Xbox Wins Again

>Muh muh PC M-master race!!!!
>Xbox b-btfo!!
Find me a PC that can play current gen (Battlefield 1, Dishonored 2, Watch Dogs 2, GTA 5, CoD etc)games at a stable 30-60 fps that comes bundled with a free game that will give me countless hours of enjoyment all for the great price of 265 dollars!

I'm waiting Sup Forums

Pretty good deal man

PC btfo'd

>265 Burgers
Found your problem mate

>Paying money to obtain vidya

wasn't this just on sale?

Nope not a sale at all!!
PC loses again!

It's a good deal but you still have to pay for online, you have limited controller options, you miss out on way more video games and emulators, and you don't get all the benefits that come with a PC with a proper desktop operating system.

XBox One S is great if you're just playing video games but a custom-built $500 PC is a better value all things considered. Besides, you'll probably need a PC for other facets of life.

Why does everything have to be a pissing contest with console players?

Why are you acting like being a cocksleeve for a large company is in any way a victory

>Muh PC
>Muh 10 year old emulator
>Muh indie-shit
>Muh custom built 2000 PC
opinion disregarded.

Enjoy your buggy ports while you are waiting for patches

>buying a console to play minecraft

I'm pretty sure a toaster could run it.

>$60 a year is a lot for PCucks

Not just for Minecraft, but for the thousands of Next Gen games available only on Xbox One
See you on the boards...

>stable 30-60fps
What did he mean by this?

You could build a better PC for 265 than what that Xbox one is capable of and most likely whatever GPU or APU you purchase will have a free game gift with it.

>inb4 show me the build
Figure out yourself you moron

Name 10 games that don't suck that are exclusive to XBox One

If money isn't a problem why are you cucks bragging about a $265 Minecraft machine? Why not throw around some of that cabbage and use that $60 for a better machine or some games instead of wrapping that cash around XBox's cock so he can shaft you for a product you already paid for?

dam as a sonycuck even I admit this shits on ps4

>build a better PC for $265.

With what fucking parts!?!

Thats actually a bad price. Lately the Xbox one has had massive sales. Target had an S bundle for like 250 plus a 50 target gift card and two games. I think battlefield plus another of a couple choices.

Using your parents money to buy your processor doesn't count...

Used hand-me-downs from your autistic nerd friends doesn't count.

Go build your $265 PC now.

>mommy got someone an xbox one s with minecraft for christmas

PC loses by being more powerful and cheaper?
thats some weird kind of logic I can't get behind

>All this sonyfriend falseflagging.

So funny, no such thing as Xbros like this on the chins, m8.

have fun getting cucked by microsoft

>games are twice as expensive
>can only play games released for the console
>piracy basically impossible

PC makes up for it through cheaper games are far more general use utility

>If money isn't a problem why are you cucks bragging about a $265 Minecraft machine? Why not throw around some of that cabbage and use that $60 for a better machine or some games instead of wrapping that cash around XBox's cock so he can shaft you for a product you already paid for?

He's right you know.