What are the chances come the 9th of October?

What are the chances come the 9th of October?

If there is any better time to announce it, the 10 year anniversary of the Orange Box would be too perfect, hell even officially showing off Source 2 would be something in and of itself.

Half Life thread I guess, discuss

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Doubt it, does anyone even remember what happened in the last one

Didn't they just ignore Half life 2's 10th anniversary? Why would they give a shit about the Orange Box's anniversary?

It's gotten to the point where I barely even care, if the game does come out, sure I'll play it but I won't be jumping for joy.

Valve can't be assed to use their twitter for CSGO that hasn't been used since July of 2016 to let people know that their matchmaking servers for CSGO have been fucked for the past 24 hours and making it impossible to connect to any official games.

What makes you think they're actually spending time and money making a sequel to a game whose last expansion came out 9 years ago?

Valve only cares about steam now


>9th of October

I gave up hope when i realized that they wouldnt make as much money that steam makes them for releasing HL3 or ep3

are you guys unironically still waiting for HL3?

Think about how shitty those VR games are and how much man power and time Valve wasted making that tech.

Why won't they at least finish the story?

Fuck, they don't even have to make a game, I'd be perfectly happy with a comic.

they will have to show of Source 2 and/or HL3 sometime in the next 2 years


because they didnt spend 5+ years working on source to not release it, dummy

Why would they need a new game engine if they don't make games anymore?

Additionally, there is nothing wrong with the current Source engine. In the hands of a competent developer it looks and plays great.

There was a zombie shanty town with a mad, comical priest
It was very Half-Life, not a tech demo at all

can someone remind me why they wont just outright say "half life's dead, it's not going to come out, please continue having your children throw money at our thinly-veiled-slot-machine money-printer"

Selling a competent engine is big money. It's nothing compared to what they make with Steam, but it advances tech and makes money.

well it'd be a pretty sick birthday present.

Because then there would be no one to defend their brand name on the internet since it seems people are wising up to their shit

>it's been 10 fucking YEARS

source 1 is outdated, and source 2 has been long confirmed and already testing in DOTA 2

Crowbar mele weapon for all tf2 classes + Gordon Freeman glasses cosmetic

Seriously, the biggest releases of the past years have been on outdated engines.

Heavily modified Quake, Source, Gamebryo, fuck even Unreal 3 is over 10 years old.

Why the fuck would they change their focus from printing money to developing a brand new engine?

GoldSrc is still the best

I just want Portal 3 and Team Fortress 3 desu

>tfw you finally stopped caring

there's literally no money for valve in making singleplayer games anymore
anyone who wants to play it will pirate it, and they know that. they make more in a week from dota/TF2 hats than they ever did off HL1 and 2.

You're a fool if you believe Half-Life 3 is coming out. You need to accept it is never happening, Valve doesn't care about making new games, they make billions selling cosmetics, steam, hosting a marketplace, they have no drive or reason to do anything else. Valve is a shell of a company now, if you can't accept that you're just deluding yourself.

I don't think you understood him well, Source 2 already exists and Dota 2 is running on it.

source 2 came out with orange box you dummies

Man. Makes you wish Steam would just flop.

no it didnt, orange box is source
before that it was goldsrc

>morrowind fans.jpg

Supposedly Source 2 is pretty much dead at this point. It was reported by developers that Source 2 is nothing like Source 1 in that it is very limited in what can be done and today's competition blows it out of the water. Valve pretty much gave up on making games at this point. Its the sad truth but they are a business afterall, and making singleplayer AAA games are simply not worth it when you have a platform like Steam.

Portal showed they can invest extremely little effort into a game/series and still make a big splash because of their brand alone. They could probably care less at this point.

>Supposedly Source 2 is pretty much dead at this point. It was reported by developers that Source 2 is nothing like Source 1 in that it is very limited in what can be done and today's competition blows it out of the water.
got a source for that?

It will never come out.

My dad works at Source and he said Source 2 is awesome.

Source 1 (the one that shipped with HL2 before the OB "improvements") was a crap engine. Even with the updates it is still held together with spaghetti code.



Also Titanfall 2 runs on a modified source 1 and looks/runs pretty good.

Are you literally typing with your prolapsed anus? Source was absolutely fucking amazing when it came out. No other engines could pull off the kind of shit Source was pulling in the kind of hardware people were using back then.
It was an amazingly well optimized engined and is still being used to this very day.

>No other engines could pull off the kind of shit Source was pulling in the kind of hardware people were using back then.
idTech4, CryEngine?

Just played through Transmission: Element 120 and fuck... I really want HL3 to be a thing already.

Doom 3 had a better engine. TF2 even after almost 10 years on the market still runs like ass. It had cool physics and facial animations but so did Unreal 2.5. When Unreal 3 came out it was all over.

tf2 runs like ass specifically because of all the extra bullshit they've added to the game since release

back in 07 and 08 it ran extremely well

Do you have any idea of what you're talking about?

CryEngine was a fucking mess. Being able to simply RUN crysis at ANY graphical setting was a feat for few. Being able to run it at a decent framerate with high graphical settings? I knew maybe two guys who were able to do this back then.

idTech4 had its fair share of compatibility problems too, and aside from having great lightning, its physics and texture work were nothing compare to what Valve was doing with Source.

Seriously, there's no way someone who was around in 2004 to witness the revolution that Source was to PC gaming would be spewing that kind of shit.

>there is nothing wrong with the current Source engine
This is just a flat out lie, the damn thing barely holds together and is really badly optimized.

Plus at this point the damn thing is older then GoldSrc was when they retired it, and GoldSrc is another engine that still looks good in the hands of a good developer, just look at Cry of Fear, but you don't see anyone fucking clamoring to develop with it these days.

TF2 runs like shit because of hats and skins.

Are you stupid?
HL2 uses (modified) Havoc for physics.

>still runs like ass

No, it runs like ass now. Back when it was released it ran perfectly.

And Doom 3 had a better engine than HL2? Are you retarded?

>thousands of fans died without knowing how the story ends.

TF2 always had problems including abysmally-long load times, random crashes and scales poorly with graphics cards because, like all Source games, it's VERY CPU intensive.

>CryEngine was a fucking mess
He is talking about the one in FarCry which had non of Crisis' problems.

>bad textures
Doom 3 has great texture work on the environment what are you talking about? Half-Life 2 texture work looks like something from GoldSrc.

GoldSrc is still great because it's hard to mess up the Quake engine.

Half Life 3 isn't coming out you dumb motherfuckers

because then people would get mad
valve is the equivalent of a girlfriend who hates you but cant be bothered breaking up with you

>TF2 always had problems including abysmally-long load times, random crashes
it sounds like you installed it on some shitty super-fragmented 5400RPM HDD in a dying Dell machine
>and scales poorly with graphics cards because, like all Source games, it's VERY CPU intensive.

>Doom 3 has great texture work on the environment what are you talking about?
doom 3's environment was individual hallways, quality textures are a freebie and indicate basically nothing about the engine

>Selling a competent engine is big money
literally the only AAA games made with source 1 in the ten or so years it's been out are valve products and titanfall
and there's no reason to believe source 2 will be any better, seeing making a public engine requires you to be good consumer relations which valve are fucking horrible at

Because HL2 open environments looked so good? Doom level designers played their engine's strengths. And I'm pretty sure Doom 3 levels, as small as they were, were larger than the distance from one LOADING to another in HL2.

it actually is. i have real proof.

source wasn't a revolution to pc gaming, the underlying public technology that source used like pixel shaders and rigid body physics were a revolution to pc gaming and they appeared in every other engine aswell, leaving the source engine behind in the dust because it was an unwieldy piece of shit

>Doom 3 has great texture work on the environment what are you talking about?
they looked alright

>Doom level designers played their engine's strengths.
which were lighting, lighting, and lighting

>And I'm pretty sure Doom 3 levels, as small as they were, were larger than the distance from one LOADING to another in HL2.
because the content of the levels was hallways, not a lot of content density per frame going on there

source is not amazing, tech is even less amazing

Slow loading times have been a problem for TF2 since the game came out.

>doom 3's environment was individual hallways
So was a large part of HL2's campaign and texture work was still awful.

>quality textures are a freebie

>and indicate basically nothing about the engine
idTech 4 was all about dynamic lighting and gradient shadows. Source was all about physics and facial animations. There is a reason why people remember Alyx and Ravenholm.

Valve is making so much money with skins that they dont give a fuck about anything anymore, just milking customers

Like the paid mod faggotry

0%. Its never going to happen. Just accept it.

Pretty much. The engine's features were great but the engine as a whole was awful. Making mods and maps with the thing was a nightmare.

I played half life 2 and i dont understand why is it "loved" so much, it seems like a trend because its not even good game desu

Ever stop to consider the number of employees at valve that have found people on social media wanting and asking for the next half-life and STILL choosing to not work on it?


I don't see how making maps with it is nightmarish. Not the handiest tool out there, yes, but once you get to know that shit, it's easy enough.

They announced it is going to be a movie directed by JJ Abrams

Nice meme

It was too clunky and unwieldly. Map-making tools don't need to be complex - they just need to be usable.

But it is usable. It has an unnecessary learning curve, but it's still very much usable.

what? Dota2 is using source 2 and their modding api is pretty advanced

>implying it wouldnt be shit
it was 10 years ago, most people who worked on it already left

That's not the point. I could make a 1.6 map in a day, while CSS was taking me weeks just so I could make the editor do what I want. There's a reason why HL2 never received the amount of mod support that HL1 got and HL2 had the benefit of Steam.

the only game that runs on source2 is dota2 and its full of bugs and horribly optimized.

They do need to be complex if they're the actual tools the developers are using to make games and the engine supports non-trivial stuff.

Take a look at the Galaxy Editor for SC2 if you want to know what happens to a complex map-editor tool.

Oh so true, the gaming industry has been destroyed by DLC's and micro transactions

But it's true this time


To be honest JJ Abrams is probably perfect for it.


>What are the chances come the 9th of October?
Fucking ZERO because HL3 was scrapped years ago and will never be made. Period. The idea that it'll be announced is just a meme that you should be embarrassed about believing. This is not new, this game will NEVER be made.

OP should watch this


The hype bubble is too big for anyone to take over. Any attempt at making HL3 will never satisfy the bubble and the backlash of not meeting everyone's over-inflated expectations will be the most dangerous thing that will bleed Valve for years to come.



>can someone remind me why they wont just outright say "half life's dead, it's not going to come out, please continue having your children throw money at our thinly-veiled-slot-machine money-printer"

Because deep down they know they will lose respect from people if they finally confirm that they basically don't make games anymore.

It's much better for them to essentially be what you described, but also give people the vague idea that they are secretly working on some magnum opus project the whole time

>What are the chances come the 9th of October?
None. The game isn't even in development right now.

Thanks, Bob.

That's hilarious.

It's an official announcement that they're retiring the franchise

If anyone's interested I could post some comfy Goldsrc stuff.

Don't delude yourself, Valve doesn't make games anymore.

That software renderer had a great aesthetic.

You can make a cs 1.6 map in a day because you don't, mostly because you can't, put in much detail at all. The source engine allows much more detail and work to be put in a map, so logically it will be much more time consuming. It has buttfuck retarded quirks, though, I'll admit.

They are probably all on christmas holidays

It's strange that the water effects are so much better in software mode.