Caesar's Legion weren't corre-
Caesar's Legion weren't corre-
>*tips helmet*
>*unsheathes bumper sword*
heh... nihil novi sub sole... degenerate...
>*gets shot to pieces by superior NCR 5.56mm*
idk why you guys love Fallout New Vegas so much, sure its a great game but so many of you hate when devs are PC and this game is PC as fuck.
>put their camp right across from enemy territory
>give a pass to person who murdered countless of their own
>person walks into their camp
>massacres them
It came out before GG so people kind of like it regardless of that.
>and this game is PC as fuck
No, it's really not.
Actually, this is technically Fallout New Vegas
Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for _________?
What he's saying is kind of true though. Certainly physically. Yes yes back to Sup Forums and all that.
Anyway Ceasars Legion is literally the edgiest nonsense ever. No assurance for any kind of Liberty other than the whims of a lone dictator. Unstable madness and only edgy Sup Forumsirgin contrarians support them.
Not all couriers
He's kinda right I guess
>that person is a female character
The Legion was far too cartoony and boring. No one in history was talking like that officially. You can't just alienate 50% of your country completely.
Just look at Islam. If the woman is "pure" and a mother, muslims will bullshit that they respect her.
obsidian might be PC now but this surely doesn't reflect on New Vegas.
How in the fuck is New Vegas PC?
After the apocalypse, being politically correct takes a backseat to survival.
Reminder that you should always greet Legion members with a face full of their """"currency"""" in your choice of 12 gauge delivery systems.
titty mods
Why? They don't attack me.
Is it PC because you play it on a PC?
Making the totalitarian war-based society supported by slavery and the subjugation of women the villains of the game is not the same as being PC.
>Mfw single handedly slaughtering Caesar's camp and him as a woman.
t. a cuck
You're a parody of a parody of an ironic meme.
Villains???? It's the ncr that takes peoples land and then makes then pay taxes on it.
wtf I love NCR now
>Caesar's Legion
You can side with the niggas and when you do, you learn Caesar's core philosophy and may grow to like him.
The Legion are most definitely the villains. The NCR are the "neutral" option. They're certainly not wholly good, but they're definitely better than Caesar's Legion, just like any other modern government. The good options are House and Independent(with good relations with all of the other factions). Which is one is better depends on whether you think the world would be better with a benevolent dictatorship or a loose collection of communities united by economy and safety, but not a real government with laws that apply everywhere. Or if you think the courier would have had a direct hand in running New Vegas and wouldn't just be more of a general mediator between the factions.
There is a reason every important character in New Vegas is a male. Even the most high ranked people of the NCR are all male.
If you take out cottonwood as a female courier a NCR solider at the near by look out will point out the irony from the Cesar point of view.
>good option
Of course it's PC
>Playing games on a console
>you learn Caesar's core philosophy
"Build a cult of personality around myself so that when I die my work is undone as my underlings start civil wars trying to assume control" is a retarded philosophy.
>There is a reason every important character in New Vegas is a male.
Cass is clearly the most important character in NV.
a New Vegas thread
Yeah. That reason is 'Tandi died'. Everything went downhill from there.
Shut up
There are no "villains" or "good" choices in NV, which is what makes it good unlike 3
>the good options are House
Stopped reading there
House wanted to keep New Vegas safe and prosperous. It would have been like Singapore is now: a well-run society headed by a benevolent dictatorship that necessarily curbs a lot of freedoms to keep it a nice place to live, but with the added benefit of not needing to choose a successor because he could theoretically live forever. So, again, whether you think that or good-standing Independent is the better choice comes down to how necessary you view freedom as part of the human condition. Both are most definitely better than Romanboo ISIS wannabes or the bureaucratic nightmare that comes from a Democratic government running a large expanse of land.
You know it's true, Legionfag. Your savior is a narcissistic fuck who pretends at being a learned ruler. Joshua Graham did all the real work of establishing the Legion anyway, Caesar spent all his time raiding abandoned highschools for football gear and tailoring them so he could make people cosplay as Romans.
>It would have been like Singapore is now
Singapore prospered by making deals with wealthier Western countries, which is not an option with Fallout setting, really. And House's grasp on Vegas is anything but tight - all the families are doing shady business behind his back.
This is true. House, Caesar, Colonel Hsu, Oliver, Kimbell, Benny, Da King.
Damn, so the Legion was right, women really are lamer.
samething applies to the NCR, when you kill the top leadership they're ready to fall apart to common raiders.
House made sure that Kimball survived for a reason. He would have kept decent relations with the NCR, and the casinos would still be there, which means there would still be plenty of money coming in.
I don't think you understand how a representative democracy works.
>patterns self after pre-war US
>fall apart after losing a leader
Fucking kek you Legionfags are grasping at straws. NCR has fucking elected officials, they sure as shit have a line of succession in place. Not to mention the army isn't the government.
you realize the NCR falls apart and leaves Nevada forever after the battle of hoover dam
In your non-canon Legion ending maybe.
Caesar fanboys are delusional.
The most important person in NCR history is Tandi. If she was still around the NCR wouldn't have been stuck at hoover.
That is not true at all. They were pushed out a territory that technically wasn't even a real part of the country to begin with, but the whole fucking country didn't fall apart. What do you think the C in NCR stands for?
>tfw ulysses companion mod and he actually has a rather in depth conversation if you kill caesar with him there
Inb4 cuck
NCR unlawfully occupying nevada under the facade of democratic government.
they weren't elected there in the first place, at least the legion doesn't pretend.
That's why they're the neutral option and not one of the good options. The way they run things is still way better than the Legion.
>at least the legion doesn't pretend!
So you admit they're shit.
>yfw you hear them pronounce Caesar for the first time
I finished this game 3 hours ago
First playthrough on my life:
>High Strenght, Endurance and Agility
>Heavy armor
>Melee weapons (Fully moded GRA Chainsaw/Thermic Spear)
>Explosive weapons (Rocket Launcher and Grenade Machine Gun)
>100 skills on Melee, Medicine, Speech, Lockpicking, Repair
On very hard, on Hardcore
This game, while sometimes was a decent challenge, was really fucking easy
I'm not giving it shit, tho, but I wished it posed a greater challenge
>befriended the brotherhood of steel after doing a bunch of tasks for them
>earned their trust, all the way to the highest rankings
>mfw I only did this to get the power armor before mercilessly slaughtering all of them on Mr. House's orders
Get JSawyer for the ultimate SJWyer experience.
This game isn't about challenge it's more about role playing.
>The way they run things is still way better than the Legion.
Ex-fucking-scuse me? Last I checked the NCR is on the verge of bankruptcy, dealing with attacks on all their borders, general political corruption, and a massive on-the-fence population who for the majority hold no loyalty to their nation.
On the other hand, Caesar has conquered just as much land MUCH faster with absolute security, a booming economy, a loyal at best and subserviant at worst population, and military strong enough to actually take losses and not nearly bankrupt their government.
Nigga, I side with House but implying the NCR is in anyway superior to the Legion bar their willingness to trade and their ability to not have to worry about having a good leader is strictly retarded.
jsawyer is an sjw and was at the time of new vegas' creating but it didnt bleed into the game at all, even a little bit
>Ex-fucking-cuse me
How old are you?
Enjoy your fucking FBI watchlist. You just said that IS is better than America.
I just checked the info of that mod
What does it change anyways?
I also want to play a said 'co-op' or 'multiplayer' mod there is around, is it viable?
You have like twice or thrice less HP and carry capacity and more things have weight, including Stimpaks.
And some other stuff.
nuclear whunger
old enough to buy beer and die for my country.
What's it to ya?
In what way? I never claimed some religious extremists with mediocre management and unproductive genocidal tendencies are superior to a massive global superpower.
Comparing the legion to mudslimes and the NCR to the US is a flawed comparison.
>old enough to buy beer and die for my country.
Then you should be embarrassed that you communicate that way.
In a Chinese image board I can be anything I want
That will all fall apart when Caesar dies because there is no good succession rules.
Also, the Legion has been conquering terrible tribes with sticks. NCR in its homeland would wipe the floor with the Legion.
I'm talking to AI on a Mongolian Knitting forum.
I honestly don't care how I get my point across here.
Caesar has no plans to invade NCR homeland.
Because you actually can be the opposite.
Your build is the easiest build to use, that's why. You never have to care about ammo, you have high defense, you heal at absurd rates, and anything you can't fight through you can just speech your way out. You also never have to worry about your weapons because of repair.
Try a no VATs, non-melee/speech run. You'll find your experience more challenging when you don't have the game play itself. And like the other user said, it's more about RP. If you're playing to just win, the game will never be challenging.
Yes, he does, did you pay attention to him?
>"Thesis and antithesis. The Colorado River is my Rubicon. The NCR council will be eradicated, but the new synthesis will change the Legion as well, from a basically nomadic army to a standing military force that protects its citizens, {finality}and the power of its dictator."
A true claim provided he doesn't groom a successful heir and indeed, he likely won't. That being said, the NCR is going to fall apart regardless of if they can or cannot find a suitable leader because their model of infinite growth with finite resources will either cause them to continue expanding east and stretching their already overstretched borders or cutting back on production which will cause internal instability.
The NCR doesn't have a chance to remain as it does, at least Caesar has options.
To reiterate, House for the win.
I remember that aspect of Caesar's Legion being pointed out as it's major shortcoming, not the core philosophy of its leader.
fuck your shitty reddit [Asian country] [noun] [website] meme
Additionally, it's proven time and time again the Legion is more than capable of taking on the NCR when they are on the defensive as evidenced by their constant advance into the Mojave. Honestly, without the Courier's intervention, the Legion would easily take the dam, destroy the NCR's main military force, and then quickly push them back to the edge of the continent.
>The NCR doesn't have a chance to remain as it does
Certainly down the line if things aren't fixed, but the Legion is dead when Caesar dies, and he has no time to groom an heir.
>at least Caesar has options
The NCR has many more.
>To reiterate, House for the win.
House is terrible too, fuck off. There is no reason to go House when you can go Independent.
>ywn travel an advanced technological, post apocalyptic desert with a basic rifle picking off stick throwing retards bearing crosses and dead dogs on their heads in the distance
>There is no reason to go House when you can go Independent.
>Honestly, without the Courier's intervention, the Legion would easily take the dam, destroy the NCR's main military force, and then quickly push them back to the edge of the continent.
No. The NCR's main military force would assrape the Legion.
Legion is a fucking joke. They literally bring knives to a gunfight.
They literally don't.
I've always preferred Legion due to aesthetic purposes, and Ceaser's dialogue is GOAT, but I agree that their reasoning for a non-firearm choice is autistic.
You're literally wrong. Legion doctrine is to use retarded human wave tactics and tribal tier medicine because Caesar talks a good game but he's fucking clownshoes incompetent.
Except House is literally independent with benefits.
Authoritarian bootlicker cuck detected.
Name one (1) benefit that isn't you masturbating to MUH HOWARD HUGHES.
Or the shittiest guns possible, sorry.
something something kill squads at high levels something
Fucking what? They barely won the first battle. Not only did they have the defense, outnumber the legion, and have an arguably better commander they STILL lost the dam and had to retreat into boulder city.
The legion has better, crueler training and whenever they earn the right to hold a decent weapon they curb stomp whatever NCR slob you want to compare them to of suitable rank.
yeah, for the hundreds of grunts they throw at you to move forward the wave of guys with anti-material rifles and thermic lances.
House? Terrible? The guy who wants to make an undefeatable army of super robots, secure his power within confineable borders, establish a scientific progression system to found mankind on another planet, and ACTUALLY PROGRESS HUMANITY BEYOND BASE SURVIVAL is terrible? NCR-fags are absolutely delusional.
They use firearms, play the fucking game. Only Recruits don't get guns because there are more of them than guns.
Every tier above Recruit has a gun, top tier Legionnaires carry top tier guns.
Cowboy Repeaters and 9mm SMGs aren't much worse than Service Rifles and... 9mm SMGs.
All he asks is a few favors, and then lets you do whatever you please in the Mohave with his resources at your disposal.
wtf is up with her toe nails? or her toes in general for that matter