Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ ShitpostFest

Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ ShitpostFest

Complaing about Afterbirth+, upload Lostboy.exe to the workshop, Ask for a refund with the reason being "The steak is still raw", or do the audacious thing and compliment the game.

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I don't even own the game. I'm just here for the drama

So, how long might the sale last? No money until the 13th

What's going on with it?


if you reset the game too many times in a row you get an unlock that replaces random soul hearts with half hearts

it's an achievement required for 100% completion

>Half Soul Hearts

Why? what is the fucking purpose of adding something like that?

7 dollars for half soul hearts and..this

This is the official final boss/level of the entire Isaac franchise.

As in just for that run, ir forever?



I made the rest of the Steak sprites


Items with similar effects in Antibirth and Afterbirth+, fixed edition

More like a misteak

Just got home
Is it free?


I sort of see what they wanted to do and it's actually a really cool idea, but the execution is beyond fucking lazy, I mean, at least give the final boss some fucking animations.

Yeaah... this shit ain't getting any money from me.

It's funny

because it's true

who /GreenIsaac/ here?

They patched it now, but the final floor is still a reskin of the other floors and the final boss is still a glorified garbage boss rush.
I'd assume those items were suggestions in the Reddit thread and the AntB devs just nicked the cool ideas.

christ, did they fucking give ragman a better, undead version?

Tuff Twins was literally taken from the wiki for Binding of Isaac fan ideas.

They released so close together, I have a hard time believing it was ripped off.


It's just a duke of flies that spawns psychic spiders instead of flies

Big horn is even worse

/greenpill/ me on this new meme please

Are there any original bosses in AB+? Everything I've encountered so far seems to be a variation of existing bosses. Even that large pit boss is just a larger Little Horn.

And it's still better than any of the new bosses in AB+.

rly stimulates ur frontal lobe

>tfw ate too many vegetables

oh my fucking god. did they fire their animators or something?

the final boss has no animation at all, just a static sprite

Somebody made GreenIsaac with AB+ mod tools. 9/10 meme


You can tell they wanted to go with a crowdpleasing Link's Awakening/Lavos style final boss, but just completely fucked it up.

Shit just randomly teleports and shifts forms with Hush's damage sponge/bullet spray? Why not just randomize a couple of bosses + mom to fight gauntlet style, then give it its own unique final boss form?

At least give it a unique final boss form, for fucks sake.

>Antibirth devs turning into cunty, egotistical assholes thanks to the community inflating their egos over this shit

Thanks faggots

>tfw to inteligent too eat to many vegetables

How the fuck do you fix the instant close on launch?

This is one of the shittiest final bosses I've ever seen.

a mod who adds nothing is better than afterbirth+


Oddly enough, the animations exist in the unpacked files. Not sure why they don't work in-game but I don't see how they could have missed it in testing regardless.

did they nerf ragman?
I fought him before and instead of shitting out psychic spiders he was dropping regular spiders.

And they have every fucking right to be prideful of their superior work.

Go to the steam refund page and request your 6.66$ +.03$ back

Antibirth devs were very vocal about Afterbirth being fucking shit and Afterbirth+ being even worse doesn't help their egos.


Eat your Steak, Edmund.

it's pretty cringy to call afterbirth+ an "inhuman pile of garbage"

They're mostly mad because it's clear Edmund is only willing to work with them for his own gain. Doesn't help that the provided mod tools are ass, apparently.

Looks pretty neat.

it was a bug which is now patched

it pretty much is just that

>tfw you already forgot which DLC is official and which is a mod

Run vc_redist from the _CommonRedist folder.

What about the final ending tho?

Where is that folder located?

>Afterbirth being shit

Really? Other than the rocky launch it had a ton of actual QoL changes and item synergy fixes. I'd say it honestly ended up positive in the end if just for that. I'm hoping they actually fucking implement some of that stuff instead of just leaving it out because they think they're superior or something.

Antibirth's the official free expansion, Afterbirth+ is just some bootleg shit made to steal your money
this is how i wish it was, anyways

In Rebirth's folder.

Fucking nothing

The dude who said that worked on Rebirth and was told he'd be working on the expansions that'd come after

They never called him back for Afterbirth or Afterbirth+

It is his game after all. They're lucky he didnt push out a cease and desist on them.

Still not working

Tried repairing, didn't work

Tried uninstalling redist and installing it again, didn't work

They're gonna backport the non-garbage stuff the last time I've heard. They're also probably gonna do the work Nicalis should've done and tweak the bosses instead of nerfing shit.

what said

That isn't how it works retard.

this is the final ending

it just shows isaac suffocating to death again
the only new thing it implies is that isaac's dad was the abusive one, not his mom

It sure does. They've been taking donations and making a profit. Project would have been shut down months ago and Ed knew all about it.

If Edmund were any more butthurt, maybe he would but he knows that that would be a bad idea

I paid $6.69 for this

NotYourSagittarius never worked on Rebirth, Nicalis just contacted him because his art was good quality, but they never came to an agreeement. He never worked on anything other than Antibirth.

The superarmor is the thing AB added that sucks the most fun out of the game for me. I do agree there's more good and bad in that expansion overall though

Taking donations and selling a mod are 2 completely different things.

It literally just showed what everyone had been saying about it since rebirth.

I'm incredibly disappointed with AB & AB+ they are just cash in that continued to break the game and make breaking the game easier and easier. Rebirth was quite good, but they stacked so much shit onto this game that you now that the game isn't very fun anymore.

There is just too much RNG, you either have an amazing run that is so OP you know you're going to win after the first 3 floors or you have runs that are so slow and boring that are just unfunny and you are almost guaranteed to lose.

Get a refund, leave a review.

>squeezy no longer gives you spirit hearts
This is the greatest loss of all

Eh, cost of a plain burger and fries.

Actually, kinda want the burger more.

I think it's less about RNG and more about Edmund adding way too many awful items and bad ideas into 1 game.

you'd be surprised how stuff like that has worked in the past especially with Nintendo

AB+ is harder but not in a way that makes it more fun. Those stupid portal things that spawn as early as the basement are just a way to make the floor artificially harder.

Did that fat retard not learn anything after Afterbirth?

Is there a single good thing about this piece of shit dlc?

the GAY THEORY version was actually better

According to the steam page, until january 10th

I feel bad for Edmund because i thought he was the most likable person in indie game the movie and made some classics, especially on newgrounds.

But after the lost and breaking up with Danny B hes been on a downward spiral. His games now have to suffer because of his ego.

Are you just going to swallow your 7 dollar burger in one bite?!

I wouldn't have a problem with them if their spawn rate of enemies wasn't so fucking quick

how do we fix the final boss gameplay wise?

I bought the mod yesterday night. It's morning over here now, almost 11 AM.

The game still doesn't work, even after the update. Quality stuff you guys.

pretty sure i saw a stream with squeezy paying out

The new char is pretty cool

Enlighten me on the gay theory

And the influx of greed gapers in the treasure rooms. Unlike in normal rooms, they rush you right away instead of standing in place for a second. Some things I can turn the other cheek on, but this is clearly an oversight.

Could justify it all you want. In reality, Ed is the one with the money. If it were any other dev that shit would have been shut down before it even started.

Do you mean how will the community fix it or how Edmund will fix it? If it's how Edmund will fix it, he won't. He will leave it as fucking shit and awful as he left Hush.

I mean expansion, duh. I just woke up and I'm upset that it's still not working.

If you can name a single good thing about antibirth+, with the exception of green Isaac, I'll go to my local 24 he grocery, pick up 100$ worth of steak, and eat it all in one bite

Is that a thing?
Also treasure rooms that give you trinkets

its a joke title about the youtube series "game theory" by matpat, honestly i think its shit


What the fuck is going on in this challenge

>Also treasure rooms that give you trinkets
I know about that but there are also treasure rooms with two obtainable items. Does the encounter rate on these two things even out?