Coming out on the 7th of March. The devs seem dedicated to making a fun game, and so far they seem pretty competent if the trailers and gameplay doesn't lie. There are tons of scrubs whining about a fantasy "downgrade" already, but this is just because of the ubisoft hate circlejerk. It's a different studio than The Division and most other recent shit games. Take a look at a few trailers and videos, the stealth gameplay one being the newest official one.
>it's an "obviously scripted friend group in voice chat" episode
It looks like the same people wrote your post, too.
Asher Green
Are the same shill who posts those "Watchdogs 2 isn't so bad my fellow kids" threads? Christ, it must be hard browsing social media when you know it's loaded with your peers, all shilling their dicks off for a few cents.
Nolan Nelson
>Wildlands >>>>>>>tactical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>implying its even a ghost recon game
Wake me when we get a spiritual successor to the Original Ghost Recon games and not this michael bay shit
Josiah Adams
>Ubisoft. Ubisoft fucking Paris too. Will it have some dancing minigame?
John Martinez
Is this the same fucking retarded intern who tried to make preorder dlc seem like a cool thing.
Fucking mckill yourselves, if you're going to blatantly advertise, do it on another website. Nobody trusts positive reviews of a game until long after it's financially viable to hire shills. That's a minimum of a year after release. Usually years.
Hudson Campbell
everyone I know who played the technical preview called it ass
go ask /r6g/
Liam Ross
>tfw your comment becomes a copypasta feels pretty good
Juan Jenkins
>that fake real life chatter cringe
Still, if the gameplay is as enjoyable as MGSV, it might be fun with friends.
Joseph White
Watchdogs 2 was fun though
Jeremiah Parker
more multiplayer garbage? dropped
Landon Jackson
This looks like an early access title.
Landon Howard
I really hate the transition between third and first person shooting. I hope they change that shit.
William Campbell
The shilling game has changed somewhat for Ubisoft as their games are now more focused on long term sales. They've said that they don't care about day one sales and try to make sure that their games have "strong tails" and continue to be bought year round.
"There is a trend toward games, especially high-quality games, having stronger and longer ‘tails’ as favorable reviews and word of mouth spread."
In other words, their shilling technique is all about keeping people aware and talking about their games consistently.
William Morris
There's something about that voice's fucking shit.
Isaac Cox
Well, either ubisoft is trying to do better, or they're hiring long-term shills. Whichever fits your bias.
Blake Walker
They did this shit for Division too.
I'm already past this game.
Mason Richardson
>daily ubishill thread good job, you earned your dolla
Logan Thompson
>The devs seem dedicated to making a fun game, Thank god, since massive was actively trying to make division as unfun as possible, right? > and so far they seem pretty competent Yeah, massive was also renowned for some pretty great games. > if the trailers and gameplay doesn't lie 2 words. Ubi. Soft. Their trailers are as far removed from the thruth as it is legally possible without being outright lies, especially the ones with professional voiceactors making awful attempts at sounding like they are engaged in a game. Division also looked good in the trailers, but the trailers and demonstrations never show what the game is really like.
Elijah Brown
just wait for the free alpha/beta
Christian Barnes
Splinter Cell Blacklist was bearable; Watch Dogs 2 was not great, but better than it had any right to be, after the abortion of the first game; The Division had some good ideas behind it's horrid execution; and no Ass Creed makes me think this game might actually be worth getting.
Logan Rivera
Ghost Recon has never tried to be a fun game, it's always been meant for armchair operators to live out their tacticool fantasies.
Dylan Stewart
> either ubisoft is trying to do better Not even, they simply realized that they do not share as much of the console market as they would like and have to rely heavier on PC. and pc sales come mostly some time after the initial release. Combine that with their momentary struggle to not be bought by vivendi (they would profit massively from being bought; the company, not the board of directors that is), and it becomes clear that they are simply panicking.
Ubisoft's track record is completely down the toilet at this point. The only good games they've done this entire gen were AC Black Flag and R6: Siege. The Division pretty much killed the Tom Clancy brand and this is so blatantly using the same assets and everything that it isn't even funny. Even Steep used the same winter gear and backpacks and shit. After trying out For Honor a couple of weeks ago, I have absolutely no hope left for them. That's one of the worst games I think I've ever played. This shit is going to suck, it's just Far Cry 4 in third person mixed with The Division.
Isaac Lewis
Will get delayed. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a summer release.
James Barnes
lel it's not voice acting. it's voice comms between players that sounds scripted. what the fuck were they thinking?
Benjamin Garcia
On the real tho... why dont u guys get laid?
maybe I can help u?
I'm being sincere right now bros, tell me whats wrong
Asher Thomas
Its kind of weird recently with them they have actually been making somewhat of an effort to support games longer.
The Crew is still being updated and received a new expansion, The Division had its season pass DLC pushed back to fix a lot of issues with the game. R6S is still being updated. R6S and The Division also got proper anti cheat on PC where they had none at launch.
That would make sense though if they are targetting the PC audience more since PC players tend to play the same games longer. Console players just move on to the next CoD or whatever big game is out.
Brandon Miller
>Ghost Recon >Ubisoft open world game Automatic trash.
Jordan Morris
It's an open-world game from Ubisoft. You've played it before.
Camden Gutierrez
see pic of
Caleb Martinez
How much do you make per day? Have you considered getting a real job instead of being a fucking parasite?
Austin Morales
Wasn't the Division one of the top 10 selling games of the year? How did it kill anything, other than my dreams of it not being shit?
Justin Carter
>if the gameplay and trailers doesn't lie >Ubisoft >if the gameplay and trailers doesn't lie >Ubisoft
>scrubs >hate circlejerk >it's not ok to hate a company that lies to you >because hate is bad and only for notseez
This OP is horrible, I hope they don't pay you very much.
Isaiah Long
I look forward to buying it in the bargain bin.
Wyatt Myers
>The Crew is still being updated and received a new expansion
The Crew is the most disgusting example of total jew fuckery I can think of from the last few years. The in game economy has been entirely balanced around the need for microtransactions and buying in game currency.
The Division was absolute horseshit from day 1 and hasn't improved and Siege was so fucking barebones that without buying the MULTIPLE season passes you barely have a shell of a game.
Ubisoft haven't done shit, they've merely stopped beating and raping you with every new release so you think their decidedly less, but still abhorrent behavior is somewhat acceptable.
Brody Ortiz
The first Ghost Recon was absolute shit and I expect this one will be as well, since Ubisoft is one of the worst studios in gaming. Also, fuck off, you sound like a shill
Brody Nguyen
I saw he game running ant it was definetely downgraded. Go shill somewhere else.
Oliver Green
Just because a game sells a lot due to hype and marketing doesn't necessarily make the product good. You should know this by know if you browse this board and are a consumer.
Why not just wait and see the if the game is good based on actual feedback from the people that buy play games.