Asymmetric analog placement or symmetric analog placement

Asymmetric analog placement or symmetric analog placement.

Which one is superior?

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well certainly not having both on fucking top
either having asymmetric or having them both on bottom makes sense, but on top is just disgusting


I am OK if it is Asymmetric like the Xbox or Switch or Symmetic on the bottom like the Playstation controller.

Shit like the Wii U controller where it was symmetric on the top or the N64 controller where it was awkwardly places on the bottom was a issue.


>he has tiny hands

I'll pick third option which make them switchable.

Symmetric is retarded. 99% of the time I'm not going to be using the right stick. Gamecube/Xbox/Switch controllers do it right.


The only correct answer is that the right stick HAS to be lower than the right face buttons. Otherwise it will just limit design since you can't access both the stick and the button at the same time.

The 3DS is the worst offender for this, apart form the slide pad being absolute shit as well.

>both on top is for shooter
>both on bottom is for 2d
>left top right bottom is for 3d
>left bottom right top is for insanity

Symmetrical on the bottom for ez crab-handing

Symmetrical top is the pinnacle of good controller design.

I'm not sure if Nintendo wanted the GameCube layout or to pander to the xbox generation of casuals.

Most comfy controller coming through

Switch's design is a thing just to have the two "1 analog 4 buttons" controllers gimmick

Sticks are complete shit, those controllers are now expensive and I fear with death everytime I play smash with friends I lend the controller to someone.

Why aren't you using GC controllers?

I prefer the top because I know the battery lasts forever.

The build quality on the bottom one looks shit.

Because you can only have up to 4 gamecube controllers, we play 8 player smash with those+gamepad+pro u controller+a wiimote with a nunchuk and the wii pro controller. It's the best controller ever because it's great for 2D games but I hope the left stick doesn't fuck up soon.

Fun fact: Wii U controller batteries are almost completely identical to 3DS batteries, which are also awesome

Nigger what, I'm using 8 GC controllers with 2 adapters, what are you talking about?

The battery life for the pro U it's like 80 hours long, i hope it's compatible with the switch

Both are fine.


I'm gutted the Switch is shitty asymmetric. hoping for a good third party controller to fix this.

I'm not going ton but another gamecube adapter, fuck that.

Fuck off Nintendo is fucking shit you faggot, go play Pii U

Yeah I'm seriously going to be pissed if the Wii U's pro controller doesn't work with the Switch.

They're cheap as fuck now, your loss. It's not release months of the adapter which were full of scalpers.

What are you trying to achieve by posting this, little man

I just want all these children who loves Nintendo gettin out of my fucking board

>glossy finish on controllers
Why are they doing this. All it does is attract fingerprints from the whole neighborhood. Make it matte you fucks.

>Wii U Pro is sublime
>Time comes to design a new controller
>ayyy letz copy the ouya lmao


WiiU Pro is a godsend for shooters if you don't feel like using the superior Mouse+keyboard.

The switch's controller has good button/stick placement, however... it looks like a cheap PC controller you'd find for $9.99 in a walmart bargain bin. It looks really sterile. I'm just kinda not feeling it.

I really don't care, I'll adapt and be able to use either without complaining about it.

Asymmetric is better because your thumb is going to be on the left stick and the face buttons the vast majority of the time and it's stupid for the left stick & face buttons to not be directly across from each other.

Also why would you want to reach up from the face buttons for the right stick, when reaching down is significantly easier?

Either one is fine as long as the sticks are not in an awkward position like on the Dualshocks.

I still don't understand how they haven't moved the analogs up and a bit apart, it's not like it would change the controller's design much more than what they have done with the DS4.


>clearly it is everyone else who is wrong

Only 100% good answer: every modern controller is wrong.

You should never have to use the left stick AND the d-pad just like you should never have to use the front buttons AND the right stick. It's retarded and not ergonomic at all.

Neither is inherently better.
With standard gamepads the top and outer placement is the more natural one for your hands to land in. Ergo, you want the controls you're going to be primarily using to be in that location. This means that Xbox layout is best for third person action games and the like, Wii U Pro layout is best for First Person Shooters (which is incredibly fucking redundant but whatever), and Playstation layout is best for 2D platformers and the like where you're using the Dpad.

Personally I wish there was a way to reliably switch them around with a good quality controller, I'd fucking kill for that.

both are fine

>shitting on Logitech pad
>praising Wii Classic

>Wii U Pro
>low tier

>sticks are better than most other controllers
>button cluster is misplaced for most games but not something you can't get used to or is uncomfortable
>buttons being sideways is actually hugely useful considering their placement
>$5 mayflash adaptor off ebay makes it work perfectly

How do you be this retarded?

It doesn't actually matter for playing and I think symetric looks better so, top.

is it real?

Why do we need face buttons anyway? All it does is make people come up with fucktarded shit like claw grip for more complex inputs. There's so much more you could be doing with your other fingers, instead we just have two bumpers and two triggers.

It's a picture made for shitposting what do you expect?

I prefer symmetrical on the bottom. Started with the N64's joystick being on the bottom, then the PS1's dualshocks, and i've always preferred it.

So did pretty much everyone else, up until the 360 came out. the gamecube was fucking lambasted for the retarded asymmetrical layout of the stick, but nowadays it's looked upon fondly, just weird.

Get this:

He's right about that you retard.

I have the f310 in that picture and it's lasted for years, has driver support, and doesn't have dead spots. Looking terrible and feeling cheap are opinions, but I don't think either of those are the case.

Clearly written by somebody who has never touched the controller.

Symmetric. Visually more pleasing and allows clawing.


I played through the entirety of TPHD with the Wii U Pro Controller and it was totally fine.

I don't get the hate.

Xbox >> Wii U >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dualcock

Seriously, I like Playstation consoles but their controllers are absolute trash.

The Wii U controller is great for 2D platformers and grid-based games, the lower half is basically a SNES controller.

Sonydrones, user

Depends on the game type. If it requires heavy usage of the XYAB buttons then asymmetric. If it utilizes the right stick and shoulder buttons more then symmetric. Upper right is the more natural position for your thumb so the more dominant buttons should be placed there.


This: I've used a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 for around 10 years now and I only had to replace the membrane like 1-2 years ago using a cheap Logitech Precision.

>Image shows non Nintendo controllers also


Sony probably has their stick layout patented.

Just coz Xbox-controller is designed in a bulky way that makes the lower parts harder to reach doesn't mean they should be considered secondary areas

>hands are symmetrical
>controller isn't

360 controller is best controller

Asymmetric is best. Anyone who says otherwise is someone who uses a controller for shooters

>Square holes for the analog sticks
What in the actual fuck

>sonyggers defends the claw

The holes don't matter, it's the gate/restrictor inside the stick that counts. They're either circular or octogonal. Really old arcade games with 4-way sticks will have square gates but that's basically it.

Square gates are still standard for sticks, what are you talking about?

You still have to use the claw on the right hand, though. And Xbox, PS, and GC controllers ALL use the right thumbstick for camera controls.

Can confirm. The f310 was pretty good for a cheap controller. You've got the benefits of having a DINPUT and XINPUT in one package. I guess the only downsides is that there's no rumble. I heard the f510 has one, but it's strangely rare as fuck.

Same shit

PS, Xbox, GC controllers all use circle gates.
I'm talking about analog sticks, an individual component, not fighting sticks, which are an entire class of controller.

It is a square gate actually and I love it, I hate how everything else (even Logitech) uses circular gates nowadays.

Fair enough, forget I said anything

it literally doesn't matter, you just hold different controllers differently
obviously there are better and worse controllers but there's neither symmetrical nor asymmetrical analog sticks are inherently superior.

This, buttons go above stick

So you'd rather reach up then to use the d-pad & right analog stick?

Because that's retarded.

you've clearly not held an xbox controller, they're very comfortable to hold and allows maximum and the new xbone controllers are even better
fuck the elite controllers tho, they're shit

>D-Pad isn't priority input as well

2D games fag





Symmetric, on the bottom. When the analog stick is in the top-left it makes my thumb uncomfortably close to the rest of my hand

Wii U Pro controller is pure sex, I don't think I can go back to any other layout anymore.

I really hope it's compatible with the Switch or someone makes a joycon with right stick on top of the face buttons.

>he buys a $400 console to play 2d games

Wii U = DS4 > XBO

I bought the XBO controller back when Dark Souls II came out and I don't understand the fuss about it, its heavy, doesn't last too long, shoulder buttons/bumpers are crap, sticks are too tall. The build quality is superb but that's the only real upside.

who /steamcontroller/ here

Do you think Sony kept the stick placement just for brand recognition or just because of laziness? Because the first time around they were a literal afterthought, placed that way just not to differ too much from the normal controller, why keep it that way when everyone else considers it the less ergonomic choice? Even PS4 third party controllers have asymmetrical sticks

Why did they only give this thing one analog stick?

Because they're dumbasses. They should have replaced the analog stick with more face buttons and the left trackpad with a proper d-pad.

The idea of the trackpads was to replace analog sticks. Why it even has the one it does is beyond me, except as a contingency in case the trackpads suck.

No room for it. The stick is only there as a crutch anyway, it's usually better to just use the trackpad

>replacing the left trackpad with a dpad
>making the controller objectively worse

It's an FPS controller made by a FPS company. The left stick is for moving the right touchpad is for aiming and triggers are for shooting.
Of course, not having a d-pad nor a second stick make's it horrible for anything else.

WiiU is superior because nintendos facebutton layout works better on the bottom so your thumb isnt as cramped.

Just imagin pressing the B button on the 360 controlller to jump, its not comfortable.

The left trackpad is retarded.

I like it as it means I can use my index finger to operate the dpad without taking my thumb off the stick. Good for games like Dark SOuls

How do people find this comfortable? Its fucking insane. Why doesn't Sony change it? Is it pride, do they not want to admit defeat?

>tfw left handed and the only good controller that accommodates to me is the sony controllers because everything is symmetrical

I'm a fan of asymmetric but I gotta admit, the WiiU controller is comfy as fuck