Ask the monolith anything
Ask the monolith anything
Will we ever get another great Vampire the Masquerade game? One that's actually finished?
Is OP a faggot?
will bannerlord come out this year?
Whatever I'm asking you is only for me to know
1- Should I piss or hold it in?
2- Should I drop FF15 for something else?
DMC5 happening?
will my marriage work and will my child be healthy?
Is darksiders 1 and 2 shit?
Will Sony ever publish a good game?
will 2017 be a gud year for vidya gaems?
Will Bloodborne 2 ever happen?
>its already happening
Will I get it?
Is my dick small?
Will 2017 be a good year for vidya?
Did I make it?
Will I find true love outside of 2d girls?
Congrats user
>mfw the monolith has chosen me as the Bannerlord
I need an exact response, please.
Is the switch gonna suck?
Is anime gonna be real before I die?
Is 2017 gonna be the rise of Japan?
will my dad talk to me again?
Will games that focus on gameplay become the meme of 2017 so we can finally push numales out of our industry
Will this endeavour work out in the end?
Will a dick down someone this month
Reroll, fuck fives
monolith doesnt like weebs
will i get a gf this year
At least the switch had a high chance of being good
Will Square ever fucking release the remakes of Final Fantasy Legend II and III here in the west
which game is this faggot rock from?
>After I die
First one is a solid game. Second one got kinda boring pretty quick though.
Will Cyberpunk 2077 be good?
Will it be great!
Will I ever be happy?
Is everyone in this thread living within a simulation?
will i find a nice black man for my wife?
You know what to do user.
Can I play Breath of the Wild this march?
am I gay?
Will I ever get out of platinum hell?
will i get rid of anxiety that follows me last 6 years
Should I?
I agree. 1 left a bit more of an impression on me than 2 did, but I just did not find it all that appealing. That said there are some moments in 1 that I really like but the whole game didn't stand out for me.
Does Nier have the best soundtrack in vidya?
Will I find a girl I love this year?
Will Trump destroy America?
Will I lose the weight this year?
Will Edmund C&D antibirth?
should i just end it
Should I fap before bed?
Better get working on those wills anons.
Is this chick I met on Overwatch into me? I've been gettin some strong hints recently.
Will I discover a new hobby this year?
Can I just fucking die already
I leave all my vidya to this user
see ya lads
Is it happening?
will 2017?
Is this a jojo reference?
Get fucked nerd
the one or the second?
Reroll already.
Am I the truest, most gamiest gamer in the land of gamers?
Is this year going to be good for me?
Will I get a 1?
literally who
no, I'm not playing games with a monolith, if it wanted to answer me it would have
really agitated my neutrinos
wil i die in my sleep tonight?
Will I get laid this Thursday?
Well your're not fucking helping monolith. Should I leave the country then?
Have we seen the end of Final Fantasy?
Did Monolith do anything wrong?
Should I kill myself ?
Guys, this piece of stone is full of shit.
Will the Nintendo Switch be a success?
Should I convert to Mormonism?
Freedom was the best SOC faction, yes?
Will it beat the other consoles?
Will I get into med school?
those questions are so depressing, it's too funny considering what you rolled
Will VR take off in 2017 and become cheaper and affordable to get the sales and exposition it deserves?
Will I get married to her
Will it at least beat the PlayStation?
fukken kek
Is vita getting Yamcha'd by the switch?
Oh shit.
Will I still be able to play games while I'm in med school?
Will I get invited to the For Honor beta in January?
I guess I deserved that
Am I going to bang her?