>persona 5
>gravity rush 2
damn it feels good to be a sonybro
>persona 5
>gravity rush 2
damn it feels good to be a sonybro
i'd trade it all for Nioh right now
Fill in the blanks
I honestly am not interested in any exclusive games and have been playing multiplats for a year now
As a fellow PS4 owner I'm glad you actually listed the four good games plus Danganronpa V3 which also looks good.
To PCbros, remember to disregard any post that implies Uncharted, inFamous, or The Last of Us are good, and posts which imply that Horizon: Zero Dawn or NieR Automata will be good.
I'm so disappointed in Automata, I wanted to like it so much but from the demo it's clear that its gameplay has fundamental flaws and its all style and no substance
>are you going to get a PS4?
>no, why would I get a PS4 when I have a PC that is vastly superior?
>what games are you looking forward to on PC then?
That's really bad though.
>stop liking what i don't ;.;
Just have all the systems and stop being a poor fag.
>Taro game
>concerned for gameplay
I'm sick of this nu-DoD toobie poster fandom on Sup Forums
why do you do this? ill just assume you're falseflagging but still... cmon man. just senseless shitposting.
>Platinum Games game
>not wanting good gameplay
actually what am I saying
>not wanting good gameplay
what's wrong with you
>Doesn't have both
Can't you poorfags have a PC, a PS4 and a Wii U simultaneously?
>having a wii u
>not selling that shit as quickly as possible before it loses what little value it has left to get prepared for buying its replacement
I mean, can you not stand giving up the 2 good games the system has for a few months when they will inevitably port them over?
>any nintendo shit
>being so much of a cuck that you'd rather buy $60 ports of games a few years old rather than their original versions for cheap now that both the Wii U and its games are dropping in price
Wii U was only worthwhile in 2014
Why would anybody of sound mind buy a Wii U? That's more of a waste than setting that money on fire.
>it's good games are now bad just because it's 2017
wiiU had more than 7 worthwhile current games. Unlike PC