game design
>I'll laugh at the others who just play something else instead!

>using vials ever

Anyone who says they didn't have to farm blood vials is lying.

Where did you even farm to find it frustrating.

I farmed in the Snake portion of the Forbidden Woods but it wasn't that bad to me.

>game's biggest complaint is that you might have to farm for 5 minutes

Sounds like a pretty good game.

If you're retarded you farm

smart kids buy in bulk and never worry about it for the rest of the game

There are several reasons: to make blood vials a more important commodity and using them have a little more lasting impact, to encourage and balance other forms of healing like rallying and visceral attacks to make the game more offensive, to balance being able to use them for bullets and make your supplies more variable, to add a more permanent sense of resource management that estus doesn't provide since the two games are focused on invoking different atmospheres, to force some time out from a boss to take a break while making you practice the basic skills that are still integral to beating the boss, I could probably think of more.
Yes. I played vanilla Bloodborne too. All my points still stand, and enemies aren't boring in this game unless you take a very simple approach to it, like if all you did was backstab that pig over and over instead of going onwards or elsewhere. Even if you did go to one of the easier farming spots, that just means it ends much faster before you can get bored, and besides, it's common knowledge that you get better at something if you take some time away from it and come back.

Those two are easy though. It's a problem when you run out just before a boss and then literally have to go back to the beginning and farm for an hour just to be able to fight the boss without getting 1shotted.

Yeah. Its a minor complaint. But a noticeable one.

The game is awesome.

My biggest complaint about Bloodborne is that the weapons are spread so far apart, like you could get an amazing weapon but it's already the end of the game

I would mind less if it didn't take a loading screen to reset the zone and another two to go spend the echos and come back so I can farm some more. Every other game except DeS didn't have this problem so I don't see why BB should be like this.

Thats a nice looking jar of blood OP.

You can buy them from the doll for chump change anyway.

if you die more than 3 times on a boss you basically have no vials left. this results in a lot of grinding unless you try and beat bosses without using blood vials, which is really hard.
its a pretty shit mechanic that from software should stop using in the future.

It's an objectively inferior mechanic to estus. If you disagree, you're a dipshit.

That's my complaint too.

not when the solution is some easy ass grinding

its a waste of time

>like you could get an amazing weapon but it's at the beginning of the game

b-but muh demon souls

this. having to go back to the hunter's dream then go back to central yharnam is a pain. then you have to go back to the dream again and then go to the lantern before the boss.

what a fucking pain.
not to mention the 30 minutes of grinding for vials.

Grass spam was fucking awful

Yeah but you have to stick with it for half the game, and it's pretty boring compared to other weapons

The entire point is that if you're not good at the game, it means you have to practice and learn on the earlier enemies until you become better, and gain enough blood vials in the process. This does not affect the flow, you're confusing the flow of the story and content, which is about dealing with areas until you are fully comfortable, with the flow of the gameplay, which is generally fast paced no matter where you are or what you're fighting. The mechanic literally is a filter for how good you are, by making sure you can deal with what you beat consistently and convincingly, you have more items for whatever comes up next. That's how it encourages improvement and everyone misses the point because no one can actually think about mechanics in relation to the rest of a game's systems.

AXE is better

estus was only done right in Dark Souls 1. in DaS2 you could out heal a backstab by chugging 2-3 times plus you had a shitload of other ways to heal with stacks of soul gems, those weird items that gave you hp and spell uses back, divine blessings, mushrooms, healing spells.

I didn't farm them but I did run out of vial when trying to beat Ludwig.
I just bough them in hundreds instead since I'm not a retard.

Bloodborne sucks dick compared to Dark Souls. FACT.

Thank you I worked very hard on getting it.
Good to see SOMEONE in the thread have taste and something worthwhile to say.

>mfw two of the weapons are fucking practically post game only

I want to be the broccoli man NOW not in several hours.

I agree but both are amazing.

Saw Spear is the patrician's choice.

But the best weapon is the stock cleave.

I did a BLT run and man is it fucking hard compared to ARC. Only 2 good weapons (3 if you count Bowblade) and I really had to be on point until I got 50 BLT and could actually do decent damage. Still a lot of fun though. Not sure what to dump all my echoes from CDs on though. I have 40/40 VIT/END and it seems pointless to raise my STR or SKL. ARC i guess for dem hunter tools and item discovery.

t. PCucks

it wasn't that bad for pvp IMO because everyone was so OP you'd die in 2 hits anyway. DeS was high speed as fuck.

fuck 2kat though. that shit was annoying, but you could hyper armor through it with shit like the met cleaver or great axe.

i dont know about that. its still really good but i do prefer DS3.

I get what you are saying. The game is conditioning you to not fuck up. It is conditioning you to not use so many blood vials. It DID ultimately work in making me a better player.

But it didn't need to force me to farm. Farming is a bad gameplay system. It adds insignificant time to the game in the form of mindless and repetitive gameplay. I don't care about farming so much for bonus items. But for core gameplay mechanics it sucks. They could have made me a better player by only giving me five blood vials and I would have preferred that.

If I'm having fun against a challenging boss, why is the game better for sending me to some other area to gather resources to come back and fight the boss.

But again. This is a minor complaint about the game as a whole, and is much less relevant in the current patch.

Legit didn't, though to be fair I gave up on Gascoigne after like four tries and summoned, and I never really died that many times to a boss for the rest of the playthrough

>Die to blood starved beast a couple of times
>Doing pretty well the next round, looks like I might beat him this time
>He jumps up into the corner behind the statue at the far end of the room
>He's stuck
>Starts twitching and rotating in place as he attempts to leap around and attack
>Fucking jumps through the wall and out of the room
>Just stuck standing there waiting for 30 seconds until he drops out of bounds and dies

I still feel robbed.

>It's not broken
>They still try to fix it

Is there even a good reason for changing vials from ds1? Is it to pad out play time?

That's asinine. Grinding chumps does not make you better at bosses. Especially in a game like Souls where there's barely any tech barrier and most of the challenge is meeting monsters with unfamiliar movesets or configurations. You're not dying at Ludwig because you haven't learned how to most efficiently grind enemies you've already solved repeatedly. The healing items you use on your way to the boss are a more fair indicator of level mastery, not how many you lose on the boss itself.

I just used threaded cane throughout the entire game.
It was okay.

>it means you have to practice and learn on the earlier enemies
But you can literally oneshot most of them if you've been playing the game for more than 5 hours when you need to grind, it doesn't teach you shit except how boring grinding in souls games is

>>It's not broken
>>They still try to fix it
DaS2 in a nutshell

Any other PC fags play BB? I want to play it but I'm a whiny bitch when it comes to anything below 60fps. I've heard it's not even a constant 30 and the frame timings are bad. Is the framerate consistently noticeable?

You didn't have to farm, you could have just as easily bought them instead of leveling. I don't get why people farmed them instead of just clearing a level and buying them.

who fucking cares you manbaby faggot

it's a game, it's fun, and it works. If framerates above 10 keep you from enjoying yourself, then go back to playing Counter Strike at 300fps on your $600 monitor.

I played on release and I never had to farm vials shut the fuck up retard.

>farm for blood echoes or farm for vials
So much choice.

You will absolutely need to grind blood vials in the early game, because there are areas like Old Yharnam where they just don't drop. But once you get 1/4 of the way in that isn't a problem anymore and you can easily buy them with the remaining scraps after leveling up.

the framerate gets noticably bad when there's a lot of enemies and you're smashing a bunch of boxes or fighting boss with a lot of destructables. it's not dancer of the boreal valley bad but it's still noticable.
still a fun game.

>It adds insignificant time to the game in the form of mindless and repetitive gameplay
Then it's a good thing that almost every facet of the game and every game in it's sister series actively works against that so that you always have to be paying attention during gameplay at every moment as every mistake is punished. They have always been about needing to keep constant awareness in battle and soaking up the surrounding atmosphere, which turns any kind of blood vial trip into it's own experience. Just copying the Souls system wouldn't encourage rallying either, and would have terrible effects on the balance of healing, blood bullets and parrying which are already hanging by a thread.
You're also seeing it the wrong way if you think it's just kicking you from the boss, instead you should be making the most of each attempt by using rallying, viscerals, fighting better/more efficiently or planning further ahead by stocking up before going to challenge the boss. It's not better or worse than anything, but it's a system that works fine and suits the game well by doing what they intended just right. You said it yourself, it made you a better player.

I'm at the One Reborn and level 40
Did I mess up somewhere

Or just spend them on vials when you have them. Even if you run out, it takes half the amount of time to just play through a level and spend the echoes on more vials than it does to farm for them. To be honest, I still don't get how people run out. Even at release you were given shitloads easily, and only really needed to use them against a boss because of rallying.

You just answered your own question. Nobody runs out of blood vials while dungeon crawling, they run out of blood vials by losing to the same boss half a dozen times.

Dodging and parrying don't require much beyond knowing what the attack is, and you already do if you've fought it enough to run out of vials so the only thing left is timing, which while they're not the same enemies, can be quite similar for many attacks. That's not as important as forcing you to learn to actually make use of rallying though, which is one of if not the greatest indicator of combat mastery, as well as giving you a moment to step back and think about any potential new strategies. Kinda funny how you talk about level mastery though, I've heard many people bitching about having to go through a level to get to a boss too.
Then you're in the wrong place and somehow not immersing yourself in one of the most immersive games of recent times.

You know who sucks dick?


So you use what, 119 vials? Depending on the area, that can be recovered with a single run for echoes which wouldn't take very long at all. I get the annoyance of it, but given it was updated and you can now store something like 600, it's a non-issue. There's not much point in complaining about something that's fixed, I guess FS figured people wouldn't be as shit and were just wrong.


>grinding these enemies who you can memorize the movesets of after one encounter for hours is IMMERSIVE! It teaches you how to get better at the game when you turn your brain off for an hour and walk back and forth killing the same enemies because you used too many vials fighting that one boss!

Pretty sure the issue would be that you supposedly burn through 119 blood vials on one boss and don't think the problem might lie with your approach.

Bigger complaint:
You have to go through the Hunters Dream if you want to teleport between placers; there's no option to go from one lantern to another.

With Bloodborne's load times that's a pretty big oversight.

Yeah, those are two words separated by many others that explain why the latter is more relevant than the former. Now read the rest, it'll eventually make sense to you if you really focus.

>It just felt like time wasted that I could have used to get better at the boss.

It was. That's when you should have manned up and learned the fight without getting hit.

That's what I do every time I run out of vials. Except in old hunters, cause that one undead drops 5 right in front of Logarius and I typically heal sparingly enough even on failed attempts that I end up with a surplus.

You've said all I needed to hear by saying what essentially amounts to nothing at all.

1. gem fire weapon
2. equip all moon runes
3. go to lecture building f1
4. one shot all the scholars in the lecture room
5. bold hunter's mark
6. repeat steps 4-5
7. purchase a shitload of blood vials

>advance to boss
>get 9-13 vials by just playing the game

Not even a problem of mine. Thank fuck they auto bank

>Dodging and parrying don't require much beyond knowing what the attack is, and you already do if you've fought it enough to run out of vials so the only thing left is timing, which while they're not the same enemies, can be quite similar for many attacks.

Are you actually suggesting you're meant to learn the timing of boss attacks from low level mobs? What kind of ass backwards logic are you employing that makes you think you're gonna learn more about a specific enemy's timing from another enemy entirely than just fighting that specific enemy again? And how the fuck does grinding blood vials promote mastery of the rally mechanic when you're likely not to get hit or need to rally health while grinding?

And the breather you suggest is important to develop new strategy is more than satisfied by actually traversing the level to the boss. Grinding is redundant.

Estus is better than Blood Vials. Deal with it.

kos parasite is shit in pve tho

This is just you admitting you have no way of arguing that forcing players to grind one of two ways just to be able to heal is good design.

>buying things that can be farmed incredibly easy and quickly
>saying others suck at video games

that's p funny though

What am I supposed to do with 365054 Blood Echoes?

That's a tad bit underleveled. You got this though.

reminder that the arm up the pig's ass is likely a lord of the flies reference

use them and not be a faggot

>claim to have beaten BSB on first try
>don't even mention Gascoigne even though he is a lot easier than BSB
Sorry but I refuse to believe this. BSB is the hardest boss in the game for me. Hell, I can beat Gascoigne with only a threaded cane at lvl 1 without any flasks or bullets, yet BSB pushes my shit in on a constant fucking basis...

Buy a bunch of fire/bolt paper

Training twitch reflexes is a blanket skill and dealing with other enemies keeps your reactions sharp while letting you think about the boss but I already said that's a minor factor and the balance is far more important.
>how the fuck does grinding blood vials promote mastery of the rally mechanic
I didn't think it would be possible to miss the point that hard but here goes. Healing costs blood vials which are limited. You can also heal with rallying which is not limited. Therefore, to make the limited heals last longer you are forced to learn how to rally, which is the basis of the combat and how it makes the pace faster. There are also bullets and other things but that is what it's built on.
>hurr it's a competition durr
The games are different so they need different systems. You think they just changed it for the hell of it without considering how the rest of the game would work?
No it's me admitting you're not worth my time since you didn't turn your brain back on.
>just to be able to heal

It's not worth it and blood vials get more expensive as you go on so it's never worth it. If they had just been a fixed price throughout the game so that when stuff is supposed to get harder towards the end of the game you could buy them easily then maybe it would have actually served a purpose.

dawg strafe and walk forward towards the left of BSB and he will NEVER...and I mean NEVER hit you.

For what, I'm more than fine on vials and bullets and I'm comfortable with the level I'm at

>if I can't do it, no one can

that doesn't make any sense user

I'm not the one claiming to beat him on first try, I just beat him on my third about an hour ago and I thought he was tough.

Nearly every boss has a shortcut right next to it allowing you to fight the boss while only fighting one or two enemies on the way.

I think I was maybe 10 or so levels higher, but it's not much to worry about. He's not much of a challenge, just kill the spellcasting assholes and staggerfuck him to death

I've seen the video of this and everything but no matter what in his third phase he manages to faceroll me.

Also, unpopular opinion: multi-stage bosses are bullshit artificial difficulty and the worst part of Bloodborne

Being forced to rely on this shit for half the game is almost as little fun as grinding for vials. Rallying is great when you HAVE A LAST RESORT IN THE FORM OF VIALS.

Following that strategy has gotten me the most losses against him that I have ever gotten. Honestly, every strategy I've followed for that game, and any other DaS game, has always resulted in the most deaths I've ever gotten against bosses. Hell, even bosses that I can beat in 1 try with a blindfold on somehow become difficult when I follow strategies on here that are supposedly flawless. I seriously don't know how this shit happens...

Also, I platinumed the game with 0 viscerals due to the fact that I somehow could never get the timing down... I even tried watching videos to learn timing yet shooting enemies never seemed to fucking work... Even though I can't visceral worth a shit, I am actually able to parry in DaS games no problem so it's not like I'm inherently bad at timing. This fucking shit with BB just boggles my mind.

But it is worth it, they're never that expensive even with the rising prices and levels aren't as necessary since there's less things to level, stats don't affect damage much early on and you get enough echoes to get plenty of both.

I'm more referring to the fact that he wouldn't mention a pushover like Gascoigne, that people tend to have trouble with. That leads me to believe he died to an easy boss yet didn't die to a much harder boss. It could happen, but it's more likely that this outlandish claim is bullshit.