Oh shit nigger, the last game you played is invaded by Alucard and the Hellsing organization. Does it survive?

Oh shit nigger, the last game you played is invaded by Alucard and the Hellsing organization. Does it survive?

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>Titanfall 2
Yea, they'll be fine.

It was Recettear. Hope Alucard is down for some overpriced curry and watermelon.

e.y.e. divine cybermancy, we will purge them all brother


Pizza party time.

Huh. I guess he'll fit right in.

>Disgaea 5
Alucard is toast from a overall power level point of view.

Like most of the combat in this game, I'm not sure what's going on but it probably looks awesome.

My colony dies anyway, but i don't know abouth them, would they survive?

GTA V online, and yes because I modded it and I have a Hydra

Recently got forced into watching hellsing ultimate with a friend. It gotta be the most cringey garbage edgelord shit ive ever seen. Why is it even remotely popular?

>Rainbow Six Siege
Just another episode

>warhammer total war

yeah, easy

Alucard once dived bombed a naval vessel with the fastest military aircraft know to man and then got out and killed a bunch of people before stabbing a vampire through the chest with her own magic musket

Sounds like you're taking it seriously


>Kotor 2

He will fuck everything up and the galaxy will be a better place for it.

I don't give a fuck I have God mode enabled lol, git fukt nerd

>Taking Hellsing seriously.

And here is your problem.


>Just turn off your brain dude!

It fucking sucked

So does Alucard

I'll bet you disliked Kill Bill, too

I cant think of anyone really capable of beating alucard besides reality warping people like the scribblenauts guy.
Especially post anime alucard who should technically be able to outbullshit him with schrodinger existential anomaly
I dont care if its edgy its probably my favorite anime and I rarely fucking like the jap cartoons

But it is like One Punch Man where it's tone is so intentionally over the top edgy to the point where it is hilarious.

How could you take this scene seriously, especially the line about dog shit?


I just thought how retarded my wording was.

it is nothing like opm
opm is satire
this is serious

what do you like user with your superior taste?
hellsing is fun, so what if its edgy that doesnt have any bearing on its quality.
Shit DMC berserk hellsing are probably my two favorite things to come out japan and they are all edgy as hell except for DMC since its more of a goofy faux edgy

Yeah, I had retarded wording.

The better way to say it:

"Like OPM, it is satirical except it is satirical about overly edgy anime"

Sorry, but if they're going for cheesy, there's just no topping this

Hellsing is very obvious a mix of camp and seriousness in the same vein as Metal Gear Solid and you should feel bad for not nooticing that when the fat successor to Hitler sang hummed German symphonies to a montage of Nazi zombies eating babies in the streets of London.


>Alucard in the world of Bloodborne

actually he'd pretty much fit right in

That's cute.

hellsing is average shonen garbage


Last game I played was D44M... is Alucard a demon?

Berserk is actually good.

Hellsing isnt.

You should feel fucking ashamed of yourself putting those 2 together

I don't think the good hunter could kill him
But then again the good hunter can't die while sustained by the dream, either


Alucard doesn't win by the power of friendship, he wins by devouring everything.

>not posting best alucard

ya blew it

I remember a uni student came to our media class to take over as teacher for a few lessons, he had that pic as his laptop background and he saw I had an EoE one at the time and we discussed eva.
He was a cool guy.

It's a big universe out there, I dunno.

>Dawn of war 2

lmao just exterminatus the planet what's he gonna do?

that's average shonen garbage
below average shonen garbage has power of friendship

ruh roh someone just outted themselves as not knowing what the fuck they're talking about

Alucard's almost at old one levels of power, but the Hunter is also effectively immortal so they could just battle on forever

Sending in soldiers just gives him more lives.

When in shonen have you ever seen a detailed decapitation, 10 heads blown off in a single shot and someone burning to death in detail in the same episode?

Exterminatus is just blowing up the planet or destroying the atmosphere or something else that utterly destroys the planet. That's the opposite of sending in more soldiers. Or they can just toss him in the warp where he gets to play with the other edge lords.


hellsing is bullshit but it's not fucking shonen

it's a grindhouse where count dracula fights nazi vampires, and in the last act becomes a stealth sequel to dracula

shonen is about development, alucard just murders fucking everything until he gets killed off right before the end

If the other old ones wanted Alucard dead I'm sure they could give him the boost he needs to do it, but it would probably take more than one, and old ones working together seems unlikely

That looks very lewd somehow, did she cum from getting stabbed in the chest?

you're right, it's not shonen, it's nazi gore porn with cute cat

Actually pretty much.

Nice, I really should catch up with this, I read the manga like...holy shit like a fucking decade ago

Why am I not a vampire so this wouldn't bother me...

yes, that's what I just said

it's the anime equivalent of grindhouse

>implying Alucard stands a chance

Pre or Post Schrödinger absorption?
this is important.

Alucard can manipulate Quantum Mechanics. There is no way anyone can beat that short of Doctor Fucking Manhattan.

Also Seras is best girl.

Assuming post if pre can't defeat them on his own.


Obviously you have no idea what alucard is capable of.

He will purge the anime with the same ferocity he exterminates demons with, if not more.

Probably the most fun Doomguy will have killing.

>metro last light
I don't know, I wonder if the dark ones can drive alucard insane. Even if they could would it make any difference at all?

I get the feeling that Doomguy and Alucard would get along.

Van Hellsing and his merry band of friends knocked on his door and gave him such an ass kicking that he became his family's bitch.

And he was only just a human.

Well that was before they buffed him and he absorbed Schrodinger.

That was when he was an ordinary vampire. The hellsing family then experimented on him afterward and made him some vampire freak of nature demigod.

Alucard is his own Warp.

You saw what happened when he ate Schrodinger. Imagine what happens when he starts eating daemons and working his way up.

Supernatural trumps natural
Quantum mechanics don't mean shit when you introduce metaphysical bullshit

Oh look, Death battle did zero research again.


what? there were no experiments, were there?

i know van hellsing ended up besting alucard but i thought that was because "humanity always wins" and "growing old is beautiful" and other gay shit

Yeah but he almost again got his ass handed to him by another human before he went full retard and poked himself with a sliver of the true cross or some shit.

Bitch please, he has jack and shit compared to the warp and jack just went out of town. Every emotion feed the chaos gods and you don't think one of them would figure out how to fuck him up? Hell one of them is the ever-changing god of mages and plots.

Spawn is actually stronger than Alucard though

Nah man, power of friendship wins the day when all of your friends have steel balls so big and heavy you have to get a guy to cart them around in a wheelbarrow.

I don't mind the outcome, what I do mind is HOW Spawn won.

>Doomguy is just a human determined to kill demons

He could do it.

How can you destroy what is already destroyed?

Alucard assimilates anything he eats. They literally become part of him and he gains their whatever. He might not eat the chaos gods, but he'll most likely become one.

He won't fuck around with actual monsters like he does with humans.

reminder that this was the moment where hellsing peaked

yeah i figured that was the canonical explanation

because, like, his powers came from absorbing entire armies and shit, like the mongols, and that was DEFINITELY before van helsing came around, so

power of friendship, humanity being great, and probably alucard throwing the fight because lets be real senpai

what's he's not capable of doing is leaving an evacuated planet, they could literally just isolate him on some random world and leave him to rot.

Alucard had a hard life.

Nigger, after absorbing Schrodinger he can exist and not exist at will.

The absolute last thing you want to do against Alucard as a human is turn into a monster

o..ok i dont remember most of that from the manga. like, at all

did they make shit up for ultimate or did i just forget the manga?

I never watched ultimate past episode 7 because episodes took years to come out and i was sick of waiting for them lmao

>croft manor invaded by vampires
now it might be because I've only read about 5 chapters of hellsing, but I think Lara will be alright since if shit gets really wack, she can grab that dagger and turn herself into a fucking dragon

Hellsing Ultimate is the manga animated, scene for scene.

ye which is why i was confused. the original anime went off rails because it overtook the manga, so...

god, my memory's shit. i'll put aside time to re-watch all of ultimate at some point soon because apparently i remember next to nothing

you didnt read far enough
pre end of hellsing alucard has entire armys of familiars and demons at his beck and call
post hellsing he is schrodingers cat
turning into a monster would enrage him and make him go full edgelord on her since he despises those weak enough to revoke their humanity
captcha is helena too spoopy

your captchas are still words to type?!

mine are a fucking box to click, that after a certain amount of posts for a day asks me to click storefronts or signs or fireworks for every goddamn post

if you go into website settings you can change back to legacy captcha. its much better

Bloodborne. I don't know who will survive, but it'll be incredible.

i love you senpai

Ygopro is just an infinite plane of yugioh cards and decks. They will most likely be trapped forever... But hey, they have cards to play.

implying doomguy isnt this nigga

Kakugo no Susume has way worse stuff happening and it's still shonen.

He sits and watches this shitty anime for 2 hours then sighs and walks away

either they compromise and sit down for some nice tea or they get butchered by the miko of needless killing

Why didnt The Captain ever fight Alucard?

that's fucking retarded

>Nigger, after absorbing Schrodinger he can exist and not exist at will.
Is that an OVA thing? Because in the manga he had to kill every life inside him to be able to go back, so at the end he's weaker.


Alucard is fucked.