>game features beings from various myths and religions
>Christianity is the strongest
Game features beings from various myths and religions
Deus Vult!
What game? Sounds neat.
>Omnipotent, Omniscient God
>Not the strongest of all
It's only logical OP
Also if you go with the idea that the more worshippers someone has the bigger their power get then Christianity still wins.
If got is omnipotent and omniscient, why does satan exist?
Judaism is the only faith one needs.
He was created to be a patron of the infidels
At least in true monotheistic faiths like Islam
It's basically like Sup Forums, you see some retard get baited into an argument as a third party, you could stop it but you chose to see how it plays out. You could end the argument right there but chose not to.
>game features beings from various myths and religions
>Judaism is the strongest
>gods draw their power directly from the amount of people worrshipping them
>christian god still the one most people worship(for now)
seems about right
SMT games
>>gods draw their power directly from the amount of people worrshipping them
Fucking idiot
God is lazy as fuck and his omnipotence requires him to pause the simulation.
He created satan so that he fucks shit up so that it is more interesting. Without satan, humanity would all become atheists and build an utopia. With satan, there are religious nuts who fuck everybody up, oppose any progress and keep things interesting for an outside observer.
>the devil is a literal bratty teen
>game features beings from various myths and religions
>Cthulhu Mythos is the most powerful
Holy fuck watching Nyarko was so infuriating
>Girl literally traveled across all of space to be with you
>Sure she's annoying pixie dream girl blah blah trope bullshit but she loves you more than life itself and tries in so many ways to do the very best she can for you
>Constantly push her away because you're Japanese and have to study for your math tests and shit
That being said let's all post best girl
Christianity is literally the oldest religion in the world
>SMTIV has a less cringey plot than Apocalypse they said
haha its funny because it's not true but you're pretending it is I get it
>be on Sup Forums
>make heavy handed vidya reference
>there are still people not getting it
how new?
>YHWH is constantly angry
>Jesus isn't there
SMT was right and Muslims won
>magic is real
>angels/demons/monsters/mystic creatures exist
>you have literal god powers
>have a harem of otherworldly goddesses slobbering your knob
Isn't aleph jesus?
Why is this a fucking common trend in all of the romcom anime I've watched lately
>Monster Musume
>Oh my god all these sexy monsters want my dick, better play dad to them
>Oh my god all these deities want my dick, better be a stuck up asswipe
>To Love Ru
>This alien princess wants me to be the Harem King of all space and is giving me the okay to fuck all the side bitches I want BUT NO I HAVE TO GO AFTER BORING JAPANESE GIRL #3298492384
My Monster Secret is such a breath of fresh air it's not even funny
>Hey MC we all want your dick
>No, I am in a committed relationship with this girl and that is how it's going to stay
>Oh MC you're so romantic *swoon*
Doesn't the devil love moonlighting as a girl in a lot of fantasy works?
At least in Monster Musume it's literally against the law to bang sexy monster girls.
Monster Musume ruined my fucking life
I went from having pretty straight-laced fetishes to having that goddamn 15 foot long Miia pillow
I would fuck that snek until my dick broke off, fuck the police
Post a pic of it. for real.
>My Monster Secret
Anime or manga worth it?
Christianity isn't a religion, it is a personal relationship with God :^)
Atheism is a religion because atheists believe God doesn't exist
Nyaruko is literally an Eldritch being that would fuck up your sanity if you caught a glimpse of her true form. No wonder he doesn't want to get fucked by her.
I'm not posting a pic of me because I'm still paranoid as fuck about someone tracking me down the last time I did, so here's a google image of it.
There's something about the art that's so off-putting to me, but I read every chapter that's out over the weekend and I fucking loved it.
Normally I'm not a stuck up cunt about HURR DURR READ DA MANGO but in this case the anime is a super sped up cliff notes version of random chapters completely out of order, so read the manga.
>Nyaruko is literally an Eldritch being that would fuck up your sanity if you caught a glimpse of her true form. No wonder he doesn't want to get fucked by her.
gay. I could GIS it anytime but I wanna see it in the wild.
Is it comfy at least?
that said she's cute
How the fuck did that happen? I meant to quite the other guy
>Most practicced religion in the world
>Isn't most powerful in any universe
Anything other than Christianity is just edge baiting.
>Have panty fetish
>Absolutely love ecchi anime
>Fucking Nyarko gets molested by Kuuko every other scene
>Moaning and panting and all that
>The only time you catch a glimpse of panties is when Nyarko yanks hers off for a gag
Holy shit finally catching a glimpse at the ass end of the series was the most satisfying release I've had in a long goddamn time
Fucking teases, THAT drove me more insane than her true form.
Christian god is literally, "nuh uh, ours is the best, and all others are fake, you're a heathen if you think otherwise, no we're not insecure!"
>Most practicced religion in the world
thats actually islam though
Because romcom is codified as hell, irrelevant of their quality It's mosty garbage.
The bulk of the appeal of these series isn't really the plot but the fetish bait and all.
It's like pestering because of the stupid young adults in Halloween or Friday the 13th
>no we're not insecure!
Are you fucking retarded?
All religions can't be right.
If your region claims that all religions are correct then you have a shit tier religion.
Religions of the world have too many different claims to be the same bullshit.
All joking aside it made me laugh my ass off that they never showed him shirtless, as if they wanted to leave the door open to the possibility of him being a girl all along.
I just have a weakness for cheap love stories, regardless of quality
>Maxmum god
no religion is right, none are wrong either. They are in fact a paradox of choice
history is written by the winners.
HeIlo reddit!
Molyneux is a cuck.
not an argueymente
I'm guessing black and white
>game features zoroastrianism religion
>can have sex with my sister
Satan is God's agent to fuck up asshats who gleefully sin and fight against His grand design. Lucifer was a rebel, and God probably already knew that his rebellion would fail and simply let it happen so as to solidify that even the most beautiful, most powerful, most perfect Angel can fall from grace, but he still can't do shit against God's footsoldiers, let alone the big guy himself. Both of them have a role in the big show of faith that's lying therein.
I don't even believe God is omnipotent or omniscient. I just believe God is so powerful and stronk that our feeble human minds can't quite calculate it, so we just say "He's infinite so whateever man" and let it be.
Not even gonna lie that looks comfy as fuck. I'd buy one if it was just blank.
Same God though.
Fucking perfect right now in the cold, I swear
This is true though
Christcucks' main transgression is inventing lies against Allah and associating partners with him, not disbelief per se
Islam,Jewish and Christian gods are the same
Christianity has 3 gods
>God is a fucking white male
>He's evil
I for one enjoyed the thin white duke being Fortinbras' true form
Me too he's cool as fuck but he's also a very obvious representation of Japan's anti-European resentment
>Freak the fuck out and treat all white people like movie stars with pictures and shit
>Japanese girls lining up for big manly men at the military base
>Blonde hair and colorful eyes are something almost all Japanese want, male or female
Something don't add up there sempai
Fuck even the Japanese transfer students at my college think I'm a living god just because I'm blonde and have blue eyes, and I'm just a chubby shit
Satan is just a prison warden for hell and God's buddy.
I never understand the duality that Satan tortures bad people in hell for eternity (which is supposed to be a good thing) but then hates God and is vying to take over. If Satan is really vying to take over, why is he acting like a good correctional facilities warden? Shouldn't he free all the bad people sent to hell, amass an army of atheists and degenerates and then attack heaven once again? Even so, why would God sent the worst of humans to his worst enemy if he's just gonna turn against him?
Satan is the bad cop and God is the good cop is the only logically consistent answer for the idea of hell
Satan fucking shit up with his demon army is basically what happens in Revelations