How excited are you for the next Mass Effect game?

How excited are you for the next Mass Effect game?

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Damn dude shes pretty fast

dunno if I can handle playing such an OP protagonist

God damnit that's some Tortanic tier animation.

I see they got the TOR team on the case for this game.

Not at all. Anti-excited, actually.

Anti-excited to the tenth degree.

That isn't a thing.


How did they manage to make it look worse than the first game? And TOR tier animation indeed. What the hell were they thinking, and what did they do with the original Mass Effect team?

Probably around a 5 out of 10. Bioware hasn't been doing great recently. I like Mass Effect but after ME3, DA2, and DA:I I don't expect much. Will probably buy it used during a sale.

On a scale from 0 to 10?
I'd say a solid ⅊

Yeah it is. "Dreading"

Yes. It is called depressed.

I mean it's the only story focused AAA RPG on the horizon so, beggars can't be choosers.

>shitting on the TOR team
Actually it's the guys from the DA team who's on this one.

>tenth degree
That isn't a thing.

does it take place in Mexico?

user don't buy this game.

Why do you ask?

there's plenty of better story focused rpgs you could be playing

You shouldn't tell other people what to do.

Such as?

>No reply
Yeah, that's what I thought.

>Making anything of worth ever

Name one that comes out before Cisquisition in Space. Fully voiced, good visuals, animated dialogue, story focused.

For fucks sake, even DXMD was boring at best. I fucking hate video games.

I'll pirate it, if possible, or get a cheap key.from some curry cunt.

I haven't touched a game for months(literally)

Not much better than the Tor team.
Hell. Might be the exact same team.

>the only story focused AAA RPG
Tales of Besaria


When it supports the killing of my hobby I can

>Tales of

Completely flaccid/10

that webm was made in garrys mod, right?

this. looks. WORSE than me1. what the fuck is going on? is this a soft reboot that's trying to appeal to young children?? AHHHHHH

It might be bad. But honestly, it could make Duke Nukem Forever look like literal perfection in comparison and I'd still like it, because it's mass effect and I'm nostalgia blind. It may or may not be good, but fuck it, I'll enjoy it.

>Fully voiced
Let this meme die

I wish they got better animators and artists for people's faces but I am still excited to play the game. The combat looks fun, and it has a return to form with the open worlds elements like ME1.

I can forgive the bad facs and animations if the game itself is solid and story is good.

>implying the faces don't look like shit on purpose


It'll help fill the gap between now and elex.

>shitting up a hobby built on escapism with unnecessary realism

I'm still equally amazed and disgusted by how they somehow managed to forge an unfuckable elf.

What Nintendo 64 game is this?

Not at all. To the point where I didn't even watch any trailers and all the screenshots I saw I didn't seek out in the first place. ME3 was just that bad.

I call that excuse making. They took the face of Yvonne Strahovski, and made it look like Michael jackson, and they were really trying to capture Yvonne too, Miranda is supposed to be incredibly sexy, perfect in fact, but they failed at it.

Their art team doesn't do faces very well and their animation team is "quality"

That said I do love the aesthetics of the Mass Effect series armor, weapons, and ships and stations

I know, I know, I'm not supposed to buy this game blah blah, but wtf other sci fi story driven RPG's are coming out. No, I don't want cyberpunk, I want to explore space and chill on something like the promenade again.

I also love the TPS based combat. I get so sick and tired of sticky target/hotkey combat in MMO's as it is, and its also in xcx, which is like the only other cool sci fi RPG to come out recently.

That's clearly KOTOR for android

I'm amazed at how you're a cuck.

er not promenade.. Presidium, yeah, that comfy ass place.

I wish something like this was real and I could go there.

>fucking elves
>not slaughtering them like the animals they are

desu senpai if you don't know already then RPGs probably aren't really for you
>Name one that comes out before Cisquisition in Space. Fully voiced, good visuals, animated dialogue, story focused.
you've already got shit taste user there's no fixing you

No hype
Literally zero, nada

depends on what universe's elves they are.

Dragon Age elves suck, so yeah, you can slaughter those.

Tolkien Elves put humans to shame, and fucking a female elf in Middle Earth is about as close to fucking a goddess as a mortal man could hope to do (Male Elves on the other hand, well, at least one HAS fucked a Goddess)

Elder Scrolls elves? Depends on what species. Bosmer are qt, Dunmer and Altmer are kind of ugly, and Orsimer are legit ugly.

>wanting to play AAA cash grinder garbage
If you weren't so picky, you would actually get to play good games.

>shit taste
I've probably spent a couple thousand hours with everything from Baldurs Gate to Wasteland 3 and i think i've had my fill. I just want a story where my character is actually the focus of the presentation. Witcher 3 delivered just that but no game, no matter how big, can offer enough content to keep me entertained for years. So i want something new, something really fucking good, something like Witcher 3.

Since there are about 2 companies that still make those kinds of games in the west there really is no alternative to Bioware if i want to play a game like that in the near future.

Why don't you name a game or two, instead of just running your mouth?

>not raping a filthy knife ears before you kill them or sell them into slavery
>not punishing them for deliberately trotting around monster-infested forests in scandalous titty outfits

It takes place in space mexico

Huh, thought that was a fan-made SFM thing at the beginning

because every Mass Effect game is objectively shit, so why should this one be better?

Why isn't shitting on bioware's animation a meme of some sorts yet? This is fucking terrible.

seriously, I'm waiting too.

What are all these "better than mass effect" sci fi RPG's I should be playing?

All Elder Scrolls Elves need to be purged, except for Dunmer. They're honorary humans, and will survive into the next Kalpa. Dwarves are cool too, but only because they had the decency to purge themselves.

>spellforce 3
>battle chasers: nightwar
Or you can play one of the thousands of RPGs.

This shit reminds me of Blood cutscenes.

Quality Bioware animations has been a meme for years user.

are we browsing the same board? there's like 5 threads a day shitting on this specific clip and other hilarious animations from Dragon Age series and SWTOR

We've been shitting on Bioware animation since ME2, and it was at it's peak with TORtanic.

you first

About this much.

>spellforce 3
ME will almost certainly be out before these games.

Why is it that Bioware's animations are steadily getting worse?

I mean fuck they were bad enough in Dragon Age Inquisition but holy shit

Bethesda's are bad too but at least they've stayed consistent, they didn't get any worse between Skyrim and Fallout 4

>Triple A studio making worse animation than some random dude making SFM porn in his spare time


I want a Bosmer waifu, they're qt, and nothing you can say will change my mind.

Why does she send him forward? What was his plan once he got closer? Was it different from his plan 5 feet further back? Why would she instruct him to move forward?????

have you played mountainblade user?

>expecting EAs LGBTYUORDWCZ division to get the best people

Did you just assume their genders? I'll have you know this is a Bioware game. Your bigotry has no place here.

They're cannibals. Dunno about you, but that's enough for me to throw them in the furnace. The fact that they're elves is just the cherry on top.

>This is kids movie in Murica

They don't feel like they need to try because they already have an army of drones drooling at any piece of shit they push out their gaping asshole of a company.

I can't wait for all the memes that will spawn out of Nu-Bioware's clumsy fucking animation, story telling and cringeworthy characters.

Why would they take Krogan to a new galaxy? They are basically space niggers bringing them along is fucking stupid.

That disarm was retarded as fuck.

Also, why is that brown child in charge?


>What are all these "better than mass effect" sci fi RPG's I should be playing?
the original qualifier was "story focused" not "sci-fi"

Noone knows.

because a lot of people liked Krogans

they're tiny, and cute, and have adorable accents, and they only practice cannibalism in war, as a way to completely vanquish their enemies.

I'd just make sure to take her away from Valenwood so she could abandon the green pact nonsense.

SFM smut merchants will work on animating a POV of their waifu sitting on your face like it was the cure for cancer, user.

Bioware don't stand a chance against that kind of passion.

>spellforce 3
Looks more like an RTS and not like story focused AAA RPG.
Fuck that no-budget-middle-market trash. Got no tolerance for more flawed gems. I just want something that is actually good and well polished.
>battle chasers: nightwar
A western JRPG, no thanks.

Seriously, all i want is a good story focused, character driven, well polished and voice acted, AAA RPG. Yes, i know that it's about the second most expensive type of game but i still want one.

well for that user maybe but I'm a different user and I want to play a sci fi RPG, because we've had all kinds of fantasy RPG's lately but very few Sci Fi. In fact aside from Mass Effect the only one in the last 5 years is what, Xenoblade Chronicles X and you might count Star Ocean 5 but I heard that was awful.

He should really lose his job for that shit. It's unprofessional.

Combat is way too janky and not really character driven or story focused. I put about 10 hours into War of the Roses which looks to have similar combat and i didn't like it.

Not at all.

Christ that looks terrible.

She looks like she doesn't understand what's going on. Fucking dumb look on her face.

i hope all the 15000 people that worked hard to make that game die horribly eating a ton of dick

Make her a cute girl (male) instead of that ugly abomination and I'll consider it

Disarm. R2

Am I the only one who finds that UI for this jarring as hell? A period after Disarm? Really? Who approves this shit? That's like having a period after HEALTH on your health bar

If he hates whites so much why doesn't he just go back to India?

Having indoor plumbing is really great.

That's why he hates whites so much.