>enemy misses you
>damage xD
>hit someone online
>no damage xD
>enemy misses you
>damage xD
>hit someone online
>no damage xD
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like you just haven't mastered the technique of the shockwaves.
>have shitty internet
>be shitty at video games
>pretend ds2 hitboxes are bad
Just started playing this today
If it does anything right it does a great job of not being too linear
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Fun PvP covenants that were unique
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
>dude see this example of hitboxes that aren't bad? that means there are no bad hitboxes in the game
>this sad little man actually saved this copypasta to defend what is plainly and obviously the weakest entry in the entire series
This webm is still being posted? You'd think there would be more by now, considering Dark Souls 2's hitboxes aren't bad.
Why was it obviously weak?
>when you want to start shittalking the red-headed stepchild of the series but an autist has a notepad document with the same copypasta ready within the first 10 posts of every thread related to the series
>dark souls is half a game
>dark souls 3 is a shitty remix album
>somehow dark souls 2 is the weakest in the franchise
DS3 has very little original content.
Souls vet here, this is my take on things as someone who has obsessively played the shit out of DeS and DaS1 since their respective launches on PS3.
>New Firelink Shrine (DaS3) == The Nexus (DeS)
The resemblance is fucking stunning if you've ever played DeS. Lord Thrones are in the exact same alignment that the archstones are, surrounding where you spawn in, with multiple levels of height within the area accessible by curved staircases.
>Lothric Castle (DaS3) == Boletaria Castle (DeS)
You start the game here, and the climax of the game is here (fighting twin princes/false king allant).
>Karla (DaS3) == Yuria the Witch (DeS)
Karla teaches forbidden hex magic/miracles/pyromancies that channel the power and rage of the abyss, Yuria the Witch teaches forbidden magic that channel the power and rage of demon souls.
> Stormruler (DaS3) == Storm Ruler (DeS)
Used to take down mighty foes with a legendary sword found in the corresponding boss arenas. Yhorm and the Storm King are basically the same type of "puzzle boss" until you find the sword.
> FP (DaS3) == MP (DeS)
Literally the same exact shit.
> Rolling
Functions the same exact way as DeS, because med rolling was buffed so fucking hard that the difference between fast roling and med rolling is so small that staying right under the fat roll minimum is required for every build.
Case-in-point, DaS3 is super fucking stale for veterans who have been with the series since DeS in 2009/2010. It's literally because the game is around 50% recycled DaS content, 30% recycled DeS content, 10% recycled bloodborne content, and 10% original content.
And the reason why I will still argue DS3 over 2 is because everything you mentioned except the last 4 could be added to DS3 tomorrow in a patch and all would be good.
Meanwhile, DS2 has irredeemably shitty level/world design and story, which is where it really fell short when compared to DS1, and that can't be fixed in a patch.
Until it's patch/DLC cycle is done, I'm still holding out for DS3 to be a good game, or at least better than DS2 relative to DS1 as a baseline.
It's the black sheep of the family. It's as though someone who only read a summary of Dark Souls was tasked with making a sequel. It's an abomination in terms of lore and atmosphere. The levels are bland and uninspired. Half of the boss fights are so easy that they're not even a challenge - I believe I beat more than half of the bosses in Dark Souls 2 on the first try.
It would be a decent game if it weren't marketed as a direct sequel to Dark Souls. But calling it Dark Souls 2 is just a joke.
They will never patch any of those things into DS3, you are delusional.
The problem with 3 is that every single thing in it is derivative as fuck and nothing is interesting.
introduced everything about the series and was an incredibly original, unique game
improved on DeS combat, had much more content and introduced an amazing, interconnected world with rich, interesting new lore. Had much better boss fights than DeS. Expanded on multiplayer mechanics and generally just feels more fleshed out.
>DaS 2
went backwards and made a lot of missteps, especially with art direction, lore, and gameplay but it still introduced new mechanics that should have come back in 3. Powerstancing and proper dual wielding are amazing and exponentially increase the amount of builds. Has a large variety of cool armor sets, and generally a fucking staggering amount of content, especially with all DLC. Has a more high-fantasy vibe than the others, which is sometimes interesting and sometimes cheesy. It has the best PvP in the series.
Changed combat drastically, introducing a new dodge mechanic and transforming weaponry. Every weapon is very interesting and totally viable. The game has a completely new setting and theme with a very interesting twist. Decently connected world with great individual level design
>DaS 3
Introduced weapon arts, a staggeringly underwhelming mechanic that is barely ever used in an interesting fashion. No areas or bosses are very memorable at all and like 80% of the game is DaS 1 callbacks. Actively stripped stat complexity and combat complexity from previous titles.
None of this will EVER be fixed in a patch.
dark souls 2 was a bad fanfiction with sluggish combat and ugly environments
Allow me to sum up Dark Souls 3 for you:
>Member Artorias? here's abysswatchers!
>Member Oolacile and blightown? Here they are in one area!
>Member Pinwheel? Here he is as a sage, twice!
>Member congregation? Here it is even worse!
>Member Bloodborne? Here's a entire village with copy-pasted bloodborne assets.
>Member the catacombs? Here's some more catacombs
>Member Izalith? Here it is with some of the exact same enemies
>Member Black Knights?
>Member Silver Knights?
>Member AnorLondo?
>Member Darkmoon invasions? Haha just kidding, theres no BEO
>Member Gwyndolin? here he is.
>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
>Member Yuria the witch? Here's a copy of her.
>Member Tower of Latria? Here's the same level
>Member Giant Lord and Storm King? Here a fight with both of them!
>Member the Hellfire Drake? Here's two drakes!
>Member Ornstein?
>Member the Astral Clocktower from TOH?
>Member Kiln of the First FLame?
>oh shit, I know, I'll hit him with another copypasta, that'll for sure prove that DS2 isn't a shit game!
>FromSoft's B-team has deposited $0.02 into your account
>bad fanfiction
Who cares, it's a game. It delivered more content than any other Souls title, which is exactly what a sequel should do.
Dark souls 3:
>shitty unfun PvP meta with no variety in builds or tactics
>magic, miracles, and fisty brawler builds are abject shit. Your options are knight, knight, or knight. THERE IS NO ROLE PLAYING
>bleed and poison scale off of fucking LUCK
>retarded armor system that forces you to wear equipment in every slot or suffer a penalty otherwise
>invasion is a joke with giant seeds, shriveled fingers, and gank squads designed to pamper scrubs who were butthurt that people are using the built-in PvP mechanic that they opted into when they bought the game and played online
>fuckawful netcode
>hackers can use simple trainers to permaban you from normal matchmaking just by invading you
>shit covenant rewards
>literally broken invasion queue that made it virtually impossible for most playres to get darkmoon rewards for a long time
>references past games ad nauseum (Look, black knights! Look, Anor Londo! Look, Gwynevere! Do you remember our past games? We do! Love us please! Look, Siegmeyer and Solaire! Look, snake people! Look...)
>more linear that DaS by a massive margin
>obvious holes in plot and lore to be plugged by pre-planned DLC
>Lore is inconsistent with the series. If Gwyn's name was forgotten by DaS2, which happened between 1 and 3, then why is it commonly known in 3?
>easiest game in the series to the point of being insulting. Maybe one or two arguably difficult bosses
>balance patches were too little, too late, and told players nothing; to learn what patches contained, you had to wait for somebody to look at the game's files or figure out changes through testing
Some of the original enemies were pretty good. The weapon art system was nice. The areas had great atmosphere, especially the top side of not-Ash-Lake and Nameless King's pad. But that's pretty much all the nice comments I have to say about DaS3.
>less than a minute
this has to be pasta. you're a sad man.
It is pasta, I know I've seen that in other Dark Souls threads.
It's pathetic.
That man is literally camping this thread with pasta. 100% shit I've seen before.
It's not pathetic, it's practical. Sometimes the majority of people are wrong, constantly all day every day and won't shut up about it.
when so much of that content is half assed, it doesn't really matter. i would much rather play des or das twice than do another full playthrough of das2
>hackers can use simple trainers to permaban you from normal matchmaking just by invading you
This can't be true
>if it's been said somewhere else before then that means it's automatically wrong xDDDD
lol south park xD
Look at your life.
You love this mediocre game SO MUCH that criticism of it TRIGGERED you SO HARD that, in between flecks of spit flying from your mouth in pure rage, you saved all those copypastas to a word document because you vowed that as long as you drew breath, nobody would EVER make fun of Dark Souls 2 again and get away unscathed by your arguments.
You are truly the master race. I bow to you.
some of what you said may be true but having a .txt file holstered full of pasta about a specific game because you can't formulate arguments is just ascended autism
>nobody would EVER make fun of Dark Souls 2 again and get away unscathed
I'm fine with being autistic as long as I'm right.
A streamer did an entire session of himself doing nothing but this. That was a bad day for PC players.
Dark Souls 2 was lazily designed compared to the other games. It's objective truth that some of the mechanics changes that it made would make DS3 at least 80% better if they were kept, but that doesn't excuse the molasses animations, cheesy PvE balance and babby's-first-game tier level design (Iron Keep transition).
It will be remembered for its ambition, and nothing else.
>implying you're right
Just because it's pasta (that nobody is going to spend the time going through and systematically destroying because you're going to keep doing this autistic shit in every thread) doesn't make it right, my son.
I'm right because it's accurate, it being pasta is irrelevant.
That's where you're wrong, my bifurcated Elf rentboy.
>Literally the worst designed enemies in Soulsborne
>Iron Keep transition
It's obvious Dark Souls 2 was inspired by House of Leaves. That only makes it better.
>it's accurate
It's not. It's a matter of opinion. But you'll learn all about the difference between opinion and fact when you get to middle school.
I'd rather deal with them than the giant fishmen at the hamlet 2bh
>>Member Priscilla? Heres a QT 3.14 version of her.
frieda is my waifu
>opinions can't be accurate or inaccurate
wew lad
>opinions can't be accurate
ds2 is good.
I am playing DS2 for the first time, and a lot of the time I don't know I am being hit except for my health depleting. Like, on rolls or something there don't seem to as much reaction to damage/stagger as in DeS/DaS.
Another kinda related question: why do weapons have so few attacks? Seems all the swords have the same ones, and there's less attack variety.
Early bosses are kinda boring though, kind of simple big man duels so far.
Dark Souls 2 also has double the bosses compared to DaS/DaS3 tho
i don't imagine "big armour man" battles take very long to design
No it's not.
>DS3babbies literally have nothing to refute any arguments so they just call them pasta and resort to ad hominem
>I'd rather go to a shitty all you can eat buffet than go to an actually good a la carte restaurant
the city of u
Buffets are good value and provide a wide variety of options.
>DS2fags are too lazy to develop their own opinion so they just parrot what the Sup Forumsirgin hivemind tells them
>assuming everyone who hates ds2 must like ds3 so muh copypastas don't go to waste
That sounds more like anti-das2 fags that watched some e-celeb's video
Nothing quite says good a la carte than the bosses of Dark Souls
> Taurus Demon
> Capra Demon
> Pinwheel
> Four Kings
> Bed of Chaos
> Centipede Demon
> Ceaseless Discharge
> Demon Firesage
Albeit I agree, DaS2 has the weakest bosses in the series.
>this barrel of dogshit is clearly superior to your plate of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans because there's more of it
You seem triggered enough for that assumption to be correct
>roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans
You can get all of those and more at Old Country Buffet.
Not him, but I've only played 90 minutes of Dark Souls 3 and it's already a better game than Dark Souls 2.
I'm actually conflicted right now.
aaaand we're out of arguments, now that we've drained our pasta supplies
>Playing dark souls for PvP
kys yourself
>game is designed to be always online with invasions that occur during pve and should be played as such
>"lol why are you doing pvp????????"
I get that you love DS2 enough to save this copypasta and spam it constantly, but you have to accept that DS3 has a different pace and design that makes some of this shit completely incompatible with it.
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you
This is fucking annoying in invasions, but even as fast as healing is in this game chugging at the wrong time will still get you fucked by a boss.
>stamina in general
This is also fucking annoying in PvP, with fast, tanky enemies that spam a lot of attacks it's needed for the PvE to work.
>poise and damage reduction
Poise exists, but they've tied it more to weapons instead of armor. This one actually grew on me, since it does quite a bit to change up your playstyle if using a greatsword or above. The armor barely doing shit does suck, though.
>non linear first half
I'm a bit torn on this since gating off upgrade resources as hard as DS3 did basically forced a decent difficulty curve that DS2 sorely lacked for it's first half.
The rest of it I mostly agree with.
Why did no one ever bring up these shitboxes? If these had been in DS2 I GUARANTEE that people would use them as an arguement of why its shit but noooooooooo its in DS3 and A Team can do no wrong
no its retard, its a singleplayer game with an added multiplayer component.
With or without the multiplayer component, the game plays exactly the same
not talking about npc summons and invasions by the way
I definitely remember myself and the rest of the internet complaining about these things when the game first came out.
No one has ever tried to excuse them AFAIK, but compared to some of the stuff you deal with in DS2, fighting the Jailers isn't exactly rubbing salt on a raw wound by comparison.
>be 50m away from enemy
>enemy 720s and hits me
It's a part of the game dumbass. You're wondering why people actively seek out pvp or playing "for pvp", when no-one even mentioned that idea.
They're some bullshit that I don't think anyone liked fighting, but their only attack that isn't "lol goodbye HP bar" is telegraphed from a mile away so they aren't that hard to deal with, and on top of that they're only in one small area of the game and the only enemy you're likely to have to fight against with them are those cunts in a cage that move extremely slowly.
If enemies like them were all over the game, people would have been fucking PISSED, but the bullshit is confined and mostly forgettable.
And yet people piss & moan about the hammer drakekeepers in DS2 all the fucking time yet they show up even less in an even smaller area.
>it's fine when DS3 does it but not DS2
>in some of the earlier versions the health lowering thing could actually kill you
And yet a-team can do no wrong.
They never bothered me too much for that exact reason, but dealing with a tanky giant fucker with unlimited stamina with a group of mooks ready to gank you if you run past him is a bit harder than dealing with the jailers. If you already didn't like DS2 it would probably leave a pretty bad taste in your mouth.
dark souls 2 is so fucking shit
>worst fucking animations in the series
>enemies look like they are taking a shit when they attack
>all weapons feel like toys, especially how the character swings strength weapons
>enemies have gogo gadget extenders, and can hit you through 12 aeons
>iframes tied to a stat
>game looks worse than dks1, levels repeat tile textures, everything looks like shit
>worst bosses in the series
>ganksquad enemies
w-woah... but d-dark souls 3 is w-worse and I take my cool opinions from Sup Forums....
People actually unironically think DS2 was a bad game? Fucking spastics I swear. Every soulsborne game has bad hitboxes and netcode, but funnily enough DS2 was the least-bad of them.
In fact, DS2 was better in almost every way when it came to the game design itself. The story, and world design weren't as good, maybe even mediocre (but I think the LORE was fucking A+++), but the music, mechanics, and art style blow DS1 and 3 out of the fucking water. The only thing that was truly shit was the bosses following you around and spinning all over the place with their attacks.
>pvp is bad
>worst game I'm series
90% of people bitching about ds3 being the worst in the series act like the only reason to play the game is for pvp. Ds2 is a shit show when it comes to anything outside of the pvp scene. ds3 isn't amazing, especially for the shitty poise mechanics, but is a far better game in comparison to ds2
Music? No.
Mechanics? Objectively.
Art style? How high are you?
Worst PvP is definitely in DeS and Second Chance with instaheal grass single handedly ruined the whole thing.
That's not to say that it didn't have any good stuff, like Scraping Spear, acid mist and the poison and plague mists actually do something.
What I really hate in the later entries, is the fact that status effects are completely fucked, with the toxic being a small exception but with no good way to inflict it.
I went through DS3 with zero broken weapons or armor or even warning that they're about to break.
I might be alone with this, but I feel like in DeS the equipment breakage and status effects were done well and they both were a viable strategy. I also dislike in DS2 the fact that your weapons break in 2 hits and repairing the sacrifice rings was a mistake.
the hitboxes are a mixed bag, really
thing is, it's like this in the entire fucking franchise, but miyazakidrones pretend it's just DaS2
Also amazing world design.
>dark souls 2 is so fucking shit
Here we go
>worst fucking animations in the series
>enemies look like they are taking a shit when they attack
>all weapons feel like toys, especially how the character swings strength weapons
Yeah, they used motion capture in this game, but the animations are unrealistic and shit, right?
>enemies have gogo gadget extenders, and can hit you through 12 aeons
Yeah, unlike previous games... oh wait Also people aren't constantly bitching about DS3 because hitboxes barely matter in that game. Every enemy auto-tracks like mad and chases you while attacking, so you can't dodge getting away buy instead you're forced to use iframes. This is even worse with many bosses, who have huge hitboxes and spin 180ยบ to hit you if needed.
>iframes tied to a stat
DS1: Equip Load determined iframes, which is tied to Endurance.
DS2: Agility determined iframes, which is tied to Adaptability.
>game looks worse than dks1, levels repeat tile textures, everything looks like shit
In some areas, tile set textures feel like they lack variety, that's true, but most areas look good, and overall, DS2 has better graphics, that's not debatable.
>worst bosses in the series
All games have shit bosses and good. It's hard to say DS2 had the worst when DS1 had Bed of Chaos and Capra Demon, among other.
>ganksquad enemies
This is a legit flaw, they went too far with the "game is hard" meme
>w-woah... but d-dark souls 3 is w-worse and I take my cool opinions from Sup Forums....
The irony of this... Most of Sup Forums still hates DS2, and that's only because it became a meme to hate it. So now everything about DS2 is bad, no matter if it was an improvement over DS1.
I think DS1 is a better game and DS2 took many steps in the wrong direction, but it's still a good game.
You need the agility for good rolling in DaS2 though. You don't need to increase your endurance in DaS1, you can go armourless if you can dodge properly. You act like DaS2 didn't have fatrolling.
Everyone levels up Endurance in DS1, is too good.
I don't know why you bring up fatrolling, it doesn't affect iframes in DS2. It wasn't a wise choice, but it didn't screw you that much if you decided to invest in iframes instead of equip load.
All the Souls games have their own flaws and redeeming qualities. None of them are perfect.
True, but just that you can basically have just a weapon equipped. There's only 3 different rolls in DaS that only come from percentages in your equip load, so there's only 3 different sets of iframes anyway.
My point being that ADP affects the iframes directly, while END doesn't.
Of course there's the fourth roll on lightroll with the ring, but yeah, I'm not sure how much that affects the iframe amount.
END being pretty much necessary stat is true with the stamina and all, but these two are completely different things.
>With or without the multiplayer component, the game plays exactly the same
But that's not true at all you fucking retard
Thank you for gracing us with your superior knowledge and wisdom, captain obvious
i don't think DS2 is overall a bad game but it's the weakest souls game
It's what I'm here for.
Nuh uh. They are all a varying amounts of perfect.
The music in DS2 wasn't memorable at all.
I'd say that even Pontiff's theme is better than anything in DS2.
for every webm like this there are a thousand webms like this
how can you possibly say that majula's music wasn't memorable, especially with that calming vibe
Dont forget
>game has a stat which raises iframes
>dont level it up at all and post the same 4 webms of a 3ADP character
This is noise.
What's everyone's ranking of the DS2 DLCs? Currently playing through them for the first time. Did Sunken King first because I thought I had seen people kinda rating that one lowly, but it was great.
Well, 2 of the 3 bosses were shit (but Sinh was amazing, might be my favourite dragon fight in the series), but the level design was top notch, fucking around with the pillars to get to items and get further in the level, and trying to find all the stuff in the pyramid maze, really fun.
Did I accidentally play the best one first, or are the others even better?
this argument is used over and over but then everyone forgets about the magical abyss copy paste graveyard in DS3 below a whole fucking city