Sup Forums why are you still playing on consoles?


Because I'm not a fucking nerd.

slav engine released in 2009

because i don't care what autists think about my choices

consoles games have better production values and aren't as generic as HYPER REALISTIC SHOOTING THINGS IN THE WOODS

Both games do different things and have different goals.





I am unaware of either picture shown to me.
give me an extremely brief introduction to both and I'll tell you which I would play

that's not a fair comparison, bottom is obviously a picture of real life and not a game

Forgive me if I'm wrong here but isn't one an actual render and one a drawing?


I swapped to console because I've bought one pc exclusive in the past 5 years, and like 4 games overall. It isn't worth the upgrade.

When my friend was showing his PS4 i cringed hard when it was having frame drops on fucking COD of all things.

The irony

this, one's more open with complex mechanics while the other is a series of set pieces with scripted events and faux platforming

Console games are as generic as it gets, that's why the big debs live them, audience enjoys mediocre

The top is real military footage while the bottom is a Hollywood blockbuster action movie.

Top is Arma 3 and bottom is Uncharted 4

Top is milsim you play with friends
Bottom is a better version of the new Tomb Raiders games


Because PC is just as uninteresting as modern consoles. What's the point of high end graphics if your games are boring as fuck to play?
I mostly use a craptop to just emulate nowadays.

And yet there are loads of ps4 graphics threads... you sonyggers are pathetic

Yes I can see that but Uncharted 4's background seems to be a drawing

Is that a camelback? Arma is weird.

Thats a shit drawing if it is. I have no stake in this shit flinging war, Im an xbot

>Open world town where you roam around is better rendered than a far off background that you don't visit
Just admit you are trying to start flame war.

>we're pathetic for stooping to your level

Name 5 console games that aren't generic fps that came out in 2016
One list for Xbox
One list for ps4

well i wouldn't be entertained by a documentary if i had to choose...

i liked Tomb Raider as a kid. The newer ones were kinda ok, so anything upgraded would be better.

So why cant I explore that backround?

Console exclusive?

>exclusively console
faggot who wastes money and time on a children's toy
>console in addition to pc
patrician that enjoys the very few good console exclusives

If you were a bit smarter you'd know how stupid you are and blow your brains out. Sadly, you're as dumb as you are and no suicide is to be expected.


>arma 3
>not a steaming pile of shit
I'm sure that movie below it at least is fun/works more than half the time

Because ARMA is an open world sandbox and Uncharted is a linear adventure game.
You cannot compare the two, unless you are trying to get (You)'s on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

Rainbow Six Seige
Far Cry 4
and that's all I got because PS4/Xbone dont do exclusives anymore since they're shit


Now compare the animations.

Actually... yes

Why are you even on Sup Forums?

Because I don't care about graphics, console exclusives, and convenience.

Siege is on pc

You were fine with those framerates with Ico and Shadow of the Collosus, what's changed?

Well it does destroy your framerate that's for sure

fucking hell. playing that sequence the first time on UC4 was intense.

now looking back on without fleeing for my life, what the fuck is up with that driver lol. why are they so reckless

The year?

It's easier to make a better looking game with what U4 does, since it doesn't need to render an open world. Yet it still isnt a better looking game.

The funny thing about you comparing it to Crash Bandicoot is that I got the same vibe. Except Crash was a game made for children and its still way harder than U4. On the first level of Crash, count all of the times you could have died instantly, and compare that to the lack of danger present in U4.

U4 is a retards version of a childrens game with safety bumpers.

That says it all.

>he plays on easy

so is far cry 4

xray engine sucks big time

I dunno off the top of my head
Rock Band 4
World of Final Fantasy
Was UC4 2015 or 16?
Ratchet and Clank
Cant name Xbox since they did that play anywhere thing

I played it on the hardest available difficulty and it's still impossible to die in that sequence.

It's not like there's a strategy for going through it, you literally just run in one direction as you press the vault button when a fence is in your way.


Ratchet and Clank is a remake so that don't count

So i guess REmake and resi 1 are the same

wait wait wait

why doesn't it count?

Pcuck delusion

You're fooling nobody, Sonygger.

PC gaming is literally for cucks. I'm too busy getting laid and having a good life for that waifu pillow shit.

Why are you on a video game hobbyist board then?

occasional shitposting can be healthy m8

Why did so many people fall for this completely blatant bait post?

>there are no such things as trolls who make graphics threads to start shit

Because they the have games i like.

Because nerds are insecure

Its ironic counter bait posting. Lurk more

Sounds like a symptom of mental illness.

Normal healthy people don't actually feel the need to be a complete faggot for no reason.

I don't even play on PC anymore, since I bought PS4 2 years ago, 3DS 1.5 year ago and Vita 8 months ago
I'm planning on getting Scorpio and Switch once they come out

PC gaming is a meme, like 90% of Steam is indieshit, 5% is "classic" games that most players finished years ago when they first came out, 4.9% are broken console ports and 0.1% is actually worth playing.


Call everything you don't like bait and you can ignore reality forever!

For example, I don't think you're bating me. I just think you're a very sad nerd motherfucker

it sounds like you dont get laid much lmao

Okay well even with that included thats still only 4

says the permavirgin posting on Sup Forums

Because its impossible since Microsuck wanted to help you fat retards who keep complaining about console exclusivity and are now releasing all their games on PC. I dont get what you want

you do this all day don't you lmao

D-delete this


>I'm too busy getting laid and having a good life
not to busy to shitpost like a dumb ass piece of shit who fights for moments of superiority on a Taiwanese image board that was meant to share loli on

also ironic that the most popular console is for waifu pillow hugging weebs

shit wrong picture

I wanted you to justify your financial investment by providing me 5 examples of games that only you can play
You can't even do that baka

i'm in this thread because my shift had five more minutes and i was bored

that was five minutes ago though, so later ya permavirgin loser

>to busy
>calls me a dumb ass


Im playing Dead Rising 1 at 60fps 1080 so it doesnt really bother me. I believe in the pc master race but Im not a bimbling retard who has to justify his purchase unlike somebody


hurry up fag those burgers need flipping

>get BTFO
>lol u made a typo!

i'm literally loling at your life

>implying that's a typo
>being this much of a dumbass

who the fuck shitposts while working a grill?

how fucking dumb are you

Im playing on Xbox one lol

i thought you were leaving virgin boi :^)

>implying 'to' is not a typo
>being this much of a retard you double down after getting btfo

keep digging that hole dumbass.

I love how virgins here get so upset about their platform wars :^)

>I actually, unironically think that people should kill themselves because they play with their kid's toys on a different machine than I do

>being so dumb you assume everyone calling you retarded is the same person

go jerk off to your cartoons you greasy virgin