So I didn't know but lots of big Quake players including Rapha, Cooler and Cypher play Overwatch now...

So I didn't know but lots of big Quake players including Rapha, Cooler and Cypher play Overwatch now. That actually makes me respect the game a bit more. Is Overwatch a good game Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Quake players go there because they want money and Quake is too niche for money-- not because it's a good game

It's a good game

I used to think "overwatch is a moba" was a shit meme, but now I honestly believe it. You don't need to be good at aiming to be good at the game, it is just positioning, communication, and timing. Aim is not important.

If you are OK with that, and the community that goes along with MOBAs, you will like the game

to elaborate:
Overwatch is glorified scissors-paper-rock; the game is made of a very strong hard counter system, where if you run into your counter, you're highly to lose the fight, no matter how good you are.

Blizzard designed their game like an MMO or an RTS, because they have no experience in FPS game design. Much of the game is comprised of autoaim, walls, or AoE attacks that take little skill to execute and have little counterplay.

All characters in Overwatch move slowly. There's no fall damage, air control, ammo management, and you don't lose ult meter on death, meaning you can get a nearly guaranteed kill with your ult on some classes even if you die frequently from being outskilled.

There's also heavy issues with visual clutter, as there's so much glowy shit on the screen at once, viewmodels are large and in the way, and maps tend to be poorly lit for aesthetic purposes at the expense of gameplay.

Overwatch is a shallow game which would need very extensive reworking and rebalancing to justify calling it a "good game", compared to other titles on the market. The reason for its massive popularity was its huge advertising campaigns, not because of inherent quality as a game.

who says this

>it is just positioning, communication, and timing
Which other games like Quake Live, TF2, Dirty Bomb, Xonotic, Toxic, Unreal Tournament, even Rainbow Six Siege and Paladins all have in spades. Overwatch is heavily casualised compared to the other options.

"scissorspape(rr)ock" rolls off the tongue better than "rock pape(rs)cissors"

try it

Comparing Quake to Overwatch is like comparing Devil May Cry to Bloodborne.

Arena shooters and class-based (or hero-based if you want to be a fucking queer) shooters are completely different games with a similar look. Overwatch is a good game, but the fact that Quake players are playing it doesn't mean a fucking thing.

So I made this post on vg and no one responded since I guess they are too busy fapping to their shared waifu pics

>decide to give this game another shot
>come back and match is going incredibly well
>we are at el dorado and we are defending and lose the first point
>enemy team doesnt make it to the second one
>next round
>someone leaves before we even lock in our characters
>they dont come back
>we make it literally within 4 meters of the enemy teams place
>you guys tried :)

I don't know why anyone would play this shit, it was my first competitive match in awhile and it was placements but it was already off to a terrible start and I dont see any reason to continue it.

I did. My tongue thinks you're a moron.

no u

Its supposed to be rock paper scissors. Instead its tanks and healers vs tanks and healers

exaggeration to fit your point : the post

>free weekend
>playing quickplay as junkrat
>ult 3 times in a game and get 3 insta gibs each team by pressing a buttom
>the strangers I party upped with holler each time
>get potg
I might get it

Paper rock scissors actually seems best tbqh

the fact that there are and have been numerous overwatch threads everyday since release means that the game is popular, however contested

its fun in small to medium doses
i dont understand

u lost

get over it?

I lost because someone left the game on my team when we were WINNING

It was also during competitive placements so it is better for your rating to be higher when you get placed so you dont have to risk more games with people leaving.


mcdonalds is popular
skyrim is popular
nickelback is popular
now im not saying somethng being popular is bad
but it doesnt make it good, either
you can sell anything with enough advertising

If you don't want to deal with people being fuckheads then multiplayer games in general are not for you. If getting high placement is important then don't soloqueue, not like it matters because there are many examples of people throwing placements to get put in bronze and soloqueue climb to Diamond/GM

>game designed for normie faggots who like to pretend they're competitive gamrz
>it's popular on Sup Forums in the year of our lord 2017 (honorable mention 2016)

I'm shocked god dammit.

It is blatantly an FPS for people who are not interested in classic FPS. Anyone who kids himself believing this to be somehow a game that could have serious competitive potential is silly, the tournament scene lives and dies by the blessings of Blizzard's money purse, and everyone else just plays along.

If you accept it by what it is, by which I mean a thoroughly casual experience, it can be rather enjoyable though.

How can be bashing people with a giant hammer not fun?

>mcdonalds is popular
What's wrong with McDonald's?
>skyrim is popular
What's wrong with Skyrim?
>nickelback is popular
Are they still popular? For the past decade, the only time I've heard about them is when somebody is complaining about them.

lurk more

If you think about card games, the card games with the most complex and arcane rulesets or decks aren't necessarily the funnest.

American version looks and tastes like shit and is terrible for you. Some franchise outlets are worse than others, of course. Prior to Super Size Me coming out it was even worse, despite being even more popular
>What's wrong with Skyrim?
repetitive, simplistic, shallow level design/combat/quests, and buggy as fuck
>are they still
ok sorry nickelback's samey music WAS popular. Point still stands there, time period is irrelevant

Refer to

A game with depth and complexity is more fun, and for longer, with less potential to get bored

And the card game-game comparison is inaccurate. You're describing a game with a high skill ceiling and a high skill floor, if you have to read three pages of rulesets before beginning to play.

The ones I'm listing are low skill floor, high skill ceiling. Quake for example is simple enough for a total newbie to get into and start clicking people with the rocket launcher, but they have almost infinite room to grow from that starting point.

the best, most fun for everyone kind of game is one with a high skill ceiling and a low skill floor, easy to learn, hard to master; Overwatch's skill ceiling is significantly lower than the other games I listed, meaning it has less room for a player to grow

>A game with depth and complexity is more fun, and for longer, with less potential to get bored
Generalizing like that is fucktarded.

yeah man i sure love snakes and ladders, tic tac toe, ludo, and candy land instead of playing chess

or to use video game examples

>new vegas

these keep people playing for 1000s of hours

>dragon age inquisition

these keep people playing for 100s of hours, if that

It's an extremly fun game. The top 1% level play has consisted of the same character and tactics for a few months.
The team focus makes it either a joy to play with savvy people or a frustrating slog with ignoramooses.

Get it. Just don't expect a traditional FPS.

hyperbole makes you look like a fucktard.

popular generally does mean good actually

if something is popular it's generally because people find it enjoyably and good, not because it's a grueling bore

I hope one day someone or something hits you right in the dick for using that vocabulary.

why do nerds who never actually play it fellate chess so much

Chess is honestly the only respectable game there is. The rules are simple and the thinking is complex

despite it being a shit game, people play skyrim for 1000s of hours.

Its casual garbage. Play something proper like Go.

I don't think it can possibly get less complex than Doom.

Go? Pfft... Why don't you Go fuck yourself.
Might as well go play Mancala

only with mods, not the base game, which is simple. mods add depth

popular generally does not mean good actually

something can become popular simply because it was advertised well and grannies all over America bought it for little jimmy for Christmas (lee carvallo putting challenge.jpg), while actually good things can go completely under the radar due to a lack of advertising

Fucking americans always have to be unique and different at the expense of being practical.

Well what I'm saying is if people want to have fun doing positioning and teamwork, do they necessarily also want to focus on aiming and movement? It's like saying basketball needs tackling to be a worthy sport.

im having fun with it but im not autistic about shooters, in fact im pretty casual when it comes to shooters
so if you're from quake it's probably not your thing

Overwatch is unironically my favorite game ever.
Deal With It.

Two things I'll say, the game has few bugs. Hell, if there are any, I didn't notice any while I played.
The art style and actual graphics of the game are great. It manages to be realistic looking while also keeping it cartoony, along with the graphics department having had money dumped into it by the truckload.
Other than those two things, the game is a 1/10 from me for cons that couldn't fit 5 posts. I just wanted to say what I liked, almost everything else is really, really bad.

if an individual only wants to have fun doing positioning and teamwork, tf2 has engineer and medic who focus wholly on that

positioning basically=movement