What went so fucking wrong?

What went so fucking wrong?

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he looks like he runs a spa in daytona

i thought he was getting in shape

closeups make people look bigger.

He was always an asshole, Jon just helped balance out his flaws and they were funny together

Without Jon his flaws are magnified and giving all of his friends and dicksuckers a Game Grumps spot dilutes the brand and make it meaningless

>Stopped hanging out and listening to Jon
>Only had the FAS space alien
>Surrounded himself with people who worship him

he and (((Danny))) hired more (((staff))), realized how many people they were reaching, and decided they had the moral responsibility to kick the virtue signalling up a notch, along with the financial responsibility to turn Arin's on-air persona into the predictable cartoon character the fans want to see.

Age happened.

>Playing through Resident Evil
>Dan says retard once
>Arin gets all over his shit and literally says "you're going to get us in trouble"

What is he holding?

>watching Classic Grumps
>all those uncensored "niggers" and the occasional censored one that was still funny because of how blatant it was

Good times



Oh wow, i'd fuck him.



How long before barry cucks him

This is a reasonable thing to say if you believe that video game characters' traits don't have to proportionally represent real people's traits

What did he mean by this

>barry and suzy with nobody else

man I bet that episode is a hoot

Only straights are mad at this

does someone else run this twitter or something this is very suspicious

Sucks that I'm not a member of the d club

He's on one of those 'diets' paleo if I remember correctly. Though I don't blame him I'd be pigging out if I was financially stable.

>Who cares.
way to show doublethink

not bad

>give someone else a shot ffs.
Does he think video game characters are real people who audition to play in video games? What the fuck???

I think it's because Danny never plays along with his bullshit. Danny drags everything down by spending 90% of his time trying to keep Arin in check. He literally spends that much time saying "Arin, Stop" or some form of other passive aggressive shit that I start to wonder why he's even around still.

>turning down the easiest shekels of his life

Not gonna happen schlomo

If you leave it in the order he said it in, the sentiment is "who cares if they're gay" rather than what you changed it to, which reads as "I don't care, but they should be gay"

How long before Rooster Teeth grabs Game Grumps?

dan, a 50 year old jewish man that went to school for marketing

Tracer is barely a character. Making her gay is not an interesting thing to do or allowed exploration of a LGBT character in video games. Praising it shows you care more about checking off a box than actual gay characters appearing in games.

this is dying for a shotgun edit



God I hate Barry. He tries so incredibly hard to ape the comedic style that popularized his coworkers and ends up being cringey as fuck.

Like Suzy would allow arin to ever let someone else have control over anything.

Holy crap I didn't even recognize him.

This man's strange bisexual charm definitely has faded. I'm also sad he didn't continue animating. That was were his true talents lied.

its really hard to shape putty when its obese

How can a man sound like he's a doing nothing but bad acting when he's just sitting around playing videogames with people
How in the hell can you make me doubt your performance barry it's ridiculous