What are your thoughts on Omori? is it gonna be the next undertale?

what are your thoughts on Omori? is it gonna be the next undertale?

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It looks like OFF.

Looks like pandering shit, tumblr will eat this up.

this is too "8th grade" for me. I don't know how else to describe it.

Earthbound was a pretty happy game with one or two off key moments. Then Yume Nikki happened and now everything has to be sooper creepy weird guise.

I don't hate YN or Earthbound but instead of good games of either style we got horrific combined abominations instead.

>horrific combined abominations instead
Such as?


It doesn't like it'll be anything LIKE the next undertale. It would have to be a whole lot less modest than it looks.

Omocat is cool, but I don't know everything about her. Even if the gameplay's cool the story might be kuso, or the other way around. We'll just have to wait and see but I'll definitely give it a shot.

this, pretentious indieshit garbage
earthbound was a mistake

i'm looking forward to it. I like Omocat's grotesque aesthetics.

The first trailer really got me hooked


You need to kill yourself. Fucking dumb newfags parroting everything they hear. Sickening.

>indiefag with shit tastes thinking his opinion matters

Undertale (True Lab, Core, Flowey). LISA, OFF. Wadanohara They are good games though

Earthbound is a great game, it's not a mistake

Tumblr was, and always will be, a mistake given physical form

I'm sorry you feel that way user

>Earthbound is a great game
I'd say it was ok, like most jrpgs it's just meh gameplay carried by its presentation.

I'll give you LISA and OFF, but Undertale? That game has a pretty bright atmosphere unless you made it dark with a few what-the-fuck moments. Basically the same as Earthbound.

Why don't we keep the game for us and don't let tumblr touch it or even think about it? Something like:
*Tumblr tries to touch your game*
*you slice tumblr's hand*
*tumblr dies*

OFF is not a combination of happy and creepy, though; it's all varying degrees of creepy.

but user-chan

hands are not a vital organ

What specifically makes it seem "pandering"? The art style is cutesy, but I couldn't really see anything that screams "tumblr."

Wouldn't be surprised if OMOcat is some type of SJW or tumblrite though, or at least has leanings towards that.

still tumblr will die from overbleeding

>*Tumblr tries to touch your game*
>*you slice tumblr's hand*
>*Tumblr sends the next year posting about how beautiful its scars are*

apparantly she knows how lame SJWs are once they tried to take away her shotas

before dying from overbleeding

Not that user, but you haven't seen Drive, have you?

Well that's good to hear I guess.

I haven't seen a lot of things, I apologize. Right now I'm going through Ojamajo Doremi and Medarot.

we need to go back in time and kill earthbound before it happens

From what I've seen, OMOcat does use Tumblr but is pretty against whiny SJWs. I'm reasonably optimistic about it.

That's okay. FYI, it's a movie that Sup Forums used to be into, not a television series. It inspired Hotline Miami.

Ohhhh, this movie. I've heard about it. I'll watch it soon.

We can conquer Tumblr.
>go to tumblr
>be in a battle against SJWs, retards
>give final hit to them
>tumblrina nation dies
>Sup Forums wins
>tumblr is now a property of Sup Forums

>asks 22k for a game made in RPGmaker
>raises 200k

What do you do with that excess amount of money?

Is having a tumblr acceptable as long as you don't fall into the typical SJW hole?

Pretty much all the gamedevs from /agdg/ have tumblrs to post their progress

Prepare to be surprised.

Pull an Undertale and smash everyone's expectations I guess?

people are sheep for what they see

This. Plus she does guro for christ's sake, I think having some SJW views is just reasonable, it's weird how extreme people get at accusing someone of being this when it's usually just common sense to be against certain things.

But in no way has she ever come off like those fucking tumblr warriors who have to get upset and triggered over every little thing.

Man, I don't even care about Tumblr but now I want something like Tumblr except with PvP.

Yes, Tumblr does have uses other than spouting retarded social justice talking points. You need to be vigilant though, and walk on eggshells so you don't incur feminazi wrath.

I meant war

Lots of artists from drawthreads have art blogs on there that are typically used for posting their art. Just never check general feeds or look at other profiles.

I know. What I'm saying is that it would be fun to see fandoms, political groups, etc. actually fight RPG-style.


doremi is great
you have good taste anonymous

is this how a weeaboo feels after he snorted cocaine

Yes. If it's good enough for Scott Alexander...


>all these people in the comments thinking they're "before the fandom"
>they're already their own cancerous brand of fandom and they don't even realize this
They have no clue what they're in for if the game gets big.

Thank you user

This is really pleasing. I'm looking forward to it.

Omocat is a hack. They're art is just shitty beginner anime that appeals to "weeb" teenagers. The fucking white guy singing the pretend Japanese trailer is cringy as fuck and terrible for their trailer for advertising. I don't know why people here have interest in it. Looks like a shitty yume nikki hack with the subtlety of YN and more "so wacky".

Most mother likes at least try and incorporate real time action sequences but from what I seen it looks like it didn't even try for combat.

Looks a bit artsy-fartsy and basically like a typical surreal RPG Maker game. What's it doing that's making itself different from the pack? The artstyle?

I'm not sure how to describe it. It feels sincere to me. I wouldn't classify it as "wacky" but you're onto something with the weeb teenagers thing.


Why playing weeaboo shit if you have interest in Japanese games / aestethics when you actually can play Japanese games?

it looks so wacky and quirky ex dee but without any of the soul to it

Omocat's primary audience is weeb teens and hipsters, so this isn't surprising at all.

I still think the game can be good.

Call me cynical but I can't take someone who drew and sold this for money and thinks it's unironically cool. I liked them when they did little cute comics but their stuff is just too cringy now.

At least this looks better than Knuckle Sandwich

Why can't people spell weeaboo right?

What is a better market, weebs or Sup Forumsmblr?


Furries, on the merit of they actually have money.

Furries are the best market when it comes down to it.

But if it were up to me I would go after the weebs since it seems a little more respectable.


Sup Forumsumblr is honestly bigger. The thing is weebs focus on the flavor of the month then pretend it never existed as soon as it ends or even starts to go down in quality.


I don't get it, she looks like what I'd expect she would.

Not all of these girls are going to look like Kinuko

no thanks

this seems mean spirited.

>Furries, on the merit of they actually have money.
I've heard artists confirm this, but why?
Hasn't this sort of been the case with Homestuck? I bet SU will experience the same.

I just want the team to respond to me. I dunno, I really wanna help out with this game even if in a small way but they're just very... insular.

I like the mixed media. Doesn't look too tryhard.

>but why?
Furries have this huge supply of money with no solid explanation. Some of them are biologists and doctors and make huge bank. Others are fullblown autists and use their autismbux to pay for commissions. They're extremely welcoming to newcomers and take what they feel like getting, even if it's not very good.

completely severing a limb actually reduces the chance of dying from blood loss

Maybe they minmaxed. Took being a furry put the extra points into wealth.

oh fuck is that some bo en? shit now im kinda interested

I read a really good explanation for it once.

Apparently furries have a tendency to live in one house with a lot of like-minded people (I'm talking 5+ in some cases), cutting down their expenses considerably since the cost can be split between everyone living in the house. Thus they have a TON of disposable income.

It's not like we all here are top models.

Really wasn't sure what to expect, about as unattractive as I imagined though.

>that comment

All I care about is the Slime Girls soundtrack.

Considering the fact that every single one I've had the misfortune to meet was socially inept or had some sort of disorder, that actually might be the case.

Never heard about that before. Interesting.

>Pseudo anime art
>Artsy Yume Nikki-Earthbound mix
>Generic jrpg gameplay
>made with RPGMaker
>Funded thanks to kickstarter
This game couldn't have more redflags for me

I thought this was going to be a joke about/pointing out her sameface problems. Here it just looks like she lost weight.

Ojomajo Doremi is a fucking amazing show, Onpu best girl

yeah he did the remix of that song for the game as well, not sure if he contributed any more music beyond that though, but i hope so

She looks ok to me. I don't expect a literal deity when I see someone for the first time.

yeah i noticed its higher key and sped up, still good tho


At least she turned out to be asian, it's usually white girls who end up doing this type of art i noticed

isn't that literally the plot of Earthbound?

This is like when the Japanese produce all that engrish content, but the other way around. They must be laughing their asses off of how broken all this shit probably sounds to them.

The joke.

Your head.

I thought it was going to be one of those male skinny hipster type, is she cute?

I don't buy western games that try to be japanese

homely asian/10 imo

she looks like what i'd expect

Eh, looks fine imo
Gonna play it day 1 prob have fun with it and then hate it when normies starts praising the game

This looks really nice. I didn't even know it was coming out. Thanks for the shill, user.

It looks like YN and Earthbound had some pretentious baby. I'm a big fan of Mother but I'm really getting tired of these want to be Earthbounds. It's the same "Oh the game looks really cute and light on the outside but it is actually really dark :oo" or "Everything is dead but we still joke around guyz xd" formula and it is really getting old. The only games that I actually like that takes inspiration from Earthbound is Off, Oneshot, Lisa, and Undertale because they changed up the gameplay or style of the visuals/story a little.

>Off, Oneshot, Lisa, and Undertale
Aren't those pretty much the only Motherlikes that have reached notable popularity?