What do you want, both optimistic and realistically?

>A job system
>In depth addictions to the AP skill tree for new party members
>DLC Chapter with Cor
>Nyx as a special party member because why the fuck not
>More outfits
>10 hour character DLC

>Iris and Ara-sama as party members
>A few new weapons and music
>Short character DLC
>Hopefully Ifrit and bahamut as summons
>A huge patch to make Chapter 13 fun

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh, and Triple Triad.

It doesn't matter what I want.

There will be one DLC where you play as each of noctis' friends.

One for Gladio for when he goes his own way.
One for Iggy for when he get's blinded.
One for Prompto for when he falls off the train.

Then the final DLC will be a multiplayer option where you can play with 3 friends, one as each character.

The end.

Just remove the invisible walls covering the open world.

I'm not even talking about the out-of-bounds areas, I mean all those significant chunks of land or forest right in the MIDDLE of the fucking map.

Is hoping for daddy Noct as an equippable outfit realistic or optimistic?

>>A huge patch to make Chapter 13 fun

>Chapter 13 literally titled "A king's struggle"

Why can't I fucking swim?

>One for Iggy for when he get's blinded.
So it's a black screen? Wow, Square, way to cop-out.

>Noct's dad is white
>Noct is a Jap child/teen
>When Noct grows up he becomes white
What did they mean by this?

I actually want a good arena mode.

It's the battle in the city before that leading up to and showing how he got blinded you silly.

Fuck if I know but I just want older Noct.

>Noct is having a bad time, so the player should be having a bad time
By that logic, the first 5 chapters should suck.

I don't think young Noctis necessarily looked Japanese - definitely anime-ish and pretty though.

I agree with that user. All the kids look Japanese. Like they based the other character of Western models and have a random male and female Japanese kid for all the children's models.

People walked in while I was playing this game and asked if Noct was a girl or not.

He looked like an japanese emo punk girl from a baby metal film clip. Then he grew up and looked like a scrawny fisherman with blue hair, not ideal but better than the former.

>DLC to show what the party members were up to 2hile they were seperated from the party (already confirmed)
>Open up the rest of Altissias map for exploration (Somewhat optimistic but not entirely unlikely, videos of people getting out of bounds have shown that a lot of it is already in the game)
>Open up Tenebrae for exploration (rather unlikely)
>Either add some variety to chapter 13 or make it shorter (Already confirmed that they're gonna do something with it at least)
>Expand on the world of ruin (Seems like an obvious ides for eventual DLC but probably not part of the initial season pass)

It's rarely ever a good idea to make part of a game not fun just to make a point

There is the big updaye then there is the dlc. The dlc is the character driven story segments that fill in plot holes, like where gladio went or how ignis lost his eye sight. The update is an algamamation of tweaks, fixes and brand new mechanics (update is free). The update may have Aranea added permanently to the party and playable if you so choose. Maybe iris gets the same treatment. Chapter 13 overhaul. Custom character system dubbed "Avatar system" by Tabata. I feel it may be similar to the pawn system of Dragons Dogma.

Found the normie piece of shit who thinks his garbage opinion carries any worth here.

There was more to it I'm sure. Just go look up FFXV update.

>A job system

Just wait until XV-2.

Which is probably coming because SE spent way too much money on this game to not make at least one direct sequel out of its assets.

The resemblance is uncanny though.

A chapter where Noctis and Luna are fighting together alone on the way to an astral (hell just make it carbuncle or some shit) and they have some nice link strikes etc. Also some nice dialogue between the two as they reconnect

Unlikely, but definitely needed

Ahh, uh...hmm. Can't say I agree. Other than both getups having black as their central theme.

Too bad she got stabbed like a bitch.

>A job system
This is very, very optimistic, almost delusional but it would certainly be nice if it coincided with the avatar system they mentioned was in the works. Make a custom character, choose a job which means you can only use certain weapons fit for that job just like Gladio/Ignis/Prompto, level up and receive new abilities, etc.

As far as my hopes go, I can understand the base game lacking in this regard because Witcher 3 was only released in 2015 and they probably had all the writing/quests finished by then, but I sincerely hope they take a cue from it and add a bunch of side quests to the overworld that actually have meaning and depth instead of lame MMO fetch quests. Oh, and give the supporting cast more dialogue/screen time.

I doubt this game's DLC will be as good as either of the W3 expacs but similar content is all I'm hoping for, really. A solid addition to the story with a bunch of excellent side quests and maybe some new weapons/enemies/locations.

before that tho

there was already an interview about custom characters for the mp

Iris, Aranea and Cor were already confirmed to get DLCs and be playable, don't need anything else.

>the skirts
>the hair
>the face
>the gloves

I mean, sure, but they would have to rework the plot to an already established game continuity. Or just make a neat what-if scenario thing.

Custom character?

I want FF to die, and Square to go bankrupt.

>The skirts
In relation to who? If you're talking about Iris than yes, she is babymetal.
>the gloves
>The hair
Not really. They are both ridiculous yes but don't remotely look similar, at least IMO.
>The face
With iris yeah.

Better way to do summons.
I've summoned ramuh twice and no one else.
Gimme an item that I can use set amount of time or some shit or let me spend my armiger Guage on a summon

I see, so the multiplayer will allow you to make a custom character and play on the game board with up to 3 other players with all story elements removed.

sorry, was a roadmap

I want Iris. More Iris.

Yeah. And it wasn't just MP, solo too. Don't know how they will implement it though.

No not, Iris. Noctis.
He looks exactly like them.

Eeh, I don't really see it. They are both weeby carcitures to be sure tho.

Maybe playing as a random hunter?

Kind of like with GTA V.

Allow, the player to make a custom character, then play on a diluted version of the game which has all the story cut from it.

You're a weeby carciture to be honest. Even though you are a slanty eye yourself.

The summons are too OP to be used at will. The system bothered me at first, but the more I think about it, the more okay I'm with the way it works.



>By providing a major power up for the Ring Magic

Why? The main problem with the chapter was that it tried to be survival horror, but was too damn easy to be even remotely thrilling.
>let's make it even easier!
That sure won't be boring at all. The level design would then have to be altered to match the changed gameplay.

Those hunter HQ machines you can look at will probably be related to online.
>MP DLC set during ten years skip
>Make a custom hunter
>Use the Hunter broadcast machines to call in other hunters / Access online
Think like the riftstones in dragons dogma.

Gladio DLC is "souls" inspired and takes place when he leaves. He fights Gilgamesh.

Ignis dlc set during leviathan.

Prompto when he falls off train. Snowmobile is used as he travels to Imperial city and probably ends with boss fight against his dad, who tells him everything

That's why a limiter should be placed on it.
The way it's handle right now is dull, I unlocked titan and leviathan and tried to meet the requirements and have yet to summon them once.
Even in situations where I could desperately use a summon.

>Manual control scheme for attacks as detailed in the patent from 2014
>Duscae style stun system and specials.
>Job system that has you taking on jobs to learn their skills for use in the main moveset that eill eventually have all the moves.
>More strategic rpg elements like terrain relevance, water freezing, burning shit.
>Longer lingering summon aftermath on the landscape.
>Fully unlocked moveset outside of combat
>Multiplayer co-op
>8 weapon slots
>no distance based attacks being triggered without my permission
>character creation

You should be the ideas guy on the dev team. I want this.

>no distance based attacks being triggered without my permission
fuck this video game

uncontrollable warping to close the distance and stuff like the second strike of the trident being mandatory is hell

gladio sex scene

every weapon could air dance

aerial parry

School girl costume for prompto
More talcott
More cor

Redo the entire game from the ground up

more aerial sex scenes besides the ones with aranea and ardyn

using warp-strike with the trident on a sufficiently high enemy shouldn't launch you into the sky hard enough to break the encounter and cause enemy health refill when you drop back in

tattoo system for more than just gladio, i want iris on my bicep

decal system for the regalia expanded to forza level bullshit

let me jack cars in the environment

if you can buy groceries over the regalia's built-in wifi, you should also be able to remotely accept quests without going to a restaurant

magic needs some reworking, more different types of magic

I want coop....most people will think it's stupid, and it probably is, but if you give me coop, I'd buy this game out right, all qualms aside.

lunafreya dlc where you could see what your player's noctis wrote in the diaries

pop up the system keyboard and let me write custom entries when responding to luna

option to workout so your character gets more muscular and if you eat more healthy food you get more buffed

return of fat prompto

>keep eating junk food like cup noodles and greasey shit and your stats will get nerfed

All of this sounds neat, but kinda relies on the game getting enough sales to justify DLC

Any word on how the sales are going, at this point?

>never played any final fantasy game
>decide to pick this up
>you're just killing like innocent animals and shit

pretty weird

>he doesn't want to nuke lv1 monsters at will for giggles

Remove hp drain on royal arms, that's literally it. Maybe as a reward for NG+.

I'd actually like to see an Ardyn DLC mostly because of how he fights in his boss battle, he's basically curahyzee-tier
If one were to get rid of auto attacking and evading for him and instead give him actual combos it could be pretty damn interesting

>innocent animals
Their beasts/monsters I mean look at them. Also they immediately attack you in packs. Animals don't do that.

Also it's a fantasy game come on.

Then they are just obscenely OP weapons making ordinary arms ineffectual immediately.

Didn't mean to tag the post.

make them drain your curative items instead

a way to get AP without warp striking doggos for 10 hours

NG+ it's just that, being OP and carefree, and even then, I have lv14 monsters surviving my lv70 attacks, it's bullshit. Plus, the moveset aren't very good anyhow, it's be up.to the player to make them work.

Not all of them, but some animals look completely harmless and it feels weird attacking them ESPECIALLY since noctis likes animals
At least make them look more demonic or something

Have you never played a fantasy game?
Specifically one of the japanese verity?

it's weir they actually make it a point that theire are just normal fauna and the demons are people/faua infected by some parasyte that only the oracle/ardy can heal

unless the normal aimals are actually causing a nuisance (which is rare in the quest) you really are just killing them for sport

Nobody's forcing you to go hug the wild beasts and then mow them down when they defend their territory. You could just go around.

And they can't do link strikes.

Which is weird as hell. Because Armgier Chain finish you can combo with all your team. Link Strike is the easiest way to break the 9999 cap too.

everyone gets to play with royal arms in an armiger chain which makes me wonder why you can't just equip them to your guys

It sold 5 million copies day one so I think it'll do fine.

They have already been selling the DLC since before release though.

Ignis's DLC episode confirmed to take place in Altissia ruins.

Gladio DLC episode takes place in the war zone that the Old war of the gods took place.


Prompto DLC episode takes place in Niflheim.

Those are just menu backgrounds, the DLC isn't out yet.


I don't know, I've only seen this guy do it. twitter.com/usami_usano/status/816291456662913024

>hunter multiplayer during the ten years noctis-Sama is in prison
Wouldn't this suck because it would all be at night in the dark?

- more Aranea. Preferably as a party member or playable character. Make her more important to the story
- more outfits. I would prefer armor with more metal and less fabric

- future VR DLC where we control Noctis instead of Prompto
- customizable character

>Any word on how the sales are going, at this point?
Sales seem to be doing good. Best selling PS4 game in Japan ever.

But are the overall sales good enough to reach the 10 million sales goal? That's what we don't know.

>Best selling PS4 game in Japan ever.

That can't possibly be true, considering the poor start it got. Or are PS4 games just doing that bad?

It became the highest selling PS4 game in Japan in the first two days of its Japan sales. According to reports its at over 1 million in Japan right now. twitter.com/ZhugeEX/status/813766388074549249