What are the dumbest localization changes in games?

What are the dumbest localization changes in games?

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Any change in content by means of localization is dumb.

You're fucking with me. The titles are the same, but... surely they're just entirely different games. Right?



Relax. From what I heard, the american version came first, and japan came in to try and salvage it. Consider this a good example of localization.

Breath of Fire IV removed all references to alcohol, which forced them to change one party member from a drunk to a stuttering idiot.


Every single fucking thing about #FE baffles me to this day

>Hey let's take this super weeb game for weebs that already sold like shit in Japan and strip out all the weeb from it
>It's already about an EXTREMELY NICHE thing in Americlap, but let's just butcher it anyway
>Some of the most absurd censorship I have ever seen in my life like the bodysuit wedding dress
>Not even fucking consistent, like the cleavage of the boss being totally exposed in a cutscene but covered up in a boss fight

While I'm bitching about Nintendo's bullshit what was the god damn point of adding the spats to Lynlee in Xenoblade X when her goddamn underwear was skimpier than the bikinis you could put on her, and the bunny clothes didn't even have the spats on them

If you wanted pantsu Lynlee all it took was grinding out the materials to craft the bunny bottoms

>Japanese game has raceless anime girls
>Ameriburgers need to racialize it

It's not even "making it more diverse." There was no race to begin with.

FE fates

Most of it.


>They covered her fucking arms

Showing skin is haram.

>chink version removes the nigs
top laugh

Native Americans are not okay.

It's the other way around.

Is America full of Muslims or something?

The UK is.

What if bodysuits are your fetish?

Then it would have been a bodysuit in the first place and not a goddamn wedding dress with full body coverage

And fuck upskirts turning into voids while we're at it

Tomb Raider. Fuck Square Enix.
Why do I have to pay 30$ for localisation?

Then you should play a game with actual body suits instead of that mangled wedding dress. Because an actual body suit would look better than a shitty white texture applied over something it wasn't meant to be.

Allahu Akbar!

America is weird in that it's full of liberals who act more conservative than the conservatives themselves.

Then why does Senran kagura's cover art have 2 bra's on each character but the uk's has one?

Are you Japanese?

Don't forget about Fates.
>removing swimsuits and headpatting because these themes in a game about war and killing are too explicit for children

Anything even slightly related to Neo Fire Emblem deserves to be butchered. I was hoping Fates would flop and IS would be forced to shut down, but weebs still bought it.

I was so mad about #FE I completely forgot the bullshit they pulled with Fates

I wouldn't even be mad if they were at least consistent, but like I said with the boobies and Lynlee's panties they can't even fucking do that

>Xenoblade has sidequests about racism where some guy straight up murders someone for being a different race then him
>Fundoshis get turned into boxer shorts
>The same fundoshis that are made with the most bullshit 1/10000000000000000000 drop rate items ever to grace an RPG

Platinum fucking mad.

persona 1 got fucked so hard

JP version only came out one month later. It's more likely that two versions were made at the same time, the international version and the Japanese version. The "sequel" or whatever you want to call it actually has the US and Japanese version using the same set of characters from the first game's Japanese version and the European version uses the characters from the first game's international version.

Black guy is a better character

what was this manga called again?

I believe the word you're looking for is "Jew'd"

I was able to figure it out in 2 seconds and you can too, unless you're retarded.

>t. nigger

That always confused me. Why was it done in the first place? Was it pressure by sony for some inexplicable reason? Was it just atlus thinking it would appeal to a grander audience? Like that, of all things, made absolutely no sense. I can't think of a single reason why they would do that.


Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.

Are they trying to make it Sharia compliant?
I mean what the fuck, what brain disease do those retards at NoA have?
What world do they inhabit?

Judging by the release dates, AKSYS got lazy with the first one since the EU version was released before their version and it was already in English, so why not just use that. The second game however, got a EU release much later so AKSYS just translated the Nip version themselves.

Green hair is best girl

Yellow > Blue > Red > Green

The same world where a goddamn pedo-protecting dipshit moonlighting as a whore thinks she got fired for FREEZE PEACH and not the fact she's a moonlighting as a whore for a company that would kill a man to keep it's family friendly image

>Censoring a wedding dress
Marriage is illegal, apparently.

Now you're getting it!

They wanted to try and make the Japanese high school seem like an American one.

>being a dickhead it would have taken less time to actually answer the question than it did to make a smartass response to an innocent question.

Blue is the best,and red is the worst

Hello newfriend

Twisted Metal Black in Europe

It contains the usual level of censorship for the most part (removed a plane crash scene, removed drivers running away from destroyed vehicles while on fire, etc.)

However, the European release also has the inexplicable change of EVERY SINGLE CUTSCENE BEING REMOVED FROM THE GAME

You know, half the fun of playing Twisted Metal, watching the dark humour of all the different characters stories as their wishes are granted it twisted ways? 100% missing from the game in Europe

They even kept it this way for the PS4 port


>chio chan no tsuugakuro

Don't be a dick if it's going to take more effort than it takes you to not be a dick.

They removed actual characterization for this joke.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Altus USA just trying to milk as much money as possible from Nintendo

Hey Ash, come have some donuts

Was that the game that let you romance your mom or am I completely off base here

Left looks better

Newfag that promotes spoonfeeding

Guess they finally nailed it in P3


>"Rock" Monster


Convince me to finish P2
P1 was a slog
Doubt I'll like P3 or 4 because dating sim faggotry


>removing any sort of continguity and consistency from the story
>removing all coherence from the dialog
>removing any connection between the dialog and what is happening on screen
>making optional scenes contradict the preceding dialog
>randomly changing names that were originally following a theme
>changing well-established Arte names to random shit
>making all gameplay-relevant text incorrect

It's not like censoring broke anything that wasn't broken already, like the entire story and the narrative pacing.

Is this about Hearts R? Is it really that bad? Holy shit.

Apparently neogaf was responsible for this garbage cover along with others.

localizing and censoring shit so poorly you literally break the game and/or brick peoples consoles.

Not to mention the later support dialogues continue on as if they hadn't ruined that one. Treehouse was a mistake.

I almost feel like treehouse destroyed it just to get out of doing the work.

If you assume that treehouse is exceptionally lazy, a lot of their changes start to make sense.

What the fuck? Explain?

What game?

Then you look at their other changes and again question what they're thinking.
>changing Belka to Beruka
>changing a bunch of names that really didn't need changing at all, honestly

I'm willing to guess it's something NISA did.

I think arc sys Europe or some other publisher asked the neogaf community for some commissions and boy fucking howdy were they dog shit. I think there is also a ragna one in print somewhere. I'll try find the page.

Eat your hamburgers, Apollo

Are you talking about that goddamn bug from one of the recent Disgaea games where chaining together too many spell attacks would literally make your PS3 shit itself so hard it kills the hard drive?

Here it is.

sunglasses hittler it's cooler

Yes and yes.
The "localizers" were most likely just translating from a spreadsheet without ever having seen so much as a screenshot of the game.
The English is impeccable, if you take every single sentence by itself, without any context from any other sentence, graphics, mechanics or sound. But if you put them together in, say, a game, it all falls apart.
They even went as far as mistranslating the only part of it that was already in English: the "ITEM" gauge indicating the cooldown AFTER you have used an item. They changed it to "Using Item", which they would have know is bollocks, if they had done even the most basic research into the game.

The fuck is this

Also, the original Ragna print was at least decent compared to the final.


That's bangs crest. I don't understand how that became a finalist. Laziest shit ever.

Scamco seems to be doing that a lot lately.

Cyber Sleuth and the SAO games read like they've been translated by an AI rather than a human.

SAO games are actually Chinese/Hong Kong machine translation. Not sure about Digimon, but it makes sense for that series to get shafted since it was basically dead since Frontier's dub aired

Of all the changes they made to Fates, this is one of the only ones I prefer to the original. It still makes me laugh.

>I like female Punk girls

>Little cousin plays with me and reads this

You have good taste, so that's alright.

>female pokemon breeders


Wait, that syntax implies there are female punk boys and male punk girls, doesn't it?

I actually like the left better, sure beats generic skimpy feathery outfit.

>>changing Belka to Beruka
The literally just left Beruka as Beruka, Belka was a mistransliteration.

absolutely halal

Tales of Zestiria (haven't looked at the other new Tales games yet) follows the same pattern, even though it may not look like it at first glance.
The big difference between Zestiria and Hearts R is that the former has English voice acting. The English VAs most likely took a look at the script, went "WTF is this shit? I can't say that," and changed things so that they sound at least somewhat coherent, even though there are still glaring errors.

Somehow the left looks sluttier. It looks like a bodysuit literally designed for fucking. They failed in making a conservative look.

>that makeup
>being so scared of weebshit that you turn everyone into banshees
Holy fuck.

>I can still see her face

What a whore

some autist thought the game might get a Criterion Collection release

isnt belka that country from ace combat

It seems that they dropped the bullshit in Spirit of Justice.

Or was this fixed by the undub patch I'm using? I wouldn't know, that's the only version i played.

Not the only time Aksys got lazy. If anyone had interest in the otome games they've "localized", better start studying Japanese right now.

US kirby is hard nigga...