Cripple Girls turn 5 today.
Cripple Girls turn 5 today
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did they ever make a not shit shizune route?
Isn't it 4?
theyve made multiple routes for every character in the game and tons of new ones
not the creators of course but still im sure theres a fan made version that is superior in some way
I forgert what the thread count has gotten too but i know theyve set some records
I've still not played this game.
thank god for /vg/ otherwise wed still be drowning in KS threads
Nah, mods would just delete it and they'd move on to Skype or whatever.
never played it, but boy did I love the funposting threads about it
the best part is it never got popular with the broader community like Undertale or Minecraft; it will always be this weird niche thing for perverts.
its free faggot
go fuck some cripple girls and pick bacon girl
KS is one of those things you go in to fap but stay for the story like MGQ
MGQ was for both.
It's incredible how a little porn can turn most people away from a game.
>The game is now older than than the buildup that led to so much disappointment
I've not even heard of my most degenerate of friends playing it
It's not even a degenerate game, it's a normal love story
Best girl
I should play this game again
Go read it faggot. It's part of Sup Forums's history and it's breddy gud.
Hanako is best grill.
Yes, other than the autists on /ksg/ this fandom remains largely untouched. I wonder why is that? Wouldn't mentally-ill SJW-fags want to project themselves onto the katawas?
Post those favorite songs niggers.
Dis shit always gets me.
It's even more amusing cause all of the sec scenes can be turned off. Also most of them are pretty shite.
So tell me Sup Forums.
How many of you tried to writefag?
"Give me the chocolate, Hisao" is still the funniest thing to come out of this game in my professional personal opinion
Honestly I just want the occasional KS thread from time to time like these ones.
It's a part of Sup Forums that to me atleast, really showed me how creative this site can be.
It's a shame that most of the devs all tried to distance themselves from Sup Forums, though some still post on the general and do requests.
>Tfw after randomly remembering this VN and cole-training Hanako again, get one of the artists to draw some fanart for me.
It's pretty fucking vanilla in spite of the fact all the girls are handicapped.
In that order
Hey, I'm not sure if you've noticed but Sup Forums is now shit.
Sure this thread is "okay" but it's just a fluke. The board is crawling with retards of the lowest caliber and really don't deserve anything good.
I want to impregnate Misha.
>he wants to fuck a fat dyke
I love this theme but I get incredibly sad/melancholic whenever I listen to it, I really should replay Rin's route.
> Wouldn't mentally-ill SJW-fags want to project themselves onto the katawas?
The girls aren't nearly broken enough for them to care, also they all look white so thats a big no no.
Ahhhh fuck this takes me back.
Going through each route one by one. Seeing Sup Forums's reactions to the routes, watching people fall into Hanako's trap, lily is best girl....
A simpler, more sincere time.
Katawa Shoujo is, weirdly enough, as non-degenerate as you can get. Just a normal lovestory with horny teenagers that just so happen to be crippled.
Kenji even foretold the feminist conspiracy.
Sup Forums has been dead for atleast 3 years. They hit their peak shortly around 2012 and 2013.
The only people who make OC are attention whores like Sup Forumsgas and the musicals which are alright but still attentionwhoring and they themselves lambast how shitty Sup Forums has been lately.
Drawfags are relegated to a fucking concentration camp thread with autists constantly begging to get a picture of their waifu fellating dog dicks.
Even the console-tans have gotten so out of hand that their new designs are so fucking complicated and far-gone that it's impossible to distinguish them as their respective console.
I know I'm rambling, but the gist is that we've denigrated with the rise of normalfags using this board and not lurking or even taking the time to read rules or digest our culture internally before trying to ask everyone what the hottest meme is right now.
>Katawa Shoujo General #3240
10/10 belly dance
Guess you two have something in common then.
>it's been five years since I first got cripple dick
I'm gonna read through it again for old times sake.
>How godawfully written this game was inspired me to take up writing
>About 9 months after I got into that, I had to change jobs and suddenly had way less time to do it
>My unfinished work just sits there, mocking me
>Will never publish it and thank them for being so shit inside the cover
or /trash/
Surprised mods haven't kicked them off of /vg/ yet.
I never finished Rin's route because Hisao is unbearable in it.
I've always preferred Rin as the 'wingman' and sidekick as opposed to a love-interest. I've always seen her route as the 'hard mode' of the VN with her character being the one with the most 'quirks'.
>Bromont will never grace us again with summoning Shining Gundam and battling a T-Rex with electric guitars.
>We'll never get that harem route after FALCON PUNCHING THAT FUCKING PAINTING.
I think the biggest fault lies with the mods. Any thread that deviates from the normal dick suckery is immediately deleted. The fault lies within Sup Forums's mods and janitors for the most part, as other boards seem to understand what not to touch and deem "garbage outside of Sup Forums"
I am also rambling.
Man implications were the simpler better times, back when people would rather say NTR than cuck.
It better have a Misha-like character that the MC gets with.
Also finish it user.
>Tfw a 4AM thread gets moved to /trash/
The jannies and mods really are newfags huh?
I should've put in a app when I had the chance. But I don't know how much time out of the week it would take.
Not like I don't spend all day here anyways.
I've always thought Kenji was a joke character, but he shined through that game.
they've kept it quiet enough to go by unnoticed.
Kenji best grill
Can you reach my level of faggotry?
Rin was indeed the hard route and at the same time the most interesting.
That's it, it's time to actually finish all routes of this game. God it's been so long.
Where'd you get that from user?
>A joke character.
Maybe it's because I've read some really well-written fanfic with him but he's always been one of my favorite characters.
Shinji was right and best girl
Don't be so hard on yourself, user. I think it's cute and really cool.
>International Wrestling Festival 2016 doesn't get a sticky, gets deleted instead
>Cripple girls thread basically empty
Sup Forums culture is dead and we killed it by letting Sup Forums turn us into a reddit meme
>tfw want to write
>too fucking lazy to do anything other than play video games
At least you have the drive, user.
Thats pretty fucking sweet
>doesn't have a good end route
>That painting.
Anyone else just seeing it outta the corner of their eyes?
And a feeling like you've fallen down some stairs before?
That's really cool user, I hope I can reach your level of faggotry some day
Playing this game gave me the courage to start a real honest conversation with a woman I was interested in five years ago. I have since married that woman and become a normie enjoying a healthy relationship.
Also jelly of these.
I mean, even in the final product there is implied to be more to him than is explicitly shown, since they hint repeatedly that he's Yuuko's ex-boyfriend. I wonder what would have happened if he actually did get that full route he was supposed to, how it would have expanded upon his character rather than have him mostly just be there for comedy.
>January 4th, 2012
>stay up all night playing Rin's route
>finish it
>emotionally drained
>credits roll
>end up back on main menu
>feel empty inside
What would this game be like if nu4chan made it?
You're a good man.
>It's another "Get reminded about how much Sup Forums has impacted my life and get emotional" episode
>/evn/ died long ago
>still struggling to write my own VN
I just want to have an effect on people like KS had, even if it's just a little
It wasn't made by Sup Forums. It would stay the same.
Cripple girls (male)
Kenji would be a full Sup Forumsack rather than just a paranoid anti-feminist.
Lots of wife's son references, mild political adherence getting pushed, something ending up like Vivian.
I've gotta hide this deep within the folders.
>come back on Sup Forums after a long while, the place i spent my entire adolescence on
>read this thread
>remember that i drew some random KS memes on release night in the back of a journal
>tfw looking at it
>tfw looking at this picture i requested from a drawfag years and years ago
Fuck this shit is lame but it's in my memories forever
Isn't Yuuko much older than him? She's probably at least 20 and kenji is what, 16?
Work with a team, or switch to writing a book/webcomic instead.
I agree with this sentiment I blame the mods and the fact that it has turned into schilling. Mods can do a better job of trying to get rid of the same threads that appear everyday and get it back to being about the games again.
But one thing I will admit it is a shit ton better than what has happened to Sup Forums that triples down on sucking their own dicks and they do their autistic screeching when original threads are created. That place has lost its soul and needs to have new mods.
Hey man, if something causes you to better yourself it doesn't matter what it was. All that matters was that it changed you.
Do I feel weird saying that a visual novel about crippled anime girls was the catalyst that finally caused me to realize that my life was a mess and that I needed to start getting my shit together? Sure, but at the end of the day the important thing is that I got my shit together.
The hhhnngggggg is always great.
he has more game than he thinks.
I wanna see an /h/ scene of them. Yuuko is best side girl.
probably alot of cuck and stale memes.
So do it user, nothing matters but the finished product. Nobody will care if you take a long time, or don't know what you're doing, or restarted ten times, or anything.
Just make something good and release it, if it's good it will have an impact.
Kenji is 18, like all the main characters from the game. He's in the same class as Lilly.
I still remember her.
>That piano intro.
Holy shit, I wasn't expecting it to hit me that hard.
Sup Forums's other problem is its own traffic, and sometimes that coincides with the decisions to delete similar threads where one of those similar threads might not be as bad as the others, but is deleted nonetheless.
It's his final year of hs then right?
>/ksg/ is still going
ahh eternal Yahoo Answers subtlety
That's right. Means that the age gap between him and Yuuko isn't that big.
10 years.
There was never anywhere better.
I was putting this song off because it really hits like a wave.
>KS birthed 'that feel'.
>A fucking free english porno-game made the internet hate machine feel katawadick.
>Tfw met a girl shortly after playing this at release and forgetting about it all.
>Two years later.
>Broken up and dropped out of college.
>NEETing it up and feeling sorry for myself.
>Find a KS thread and all those feels come rushing back like a fucking tsunami.
>Reinstall and immediately go through Hanako's route again plus all the others.
>Get off my ass, get a job, and get back on my feet.
Katawa convinced me to change my lifestyle and it did. Now I exercise daily (but no gains sadly due to lack of protein in my bod), stretching and drawing altogether.
It would be much more politically/satirically charged.
Alot like Untalterbach more than likely. With more references to real life people/events probably.
Trump-character as the School Principal.
What are the creators doing now anyways?
/r/ing that screencap of all those anons who tried to unJUST their shit.
Holy shit I had that for like a week. I just couldn't jerk it, I was so emotionally drained from playing through the routes, spaced them out so I could think on them some.
When I finally did jerk it I came so hard it felt like my balls were going to burst.
If I remember correctly, they all hate KS and each other now.
>Tfw Wee drew me a Happy Birthday Hanako.
My birthday is around Halloween so the ghost Hanako is perfect.
Honestly probably one of the best presents I've ever gotten.
>played through it a few times
>want to do it again
>never get around to it
>be 20
>just broke up from a 3 years relationship
>play through lily route
>"We're just a bunch of kids pretending to be adults."
>heart sank
>lie down
>try not to cry
>cry alot
>spent the next few months reflecting on myself
>took ASL the following semester
>completed with an A
>started to running consistently
>started drinking more tea over soda and coffee
>all around more confident
I'm one of a faggot, but KS literally made me a better person.
Lily is best girl.
One hit wonders, they went on to lead normal lives.
But a couple of them occasionally frequent the KS forum to bask in their one accomplishment in this world.