Why is Disgaea 2 so fucking shitty? The story is a fucking mess...

Why is Disgaea 2 so fucking shitty? The story is a fucking mess, the cast hardly has any chemistry outside of Adell and Rozalin, and the maps are filled with geo effects to the nth degree. Fuck, I'm on the Final Episode and there's this one map that punishes you for practically not one-shotting the enemy and taking your time - turning Ally Damage up to 80%. I don't even want to grind because this map should be easy, but I get screwed by bullshit.

Fucking Disgaea thread.

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>I'm a shitter, waah
Typical D1babby.

Prove me wrong. Shut me down, user. Prove to me that the game isn't a fucking mess. I want to be wrong.

D2 was great, D1 was a piece of shit. How fucking autistic are you people? D1 has a carebear tier plot about an annoying fuckwit learning about love and friendship. The characters are shit. The only funny ones were Captain Gordan + co. Laharl, Flonne and Midboss are shit. Etna is okay.

>All of the original members who made Disgaea has left

Let's not be angry and just lament the fact that we will never get another Disgaea

They went and made some other game. Why didn't you get it?

Who are you quoting?

What game did they make?

Which one? The witch and hundred knights one?

I forgot the title. It was something weird like Trillion something or other

Disgaea 2 is the best game. All that grinding you could do in post game kept my autism going for like 400 hours, I cant wait to do it again on PC.

And D2's story hardly picks up till the Colosseum. Adell and co. go around randomly roaming around Veldime, the Colosseum happens, and then you go searching for herbs in the Geo Tower. The party finds Lord Xenon's castle by pure fucking coincidence because Axel decides to broadcast the portal's number. I don't exactly find this any better than D1's storytelling.

The gameplay's good, but you can't convince me that this map design isn't mundane.

>Adell is a literal Chad who punches shit, fucks his bitch, and saves his town
>Disgaea's target audience are autistic neets who can't look a female cashier in the eyes

D2 is only hated on because of the insecurities of its audience.

Adell: yo succ(ubus) you were my first gf what's up? hey where's the strongest guy i need to beat his ass? oh it's my teammate let me punch her cunt and put my tongue in her mouth real quick. yeah that calmed her down

Isn't it implied the succ pegged him or some shit

the only good thing about disgaea 2 is hanakos flat chest

actually I hate Adell because his "honor before reason" approach to things and that god damn quote of his "just my style" is so cringey
to automatically apologize to a girl and make a vow to save her right after you meet her is the most fedora thing you can do besides actually owning a fedora
he's so desperate he put the pussy immediately on the pedestal

But I did buy Trillion.

What about taro's milk
also zam

What? Souhei Niikawa, the scenario writer for every Disgaea game, is still very much active, along with the lead character designer, Harada, and musician, Tenpei Sato. The only notable person who's left NIS is Disgaea 4's director. It's one thing not to like the new Disgaea games, it's another thing entirely to spread made up lies about it on the internet.
Trillion and the God of Destruction. It's general premise and gameplay are almost identical to Zettai Hero Project. The art style and character design are both really, really bad attempts at mimicking Harada, yet people fall for it anyways. If the people who left NIS for Comp Heart were worth anything, they'd make something good, but everything about Trillion can be summarized as Discount Disgaea and is only played because of the waifus, like any other Compile Heart game.

Also The Witch and the Hundred Knight was done by NIS, the sequel is almost out in Japan I think.

I bought both Trillion and Witch and the Hundred knight (ps4).

OP what map are you stuck on? Is it the really long, winding straight with the Baciel at the very back? If it is, you should have a dedicated unit make a beeline to the Geo Panels to destroy at least 2 of them, then, if you need to, have the rest of your units huddle up and have a healer act as life support to offset the Geo damage.


He submits to the first hot girl he meets, he's a massive betafag bitch boy.

Is that game not good? It looks ok

If you want a JRPG, it's bad.
If you want a waifu sim, you have better options.

It's mediocre, try ZHP Unlosing Ranger (PSP) it's far better gameplay wise.

My bad, I read there were layoffs that removed most of the disgaea team. Don't remember where though

I just got 5 with it being on sale along with the DLC finally, and while it's been quite a long time since I played 4 and the previous games, I feel like 5's early game is significantly worse. The balance is all over the place and in trying not to use the DLC units right away I feel like it already wants me to grind before chapter 4, and it isn't giving me the item world yet either. Killia also has all the personality of a rock, which is a shame after Valvatorez was the best protag since Laharl.

For some reason it crashes when I try it on PPSSPP. Is it a known issue?

Are you on first playthrough?
I felt the story map is relatively hard on the 1st try, though it become piss easy on the second playth.
Try to grind some more, item world to be specific.

>burning out in D5 getting Training Bonus onto my traps so I can do Baal and never have to come back
>Realise I'm going to have to do something similar when D2 drops
Kill me, I don't have the time for this shit

>Summons Roz by accident
>"shit, sorry, but listen, I gotta kill your dad, so I'll protect you while you lead me to him"
>"I don't break promises because my deadbeat parents promised to come back from fighting the Overlord but didn't so fuck those guys."
Did you skip half the text? Adell is very open about why he does what he does.
You could buy it.

The only thing really annoying in D2 is getting all the pirate maps and lvling spells to 99. Perfecting items and getting weapon mastery up isn't that bad.

Trillion fucking sucked, even by Compile Heart standards it was budget as fuck.
> It's general premise and gameplay are almost identical to Zettai Hero Project.
What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Trillion is nothing like ZHP.
> but everything about Trillion can be summarized as Discount Disgaea and is only played because of the waifus, like any other Compile Heart game.
It doesn't play like Disgaea either, but you're right about the waifus. Shame the girls and the story are also shallow as fuck since it's Compile Heart. I fell for people saying it's worth playing for the great heart-wrenching story, and then I get a character death and it's followed up by a generic scene where everyone is sad and angry because OUR COMRADE has died and we need to avenge OUR COMRADE because OUR COMRADE was our friend. Compile Heart couldn't even be bothered making three goddamn variations of such an important scene.

Try to use latest PPSSPP build or tweak some options.

No. I finished it on emulator just fine. Maybe try on PC

? Its literally the best game in the series by a huge margin

>RNG encounters and mindless grinding
Hoo boy I'm ready again

>it's worth playing for the great heart-wrenching story
how did you even fall for this in the first place anyway

Sounds more like you take fucking animu games way to seriously

Your complaining about cheese in a series where the most memorable joke is LOL HORSE PENIS

>>What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Trillion is nothing like ZHP.

>This extremely powerful being is going to fuck our shit and we're woefully under prepared
>we'll have to train in random dungeons to take this guy on
>oh fuck we keep losing ;_;
All I could think about while playing Trillion was how much better ZHP was. Trillion as a character is basically Darkdeath Evilman in a Baal costume.

rozalin is olev

She's lot more usable and helpful in the first playthrough than Adel, too.

Same way I fell for every Compile Heart game; their fanbase endlessly shills their games as "no this time it's actually a good game for once" and "the staff is different and that's why this one is good".
After SeHa Girls comes out on PC I'll give that a go since I liked those characters, and if it's still a shit game then I'll just swear off of Compile Heart forever, and no one will convince me otherwise.

Only the very basic premise is similar, the gameplay is absolutely nothing alike. ZHP is a roguelike akin to Shiren the Wanderer or Mystery Dungeon but with NIS's touches on the home base with things to do there, while Trillion is essentially a daughter raising sim with an incredibly poorly optimised grid-based combat section tacked on. The only similarity the two have in gameplay is being grid-based.

Probably the only usable gun unit ever.

This is far from being the best. Sure, it introduced the beginning refinements to the series's gameplay and that's great and all, but did you pay attention to the story or how the characters interact at all? The story in Disgaea games may just be walls that you have to tackle before you can get into the grind, but this one is pretty terrible outside of the twist near the end of the core game.


So with Disgaea 2 PC drawing near, can someone tell me what version got ported PS2/PSP+DLC?

1's PC version combined the features of all the different releases, so I imagine 2 will be the same.

>Adell will never realize he is a demon
>that brutal bad ending
Too bad we won't see that reoccur, even as some "what if" scenario super boss

>The story is a fucking mess
The story was straightforward as fuck as fuck what are you talking

>combined the features of all the different releases
Thought it just straight PSP port? What else being added from DS/mobile?

>joins your party as your prime gun user
>stat spread is mixed between SPD, HIT and RES
>can't really do shooting or healing that well
>evilities are better used on someone else
>awkward attack range on Ultimate, guns already are pretty weird in that regard
NIS, please, guns are almost the worst weapon class, at least make a good gunner that isn't the Gunner.

Honestly I want a sequel or something like it. It was so refreshing compared to their previous games

I just left her with a staff for support XP since giga heal doesn't really need high res in the story line to fully heal characters. Male Gunner is one of my favourite generics but they're always gimped with a supporting unique evility instead of the Accel. Shot they always deserved.

Disgaea PC includes stuff from the DS port as well as the PSP port , which means recuitable Adell, Rozalin, Zetta and Plenair, on top of Etna mode. There are also mods that let you play as boss characters which is a good perk.

Shit, I just double checked and you're right, it was just the PSP version.

weren't The Guided Fate Paradox & whatever the sequel called meant to be the ZHP clones?

FUCK i didn't know this, thanks man.

I think both has similar gameplay but i don't get to try the game since i don't have vita.

Which one should i believe?

Yes, but if you follow the reply chain people were talking about Disgaea 1's staff making Trillion. ZHP only came into it because of the one guy saying Trillion played like ZHP which is blatantly wrong.

Adell and his party just hop around from place to place and then the Colloseum appears (and happens to be one of the very few notable and crucial points in the story), they encounter Zenon, go hunting for Etna and then shortly after she joins their party, find Fubuki, he fucks off, and then you go to the tower and wow Laharl, and then Axel tells everyone how to get to Zenon's castle. The story is SHIT.

It doesn't matter if it's straightforward if it's shoddily written.

Guided Fate Paradox (Kamipara for short) is a spiritual successor to ZHP, I think it's because ZHP sold like hot garbage because apparently a game about sentai heroes is too niche even for NIS' niche audience, so they went with the safe route and put ZHP's gameplay on a premise about an angel maid harem. I don't know how well it sold, but it's my least favorite NIS game, desu.
Pirohiko and other Disgaea characters show up in postgame, though. There's also a small arc with Asagi but no video evidence exists because I guess no one played it. The game itself looks very very nice though. HD sprites with detailed monsters? If only it was ZHP2.
Here. steamcommunity.com/app/405900/discussions/0/361798516958570748/

At least we can all agree that 3 has the worst story, right?
>Muh daddy issues: the game
I can't even remember any cast members aside from Mao and Raspberyl.

>Forgetting Salvatore, Mr Bigster, the rest of the 10 gents and the Knuck
If anything the supporting cast was excellent, it was Mao, Almaz and the story that were bad.

>worst story
But that's DD2. At least D3 had a cool villain.

>Salvatore, Mr Bigster, the rest of the 10 gents and the Knuck
Who? I vaguely remember a hot-blooded chef and that's it.

>best supporting cast
>best Netherworld
>best music
>most fucked up villain
>best variety of available units and Vita version has characters out the ass for you to use
>houses the most universally abhorred Disgaea MC voiced by fucking Vic Lasagna
I personally love Mao but I can see everyone's issues with 3. It's too bad, I hope we get a Disgaea 3 Dimension 2.

I had the most fun with it, gameplay, story, and characters

I enjoyed it a lot more going through on Vita with the Jap audio, especially the Mao Heart variations.

He never found out?
Like never ever?

He doesn't even know he murdered his actual parents.

It's possible he found out from his 'parents' but it's never really brought up in his later appearances. What irks me is that Rozalin keeps talking about her father, she never seems to acknowledge she's the real Overlord.

Or does he? I played this shit like a decade ago so I can't recall.

He doesn't.

where the fuck have you been?
everyone knows that third trimester abortion is shitty

why no one posts our only savior of D2 main cast - Dark Hero Axel?
Are you just too shy to get his autograph?

>tfw everyone hates DD2
>tfw it's your second favourite
The affinity/friendship mechanic was neat, especially for those cute max relationship convos between Mao/Raspberyl and Adell/Zenon Rozalin
Can't beat D5 of course.

Most people don't hate DD2. Most people like it mechanically, just agree that the story is absolute dogshit lazyville even by disgaea standards.

just started playing DD2 recently, kinda like it so far.
who can hate genderswapped Laharl is beyond me.

All I ever see is people rant on about the bugs that I never ever experienced.
Xenolith looked pretty cool and was a decent challenge at least

No, I'm saying that I hate Adell for perfectly good reasons and not "i'm intimidated by alpha anime characters written by japanese virgins"

>All I ever see is people rant on about the bugs that I never ever experienced.
you are pretty lucky. I have game freeze during tutorial.
thankfully double load trick helped.

What was the fire one? Something about corrupting the game?

DD2's bug problems were an easy meme to spread, so whatdya expect? It's Sup Forums.

I never had problems either, but the hard freeze during fire(and sometimes other) spells were confirmed before the first patch supposedly fixed them, quite real.

Most of the people with problems had digital copies and not physical though, and that's never been properly explained how the fuck that happened.

I don't honestly know all details. Just know that localization added few bugs, one of them is that there is a chance that game freezes when fire spell used.
Other earlier ones had a chance to break whole system via overheating, but they got patched.

Before it was patched using any fire spell would consistently cause the game to freeze and overheat until the console shut itself down.

That probably explains why i never got the bugs since I got physical

physical has them too just less, you got lucky.

How do you get motivation to max stats or do shit like carnage weapon level grinding or baal?

Power of flat

>>fire spell
>cause the console to overheat

I mean all I'm hearing is that fire spells needed a nerf

The flattest

Asagi should be NIS mascot, not anyone else.

>no Sentai shit
I miss my Medusa-wife's boxed lunches.

world needs more sentai/toku games.
and not just show tie-ins

I always had a Police Station just so I could transform the second things went slightly awry.

I need to get back to ZHP
never finished it

toku is fucking garbage and, thankfully, most of the world consistently ignores it

you take that back

>thread isnt lewd