What's the best Devil May Cry game and why is it 4?

What's the best Devil May Cry game and why is it 4?

Nah man. Gotta correct you there. It's DmC, Devil may Cry.


desu I think any answer that isn't DmC and DMC2 is acceptable

wow wtf I typed desu, not desu

Got it for Christmas, it's pretty good. Only part I don't like was the boss fight where mr bug man kept summoning blade demons to fly at you before getting Vergil's sword.

i swear i typed desu
d e s u

EDIT: desu
EDIT2: why is this still not fucking working

I played the first one when it came out, and I like it the most. Now the other games I know are mechanically better, but I'm a sucker for the environment and atmosphere of the first one, and so I like it most.

Kill yourself.

>Try Dante
>tfw half the moveset deal literally no damage and have no hitstun
>tfw going full austistic with Gilgamesh kill everything in one hit
>tfw still can't use the D-pad with my index finger for shit

It's easily 1

Every other game has some sort of fucked up thing about it, while is solid in every way.

*while 1 is solid

Dante is horribly broken because he has all the styles at once and Vergil is HORRENDOUSLY broken. They're fun to play as, but you're just tearing through everything.

If DMC4SE had PvP and two top tier players faced each other, one with Vergil and one with Dante, who would win? Dante because of Royalguard?

Both have infinites so being launched mean gg
Assuming E&I and shotgun work like the boss fight, Dante has a better neutral game here and can even win with chip damage, Vergil's Sword Rain may be a wild card though, and he can slip in easily with small opening
Input lag probably mean RG would suck though. Dante still have dash and better range game and mobility. Also juicy traps with Lucifer
Probably 70-30 for Dante

Huh. I didn't think Dante would have that much of an edge, but he has a lot of options, so it's understandable

Well, it makes sense for Vergil, because he's canonically OP.

You're pretty retarded desu

You know I think an argument can be made for anything that isn't DmC or DMC2. They're all pretty good. But yes 4 is also my favorite.

Basically the only way Vergil can get in is by using Sword Rain/Blistering sword and hope it hits, which is kind of hard with RG/air dash. Meanwhile Dante can spam E&I rapid shot with their crazy hit box that break Summoned Sword, Teleport into Helm breaker/Release/Full House with no restrictions, trap Vergil with Lucifer and stun him,etc
Damn, Vergil has even less of a chance now

There is no way a Dante can react to anything Vergil does due to his sheer speed and the fact that there would be lag. An example would be Armored Core For Answer. When the game first came out it was extremely fast, so fast that they had to nerf the overall speed of the game every single Regulation patch.

Are you talking human vs human or computer vs computer AI cockfighting?

Human vs human Dante's at disadvantage even against Nero. Nero's snatch and Vergil's summoned sword had absolutely no tells, comes out really fast which means human Dante has to predict the other player projectiles. Royal Guard is pretty hard to do too against unpredictable enemies.

Dante AI with perfect RG however is literally invincible

>Dante goes DT
>Unlimited invincible trick dash
>High time with uninterruptible super armor
>Juggles, regain DT
>Rinse repeat

Literally invincible, foolproof plan. Dante has too many broken tools against another human opponent. The fact that DT'd Dante can do infinite ground trick dash pretty much break PVP

Well DT Vergil can rapid slash indefinitely across the screen too. And with input lag he has an advantage in neutral without DT

put me in the screencap

>PvP in DMC as is, with zero balancing

The fuck is wrong with you people?