ITT: Games with sea battles

ITT: Games with sea battles

What's the best? The maingame doesn't really have to be about the battles, they just have to be good. I want everything, sailing, firing broadsides, boarding and swordfighting.

I've come to understand that one of the Assassin's Creed games has them, but how much of them are there in them and are they good?

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Obviously Sid Meier's Pirates but I'm really curious to know what kind of person haven't played that.
There's also something coming on Steam soonish that are one of those trying to ride on coattail of FTL, anyone remember the name?
During combat you had your boat on the bottom of the screen and apparently there's some open world mechanic to it as well.

>tfw was always looking forward to Naval Action
>seemed like the ideal age of sail naval combat game
>reviews are trash and all say the devs are lazy assholes
>its STILL early access
why cant good things happen

Black Flag has pretty much all of what you want, I'd prefer the game with a pure focus on sailing though, since you are forced to do the Assassin/Abstergo missions to progress. Obviously the acceleration and momentum are not realistic, but despite that I still had a lot of fun with the sea battles, there are even some optional giant boss battles and you can deactivate certain interface elements for "immersion". The story is based around Nassau if you're familiar with it and has some of the bigger fictional characters in it, though the story itself is rather meh.

Ass creed Black Flag is set in the Caribbean.
Rogue in the American Atlantic.
Both got boats.

Total war has naval battles though it's an rts and probably not in the era you're looking for.

Wouldn't Empire/Napoopan be pretty much exactly what OP seems to want?

I unconsciously didn't even think about those.
Personally I think both have ass naval combat.
Too RNGy.
For me it's just Shogun 2 and Rome/Attila.

Well, Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai might still be in his interests. It's ironclads with steam engines but you still have guns placed at sides of the ship and such like so I feel they resemble the golden age of sail more than the modern warship (or pre-gunpowder navies).

FOTS really did conceal what was a top-notch naval minigame.

Blacl Flag is shit overall, but it has great naval stuff. Rogue is much better, and III is pretty in that aspect.

Age of Pirates 2
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sea Dogs


sea dogs 2 (aka pirates of the caribbean) with mods (there's plenty)

What's the title

Honestly the best I've played were the Uncharted Waters games in SNES. Haven't found anything besides SMP and those worth playjng.

Naval Action looks pretty good, waiting for it to come out of early access or get a decent discount before buying though.

Litrerally the worst naval combat among pirate/naval themed games. Even Port Royal had it more enjoyable and it wasn't even main focus of the game.

Rebel Galaxy had pretty good battles.

This. Made by Russian Akella on StormEngine. Studio itself is dead already. Best pirate games so far, despite them being like 10 years old already.

Tempest and Naval Action seems decent, quite expensive desu. But it seems it's like M&B or World of Whatever. Just fighting for the sake of fighting.

avoid it, it's gone to shit

Is the Assassin stuff understandable if you've never played Ass Creed before? I'd like a relatively recent Pirate game to play, but I've never touched the series and don't really want to get involved with the Assassin plotline.

>tfw you'll never rule the seas

The story set in the past is completely fine if you haven't played previous games, the modern day part hangs a little on that but it doesn't really matter because it doesn't force you much into the modern world

Not the non you were asking this but it's pretty understandable and straightforward. AC games generally are just that - comprehensible and retard freindly. You've go the bad guys and the good guys, you being part of the latter, of course, though sometimes you actually have your doubts about how good your fellas are and how bad your enemies are.

That's literally every AC game in a nutshell, so you wont have any trouble understaning what's up.

Cool, thanks anons. I just know it's called "Assassin's Creed 4", so I had no idea if you were expected to have played the rest of the series to understand it.

we had our own slice of land&sea as a of 10-20 member clan and held our own against a whole nation (spain) then BETRAYAL happend

its fun for the first 100 hours then you realize the game is shitty grind fest and even sailing anywhere can take between 2-6 IRL hours.

just avoid it

The Assassins Creed part of AC4 is the worst part of the game.

Fuck, what did the devs do? I was just about to reinstall and see what cool new shit they added in the year I haven't played.

It's still the best game of the franchise though

Those negative reviews have turned me away completely

because it has the least amount of Assassins Creed in it. Does Ubisoft even play those games anymore before shipping out their yearly quota? The story is a fucking trainwreck and who enjoys the modern flashbacks where you do nothing but walk around.

Dont know when its coming out but looks fun

Anyone tried the Warhammer Corsairs game?

well i quit playing around november when they released fishing (not good just press a button and go AFK) and said they was adding in land into the port battles but i think they still haven't done it

my biggest gripe with the game is doing ANYTHING will take a minimun of 3 hours of sailling. wanna go do a close PVE mission? HAHA fuck you its a 20 min sail and you got headwind

believe me its a huge timesink with VERY little reward

>1363 hours played

Now is most of that just waiting to do stuff or what would you say is the proportion to waiting/playing

yes, it plays sorta like black flag but with 0 stealth missions, it is needing polish still. but fun

Land has been added to port battles.

Naval Action is a good game with REALLY good combat, what is detrimental is how the Open World system works, in regards to starting fights and stuff.

I understand the devs though, there is no easy-fix to that.

Port Battles have always been decent/good, with the added land in battle now and the new capture system, everything has been flipped on it's head and we're all still trying to work it out.

For example, a few days ago we had a port battle vs the french and not a single ship was sank, because we fucked up on the british side and the french captured all the points.

I mean, from what I've seen in the reviews the Out of Battle Sailing seems to be the least of the games concerns now.

...until you and everyone else has incindiary shot.
>the only winning move is not to play

well you could just shift+tab and shitpost on Sup Forums

a good 80% of that play time is sailing to do stuff, pvp battles normaly last between 40-60 min depending on how many people are joining, plus add into people who runs away it got tedious

yeah pvp combat is good if you can find decent opponents, like i said when i played we was busy chasing spanish tail because they're a bunch of cowards that only fight 4v1

When's Sea of Thieves coming out? That game looks good.