Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?

Literally no excuse.

>Play a sound file.
>Launch safehax.
>Ctrtransfer to 2.1 and make a NAND backup.
>Install a9lh.
>Restore nand backup

Yes it works with 11.2.0-35.


Other urls found in this thread:


i don't feel like it

whaaaaaaaaat i want crash on my 3ds

lazy fuck



just get a new 3ds and kit-kat 3DS

I'll wait until the console is 100% dead and they stop updating like the PSP and Wii was before I start doing homebrew. I have a lot of vidya to catch up on anyways so I'm in no hurry.

doesnt run at full fps, runs like shit better off getting a psp

because I have far too much respect for Nintendo to do that

every version is hackable. You can update it freely afterwards.

Couldn't be fucked.

Stockholm syndrome, everyone.

Can I hack this FW yet?


How about you get a girlfriend?

I'm retarded how do I do this without breaking my system

follow it like a cake recipe

by following the fucking guide?


Link 2 guide pl0x

OP linked it

>24 minutes long
Jesus fuck.

I know right?

took me 5 minutes top excluding the downgrade wait

Oh is that really a website I thought it was some sort of joke ive never seen a website end with a .guide

>Still banned after playing Sumo online


Why would you do that? They can't tell if your console is hacked or if your games are pirated.

I don't have a cartridge.

Because I want more than 10fps on gba emulators and to play DS/3DS games.

I did it back in menuhax days. I downloaded like 20 games or so. I only realistically played Xenoblade halfway through and dropped it after remembering how retarded the quest system is.

I played more Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7 and RE Revelations that I bought back in the luanch days than I'll ever play those 20+ pirated games combined.

but gba games run flawlessly

im about to give up on it, im not getting anywhere past step 8 for the last couple of hours, i tried the trouble shoot, didnt work, now im just doing the soundhax over and over until it gets me somewhere. If someone had this issue, tell me how to fix it. Please.

>Install a9lh.

This is a large step process that you're over simplifying

did you try doing steelhax for the entry point?

I guess but it doesnt work, nothing happened, i start up the game like the trouble shoot said too, but nothing came of it


>kit-kat 3DS

i use o3ds also. gba emulators? why are you using that when you can just inject? i was playing fire red hours ago and it ran with zero issues.

How can you be this fucking retarded?

I just fucking did it, now how do I get a working freeshop download?

These threads are so fucking constant I almost feel like they're a sting operation to catch filthy pirates

If you follow the instructions, it's virtually impossible. In fact, you almost have to be trying to permanently brick it these days.

Seriously? Why don't you have a single physical game?
Go to Gamestop and buy a used copy of Steel Diver or something.

scan that.

>Girlfriend meme
>Talking about video games on a video game board
Are you mentally retarded or severely autistic?

Ok, I followed the guide and everything worked. But guide doesn't show how to put games, DLC and themes


Reporting in from the early days of A9LH. What a time to be alive. Enjoy your free games pals.

The hell is kit-kat? Does it work on A9LH?

Already did and I can tell you now that you are better off emulating on your phone using a controller if you plan on using emulators on it.

scan that qr code above for freeshop. download games and dlc from that. themes are here

Are there like, levels to this?

Can I hack just far enough to break region lock and then not bother with the rest?

Yeah, follow the guide. Region bypass is part of the starter kit.

This. Also games are cheap as fuck considering how good Nintendo games are.

My excuse is I can keep tagging your threads with your picture OP.

It's a launcher, does this mean I need to relaunch every time I want to use it?

He only wants to help you.

How's DS emulation going?

Any videos of playstation games running on 3ds?

I lost my respect for nintendo(NoA) when Fates/XCX/#FE got butchered. I still bought the games, but that was the last time.



Do I need a blank SD card, or will it be fine to use the one I've had in my 3DS?

Never attempting to hack again.

You were supposed to downgrade to 2.1.0, not 0.0.0.

I understand Fates and #FE, but XCX how? It came out the way it was advertised as.

does it have any games on it or did you go physical with carts? i hacked my friends 3ds with the 4gig default stick and was able to do it

Im not poor and I like giving money to nintendo.

The only game I have on it are Shovel Knight, Phoenix Wright and some demos

because I have no clue what any of that means and I'm afraid of bricking.


Open the link in the OP and then you won't have no clue of what any of that means and you won't be afraid of bricking

Do I have to downgrade to 2.1? I don't care about milliseconds boot.

Yeah, XCX wasn't a big issue just the fundoshi and breast slider, but it was a taste of the things to come.

Don't risk it. The guide isn't consistent in all the semantics.

GBA games run flawlessly.
3DS games are fine
DS you're better off getting a flashcart

Not really.
It's painfully simplified now.
I have an old A9LH I think when it first come out.
But I lost my original N3DS NAND backups when I restored my PC.

Wait, why doesn't it run DS games well?
I've never had any issues with playing DS games from cart.

From carts yes.
I though he meant DS from SD.
Which will never be good.

not from the cart that runs fine this is off loading it from the sd card.

>mfw this same time last year downgrading my n3ds and sweating bullets all the while

ok now where do i get game backups from?


Press F to pay respects to FreeShop.

>went through the steps to hack my n3ds
>last step was to open Health menu
>swiped right with the pen I was using
>now I have two minor scratches on my touch screen

Just fucking kill me, I'm an idiot.


Get a bottom screen protector. If they really are minor, it'll cover them up and make them invisible.

But does it let me pirate 3DS games because I see no mention in the FAQ.

Is there one that's better than the others, or are they all pretty much the same?


I really like the HORI ones because the application method makes it easy to apply without air bubbles.

Can i play DS games without a flashcart yet?

yes, open it and you'll be in the home-brew launcher

you can do it but you'll need a bigger card later because 4gig is nothing. when you finish the guide yo can copy paste to a bigger card at a later date.

>3 short guides
>1 guide thats long as fuck

I have like 30 3ds games. I'm not gonna try selling them all to justify homebrewing.

When did this happen? I downloaded from freeshop on Monday, worked flawlessly

>I have 30
>Not hacking and having all
I fail to see your logic.

That's the thing. I have all of the games on the system that are worth it. And I haven't even played 1/5 of those. Why be able to play 400 games?

freeshop works but nintendo dmca the github links because of copyright infringement on the logo apparently. if you already have freeshop or have the latest cia its a non issue. not a big deal at all since all you have to do is get it from a different source if you dont already have it

shidd it worked

I recently replaced my pack-in card with a 32GB one.

I'm not looking to do pirating though, I just want region-free.
Although not having to spend money on Theatrhythm DLC would be nice

I'm in a similar position, but look at it this way, you would get to play "extended demos" of games you might never try or buy.

Any way to hack in-game purchases?

I just want custom themes and GBA games
I've pretty much played all I'm interested in at this point but don't want to get banned or anything
What do