MvC:I Thread

Ryce gave more info on the "animators deserve a raise" character.
>Not Pyron
>After not Pyron "I said too much!"
>Never has been playable in a Marvel VS. Game
>not specifying if he/she has been in a VS. game as an assist in MvC1, or a card in UMvC3 Heroes and Heralds
Where were you when Demitri was practically confirmed?

Other urls found in this thread:


>butthurt smash fag that actually believed a leak at some point

Trust me, i wanted a Rhythn Heaven character, but i didnt react like a no fun faggot when it didnt happen.

idk user
this guy leaked the existence of Marvel Infinite in the first place.

Funny how that picture leaked Lucina before Lucina

>NeoGAF bans you for fake leaks
>consistently correct leakers are the only ones that are left
>guy is the first one to even let us know a new MvC was coming at PSX

fuck off butthurt nintendrone

>is new to the Vs. series
>is a villain
Demetri was in Capcom Vs. SNK, he's also not a villain.

He wasn't in Capcom Vs SNK, he as in SvC Chaos

It's William Birkin from Resident Evil 2, with all the different mutations and whatnot. It's to hype up the RE2 remake.

Why would it be Demitri? Nothing about Demitri is exceptionally interesting animation-wise compared to the rest of the cast.