How do we solve the problem of gays in vidya?

How do we solve the problem of gays in vidya?

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More electric weapons.

There is nothing wrong with pure love

Let Trump handle it. He'll make video games great again.

We get rid of people like you

More gas weapons

Have it not made by western people.

I honestly don't give a shit. Why should anyone else?

When did Sup Forums start pretending to hate /u/?

When the west made a political statement about it.

How is tracer not gone? Doesnt she need her Chronoaccelerator to not fade out of time or something?

what problem?

And what is the political statement?

Gay characters are fine as long as they're both written well and not shoved into your face, so presented like every other character but they just happen to be gay. Like Arcade from NV or Jin from MKX.

its not a problem because it has zero effect on gameplay

it's not really a problem, it's more like media writers and character designers are trying ever so hard to make their creations unique and interesting and often arrive at homosexuality. it's not always an agenda, sometimes it's just a lack of creativity or a way for designers to inject their own interests into their creations.

>Has straight relationships and characters for years.

> get pissy now that some games are getting some gay characters.

Next you are gonna say "How do we solve the problem of niggers in vidya"


less lesbians more men

It's in the room with her. She only needs to be near it.

She also doesn't fade out, she flickers. Otherwise how would Winston have ever rescued her to begin with?


How do we solve the problem of extremist right wing white males?

>tfw trump will put massive import tarrifs on weeb games

Stop caring.

calm down there racist


Who is Tracer's girlfriend and when will she be added in as a playable Hero?

more girl (male) characters

Reporting Sup Forums threads is a good start. They fag the place up with with their twitter drama and tranny attention whoring.

I want a Mikleo bf!

No really, what will it take to get you Sup Forumsfags to stop being such edgelords who hate everyone, a white wife?

The pro-faggot agenda is spreading across all boards. Faggots are even trying to latch onto Sup Forums of all boards. I don't know if it's a raid or just a mass faggot migration but they need to fuck off.

Who is that red head?

some dumb bitch

Give gay game developers a free ride on the Pence Fence.

Now this is an acceptable, pure love. Not like those filthy degenerate lesbian dykes.

Except it's a sin, a mental disorder and against natural human order.

mexican guy here, remember well that because faggs like you Trump won.

you twisted corrupted queers have to keep spamming your gay norm on normal media, its disgusting. Why? because Earth biology its male female, not
>muh gender bullshit

I got nothing against gays but keep that shit to yourselves or at least be fucking discreet or subtle about it. Otherwise its annoying and makes people hate you. kindley, the mexibro.

>its okay when japan does it

Its only a matter of time before they get to you too user. You should probably blow your brains out before it happens

>something something animals can be gay

>Pure Love

Ignore the gays.

Make them both hot or so stupid it's funny

Learn proper English first, Pancho. Then learn to shut the fuck up, stupid wetback.

Fuck off faggot. Go get poz'd by a nigger.

>A perfect culture
>Someone fucks someone of their same gender
>Alright fine you fuck whatever I don't give a fuck

>Our culture
>You don't have enough gays/women/fat ugly women in your video games! Put more in even though it's entirely irrelevant to the game!
>Developer makes canon that appeases this even though it's entirely irrelevant to the game

How do we solve this?

>I got nothing against gays
>you twisted corrupted queers have to keep spamming your gay norm on normal media, its disgusting. Why? because Earth biology its male female, not >muh gender bullshit

>I got nothing against gays but keep that shit to yourselves

So, straight peeps can just make out in public and hold hands and all that jazz, but if a gay couple even get close to each other its "OH LORDY LORD, THATS SATAN'S WORK RIGHT THERE"


If it's irrelevant, what's wrong with it?

It's perverted

As far as I know, animals don't give a shit. They see a hole, they fuck it.

lesbians are a cancerous fetish. there is nothing pure about them.

Everyone needs to stand at least 5 feet apart and no touching unless the lights are off and they are alone in a sound proof basement.

How is two dudes or chicks kissing or just holding hands perverted when straight peeps do this all the time man.

You eliminate the Gays from feeling special.

The whole motif of being gay in this day and age is "LOOK. I'M SPECIAL. LOOK AT ME. " as they shove it down our kids throats.

Next time you see some Homosexual spouting how much of a special snowflake they are, just remind them they are Natures option to curving natural selection.

That yes, they have no choice in the matter. They didn't choose to be gay. Nature chose for them. They are the minority and the cancer our Genes chose to stop over-population.

There you go faggots. Go adopt some kids for us. Thanks.


>We're putting this in the game so you can either have warm fuzzy feelings or so you can masturbate to it

>We've got to put this in the game to break the oppressive western culture of rejecting homosexuality. This will definitely stick it to those drumpfkins!

The former is doing it because they find it hot, but the Japanese don't take lesbians serious hence why yuri characters all become straight eventually.

The later is doing it because they want to have a culture war.

Same reason we don't ask straight or gay people to walk around in public wearing your BSDM attire.

Guys just shitposting
I'm a seasoned shitposter, and when I shitpost against a group like that, I too backpedal a bit at the end, same way
Done right and subtly it can get a bunch of outraged replies, done wrong others either call you out on shitposting or they ignore your shitpost
This guy has fell for it bad

I can be your bf (male)

>I got nothing against gays
>but I want you to hide it and never let it be part of your identity
>unlike me, the MexiBro, who states this twice in a shitpost

Kill yourself tbhfam

wrong, trump has no problem with gay people

we accept gay people in this country

>literally one of the most common and accepted fetishes in the world
Whatever you say fagboy.

Straight people don't have parades where they fuck each other on the street.

Make them cuter.

Everyone will like them if they are attractive.

I honestly can't argue against that. I think those gay pride parades are pretty stupid in all honesty

uh. Have you been to carnivale? Or shit, mardi gras in new orleans. So much fucking. So many ugly people fucking. Ugh.

>literally pretending to be retarded
>thinks this strat is some kind of master troll technique
you are like a baby

Aint Satans work.

You faggots are just the curve to overpopulation. You're not supposed to Breed. You're not supposed to live a happy life.

Say thanks to your Gene pool. Keep religion out of it and go stretch your rectum some more Faggot.

>neo-Sup Forums shamelessly supporting homosexuality.
See, this wouldn't be happening a few years ago. It's really telling what kind of posters dwell here now.

We kill Trump so that we get:
Mike "Shock a Dyke" Pence
Mike "One Watt for Every Impure Thought" Pence
Mike "Bringing My AR to the Gay Bar" Pence
Mike "Christ's Path or Tesla's Wrath" Pence
Mike "Dick Chaser Gets the Straight Tazer" Pence
Mike "If You Don't Like Twat, You Get a Gigawatt" Pence
Mike "Suck a Cock, Eat a Glock" Pence
Mike "Threeway Switch For a Sissy Bitch" Pence
Mike "No Offense, Zapping Gays Makes Sense" Pence
Mike "If He's Your Wife, From 25 to Life" Pence
Mike "Gay Ass Gets the Gas" Pence
Mike "Save the Flag, Taze a Fag" Pence
Mike "No Faggots At Any Expense" Pence
Mike "Bag a Fag" Pence
Mike "Its Heinous To Pleasure Your Anus" Pence
Mike "Suck a Dick, Take a Kick" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "If You're Gay, You Will Pay" Pence
Mike "Taze the Rainbow" Pence
Mike "The Sodomite Slayer" Pence
Mike "No Scraps in My Scrapbook" Pence
Mike "Day 1, Gay 0" Pence
Mike "Soap Dropper Meets Live Copper" Pence
Mike "Dudes in Skirts Gets 60 Hertz" Pence
Mike "Pull a Strap on the Trap" Pence
Mike "Lick a Rod You Get the Prod" Pence
Mike "Smear the Queer" Pence
Mike "Bad Desire, Get the Wire" Pence
Mike "Zapping Gays, A Okay" Pence
Mike "See a Fag, Unload a Mag" Pence
Mike "Frightening With a Bolt of Lightning" Pence
Mike "Volts Inside Where Gays Reside" Pence
Mike "Fags Beware the Electric Chair" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
Mike "Homoshima and Fagasaki" Pence
Mike "Discharge Capacitors on Homo Fornicators" Pence
Mike "Bicurious Bifurious" Pence
Mike "Amperes for the Queers" Pence
Mike "Target Priority: Minority" Pence
Mike "Zero Point for Fag Joint" Pence
Mike "High Resistance to Homo Persistence" Pence
Mike "Dykes and Queers, Your End is Near" Pence
Mike "Lobotomy for Sodomy" Pence
Mike "Electricity for Gay Perversity" Pence
Mike "Gay Pride Lightning Ride" Pence
Mike "Feel the Itch, Flip the Switch" Pence
Mike "Gay Daughter to the Slaughter" Pence
Mike "Plenty of Amps for Clam Diving Tramps" Pence
Mike "Zyklon LGBT" Pence

true, music festivals tend not to move around much

Straight people also aren't publicly reviled for their sexuality.

Sup Forums was left wing under Bush.


Sup Forums has always been filled with faggots

any sensible person would agree that "pride" parades are totally fucking degenerate and ruin the public image of gays.

>must be neo Sup Forums!
Get over yourself.

Is like people dont respect freedom

>trying to shill Sup Forumsshit mentality about homosexuals on a board that's filled to the brim with literal faggots

I hope no one is taking OP seriously, it's obviously just a way to get people to posts lesbians.

>Fuck in front of people
>This will surely get people to respect us.

Do they think they could win a sexuality war?

None of these are actual arguments. Is this bait?

>forgetting Mike "Homo medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

I like how Sup Forums pretends to hate gays while having a boipucci wank off in the next thread over.

The handful of gay people I know in real life feel that way about it.

Some of them still go to it because ultimately it's something in favor of gays and not against it, but they still think it's weird.

>mfw some flamboyant ladyboy walked past us in the mall and my gay friend snickered and called him a faggot

Literally doesn't happen anymore in the west. In fact you are CELEBRATED for being gay nowadays.

appeal to nature fallacy

Fix the problem of the whole industry working like a massive cluster of defective xerox machines that copy everything about the games that sell well by accident except the very thing that made it sell well, and this problem is solved along with it.

You can't cure a flu by applying make up to not look like a flu.

For years fags on Sup Forums have never acknowledged themselves as the same kind of fags that Sup Forums complains about.

I don't think they're capable of rationalizing that they're gay, they just sit there and pray for a trap or pray to be one.

What a shitty generalization. People still give gay people looks.

I fail to see what's Sup Forums's endgame here. All they've done is kick the hornets nest for the past 2 years which basically amounts to complaining really loudly about things they don't like while everyone retaliates by doing things they would normally not do just to spite them.

Like all the people pretending to be SJWs on Sup Forums.

This. People nowadays scream at the Sup Forums boogeyman, but it's just a natural swing of political ideology. We were young during the Bush years. If you're young and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you're an adult and not conservative, you have no brain.

Sup Forums just got older and more jaded. Obama fucked us, the dream is dead. Build the wall.

Sup Forums crossposters are not Sup Forums and never will be no matter how much they try.

Sup Forums is degenerate and always has been. Sup Forums is degenerate and always has been. redditfaggots from Sup Forums are newfag cancer.

>holding hands
>walking around in BDSM attire
grow the fuck up bud

The fact that it is irrelevant is what's wrong with it. It's 100% agenda, and I don't mean "queers are taking over" agenda, but rather a marketing one meant to appeal to people who demanding it even when it is entirely irrelevant.

The facts that no sexualities had been made relevant to Overwatch prior to this, and that it was a long-awaited reveal that someone would be gay in the game, strongly imply that this was entirely a marketing stunt. This is shit because A) it empowers a group of people who wear their demand for change the same way a celebrity totes around a $1.5k chihuaha and B) it bastardizes the thing for which they protest into a marketing opportunity, further distancing it from "regular".

I know this is bait, but I'm going to reply to this post anyway for our less knowledgeable posters.

Before Reddit was a big thing, Sup Forums was a liberal wonderland. Sure, Sup Forums in it's first state was a stormfront haven, but the rest of the website and community was resoundingly left-leaning. Then Reddit came around, memes became chic, and Sup Forums, ever the contrarian, starting to (on a surface level, mind you) become the opposite of everything Reddit was. With the reemergence of Sup Forums, and the SJW boogeyman, it was a perfect storm bringing Sup Forums into this weird mix of moderate and the very loud and vocal alt-right faggots.

Posts like these try to instill a sense of tradition in the "Sup Forums identity" but the ONLY thing that is essential to Sup Forums's personality is contrarianism. Very soon, as we progress through Trump's presidency, the pendulum will swing back and Sup Forums will move to the slight left.

Tell that to tumblr

You're a degenerate if you think it's a good idea to show your sexual preference in public.

true, but then you leave your hugbox and get treated as a second class citizen by the rest of the country.