ITT: Unpopular opinions

ITT: Unpopular opinions

>Dark souls is shit
>Played through the game just fine and the only real enemy were retarded mechanics
>Enemies can turn as they perform a heavy overhead swing but I can't, shit hitboxes, most enemies have predictable attacks and are a chore to kill, enemies can't hit each other, enemies can attack through walls and perform wide swings in tight corridors, etc.
Literally just artifical difficulty due to odd constraints that apply to the player but not to the AI. It's an easy game once you learn how to play around them. Most enemies can be destroyed with a backstab or even a parry if you carry a shield. I don't see why people jerk off to this game.

>Pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

There's nothing wrong with liking an FPS that isn't Doom or Quake.

Dark Souls IS shit. Most of the bosses are trivial if you know one fucking mechanic, and that's dodging.

And that's the core of the game. The setting/plot/graphics are all sub-par and generic. Especially the plot and lore, that tries to sound deep and pretentious when in reality, there's nothing there and the players are making shit up. That's not good storytelling, that's being a lazy cunt.

But apparently, a game not holding your hand every step of the way means it's 'hard', so every modern gamer pretends like it's a masterpiece or challenging.

Music is alright, I guess.

NBA 2k has great gameplay, the devs are greedy but the game is fun and has a high skill ceiling

>t. [email protected]

Dark Souls is highly acclaimed in the real world.
Meaning on Sup Forums it's shit.
Therefore you are Sup Forums normie.

Isn't this child abuse?

>I don't see why people jerk off to this game.
Feeling of accomplishment I guess.
I entirely agree with your opinion though.

Here's mine:
Mario sunshine is the best Mario because it has great and consistent atmosphere and lore.
Shit like seeing other islands is really immersive and the whole tropical theme was pretty consistent throughout without being overbearing.

Goddamn orthodox slavs.

I enjoy walking simulators and I am building up a collection of them

I've played two of them, start to finish, also did an SL 1 run of the first.

Here's my BIGGEST fucking problem with all of dark souls:

Enemies can strike through each other.

And not a single fucking soul on here complains about this massive, glaring problem with the gameplay and how this massive issue severely impacts the gameplay.

Also ''''''realistic'''''' military shooters with '''''''''''''''''realistic'''''''''''''''''' tank control movement is dogshit. They only get away with it because not all of you go to a range or go outdoors much to get a feel for normal dexterity with the involved subject matter.


I've played the best bond game.

And it's not Goldeneye

Pretty much this.

MGS: Peace Walker is the second best game in the series.

>two more retards that try to analyze Dark Souls based on how hard they think it is or should be
So how new are you guys? What's your favorite site? Reddit?
What makes Dark Souls good is not the difficulty, or being "hard", only fucking casual faggots think that way, which you both seem to have picked up, from casual sites I can guarantee, because if you've ever been in any DaS thread here on Sup Forums no one every talks about it being "hardcore" or any such shit you guys have in your head.

>a fucking garbage pale

It's blessed tho.

>Still didn't explain why people jerk off to it

I respect your opinion even though I don't at all agree with you.

Though, enemies CAN hit one another, as long as they're different types of enemy. The same type of enemy can't hit another of it's kind I believe.

people like dark souls because it IS, at it's core, challenging. Obviously your mileage may vary because every game is different for different people, but as far as a lot of modern video games go, yes, not hand holding the player IS refreshing for a lot of people. Dark souls lets you figure out it's gameplay and story and world on your own and people really appreciate that

again i wont fault you for having an opinion but understand why it's popular

Uh, user...

it's Georgia

Splatoon is the best shooter to come out since OG TF2

Titanfall 2 is the second best

No one is jerking off to it, the fact that you even phrase it like that tells me you have some sort of bias against the game have instilled you, probably association with a type of person you don't like.
I have twice in the past week gone into a well explained reason why I personally feel the game is special, in threads similar to this one and both times I got no response from the person that was asking the question of why people like it, but instead they responded only to shitposters.
I'm not doing it again, it's fucking useless to try to talk to someone like that that has already made up their mind because of their preconceptions, going into a game to justify what they already have decided upon.

If you play Souls games for anything other than the challenge, that's even fucking worse, because they're fucking awful in every regard.

I don't give a shit why you play it or what you think of it, the games are factually terribly designed and uninteresting, made to appeal to those retards you're talking about.

As if the bulk of the dark souls fanbase doesn't come from reddit these days.

Difference is, Witcher actually has gameplay and strong content beyond the shitty combat. Nobody has ever claimed Witcher to have good combat.

In fact, nobody was talking about the Witcher until you brought it up because you know I'm right and can't defend Souls games.

Little difference.

>tank controls
>ever being advertised as realistic in any way
I've never heard of a realistic military shooter with tank controls, RE5 and Dead Space 3 are the closest I can think of, and I'm really reaching there. Is there a specific game you're on about or did you just clump a bunch of things you hate together

git gud
for all the memes and shitposting it causes I'm grateful for the game in that you can tell who is simply bad at video games by what excuses they make up to try and justify them being shit

still not slavs

They might as well be

how's that?

Kill yourself, you useless faggot.

Anyway, shitty tank controls and janky movement as seen in anything bohemia put out, DayZ, Arma, Red Orchestra, in the latter the cover system doesn't even function properly to the point after playing it so long you start telling newer players not to use it.

But these companies get away with it because of smelly cock guzzling abortions like yourself like to encourage shitty design practices.

kys my man, literally human waste

He said unpopular, not stupid.

>dark souls is shit!
>b-bbut witcher is shit too!
loving every laugh

Why do you keep telling him to kill himself? what the fuck are you on right now?

I hate when a game has you do shit damage arbitrarily. Swing a sword at level 1 or level 30 the only difference is at 30 you do more damage.
Witcher is a perfect example of this.

>Witcher has gameplay beyond the gameplay

name 5 shooters better than splatoon in the last 5 years

Oh, I've never played any of those because they look terrible, so when you say "tank controls" my mind goes to Resident Evil and Dead Space. FPS with tank controls sounds weird

>All gameplay is combat

You keep digging that hole, user. Really making the Souls fanbase look smart.

fuck you faggot
it's baptizing

>Someone says a game is easy and enemies are a chore to kill
>You tell him to git gud
Thanks user. You really made me think.

>Nobody has ever claimed Witcher to have good combat.

Except for every single Witcher fanboy in these sorts of threads.

jackie chan

Skyrim is better than oblivion in every way besides there being no spell creation.

I can understand people liking morrowind the best because nostalgia and it's different enough to be a distinct game with its own feel. However, oblivion is just shit compared to morrowind and skyrim in every way.

Oblivion was shit on when it first came out.
It's well received on Sup Forums because Skyrim was universally beloved when it came out and still is.
Sup Forums will love Skyrim when the next elder scrolls comes out.

VTMB is ridiculously overrated

Untrue. Though Oblivion has aged like SHIT and is practically unplayable now.

That being said, Morrowind is a garbage game and people only like it because of nostalgia. It's nothing to do with aging, Morrowind was shit when it was first released too. Oblivion was pretty great when it came out.

Progression systems are what ruined multiplayer gaming

Fucktards like you are the reason games are shit. Dark Souls is only hard in a fair way; where your mistakes are what makes the game difficult. Learning how to dodge and use the shield along with enemy patters before trying to go on the offensive is key. That's why so many enjoy it.

That's the opposite of shit, you going all "D-dodging is the only thing and it's shit" wont change that fact; that's like claiming that all old shooters are bad because all you do is zick zack and shoot enemies.

>The setting/plot/graphics are all sub-par and generic. Especially the plot and lore, that tries to sound deep and pretentious when in reality, there's nothing there

Oh hey, more made up bullshit. How fucking stupid do you have to be to call plot and lore pretentious when it's obscure and hidden? Do you fucking know what the word means? Furthermore, you give no examples of why it's "sub-par and generic". How about you fucking point that out before you try to act like you know shit?

The lore is fairly straightforward as long as you're not a literal child with mental problems; it's just that you actually have to look for it to learn it which certainly is fucking better than having cutscenes out the ass that shove story and lore down your throat; instead it gives you the option to learn about it if you want.

You're still not giving any examples, fucktard; how about you stop pretending and just admit that you don't know shit?

>bought TW3 first day because I love fighting bosses
>the bosses turned out to be braindead damage sponges with one attack pattern
>oh well, the story quests are kinda interesting
>the story quests got tediously padded like shit
>oh well, the side quests are kinda great
>some spectacular side quests aside, most are follow-the-red and palette-swapped-monster contracts
>oh well, let's explore this beautiful world
>it's fucking empty with boring POIs
Just completed the Bloody Baron quest and finished exploring Velen and White Orchard after 50+ hours, and I'm done with the game for good.

>Uh, ____....
Why do you talk like a woman? And what the fuck does that webm have to do with his post?

Holy shit how can you be this upset people hate shit souls?

play big tournie games or kys faggot

He's an autist that got triggered by the geralt picture and something in him snapped and made him post that same webm he has posted hundred(s) times before.

>that broken part of the bucket
I'm guessing that's from the time when he missed and smashed a baby's head straight into the rim.

>Enemies can turn as they perform a heavy overhead swing but I can't

Yes you can.

It's not child abuse when it's religion, didn't the Catholics teach you that?

Okay?? Hella epic blog post faggot

Similar culture.

many people seem to mistake long TTK with difficulty

Sure. Now lets look at the Souls games:

>Plot is pretentious 2deep4u bullshit that leaves 99% of details out 'intentionally'
>Gameplay involves pressing two buttons only over and over
>Animations look like shit, characters look like shit, voice acting is shit
>PVP is a lagfest and still a two-button spamfest
>World is linear as fuck, no real exploration
>All the games are literally fucking identical in gameplay
>Having the game run on checkpoints makes you repeat entire areas as a design decision
>Super short
>Any 'challenge' that the game could even have is completely negated by the ability to summon phantoms

Name one good thing about Souls games that's not the music. I'll wait.

I hate retards, not people that dislike Souls, at least bring up good actual points, faggot.

I'm sorry if I don't treat your shitty attempts at "argument" with respect; maybe I would if you had some actual brainpower to use behind that skull of yours. I mean for fuck sake, none of you fucktards even pointed out the actual flaws of Dark Souls, such as Net coding, balancing and reusage of assets in some of the games along with some areas and bosses being awfully lackluster.

But no, you can't even do that; why the fuck do I have to come up with your arguments for you? For fuck sake, why don't you go and drink some bleach you little shitter, at least your mother wont have to deal with your retarded ass then.

And tournie games are a different genre and appeal you turbofaggot; you don't play Dark souls for the competitive aspect.

Soulsfaggots are insecure, underage shitters who are all about 'muh real games' and 'muh industry'.

AKA twice as cancerous as casual faggots.

How old are you? I refuse to believe you're over 18.

>I'll just post reaction images and make jabs
Go get 'em, champ. That will show 'em.

>Enemies can strike through each other.

But you can strike through enemies?

Doom is shit. And no, I'm not just talking about the new on: the whole series is shit.

Hey faggot, read my goddamn posts before you act retarded in front of others And I'll ignore the fact that you think that gameplay only involves two buttons which is demonstrably false; even people not fans of Dark Souls knows this.

>World is linear as fuck, no real exploration
Why do you keep demonstrating your complete ineptitude and lack of knowledge about the Dark Souls games? The whole reason why people hate DS2 and love DS1 is precisely because of the exploration, you fucktard.
>All the games are literally fucking identical in gameplay
>"WOOOW, sequels are similar???"
I guess sequels is a novel concept for you, you shiteating little piglet.
>Super short
You can stop baiting now.
>Any 'challenge' that the game could even have is completely negated by the ability to summon phantoms
Completely optional and not needed.

Good job trying to refute my points, piglet; if you can only focus on trying to insult my person, which is the complete opposite of what Sup Forums stands for sincethe whole point of anonymity is to make it about the content, not who is behind the post.

Is it that hard for you to actually not act like a gluesniffing little maggot and actually refute my points? I got no reason to pretend to be nice towards anyone that comes with shitty, uninformed "Opinions" that are pretty much fabricated lies in an attempt to either shitpost or make up for their own insecurities for the game they like. Notice how I don't shit on Witcher 3, because I have not played it and I am not retarded enough to think I can form an opinion about a game I haven't played.

>Doesn't just answer the question
So what you're saying is, you're underage.

Got it.

holy shit the AUTISM

not even the guy, but fuck, you're not helping the image of DS players

I'm not answering because it doesn't matter; this is Sup Forums, everyone is anonymous and everyone can make up anything about themselves.

The fact that you do not understand this simple fact; along with the point of anonymity on Sup Forums is a bigger showcase of how new you are and your mental retardation and/or age.

Good job still not refuting my points; guess that means I'm right.

>All the assmad soulsfags in this thread

I don't even care about the game, but the playerbase is seriously retarded


And why the fuck would I care about the image of DS players or any players? Why don't you go back to your little hugbox if you're that concerned about the general image of your "Fandom"? Either you play or you don't play; I don't give a shit about what you do or what game you play. Stop being concerned about "Image", especially on an anonymous image board.

And no amount of image reaction posts are going to change that fact, nor the fact that no one still hasn't even attempted to refute my points which gives me even less reason to act polite around a bunch of shitposting tards.

>At least there's no fags toda--
>there is no fags
Is basic grammar that fucking hard for people? This is grade school shit.

What game has better combat than Dark Souls or Bloodborne? Not meming, not baiting-- this is a serious question. Don't mention fighting games either. That's not the type of combat I'm talking about.

damn calm down nigga its just video games

Yeah but its still a wank game maaaaayyyyyyyte

mount & blade

as much as I dislike organized religion, no, this isn't going to hurt a babby.

>some says Dark Souls is bad
>fanbase gets triggered

>Enemies can turn as they perform a heavy overhead swing but I can't

Uh, yes you can. There are several weapons where you can adjust your aim during the windup, such as with the Dragonslayer spear.

Dark Messiah

You'd be surprised at the sheer amount of people who still struggle with grammar.

Dark Souls IS shit, though.

No, it's not just video games, it's shitposters shitting up the board as always and has been for years now. I'm always mad, not because people dislike a game; that's perfectly fine and dandy but nothing infuriates me more than people that spouts uninformed bullshit that can't even explain why they think something is bad. If I wanted uniformed bullshit, I'd go to leddit or News sites.

But no, people are addicted to "reactions", they like to feel "Superior" by thinking they made someone angry; as if that is an achievement and something difficult to do. It's like being proud that your mother called you a good boy and putting your crayon drawing on the fridge.

Xbox owners (Bone/360, OG is cool) are cancerous in person but okay online (for the most part)

But you should never ever allow them to be more than "just some online fuckboi"

Sony system owners are by default weebs and autistic. As such, they manage to actually fix more than they break

Nintendo system owners are just autistic with almost no redeemable factors other than that they're much more inclined to be resourceful and take a cheaper alternative if applicable

Anyone that uses a mac for gaming in any capacity is either retarded, or just wants to use that keyboard - which would mean you should build a fucking pc and just use that keyboard

Piracy is only bad if you wave your dick around with it

people making mods are cancer, but the people making tools to make mods are doing gods work

The virtualboy wasnt nearly as shit as it could have been, and was almost ready to be a success but only because at the time they didnt have blue leds available it failed miserably

proprietary storage mediums are cancer but only if they are used on one device (vita memory card for example - just an M2 card modified to sony's demands).

HDDVD is a meme but laserdisc isnt a meme

Betamax was literally superior in every way except cost

There is nothing wrong with dark souls as a game

There is everything wrong with Dark souls as a multiplayer game, and should never have been such

Mountain dew is actually not that bad despite memes

>people making mods are cancer, but the people making tools to make mods are doing gods work

>Unpopular opinions
Mirror's edge catalyst is a good game that improved on the mechanics of the first. The open world is meh but the feeling of doing parkour is there. Combat is also a step on the right direction.

>make tool that can mod game however you want
>people mod in horsecocks instead of improve the game
i mean sure adding horsecocks is fine but does it improve the game - usually no

Fallout 4 is a pretty damn good game. Anybody saying 4's story is worse than 3's is a nut.

4's story is better, but also far more limiting when it comes to roleplay. Regardless, either story is pretty crap.

why did you search horsecocks mods in the first place?

The Halo games are fantastic, but CE is extremely overrated relative to other games in the franchise, especially the single player

wasnt intentional. skyrim mod workshop was recommending it to me when they allowed people to price mods


>Dark Souls is shit

You're with the vast majority here on Sup Forums

>come back to thread an hour later
>no one has disagreed with me
i would say that must mean im right but that cant be with how popular that bullshit is