Mod spends year trying to infiltrate DSP

Has DarkSydePhil hate gone too far now?

>Guy pretends to be a girl.
>Works way up the trust ladder to become a mod.
>Changed and add up to 100 new chat commands that result in offensive results.
>People behind the attack sent him messages.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that DSP is actually based and Sup Forums has been brainwashed by Arin and The Zaibatsu into believing he's an idiot.

Stop being a sheep.

His DNF review:

His RE6 review:

His Halo 3: ODST review (part 1 of 3):

His AssCreed Unity review:

His 1886 review:

His Evolve review:

Calling out Bungie (Destiny) (30:00):

His stance on GamerGate (easily one of the most mature and level-headed I've seen yet) (39:16):

Five Nights at Freddy's:

Nintendo being faggots (38:55):

Not afraid to call out YouTube on their ridiculously unfair business practices:

Calling out Anita Sarkeesian for being a Professional Victim:

Dropping Truth Bombs regarding Twitch (27:25 onwards):

His thoughts on shitty video game reviewers (Revelations 2):

Also, as a streamer:

>Does not accept donations.
>No follow/subscriber alerts
>No stream gimmicks
>No facecam
>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
>Literally just the video game
>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS

DSP's M.O.? Video games. The video games come first, and he as a player comes second. More Lets Players should be like this, but only DSP has the integrity to actually follow through.

If after all this you're still a typical anti-DSP Sup Forums mouth-breather... well, sorry, I tried. Guess you can't save them all.

Based DSP will never succumb to the mentally ill haters

That's honestly quite the fucking dedication.

I really don't see DSP here in 6 months from now with tax season coming up. Patreon is drying up, and he himself has also said that January/February is the slowest month

That's actually really impressive he managed to pull this off. He has talent he's completely wasting.

His Patreon is still doing fine. He has more money than he makes out to be, and he'll go back to begging if necessary. It absolutely works. For years now, I see people say he's gonna go down. He really won't.

Shit photo, but Leanna's not unattractive. Shame about her personality.

People say all kinds of stuff. But now there is good solid logic on why he may actually be gone within a year from now.

His Patreon is slowly drying up, he had something like 1400 a month or two ago., it's down to 1150 now. Tax season will be hard on him. January/February is the worst months for him, and with a large downtown of games his Patreon will dry up even faster.

These are actually supposed to be his strongest months as this is the holidary season, but as we all know he still struggling.

Holy shit that is some intense autism to have a year of planning. I don't know if I should be worried or applaud the fucker.

Is she trying to be funny in the first clip

Pays over 1400$ for a hotel room ''vacation'' 30min drive away from his house, posts blogs about vacation how he is going to get food and watch tv in the hotel room.

This fat turd is the worst

No ones been brainwashed, he's just absolutely trash at video games

Didn't someone actually suggest to him to monetize the This is How you Don't Play series years ago and he just laughed it off?

What a fool

Her Saints Row 4 character she created to get back at Phil

Listen to DSP's laugh. That grating huh-huh-huh-huh. And the way he's incapable of delivering a joke, and he belabours any point he's trying to make.

The man has a mental disability. I believe it's Aspergers.

you leave mega64 out of this


>Some character speaking another language comes on screen

I hate DSP as much as the next guy, but these group of people that are obsessed with him and LowTierMonkey are beyond pathetic, their whole life is focused around these clowns.

I checked out his FF15 videos and it was painful

>can't figure out how dodging works
>cant figure out link strikes
>can't figure out how to aim spells
>constantly complain about combat while not figuring out basic shit
>figure out how to use potions like 4 hours into the game
>walk for 15 minutes when he could have used chocobos (of course he couldnt figure that out)
>go to high lv dungeon knowingly while underleveled
>complain about it being too difficult and bullshit

I dont know guys I don't think this is even a ''streaming persona'' hes been like this for 10 years already

>Blatant eceleb threads are fine now
>People are trying to defend/endorse DSP

nah fuck off

>E-celeb shit

Go be 12 ,years old somewhere else

This is like a chrischan tier hate on DSP.

Except instead of CC getting fucked over by kids DSP is against grown adults with literally no life.

>a full year of planning
>all wasted cause he couldn't keep his mouth shut

What a fucking fag


I know DSP can be trash at games but for spend a year and a half for a quick troll is pretty sad.

You're not wrong, I just find his voice annoying as fuck.

but what if now DSPhill trusts no one?
gas lighting a public figure is always worth it

Stop posting youtubers on Sup Forums, take this shit to /trash/ or Sup Forums.

>When Obsessive Beta Orbiters Turn Bitter

which fanbase is more autistic, sonic or DSP?

This madman has been doing this for a year.

> brainwashed by Arin and The Zaibatsu

>If someone doesn't like some shithead e-celeb, they must have been brainwashed by some other shithead e-celeb

Kill yourself.

The dude fucked up though.

The people who've dedicated themselves to trolling DSP are Barneyfag-tier at this point

stop posting this copypaste when it's blatantly wrong by this point.
>>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS
For anyone wondering, as soon as his viewer count took a hit on youtube gaming he went right back to twitch, even after saying how he didn't like how twitch operates and vowed to never stream there again.

DSP looks to me like a thinner version of Jack, who is just as unskilled but at a different hobby.


meant for

Basically. I love TIHYDP and regular ol' criticism but this shit stopped being funny around the swatting. There's always people who take the joke too far.

>he points out the shilling on twitch, and how its basically memes and ads, with 10% of gaming sprinkled in

He has a point, Sup Forums.

>added so much corn starch he created a non-newtonian fluid instead of a fucking batter

DSP stop. People haven't been brainwashed into disliking you. They dont like you because your shit at video games, your opinions are awful, your voice sounds like dude bro version of urkel, and overall you're the biggest cunt among a group of cuntish people

The spy mod should have waited for DSP to go live and then use a script to permaban every chat participant.

Thanks for posting his entire video catalog.

Daily reminder that the the only reason Mark is efamous is because of FNAF. He does nothing other than drink on cam for kids and dye his hair like the faggot that he is.

>sabotaged my moobot
>muh business
>muh family
>just gimmie a dahller

>e-celeb thread
>b-but its alright when it's somebody I like
Neck yourself e-celeb faggots

>takes time out of his day to bitch on Sup Forums
you are the DSP and Cooking with Jack of this board now

Then, the creators of those videos would have something else to bitch at him about...I'm not sure why you didn't expect that.

I'll never believe just how sad the anti-dsp cult following is. Like you cannot sink any lower than a DSP hater who dedicated 3 hour podcasts to shed bucket loads of salt over a 30 year old man who plays video games for a living.

Did DSP rape children in his past life or something?

Am I suppose to get those references? I don't watch YouTube gaming channels. You have to be over 18 to post, sorry about that.

he played my favorite game incorrectly so i must destroy him

we've turned the corner from DSP is a rude asshole who sucks at games and begs for a dollar every chance he gets to jesus, the people teasing DSP are fucking pathetic weirdos

So? Who cares, he would be making money in something people obviously want to see.

The TIHYDP videos get more views than his shit does.

dumb philposter

It was funny spending a few hours to try and scraping spear him in DeS.

Sons of Kojima are just as autistic as dsp.

I'm not one of those people but I absolutely love the people who do this shit, and I hope they never stop. DSP is basically reality TV at this point.

In the video he said he's having financial trouble with debts and taxes.

Its ironic that SoK shit all over DSP for his patreon and that he is shit at games.
Have you actually watched any of those faggots play games?, they suck ass worse than DSP and they all have patreons, especially Fred.
That Fred guy has become such a joke and hypocrit that the guy who used to run SoK called him out on his bullshit.

DSP has literally been pulling this off for a year straight.

Every single month is the worst month ever and if everyone doesn't donate a dollar per month he will be out on the streets in mere hours.

He really only has himself to blame

Doesn't he still drive a BMW? For what? He works at home

How will it all end? DSP and his stupidity has entertained me for years and I just love these shenanigans

He's actually only really been fucked since summer of 2016. He was actually doing pretty well in the beginning of 2016.

I'm not sure what happened though.

no, sometimes SoK shit comes up in my recommended and it's a four hour video of nasally dorks criticizing everything phil does

At this point its inhumane. It's basically a cult of mentally deranged people who's lifes are probably devoid of meaning and attacking dsp is the only mark they can leave on this world. That's just sad, theres no humpr in this, its just obsessive addicts getting a fix through really unhealthy ways.

It's almost like DSP only hires the worst sycophants as his mods so it's only appropriate it backfired.

Well it's funny for me to watch it and that's all I care about

Isn't it funny?

Only the most retarded drone would be a mod for DSP, and it turns out it was just an autistic detractor. Hilarious.

>How will it all end?

He's on a gradual decline and has been for years, squandering what few opportunities he had to make a comeback. Only question is HOW he's going out; with a bang or whimper.


you gotta respect this dedication to being fuck retarded tho

I think it might be different now. I'm pretty sure his views have gone down a lot and his Patreon goes up and down too. I think he has an expensive mortgage too.

I've heard of that too.

they have a fine future ahead of themselves in eve online if they ever decide to go down that route

It makes me uncomfortable when a TIHYDP is extremely hostile towards Phil. He's a moron but they talk about him like he's a legitimately bad person instead of just a hilariously awful LPer.

from what ive heard, i think DSP has some pretty based opinions on things, i remember a video he made about one of the bamham games getting a low score and people were freaking out about it and he said they were all acting like fuck heads.

e-celeb dick sucking aside, he has given me quite a few laughs. me and a friend have alot of fun with it too
>playing trauma center
>diagnosing a patient
>has dyspnea
>we read it as DSPnea

good times were had.

>he's not in the post post ironic dsp stage where you actually enjoy his content

because he IS a shitty person behind the scenes as well. you need not look any further than his former two best friends and how he handled it all.

Probably a bang. He would legitimately probably make an hour long video about him leaving YouTube.

Knowing Phil he would probably tell us every fucking detail of it.

my friends and me do this stuff too. if we die in "bullshit" ways we go WOOOOOOOOOOOOW

>because he IS a shitty person behind the scenes as well

Everybody is god dammit, especially the ones who attack him.


Are you fucking nuts?

all of this is so fucking autistic

including whoever made that fucking image

He is a shitty person. Watch that video with Rambo and his other friend talking about how DSP is basically a huge greedy fucking pathological liar who fucks over his friends for money.

Well, I'm not a fan of the hostile TIHYDPs either but he is a dickhead a lot of the time.

>tfw starting to unironically like ltg and dsp

Does anyone else feel bad for DSP lately? Despite how shitty he acts, the TIHYDP series is pretty entertaining and if he gets into major financial trouble, I'd feel bad for him if he lost his house, livelyhood, Pandalee etc.

I play a lot of fighting games with my friend. It's always a joke to say shit like "I'M PRESSING BUTTONS MAN COME ON"

>mfw he recently revealed his parents adopted a child back when he was younger, their niece or something, because her parents were druggies

Nigga, we don't NEED this information. Why are you sharing all this personal shit online? Only person worse at this is Chris-chan and that's not a compliment.

its the fucking greatest isnt it?
>playing mariokart
>get hit by green shell from far away

I don't want him to go away because I don't want TIHYDPs to stop

Chris Chan at least has an excuse. He has legitimate mental issues.

Phil is just an idiot.

it flies by though to be honest

I feel bad for his gf. Surely she's realize what a dead end and a fuckup DSP is.

Pandalee would probably be okay. She'd just move back home, and they're not married or anything so I doubt she has any financial stake in their car or home.

Welcome home.


It's very informative about Phil's character.

Watch it if you want to know how shitty Phil is. The time also flies by because the shit is quite interesting.

You could do this with about 99% of threads on Sup Forums.

This whole board has gone to shit.

Is it an invasion or is it autism?

she leached off of Phil for like three years, she'll be able to bounce to some other beta provider if the gravy train ever gets derailed