2D Metroid in Development

So Sup Forums, they right?

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if the next metroid is 3D i will be very disappointed


It'll be 2.5D
and ugly
and slow

Does it say anything about 2D?

>mfw it turns out to be beautiful and zero mission levels of fast

They just say Metroid but, seeing as how Retro isn't working on Metroid Prime and Tanabe doesn't have any other team experienced with making a HD Prime game, along with the fact that a 2D/2.5D (wish I said this in OP) game was already hinted at in 2014 by EPD head Shinya Takahashi, chances are the Metroid game would be coming from Sakamoto's side. Plus a 2D/2.5D game is easier to develop compared to a HD Prime game.

MoM 2


>MoM 2
How can that happen when MOM was an experiment game that failed and Nintendo doesn't want to collaborate with Team Ninja on Metroid again?

>wanting flat 2d
I bet you want it in pixel art too

The problems with Other M weren't Team Ninja's.

At this point I really consider their claims to have less credibility than the educated guesses of anons of Sup Forums.
>B-but they w-were right once!
And so have we been. Doesn't mean we have legitimate insider sources or that we are clairvoyant prophets or whatever.

We will still never get another project like that, you should be glad, I rather the series save itself with a safe game over going ambitiously retarded again.

>How can that happen when MOM was an experiment game that failed
1. Nintendo doesn't learn from their failures.
2. They blamed Other M and Fed Force's bad sales on "evil entitled fans"
3. You can bet Sakamoto is heading the project, and he was the primary problem, not Team Ninja.

>zero mission levels of fast

>They blamed Other M and Fed Force's bad sales on "evil entitled fans"
That's not precisely wrong. Fusion and Hunters also weren't received kindly, but try and find somebody who hates them now.

Who are you quoting? I personally want a 3D non-FPS game that isn't bad. Also I prefer hand drawn 2D to 2.5D but why would you assume pixel art? Did you forget every other 2D Metroid is pixel art? I could just replay those. I want something like Skullgirls or the upcoming Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap.

never again

What other reason could they have for throwing a massive fit over AM2R?
I still haven't forgiven them for that.

>Fusion and Hunters also weren't received kindly, but try and find somebody who hates them now.
Fusion was the starting point of everything wrong with Other M, and hunters was handheld Call of Duty multiplayer trash. So yes, I think they both deserved to fail.

>1. Nintendo doesn't learn from their failures.
Mario Sunshine to Galaxy
Zelda SS to BOTW

>2. They blamed Other M and Fed Force's bad sales on "evil entitled fans"

>3. You can bet Sakamoto is heading the project, and he was the primary problem, not Team Ninja.
Sakamoto is not Tanabe, why do you think he will make an Other M 2 when he himself said Other M was an experiment game stating that if it failed and it did, they would rethink the direction of the main series since Other M wasn't the direction the fans wanted.

You have to admit metroid fans are entitled.

>Fusion was the starting point of everything wrong with Other M
Because Other M goes full retard on its tiny scrap of backstory? I can't stand people who hate Fusion retroactively because of Other M.

Man, I am an OG Fusion hater. I will hate on it until the day I die.

Of course, now that MOM put things in perspective, I can't bring myself to hate it quite as vehemently as I used to, but the hate is definitely still there.

>Mario Sunshine to Galaxy
Sunshine wasn't a bad game.

>Zelda SS to BOTW
That's just them repeating gimmicks. I can already tell that the game will be trash because of it being open world. The original Zelda has aged like milk because of it, so why would BOTW be any different?

Interviews with Reggie and Tanabe, respectively.

>Sakamoto is not Tanabe, why do you think he will make an Other M 2 when he himself said
Stopped reading there. I refuse to listen to anything he "says" since he's a psychopath who has no idea what makes a good Metroid game.

>Because Other M goes full retard on its tiny scrap of backstory?
How about forcing linearity, refusing to allow any sequence breaking, pushing way too much mandatory cutscenes and story in our face, among the other problems?

why wouldnt you want a 3d pixel art metroid game? that sounds great.

That's fine, but then why bring up Other M at all? At least Fusion has a good plot for those who are okay with it, unlike MOM.

shit not 3d. 2d.

>who has no idea what makes a good Metroid game.
He made Metroid 1, SM, Fusion, and Zero Mission. I think he has a decent idea of what makes a good Metroid title.

>Fusion has a good plot
Again I'm gonna have to stop you right there. The only plot a Metroid game needs is a 1 paragraph intro monologue found out of the way, in an instruction manual. it doesn't need to be constantly shoved in our face like we're playing Uncharted or The Order 1886 or Heavy Rain. Metroid is a video game, remember? That means we should be spending all of our time PLAYING the game, not watching cutscenes. This is basic video game design 101.

Correction; he worked on them. He did not directly contribute, otherwise he would've known what the gravity suit was instead of being absolutely clueless about it.

>Sunshine wasn't a bad game.
It was a bad Mario game

>That's just them repeating gimmicks. I can already tell that the game will be trash because of it being open world. The original Zelda has aged like milk because of it, so why would BOTW be any different?
Go back to your Sony board, Sony faggot

>Interviews with Reggie and Tanabe, respectively.
Reggie was surprised it did poorly because the game had a lot of hype before its release.

Stop reading there, he's a fucking idiot

>Stopped reading there. I refuse to listen to anything he "says" since he's a psychopath who has no idea what makes a good Metroid game.
I think you're the psychopath that needs a mental check up.

Whether you think Fusion should have had a plot at all has no bearing on the quality of the story it does have.

How many games have you designed with that extensive knowledge?

>He did not directly contribute
Not him but he co-directed and made the map for Metroid (NES), he directed and wrote the story for Super Metroid, he directed and wrote the story for Fusion, and he directed Zero Mission, you're full of shit.

>Go back to your Sony board, Sony faggot




Isn't Sakamoto listed as the director of both Super and Zero Mission? Or am I thinking of a different Sakamoto?

You mean Super Metroid right? I want that fucking momentum conservation when I jump again.

Yes the same Sakamoto.

>The only plot a Metroid game needs is a 1 paragraph intro monologue found out of the way, in an instruction manual
You sound one Miyamoto who wants to remove every trace of plot from everything.

A metroid game with a good plot could be great. They could even make it even more like Dark Souls and have the plot be something you have to find out for yourself or skip completely if you aren't interested.

Fusion's plot only works because it's not delivered in 5 minute long unskippable cutscenes and features Samus not being completely braindead the entire time.

Lack of voice acting also helps.

9 times out of 10, something comes off way less retarded read than spoken.

DOOM style plot where Samus just plain refuses to interact with the plot at every instance yes or no?

>Go back to your Sony board, Sony faggot

You're saying this to the guy who dislikes sony games for having too much story. Hah, okay.

The cutscenes being massive and unskippable makes it an objectively bad story.

Also Fusion could have been more open-ended and still followed the same narrative it does. It would just mean more work on the developers' parts to do all the lines for Adam reacting to you doing things in certain orders.

Literally Fusion.

The fact that you called BOTW the same as SS makes me question that.

get it back to its scifi horror roots

>the story is bad because I can't skip it

Sorry, that was a lie fed to you by Nintendo. Sakamoto did NOT co-direct.

Source: nintendo.co.uk/Iwata-Asks/Iwata-Asks-Metroid-Other-M/Vol-2-Development-Staff/5-Second-by-second-Adjustment/5-Second-by-second-Adjustment-207482.html

>They could even make it even more like Dark Souls and have the plot be something you have to find out for yourself or skip completely if you aren't interested.

This is already Metroid lol

I would love to see Metroid 5 combine Fusion and Zero Mission in to one. Metroid would have it's classic Metroid gameplay that's fast mixed in with Fusion's plot.

Um, yes? The hell is wrong with that assertion? Shouldn't the plot be optional in a video game?

>They could even make it even more like Dark Souls and have the plot be something you have to find out for yourself or skip completely if you aren't interested.
So Metroid Prime?

Well, federation force's ending was pretty Alien-like. so who knows, they might.

I mean, that's what fucking Prime does, doesn't it?

Hell, I've seen people argue Souls games have ripped off the Prime formula before.

I thought most of the fanbase collectively decided to ignore Federation Force's existence.

I understand you're not happy with how the story was delivered in Fusion but that says nothing about the story itself.

No matter how it is, people will shit on it regardless. Metroidfags have no idea what they want.

Yeah... I was talking about the original Metroid for the NES not that abomination.

People sure seemed to love AM2R.

That doesn't change the reality. But explains why people believe a 2D pixel art Metroid is happening.

Maybe. Everything about the Switch is speculation and rumors right now until Nintendo tells you otherwise.

What I wanna know is why there are so many 2D indie Metroid clones but not a single Metroid Prime clone or even a significant attempt at one.

Yeah, it's metroid prime with even less cutscenes. Not other m or the other shit he was complaining about.

The story itself should not be mandatory in a video game. No matter what the subject matter is, I'm here to PLAY THE GAME. If you're forcing the plot on me, that's time I'm nnot playing the game, and that is not a pleasant day for me.

Metroid Prime let you skip any cutscenes. Shoot, all of its lore was optional and out of the way, requiring you to actively seek it. That's a good implementation of plot, and surprise surprise it didn't involve turning Samus into a chatterbox who goes on about how much she loves thinking of Adam every 5 seconds. and you can claim Fusion wasn't guilty of this, but they dedicated way too many scenes of her recounting her emotional deep tragic past that ultimately had no impact on the plot whatsoever except for a dumb twist near the end which didn't even need to happen, but Sakamoto decided that they needed a big emotional cliche ending.

You want to ask me which Metroids have good stories? I point you to Super, Prime, and AM2R. Coincidentally, they had the least story among the games save the really early titles, AND they had the most high quality gameplay. Not just a coincidence.

It's easier for indies to do 2D than 3D.

The fanbase does, sure. Nintendo doesn't, and that was clear sequel-bait so they'd probably put it after that.

>play MP3 first
>people say MP3 is a railroad and the worst of the series
>play MP1 recently
>it's just as railroaded and handholdy
I don't get it.

Why? You've got a loads of indie 2d metroid clones to play but not a single proper Metroid Prime clone. I'd rather have a 3d one

A Metroid clone is a pretty massive undertaking in the first place. I'm surprised nobody's even really tried.

Who is Bee-am Robertson and Direct-Feed Games and why are either a credible source?

>The fanbase does
A fanbase that sucks the dick of a below average fangame have no say in anything.

The problem is basically this:

>make original Metroid game like Axiom Verge
>"wow why did you rip off Metroid?! Just make it a fangame you hacks! nobody cares about your original characters!"

>make fangame for free
>"wow why did you guys make a fangame!? Just make your own original characters!"

>A Metroid clone is a pretty massive undertaking in the first place

You'd think that, but it's an oddly popular choice for indies, and they've managed to put out a lot of good ones.

I mean I'm not exactly clamoring for a new Metroid simply because the genre's deprived of content.

What does that have to do with 2D vs. 3D Metroid clones?

>A fanbase that sucks the dick of a below average fangame have no say in anything.
I hope Nintendo pays well to shill for them.

Did anybody actually complain about AM2R having a Metroid name until Nintendo DMCA'd it and people realized that maybe using others' intellectual property without the owners' consent isn't the wisest idea?

The thing that really gets me about the AM2R situation is that if it was Valve or Sega, they'd be patting the guy on the back, and maybe giving him a job offer.

>Did anybody actually complain about AM2R having a Metroid name until Nintendo DMCA'd it and people realized that maybe using others' intellectual property without the owners' consent isn't the wisest idea?
Companies had been allowing it for decades, so it came as a surprise that Nintendo became so anal about it, when they don't even care about Metroid. That's the real issue here.

If they don't want people making fangames, MAKE GOOD METROID GAMES. that's all. But they can't even do that, so I don't care what they have to say about AM2R.

Like how Sega hired the creators of the Streets of Rage remake, or how Gaben didn't try to have the FBI arrest the guy who hacked Hlaf-Life 2, right?

You mean events that happened over 10 years ago, and from which both companies actively regret doing? Shoot, Valve hired those same types of people later as QA testers and VAC optimizers.

Where's Nintendo apologizing for being sticks in the mud?

>they make a 2D Metroid game

>no D-pad support

More like how the entire roots of Sonic Mania started, or how Black Mesa was officially put on Steam, with a couple of the guys worked on it now at Valve.

Also Jesus, you bring up the HL2 hacking situation? That's not exactly a fan game, brother.

They faked a job interview proposal for a guy who did an illegal thing with their game, I'd say it's close enough as far as ethics and idolizing corporations go.

> that spoiler
that's like using the right analog stick for something other than controlling a camera in a 3d game.

>did an illegal thing with their game

The hacker stole and spread content from an unreleased game from Valve.

There are multiple tiers of difference in that compared to creating a fan-game in your spare time.

Why do you care about what companies say about a free use of their IP? You can't control the spread of ideas and concepts.

You legally can, though.

I don't think Nintendo can do a damn thing about AM2R now, having spread to millions of USBs.

You don't see it talked about much anymore, do you?

That's just how trademarks work. That said, they could just as well have just endorsed the game instead of shutting it down, if it only came down to protecting their trademark.

Either they think it will encroach on the sales of a new game or they're just salty about it.

Oh, and inb4 someone brings up the Metroid 2 on Virtual Console thing. Yeah, obviously nobody who knows about AM2R is going to buy Metroid 2. But is anybody going to buy Metroid 2 anyways given emulation? Nintendo hasn't ever really given a shit about emulation so I don't think they'd take down a fan game for that reason specifically.

You sure are talking about it right now, aren't you?

What's there to say though? It's a good game, and probably will go on to recommended playing lists for those wanting to get into Metroid, or Metroidvania style games.

Nintendo shutting it down probably gave it more media exposure than it would otherwise, honestly.

>implying it won't be Paper Metroid

>that's just how trademarks work
Trademarks =/= copyrights. Nintendo didn't have to do a thing about AM2R. Had they looked the other way, or endorsed it, nothing bad would've happened It only became an issue because they got booty blasted that someone made a game better than them.

Shucks, they got pissed at the Axiom Verge devs when they were porting over to the WiiU because someone suggested a Samus reskin for Trace. Apparently "filthy gaijin shouldn't be allowed near Samus" as one of them said.

>Shucks, they got pissed at the Axiom Verge devs when they were porting over to the WiiU because someone suggested a Samus reskin for Trace. Apparently "filthy gaijin shouldn't be allowed near Samus" as one of them said.

Anymore info on this?

You've got things mixed up. You can't lose copyright by someone infringing it without recourse. Trademark can be lost if it's getting spread too thin, among other things.

Endorsing AM2R wouldn't harm their trademark, because it's a high quality project. Ignoring it very well could. I agree though, it's probably salt.

It's why I can't play Yoshi's Story or the new Strider.

Their own fault for not porting to Vita instead.

I'm not sure E3 is happening this year.

They set a date last year, but they've yet to send out invites or set up registration.

Something is going on.

New Metroid is 2D

Revealed in January

Nintendo is also making a new portable and it's not the Switch

Pic related. Dated from 2013.