Sup Forums screencaps
Sup Forums screencaps
Does /vr/ count?
Every time
At least use funny comedians
Was never funny
Thanks for sharing a wall of text no one will read
Just gross and not funny
TF2 hat joke #38533
Genuinely kill yourself.
I always imagine these posts come from those lower-class white people that crave any authority and power, taking a break from spending their whole lives managing a fast food joint to rate screencaps on Sup Forums
literally the only person I can think of that'd honestly think this kind of opinion is worth half a shit
don't listen to this faggot you should ironically kill yourself
Is Artanon among us?
Is he art?
Shame all the fun mods left.
Anor londo here I come
Modcat was brought back but Sup Forums immediately got him fired because he hurt their feelings.
Chris Rock's joke is good though.
A comment getting a high amount of replies doesn't make it a Sup Forums moment
A mod banning for no VALID reason is a disgrace
Not original and funny at all. Been done countless times. You are not as smart as you think you are.
Only funny thing here but has been reposted countless times
Don't know what game it's supposed to be but it looks like shit
Furfag post
Dont post these. It will only encourage more Posts about not-video games
None of these caps are particularly funny, but damn dude do you legit have autism?
>TF2 hat joke #38533
That post is from 2009 you idiot. Lurk more.
I agree.
Is... is that britbong?
The best part of the entire image is Mencia stealing his joke.
Yes, even then he was a colossal faggot
The Carlos Mencia joke is great. I wonder how he thought it up.
It doesn't work if you link to the OP, dummy.
Stop mixing sjw's with Sup Forums. You only enable them
Where's the punchline?
Not as funny as the other Sim story
WOW. A post telling me hown to validate my gamer card.
Thanks for giving your opinion on the whole thread
>no VALID reason
Begging for steam games is a shamefur dispray. He deserved it.
more DK
I know, I realized my mistake
will commit suicide after posting
Heh, that's pretty good for an RP server.
I decided to roll a gnome mage on an RP server once. Asked a dwaven priestess on the first inn in the dwarven zone for a buff, all RP style.
>Greetings priestess, my organism is feeling feeble, would you be so kind as to grant be a blessing of the light?
And then she started emoting blowjobs to my character.
Carlos is an unfunny spice
Space Channel is a bad game and it's memes are bad yet everyone posts about it and has never played a game in the series
Kill yourself
Unfunny Sim joke #38539
Sauce on the game?
Seems like it was meant to be a joke
Hi guys, Autismony Fantano here, Sup Forums's busiest (You) nerd
is an
>Unfunny Sim joke #38539
>Yet calls
I enjoy wholeheartedly participating in shit RP, but I've never found any website or server that does it for more than a month before dying out. (Although I don't look too hard or play mmo's.) Any suggestions?
That's probably the most [s4s] post I've ever seen outside of [s4s]
I don't remember where I read that Wiis emited a signal that attracted cockroachs and I had found cockroachs near my Wii sometimes.
>Play for a long time on a single RP server
>Belf priest dude, boring Holy Light with a bit of shadow tossed in
>He's easily flustered, but generally knowledgable, but ultimately he's meant to be comedic
>Eventually overhear characters referring to my character as being a bit mysterious
>They admit they are unsure of his opinions on people
>mfw I somehow ended up making a goofball character seem enigmatic and hides his true feelings through his sheer lack of social graces
RP servers are fun, if you're autistic enough to put the effort in to somehow cultivating a presence
Your commentary is derivitive and uninspired.
You lack any sense of critical conscience, post-modern irony, or original thought, ineffectually using terseness as an incremental device; your lack of understanding proper utilization of such structures betrays a crude and pedantic way of thought, ill-suited for general critique, snark, or posting in general.
tl;dr eat a dick you double nigger u ain't got shit
>tfw someone reposts your screencap
Pretty sure it's God of War II
I need to dig up my conversation with a faggot that was adamant that Red Mage will never, ever be in FFXIV.
Does anyone have a screencap of that FF thread a few months ago that devolved into someone posting "RETARD RETARD RETARD" over and over?
Oh god someone post this please. It was a ff8 thread
>God this is so awful
>Suddenly Chris Rock
Okay, that one made me laugh.
Dumping a classic
>i had to go digging through the archive to find a screencap because i apparently never got one
best event of the year
Chiman was already posted.
Disregard then
Have some spiders instead
spiders were posted too
Already posted as well