>game has 101% completion
Game has 101% completion
Other urls found in this thread:
Name 50,000 games that do this.
>platinum: obtained every other trophies
>platinum obtained
>trophy completion 56%
>game has character go to a location within town
>he takes weeks to get there
>game has 201% completion
>game has male (female) main character
>the only way to fully complete the game is by having save data from the previous game
Name 1 (one(singular)) game that does this
>games has 117% completion
How are you supposed to know?
>game has 1000% completion
blade blazers
>game has 164% completion
In all fairness sm64 didnt give you a percentage, but having 120 stars when 70 is 100% complete was bullshit.
>100% completion is literally impossible without glitching/cheating
fucking rayman 3d
Wild Arms 4
Gran Turismo 2
Any others?
Fire Emblem Awakening kinda.
>game makes fun of you for getting 100%
>game tells you to go outside for getting 100%
>game has lewds if you try to pirate it
What's with all the Ranma shitposting as of late?
>trophy unlocked: hikikomori
>trophy unlocked: get a life
More importantly: is Ranma a decent watch? I've always forgotten to ask when I see it posted.
>Game has multiple waifus
>Only one is romanceable
Not really, I loved it when I watched on tv. But once you decide to watch the series in order you realize that shit's starts to drag. Its too long for its own sake.
If you plan to watch it, I would recommend viewing just a couple of episodes a day instead of marathoning it. Ranma is best watched as any sitcom you can sit and a watch a couple of random episodes to kill time.
Wait, they fucked up a rayman 2 port after doing it like a million times? how? oh wait... modern ubisoft. But seriously, what did they screw up?
Thanks for the info, kind user!
Just Cause 2
that's usually because of DLC or content added after release
>DKC1 has 101%
>DKC2 has 102%
>DKC3 has 103%
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Also, when done, compare the first 9 episodes with the rest
Ranma thread?
>last achievement is bugged
>huge open world game with collectibles everywhere
>just one of them isn't obtainable
castlevania portrait of ruin
Game HAS 203.6% of completion.
Can someone explain what the characters on Ranma's face translate to? I always thought that was a funny sight gag back when I read Ranma, but I never got the meaning.
>hunting achievements in childrens games because you're too much of an autistic faggot to get real life achievements
Space Station: Silicon Valley for the N64
The last trophy didn't have a hitbox, making it literally unattainable and preventing the best ending from ever being seen
You can cheat your way to it, right?
Yeah, but the younger me wouldn't have tolerated cheating. Now, if a game has a glitch of that scale I'll either wait for a patch or refund that shit.
Still, I fucking loved SS:SV.
That's just retarded