This game isn't fun

This game isn't fun

It's pretty fun. It's also a pain in the ass.

Once you know you can cheese the shield guys by jump slashing it gets a lot easier.

The Zelda series really went downhill after the NES entries. The first game still has the best exploration after all this time, and the second game has the best combat.

The fucking orange and red axe men are murdering me in Death Mountain

I would say git gud, but even though I love the game, I have to say it has some ridiculous difficulty spikes. Also, falling into a pit should just remove a little health like it does in all later Zelda games.

I do have some enemy tips:
- Orange/Red Ironknuckle: jump and hit right above the shield on the way down. After you learn to do it in rapid succession, they'll pose no challenge to you.
- Blue Ironknuckle: they throw one sword at a time, then wait a few seconds, then throw another one. When you manage to strike them, they enter "fury" mode and throw 6-8 rapidly. The safe way to kill them is to do one jump slash, then block the thrown swords, then repeat. It is time consuming, though.
- Red Daira (Death Mountain axe thrower): there's a sort of rhythm to their axe-throwing. You just have to get used to timing your jumps and hitting them on the way down.

Other general tips:
- Unless fighting an Ironknuckle, you should crouch while stabbing in a jump, as it is quicker. Some humanoid enemies can be struck twice in one jump (jump, crouch, stab, then stab again on the way down), but it's difficult.
- Don't let magic go to waste. If your meter is full and you find a blue or red magic jar, cast life before you grab it.

It's one of the more interesting Zelda games, at least.

I'll post webms on how to defeat them.

Red Daira


the mario 2 rebrand was weird too

nintendo still hasn't topped the palace theme when it comes to zelda music

cool stuff.

One of these days I'll put in the college-try towards beating Zelda II. Aside from not knowing what to do to proceed (farthest I ever got was not having the reflect magic to beat the wizard boss), the combat engine is brutal and satisfying.

Actually meant to type a bit for the Red Daira video.

For the Red Daira, you'll want to jump right after you see the axe behind its head (that's something you'll notice about all the humanoid enemies--when they're about to strike, you can see them draw back their weapon). You'll want to jump towards it, crouch on the way down, and stab.

For the Orange Daira, try to slide into it while crouching and stab. It also helps to time it with the axe swings.

Does this game have a romhacking community?

>axe men
Just wait until you run into the bird knights that jump and throw knives.

Upthrusting when they try to jump over you wrecks their shit.

Well shit, I didn't know that even after beating the game three times.

>want to get back and finish zelda 2
>On at least second to last dungeon, but still rusty

I love how in certain versions of the game, the one in the final room with the hammer will charge right to you from off screen, and you'll be stuck with a low ceiling.

Yep, and at sword level 8, it takes only two strikes to kill a Red Fokka (the bird knights are called Fokka).

To a certain extent, yes

Unfortunately, most of the rom hacks with a lot of time and effort put into them are by a guy called IcePenguin who believes that the original game was too easy, so he made even the weakest enemies take 5-6 hits to kill.

His "best" are probably Journey of a Day and Shadow of Night, but even those are insanely hard. It's a shame, really. They'd actually be great rom hacks if he made easy versions of them. And it goes beyond just making the game harder. He removed the magic refill ladies from towns, so that you have to grind for blue jars to restore magic. His rom hacks are just tedious.

>check to make sure I got his name right
>Zelda: Parallel Worlds 10th Anniversary Update on front page
I know what I'm doing for the next week.

Here's a cheap way to kill the Blue Fokka in this room. It seems that their shields don't work so well while they're jumping.

Here's the more difficult way. It's much riskier.

Thanks for these. You make it look really easy but as soon as I don't land a hit perfectly everything goes wrong. Practice makes perfect I guess haha.

git gud

make sure you get enough exp in a dungeon so that the boss causes you to gain a level

that way, you can make the most of the free level you get from placing the crystal

I needed this a month ago.

Save state scumming let me figure out a good pattern for most enemies, like jumping over the axe throwers, and I just brute forced the other ones trying again and again, resetting if I took too many hits.

Eventually I discovered I had missed magic like shield and heal, which made the game more reasonable, and then once I got the down stab attack the game all of a sudden felt fluid and fun.

Should I bother emulating this weird ass trash game

I like the game. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing since I remember playing it when it first came out and I was a retarded child, but I emulated it a few years ago and still thought it was fun.

Why not? Not costing you anything but time, which you're spending playing video games/posting on Sup Forums anyways.