Good digital card games don't exi-
Good digital card games don't exi-
Pic unrelated
stop these fucking threads
>Anime image
It was good until RoB happened.
Now its just Daria and Aggro Blood every single game and the game's unbearable
You posted the wrong picture though.
Inb4 butthurt Hearthcucks start whining about anime
>digital card games
Magic: The Gathering used to be fine, and I mostly played it with my digits.
who? that looks like hearthstone for weebs
>No artstyle
>20 cards are just "Pretty anime girl with sword"
>Low readability
>only like 4 cards are actually distinct
how does it have no artstyle
who cares pretty girls are cute
>low readability
nice bait
Is daria a good deck for a beginner?
>playing answer or die the game.
Yep. Just make the deck and ride the gravy train all the way to Masters.
No guarantees that it'll be as dominant when the meta game gets refined though
shadowverse isnt fun at all though
Oh ok. I just started a few days ago and have been trying to feel around for what deck I could start going through ranked with. I rerolled enough that I could buy 1 prebuilt deck to complete the dshift deck, not sure if thats still a good deck as well or beginner friendly.
JO dragon is pretty fun m8
Go ask your question in /svg/, its probably the most active general in /vg/
i mean the game mechanics arent fun at all
Where do you find high res pictures of the art?
>Good digital card games don't exi-
You posted the worst one, good job.
The best one is still MtG Online.
Dshift is just dragging out the match till you can use dshift with your other win condition cards, seems simple enough. Its still good but the meta is still being decided but I dont think its going anywhere.
>The best one is still MtG Online.
come on you cant actually believe this can you
EDH is the only good form of MTG (which MTGO doesnt have) and grinding for coins at that pathetically slow pace just so you can get cards is awful
Every single digital iteration of MtG is a PoS
>Paying for Magic
>When Cockatrice exists
If youre going to play a shitty card game at least play it for free.
>come on you cant actually believe this can you
MtG is hands down the best collectible card game. If you disagree feel free to tell me which one is better.
Physical version is naturally better for numerous reasons, but mechanically MtG is superior to all of this Shadowverse, Hearthstone, whatever trash.
How the hell do they have so many carrots? Shouldn't the max be three?
>MtG is hands down the best collectible card game.
if you play EDH yes
but MTGO is garbage for the reasons i described
MtG online is so slow it make me wanna gas myself
MtG Online, Cockatrice, whatever. My point still stands.
It's a meme image.
DShift deck was the first I was able to complete on the account of getting lucky opening 3 DShifts and 3 Merlins in short order. I've at least been able to use it to shoot up to C2 in pretty short order, probably moreso if I put in the time. Fun to play, too.
Will I like this game if I'm an avid MTG player?
I like the anime tiddies and I want a card game to play that doesn't require me to socialize or spend that much money. No I don't want to play on Cockatrice either
>Will I like this game if I'm an avid MTG player?
No. It's more similar to Hearthstone. It's basically a cheap Hearthstone knockoff aimed at manchildren.
Oh, well Hearthstone was complete garbage so I don't think Hearthstone with a better artstyle will be any better.
It plays more like hearthstone. It has more interesting card mechanics than hearthstone and isnt as crazy with the rng. They were giving out 50ish packs for free the other day but I still think you can still get 35. They usually are very generous with giving packs out and you can reroll till you get a good amount of legendaries to start a tier 1 deck.
Just try it out to see if you like it, personally I dislike every other card game i've played but I really enjoy this one. I spent some money on it cause I like the game and I wanted some of the cosmetic stuff but it's very easy to play without spending anytihng.
Right now if you play it you get 35 card packs free (you can reroll until you get decent stuff), you get 1300 rupees(13 packs) from the new years bonus and you get a couple more thousand from achievements / reaching scores in ranked
>thought it was hearthstone
>it's somehow worse
>Just try it out to see if you like it
I don't like Hearthstone, I don't like the shitty artstyle, I don't like anything that I've seen or heard about it and my brother that said he liked it dropped it after 3 days.
So no.
I think there was some fucker who sat in front of me in a history class who played this every class session.
reminder to bm all elanashitters.
shout out to based birdbros and eidolonbros, literally doing god's work
It was never good
>limited number of permanents allowed
Right into the trash
Then don't ask us? You already knew the answer but made some dumb post to get attention.
It's ripped from the game. An archive can be found from /vg/.
Is Nephthys working?
I much prefer card games with cards that look like actual cards and not some kind of plastic pog.
That looks more like somebody's stamp collection.
It actually went away. Kinda. Only 1/5 of my matchups are rune now. Blood is the new cancer.
Yeah true.
I wonder how it will look on mobile.
>EDH is the only good form of MTG (which MTGO doesnt have)
MTGO has 2-4 player EDH you dingus.
Yugioh best TCG.
Damn right.
play mid range sword for max fun
Mid Sword is getting its ass kicked though isn't it
they already do
nope, japanese masters are even still using otomeme
>the pull
If there was more shit like this Gwent would be the card game of choice for gays.
>falling for the combo rune daria meme
Daria decks fail like 50% of the time because of how fucking draw reliant they are
if they get shit early draws or daria only pulls 1 spellboost card then they are fucked.
>copies hearthstones mechanics
Call me when a card game manages to be as complex and requires a high IQ like MTG.
Its still pretty good. If you think otohime is too slow tech in albert or something.
But I love Otohime
She's a fish.
Yes, and?
Fish tastes good
The combo Forest deck is super strong. I get three roaches in my hand in almost every game.