What went wrong?
Wasn't this the most expensive game ever made?
What went wrong?
Wasn't this the most expensive game ever made?
Other urls found in this thread:
Little to no endgame content at launch
Broken stuff everywhere
Poor balance
Little innovation
Misunderstanding of the lore
Lack of knowledge about mom audience
I played it a lot too
MMORPG is a bad medium for a story-based game, and the stories were mostly not very good. They really want to recapture the magic of KOTOR, but it just isn't happening.
>try to cash in on mmo meme instead of making what people wanted, kotor 3
the cinematic trailers looked nice at least
ugly artstyle
were they trying to imitate the clone wars?
Looks better than WoW IMO
Loved that it had voiced dialogue. It would be better if more people played it. Also balance the classes out a little bit.
>story focus
>for an MMO
I don't even
literally hitler
>literal WoW clone
>stories are largely crap in a story focused game
>anemic endgame at launch that eventually was dropped entirely
>generally just a dull and unfun grind so you could get to the story quests
>until the experience overhaul, then it's just a dull 10 hour cutscene watcher with a few fights interspersed
>story team not really sure what to do with Vitiate/Valkorion
>Vaylin is an awful villain
only real highlight was the Empire and Smugglers' VA
Dark heal did it in for me.
Dark Heal did exist in the EU before SWTOR to be fair
my wife and i leveled in this game together and for years after we still continuously mash the space bar whenever we see RP bullshit
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
>>Vaylin is an awful villain
Seriously. Makes a much better waifu.
>no option to redeem Vaylin and waifu her
why Bioware
>Most expensive
Because they wanted everything to be dubbed.
Which is commendable, except that it's EA-Bioware and 80% were makeup for boar killing quests, which fooled nobody.
Also only the Imperial agent had a really good story. The rest were generic and hardly made use of the setting.
Wish list:
>redeem vaylin
>make waifu
>create super force powered kids
>make valkorion watch you do so
QUestining grorios EA overrord visiorn fo perfect Stah wahs MMO?
You better bereive dats a DING DONG BANNU!
end of rine
rine end here
>Not much end game content
>Lack of updates
>Hero engine which Broware didn't yet know how to use
>On rails space combat
>Instanced servers made world feel small
>Crafting was linear
Dead thread
Dead game
What did they mean by this?
I miss the height of TORtanic posting on Sup Forums. It's rare to see the board unite so much against one game for so long. Great humor to come out of that.
I really liked the story, but then again I got lucky and happened to pick the class with the best story.
Bounty Hunter?
They could have created a great single player game with good graphics and multilayer battle mode but they went full MMO garbage.
Imperial agent?
I logged in and it was bland. The fighting was too easy and was not engaging at all with your standard mmo quests. it did not seem like anything special.
Funny enough, EA is making huge money right now on it since fisher died. The population went way the fuck up (atleast 4x)
The engine is just so fucking bad. ESO released two years later and the difference is night and fucking day.
Seriously, what the FUCK were they thinking with that laggy ass cartoon piece of shit engine?
People wanted massive from an MMO. Instead on Day 1, and to this day, the game has to instanced on any region into shards for anytime there is 30+ players simultaneously
Totally unacceptable from an MMO engine.
>Be large game company
>acquire extremely popular and well loved IP
>make shitty game that wouldnt have 10 players playing at a time if you didnt have the IP
>fanboys of ip play anyways becuase dude lmao its X
>we did it boys we made another winner! This is the formulae you need to succeed
I need a real hobby.
SWTOR did make a profit, so the game is a success.
Also, Destiny is the most expensive game ever made.
I liked it, but I am a roleplaying fag so I liked having a voiced protagonist who would react to things and emote and actually be a person. And they had that huge experience boost going for a while so you could just do story missions without any grindan in between.
The expansions were overall pretty good. Hutt cartel was just not awful or amazing and Shadow of Revan was kind of bad, but I thought KotFE and KotET were really good. I think they've kind of written themselves into a corner though, if they plan on doing any more expansions, because the player character is basically the emperor of the galaxy now with a huge armada of robot battleships at their command.
Overall: Really cool to see my character grow from humble beginnings, rise through the ranks and eventually seize power. Well worth the couple of months I subbed, but I don't think I'd want to go start another character now because I hear that big experience boost is over and you have to grind missions again.
>I'm a roleplaying fag
>I like it when a game defines the character and his choices entirely for me
Fun Fact: they are basically 2 different engines.
Bioware austin's head bought the engine when he saw it behind closed doors back in 2004 at a trade show. It was in its EARLIEST forms. We're talking alpha's alpha. This was less an engine and more a proof of concept to show to investors. And Bioware decided to buy a 25% done engine (and thats an EXTREMELY gracious percent) and then finish it WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, BUILDING A FULL AAA MMO.
This is different if your making it inhouse, as you have the engine creators and your tailoring it to suit your needs. What they did was take the shell and fill it (as it already had its limitations in place).So while finishing this engine by themselves (the creators at Simutronics Corporation said after bioware purchased it, they never once heard from them again) all while in full MMO production, which is a horrid fucking idea and half the reason we got the shit we did.
The actual engine was released a month or so before SWTOR, and thats what TESO uses (in essence). The ACTUAL engine TESO uses is a slightly modified version that they call "ESO engine" Sorta like the arkham engine or the CoD4 engine. Its unreal 3 and quake 3 at its core, but they paid for the source and changed some things so they can rename it (just not license it)
Star Wars fans have to be the worst fanbase in existence.
They'll accept anything as long as it has the star wars name.
>a game defines the character and his choices entirely for me
But it doesn't. Yes you are following a story path, but you still make choices throughout.
>Star Wars fans have to be the worst fanbase in existence.
You must be new here.
Dragon Age was fun because it felt like your dialog had real meaning and conscience. You could literally talk to your companions for hours and learn a shit ton about them, and make real choices that effected relationships. . Dialog, character, and story are the focus.
Swtor is simply incapable of this sense it is an MMO. The best it can do is trick you that your choices have any meaning. But it just comes off as you being rushed through the quest line. Occasionally they'll give you some extra detail, but they can only do so much considering the bloated size of the game.
Once you strip that away, it's just an inferior, shallow, wow clone
It's a decent MMORPG right now, but it's clear Bioware resents the fact it exists as one considering they've been shafting everything multiplayer for the last two episodic expansions which were entirely about solo story.
>dat feel when my favorite part in TOR was how other players in your party would show up as holograms in dialog if they were far away
In last 2 expansions only times your opinion mattered was about what companion would stick with you
>Wasn't this the most expensive game ever made?
In actual production money, yes I believe so. The games that beat it as being more expensive count the cost of marketing, which seems ludicrous to me. Spending billions on marketing doesn't make it an 'expensive game'.
It was a single player RPG masquerading as an MMO
God dont remind me of the last 2 expansions.
That was some of the worst writing ive ever experienced.
>Dialog, character, and story are the focus.
Swtor is simply incapable of this sense it is an MMO.
being an MMO is irrelevant for these things since everything you do is instanced anyway. the story does not involve thousands of players, the story involves your character only.
>trick you that your choices have any meaning
This is literally every video game with choices
What was so bad about them that was among the worst you've seen? That's pretty extreme, considering the amount of games out there with really bad writing.
>need to sub to raid when you could previously buy temporary raid passes
Yeah, no thanks.
The biggest mistake Bioware did was to remove Ranked PVP from the BGs.
They were too fucking lazy or incompetent to balance the classes properly thus they said Ranked PVP was fucked because of it and thats why they REMOVED content instead of just leave it and let people enjoy it.
They also said "1%" or was it 0.1%? "play ranked pvp so we're not gonna bother"
the game went downhill after that, almost all pvp players left the game
>the game went downhill after that, almost all pvp players left the game
It was 1% so who cares?
>revan that you fought was actually a spinoff fake revan made only of his good side since his bad side was exorcised. He just wants to kill anyone with a 2% of the sith darkside gene in them. 52% - 67% of the universe will be murdered
>the BAD revan (made of SITH midichlorians) is now on the warpath to kill everyone and found his new empire since the emperor is dead
its shit from beginning to end. The CG's are the best things about them.
It's in the top 5 most profitable mmorpg titles currently running, they recently renewed the star wars licence from disney because it was making so much money.
Because the game had a positive future when it came to PVP and PVE was quite decent.
Just because it was 1% early on doesn't mean more and more people couldn't have been introduced or started to become interested in PVP.
The PVP elements in SWTOR was very fun and the battlegrounds were also fun to play. What MMORPG has good PVP anymore? WoW? nice joke
The Sith Empire didn't reach his expectations. He was disappointed with it, and the Z... Zoctan? Zylon? Whatever the other place was, was the far more promising child of his.
Nigger no it isn't. They even explain this, and sith ideology isn't just muh evil faction.
No you don't
They definitively say he's gone now.
It's like you blew through the whole game without paying attention to any of it. Cmon son
>The biggest mistake Bioware did was to remove Ranked PVP from the BGs.
No, the biggest mistake they fucking did was the beta was trash (and the game was clearly in late alpha stages in a lot of parts) and Sup Forums was in full tortanic mode, telling ANYONE who would listen how bad it is, how bad its going to be and how EA will scam them and fuck them all over...
Only to remove the "cancel subscription" button 3 days before the sub ended and banning anyone who gave the cancel subscription url.
Neck snap gif please !
Numbers means shit when the game itself is just a MMO with Star Wars glued on it. I played the beta, is it changed at all from that? Cause that was boring as fuck.
I get what you're saying, I really do, but anyone who chose TOR as his go-to PvP game already made a big mistake considering it was a game sold on story first and foremost.
Imagine a story based game that a successful leveling experience and add a good PVP system next to it.
That was SWTOR prior to the first expansion.
>just a MMO with Star Wars glued on it
you mean it's a single player Star Wars rpg with some MMO bits glued on to it
>mfw people describe this game wildly differently based on what kind of shitpost they're trying to make, even in this very thread
Every fucking time, thanks user.
>Misunderstanding of the lore
t. obsidianfag
That's what mmorpg players want, if you don't then why the fuck are you playing an mmorpg.
Also I don't know, I never played it. Just know about how profitable it is.
How do people get that bad that they have to beg for dumb useless game shit? It just makes you look like a fucking donkey brain with no self worth
Lol faggot, what do you know about kotor
Actually I think XIV did it fine.
Not really, mainly because MMORPGs should just be "here, sit down and watch the story we have prepared for you". It should be about YOU telling your own story through game systems and whatnot. But that's a matter of approach and preference because most people simply can't handle sandbox.
Whenever I see someone begging for games or hats or whatever, I just buy them for them, to spite faggots like you.
>You have have thicc females of any race
It's better than WoW at least.
Well, it does, it all adds up. It is effectively money spent on the game, just not the game's development. Without a ridiculous marketing budget, normies wouldn't even know what Fallout 4 was.
No you dont
all of this
Shitty servers
it went free to play to early
Balance problems is one thing but this game had a 90 degree difficulty curve from one area to the next
constant enemy faction griefers
>It just makes you look like a fucking donkey brain with no self worth
Playing video games already does that though.
Prove it.
The best MMO's make you feel like part of the world.
XIV does this by making everyone an adventurer and who also happen to be one of the warriors of light, but there are multiple warriors of light.
WoW did this by making you a grunt. You wernt some big shot, you were a lacky. You eventually earn your way to the big times, but even then, you wernt a main character. WoW fucked this up by switching gears post wrath and making you a someone.
GW2 did it wrong by making you the main character in your own story (which was kinda nice) then half way through, saying your not, this NPC is and your choices not only dont matter, even though your the 2nd in command, youre lower than a grunt.
The only one who got the swtor idea right (voiced quests, you are the MC but with reason for others doing the same thing as you) was TSW, and tokyo fucked that game up.
Okay, send a 25 dollar Microsoft account code to [email protected]
Sure the graphics and sounds sometimes are lackluster but the stories make up for it tb h.
>imperial agent storyline
>warrior storyline
>inquisitor storyline
The imperial agent storyline is so good that had that been a standalone game on another engine it would have been one of the best star wars games made
sent ;)
so is the game actually fun or is it just the usual MMO shit where it' attack wait attack wait etc.
will PvP ever be balanced? i felt like 1.0-2.9 days were pretty great, only class i ever hated were mid tree sins/shadows. but now its roll a merc or uninstall
IA becoming head of the empire would kick ass. Sith shits only ruin everything.
>ARREST the Sith lord who was going to rule the Empire by satalite-nuking everyone into submission or whatever his plan was
>personally stop a legendary Jedi from getting his hands on an arsenal of mass destruction
>Sith council still dissolve Imperial Intelligence for making the mistake of being competent at their jobs and you have to work under a functionally retarded Sith
>they definitively say he's gone now
nice joke
Well look on the bright side. After the Sith empire gets wrecked by Valkorian all the former intelligence agents can laugh at the sith and say I told you so. From a safe distance, of course.
like a turn based game? nah you can attack freely but every attack gives a global cooldown of a second, you could speed this up with a stat of course. i'd say combat is pretty fun though i main 2 melee classes havent really invested my time in a caster to give a good opinion but sorc/sage dots are pretty fun too
>What went wrong?
I could write a book, I just find MMOs and their various failures just fascinating and SWTOR is a real interesting case because it's one of the few games that actually rebounded.
Anyway there are really 5 kinds of post-WoW MMOs.
>Literal WoW Clone
>WoW Clone with a specific focus
SWTOR, WildStar, Warhammer Online
>Themepark MMO that went its own way
LOTRO, NeverWinter, Tabula Rasa, Guild Wars, City of Heroes
>Sandbox MMO
EVE, SecondLife
>Non-MMOs that are now taking on that population
LoL, Destiny, World of Tanks
SWTOR was a WoW clone with a specific focus, storytelling. It wanted to be the game that put "RPG" back into MMORPG and it wanted to do this by adding lots and lots of cutscenes and dialogue wheels and modern RPG components into what was otherwise a pretty bog-standard theemepark MMO. This backfired horribly on them in the first few months because the early adopters of this game were from two camps, KOTOR fans that wanted more of their favorite RPG and it's setting and were met by a big dumb MMO that wasn't as crisp and streamlined as their RPGs, and MMO fans that wanted the next WoW that were met by a bunch of RPG bullshit that held the game back from being a truly immersive virtual world with all the MMO features that they really needed.
As a result of pissing off these two camps the population crashed and they had to essentially give the game away with arguably the worst F2P system on the market until it was able to find an audience of people that could handle the mediocre MMO meshed with a mediocre RPG and just enjoy the story and setting. It found those people and is living on happily.
It still has 2.4m active subs and for as long as it's been out, it's actually turning a profit.
What really went wrong was the whole TORtanic fiasco.
The damage it did to Sup Forums was something else, blind cyncism, contrarian fuckery, hipsters left and right.
>Numbers means shit
Tell that to the publisher loving that revenue, faggot.
>The damage it did to Sup Forums was something else, blind cyncism, contrarian fuckery, hipsters left and right.
This one right here, but many fail to see the truth.
Bioware and EA made the big bucks while old Sup Forums was killed and replaced with something much worse
>Star Wars fans have to be the worst fanbase in existence.
That's a funny way to spell Valvedrones,
>sith ideology isn't just muh evil faction.
Yes it fucking is.
>want t start playing again
>my characters are gone
>cant contact supprt about it unless i subscribe
>dont want to sub just to pearn they might be gone
10/10 customer support
You can contact origin support on the phone and tell them your having account issues with swtor, but since its an origin game, you thought to contact them first. They will actually call over to the swtor GM team for the answer so they can get you off the phone.
I just remember early on that I couldn't farm Ilum as a Jedi cause there was so many fucking edgelord Sith players.
....Is this game fun in F2P mode?
god no, it has one of THE most restricted f2p models ever.
holy shit this cant be real
Was good for a while. Iirc they promised ranked pvp then didnt deliver thats when they lost a fuckload of subs
It is, the game is unplayable without paying the monthly sub.
I am content to have done my best to bury this shit to the fucking ground as it deserves.
Hopefully I can deter as many people as possible from the game, saving them time and money, as I was dumb enough to buy and play it on launch.