Why do you choice to play as a girl in video games? You do know you can always just transition, right?

Why do you choice to play as a girl in video games? You do know you can always just transition, right?

>You do know you can always just transition, right?


>Play girl in an rpg or MMO
>Have to stop and masturbate / look up porn of my character

I had to stop playing females just so I could play the damn games.

>You do know you can always just transition, right?
you know it.

Why would I stop also playing as girls though?

The only way you can make me stop playing as pokesluts would be to integrate datign sim mechanics into pokemon so I could self insert to the fullest. I dont see why not anyways seeing as pokemon's main demo at this point is 20-30 year old geeks and weirdos.

>You do know you can always just transition, right?
Not the same thing at all.

not everyone can transition convincingly

And why wouldn't you date girls as a girl character, again?

Sun and moon the main girl literally falls in love with you if you're a boy so that's a start.

I just wanted to be a girl.

im not a gay

>You do know you can always just transition, right?
But I still wouldn't be a pretty girl.

>You do know you can always just transition, right?

What did he mean by this?

Does she still fall in love with you if you're a grill?

Man, if I could transition into looking like Chiyo, that would be something else.


Because the girls are cute.

>tfw gigs of pngs of my character creation sliders from various mmos
I only feel peaceful from it though, never horny.

Because I look like the missing link and can't afford electrolysis for my entire body.

I don't identify as a girl, I just find pokemon fits better if I'm a girl. Only game I'm a chick anyway.

No. Her dialogue changes depending on if you're a boy or girl.

Confirmed HETERO.

I only care if it happens as a girl, which it doesn't. And I don't htink it happens as a boy either.

I don't want to transition. I'm totally happy being a man, but why be a man in video games when I'm already that?



kill yourself, yurifag

>I only feel peaceful from it though, never horny.
why limit yourself to games?



see They literally changed the line. Pretty much confirms she loves you if you're a boy.


Why does there always have to be some kind of motive?

I just like cute girls, leave me alone. The male protag looks like he's gonna go break somebody's windows, anyways.

Why do you always make this garbage thread?

Kill yourselves


Don't try to fit in.

I know Sup Forums prefers Hilde. But Rosa's body makes my dick diamonds.

that doesn't even make sense

Because I can't be an elf or a a loli irl.


I want to impregnate Chicken Hat-chan

>implying you aren't one as well.
Whatever you say, onee-sama.

I know you are, but what am I?

I'm a gay faggot, kill yourself, carpetmuncher

Hit a little too close to home eh?

Wrist tattoo. Discard this slut.

most bigoted/sexist content on Sup Forums would go away if user realised they were allowed to be a girl and didn't need to feel jealous

I feel you user

I want so badly to be the cute little girl in my Japanese animes but as someone who grew up with five sisters real life women are spiteful whores who fake tears to get out of the simplest tasks and use their once a month blood shitting to make up excuses for their bullshit behavior they make zero attempts to change for the rest of the month

Being the little girl in video games is my escape

The real chicken aint a saint, either.

>You do know you can always just transition, right?
No. No, you can't. "Just transition" isn't a thing. It's also not the same thing, even if it was a thing.

That aside, I'm a guy all day. Why would I want to continue that theme in video games?

Let me guess, you also choose "human" every time, because you are one.

why Hilde? is it cause of the bootie shorts?


>Not being a loli irl

Sup Forums used to have a tripfag named Chicken come to think of it

Wonder how that east coast Seinfeld looking motherfucker ended up

If i can't date them ingame i can at least make them wear cute clothes and such.

I really just want to be able to choose sides in these games.

I want to be a Team Skull grunt.

The Team Magma admin chick
is the best qt

I love you!


Are there any good games where you can play as a qt loli and date other qt lolis in a non-lewd way?

>You do know you can always just transition, right?

Wrong. Were not at the point that they can rip out all my male features and give me 100% working female features.

Take responsibility, Sup Forums!

>tfw you would slam dunk your dick in this girl until your balls had nothing left in them but a tiny little flag that goes "bang" when you cum but real life little girls absolutely gross you out to your core

I'm so glad I'm capable of drawing that line or I'd probably be in prison

But they can mutate your naughty bits into girl parts.

If I cant have children there is literally no point.

>this level of autism
I play a female because as a kid, i was always a boy with no other option (Pokemon Red as an example).
Also, women are more customizeable in my head than men.

Good taste, my lad.

Why do you choose to play as a guy in video games? You do know you can always just go get a handy or a BJ from another gay guy like you, right?


Because i'm 6ft tall and kind of ugly. Also i'm not strong enough to deal with how many people hate transgender people so i'd rather be an ugly guy that lives through video games than an ugly fake girl.

My problem is their personalities. So many real life girls are simply frustrating to exist next to. The biggest one is not being fucking straightforward with what they want. Speak your fucking mind bitch. Don't drop hints. Don't beat around the bush. Tell me exactly what the fuck it is that you want. Then they act like I'm the bad one for calling them on their bullshit or not instantly knowing exactly what they want from their non descriptions.

I would be :>

Two years into my transition and I still hate myself

Is me

Trust me, I'm with you 110%

>Lived with my current GF for coming up on five years
>She's going to be 27 soon but acts like a screeching retard pewdiepie wannabe
>Like imagine if that "SPORK OF DOOM" pasta was a real girl
>Refuses to help around the house unless I stomp my feet and cuss her out
>Constantly have to throw out her garbage, wash out her five thousand cups she leaves everywhere, throw her clothes into the hamper, etc
>It's like having a teenage daughter
>Lays there like a limp fish in bed
>God fucking forbid I leave one can on my coffee table overnight
>Wonders why I constantly watch "oh no onii-chan saw my pantsu" anime and don't want to slobber all over her flabby white girl ass

Women's brain, rolodex, etc etc

>Speak your fucking mind bitch. Don't drop hints. Don't beat around the bush. Tell me exactly what the fuck it is that you want.

They're trying to bait information out of you because there's like a million different things that could be wrong with a guy and they're trying to figure it out.

pls be in london

Then just fucking ask. I've straight up left girls in the middle of dates because of this shit. I'm fucking tired of going "What?" every five seconds because I'm trying to figure out what the hell it is she is asking.

You sound unhappy. Leave. I am perfectly happy in my life being single. I have about 3 dates a month with new girls that have the chance to go forward. I dont because I wont compromise the happiness I have. You want me you have to increase my net happiness.

Would if I could but I'm a wishy washy faggot who's known this girl since I was like 10 and I'm probably going to die with this girl

My life is also in such a fucking downward spiral right now I couldn't even pick up girls if I wanted to

Lets go back to admiring this chicken

i am not

>Then just fucking ask. I've straight up left girls in the middle of dates because of this shit. I'm fucking tired of going "What?" every five seconds because I'm trying to figure out what the hell it is she is asking.

You could try playing the game too instead of putting her on a pedestal. Try thinking of it as a chess game or something. Figure her out!

But that's old hags not little girls.

what ethnicity are you

White as a sheet, mom is 100% German and I popped out ghost-ass white with a thick head of curly blonde hair thanks to my dad

>You do know you can always just transition, right?

>You do know you can always just transition, right?
Way ahead of you, user.

>you will never be Courtney's prey

>"IDK what to do. all he does is play as girls in video games all day and post on the internet about how he wants to be a girl. But when I brings it up he just cries about doing the dishes"

pic related

>making excuses for a lazy bitch

Then do the only logical thing. Maintain her relationship while looking elsewhere. If you never find someone better you got her. If you find someone better off to a better life.

Sorry. Not interested. and who the hell said anything about putting her on a pedestal? She is my equal. She is neither below nor above me in any way and as such I expect to be treated as an equal. I dont do games and mind games. They can fuck right off with that shit.

Like I said they can fuck right off. Its a two way street. You match what I want and I match what you want. I will not change and as such will not bend and "comprise." See the trick is that I am actually happy in my life. I have everything I could want. I even have 20k in the bank for any strange bullshit like my house catching on fire. I dont NEED them in any way and as such I'm not desperate for them.

As for old hags. I'm fine with dating one. Its not all about looks. They just never give me a chance because I'm young.

Who wouldnt choose this over the generic male cunt

Pro's of being a man:
Less emotional.
More competitive.
More physical strength.
Can pee standing up.

Pro's of being a women:
More empathetic.
Better looking.
Can birth children.
More clothing options.

Male pro's that carry over to game characters:

Female pro's that carry over to game characters:
Better looking.
More clothing options.

Seem like an obvious choice to me.

user, let's be ugly girls together. Fuck everyone else, we just need each other and our video games to be happy

>Sorry. Not interested.

You have to tell her that then. =[

>my gf doesn't understand me at all and I don't understand her
>this is clearly all her fault

I love when people think transitioning will make them feel better about themselve. A female loser is still a loser. I wish my friend could have seen it that way before he turned himself into a disgusting hon.

I do. As I've said I've straight up left in the middle of dates when it was very clear the bullshit would not stop. Its even better when they were secretly hoping that you would pay the bill and they get stuck with their half. I am very clear in what I am looking for before we get to the first few dates. At that point they only have themselves to blame.

imagine how much happier these angry repressed-girls on Sup Forums would be if they paired off into supportive transbian relationships and transitioned together

go the fuck to bed tumblr, there is a difference between a lazy fucking cunt who won't lift a god damn finger and communication issues

>A female loser is still a loser.
Yeah but now I'm a loser with a boyfriend and everyone is nice to me.

When will games allow me to achieve my true pissing potential as a man

>pic related
I've been wanting to start HRT since I was 19, I'm 25 in a couple months, my hair is even starting to go.
I'm a no-income NEET, I have no chance.

>I love when people think transitioning will make them feel better about themselve. A female loser is still a loser. I wish my friend could have seen it that way before he turned himself into a disgusting hon.

That depends. If you have bad genetics I would say that person should NEVER transition but some people really do feel like they should have been a girl and vise versa and if you got the looks you might as well plus beauty is power and such.