>game is set in the future
>Religion still exist
Game is set in the future
it was only really retarded in Mass Effects, where there are tons of different species with religious beliefs obviously not in line with the overall diversity of sentient creatures. If its only one species in the future, its okay i guess, because they dont have a whole other category of sentient beings to contradict their doctrines as badly as if they were by themselves.
The rebellion against the Church has only weakened western society both culturally, ethnically and safety wise
It's fine, as long as it isn't an utopia.
In a world where everyone can become a cyborg and access internet with own mind, religion would be as jarring as adults unironically believing in Santa.
In a post-WW3 war where dregs roam slums, religion makes perfect sense. Low IQ subhumans are inherently religious.
*tips raped child*
>game is set in the future
>humans still exist
>game is set in the future
>god actually exists
Also you'd think alien religions would be really bizarre.
Wouldn't it be an interesting twist if Mass Effect had all these completely bonkers alien religions and one of them turned out right.
And I mean bizarre stuff, like, butt stuff. Like they believe the universe is having sex with another universe, but like, anal.
Or like some aliens that worship their own feces, and it turns out to not only be sentient feces, but a kind of avatar, or manifestation of the very will of the universe. Or at least the one that ours is doing up the butt.
Hey, you could have some fun with that one. Believe in a deity or don't, but in fiction, the rules are whatever you want them to be.
>game set in the future with demons and aliens and whatever hunting humans on daily basis
>last bastion of humanity
>merchants and teachers demand insane amounts of money for their shit even though you are the chosen one who can save galaxy
>Game is set in the future
>god isn't real but hell is and so are giant space demons
If your entire claim to fame is a series of attacks on religion and constantly claiming that Christians are dumb, you're eventually going to wind up just as devout and fanatical as the Xtians you hate so much. And here he is, the true face of anti-theism. Prideful in how "liberated" he is from the zealot constraints of Christian order by acting like a retard actively on social media. Truly, others should be inspired by his behavior and follow suit.
Ha. Ha.
Feeling euphoric, OP?
>I'm posting this in the future relative to your post.
>Religion still exists.
>memes still exist
>present time
>religious people multiply like rabbits
>how is religion still around 50 years in the future guise?!?
>game set in an ideal fantasy land
>black people don't exist
I think OP means future as in
>plasma guns, flying cars and strong AIs
>post-apocalyptic shithole after technology was declared a sin
Religious people multiplying would imply the latter
>in the future, some people are still retarded and afraid of death
Sounds about right
It's the brown barbarians you should be worried about multiplying more than anything else. White people are so dumb that they've abandoned their mandate to have children along with religion, and now the angry desert people are outbreeding them in their own countries.
It makes sense in a dystopia
>retarded teenagers think religion will ever not exist in some form
Sand niggers are 99.9% religious. Whiteys usually don't even take their cults seriously, just take some bullet points they like and ignore the rest, using it as an easy fallback.
>christcucks will go extinct in your lifetime
>sand niggers
What are you?
They literally never will
I'm Batman.
Extremely unlikely. Christianity is a lazy man's religion. Not to say strange shit with the religion itself couldn't happen at some point, but it's not going anywhere.
I'll just leave this here.
Some SF readers will insist that 1000 years from now there will be no organized religion. [..] Let's look carefully at the issue, though. We shall assume, for the sake of argument, that religion is adopted by the foolishly optimistic, in an effort to answer the unanswerable questions. A thousand years from now science will have made quantum leaps forward (actually, quanta are quite SMALL... pour THAT over your cheerios and smoke it) discovering unifying principles of matter, energy, time, and space, as well as meta-behavioral principles of advanced sociology, psychology, and several unpronounceableologies. In spite of that, there will probably still be unanswerable questions. Of course, it goes without saying that a band of soldiers, facing death on a regular basis, would long for some sort of religion.
Now, some folks will try to tell us that in 1000 years science and society will have made SO much progress, and will be SO understanding of the human condition, that there will be no need for religion as we know it--even for low-IQ, highly violent types like mercenaries, professional sportspersons, and art critics.
Hmmmm. That sounds "foolishly optimistic" to me.
>religion ever disappearing
It's part of human nature to explain the unexplainable with random bullshit.
Accept it and move on.
>People who believe in god say we will believe in god in 1000 years
>Game is set in the future
>Pump-action shotguns is still a thing
>Revolvers are still a thing
>people who dont saying we wont
This is correct. OP needs to take some college courses.
It's important to understand that Eastern Orthodox Church is not really united the same way Roman Catholic Church is. There's not a single Pope in charge but various regional Patriarchs instead.
Break-action double barrel shotgun is a man's shotgun.
The Enlightenment was a mistake.
>swords are a common weapon
>God isn't real but demons are
you can't have one without the other though
>God is basically the highest tier demon
Basically Berserk
Atheism is the worst of all religions
>game set in the future
>white race still exist
>Jim sterling.png
>Christian African population exploding
>thousands of Chinese converting daily
Meanwhile dumb atheist whitey is too stupid to breed
Whitey btfo lmao
This tbf, you might aswell kill yourself if you think there's nothing after you die
That's literally more reason to not kill yourself you moronic christcuck. Believing there is a paradise called heaven after you die means you should live in a way that you die early since suicide is against the rules. So go YOLO and get yourself killed already.
>game has magic
>mass chaos, murder, wars and rape isn't happening every second
Look how eager you are to try and insult someone that you just assume I'm a Christian. This site is 18+ and life is literally pointless for the majority of people if you think there's no afterlife.
>people can go invisible, use mind control and stop time
>nobody is getting rape
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, considering the next likely alternatives are muslim or agnostic.
>game has alchemy
>nobody makes fake gold coins
Of course you can. You can believe whatever nonsense you want.
>can literally alter and manipulate reality
>not the ruling caste
>game has magic
>economy isn't fucked
Wrong and what I am or believe in is irrelevant, kid.
>what I am or believe in is irrelevant
Then why did you pay so much attention to my insult instead of arguing the point? I reiterate, thinking there's nothing after you die gives more reason for you to not waste your life, not the opposite, and you're retarded.
>Game is set in the future
>revolvers outclass miniguns and portable artillery
but it's not logical
it's like yin and yang, good and evil, you can't have one without the other
>inb4 logic in religion
Dunno man, insulting seems to be your only debating skill. Better read some more Dawkins books.
But I did you stupid cunt.
>believe in nothing
>spend your whole life working to make others rich like a slave
>majority of your life is stressful and miserable because of this
Yeah such a wonderful and fulfilling experience you stupid edgy teenager
it's 2017 and people recently started worshipping a cartoon frog man...
>balance of good and evil
and I thought only people in anime actually believe that
Pretty ironic considering you're avoiding the argument in favor of insults.
You sound like you're projecting. Get a hobby besides shitposting on Sup Forums instead of living miserably in hopes that you'll be better off in the afterlife, loser.
Yes you can
>god and angels/satan demons are actually all the same thing
Wow so hard to comprehend
could be worse. We had a guy in our DnD campaign who's character was an athiest.
> thinly veiled fedora thread
But white is the only acceptable skin color, everything else is sub human garbage (looking at you, middle east and africa)
Why is it all you can do is make assumptions and use buzzwords? It's like you can't do anything but repeat the same tired shit that gets spammed on here 24/7.
religion will probably always exist, part of the human brain is dedicated to it
You have shit taste
but in the example you gave you'd still have both of them, it's just that they're the same thing with 2 titles
it's actually a lack of brain that religion is compensating
dead space did it pretty well
the smartest guy I've ever met is a devout christian
Not if they're just perceived as one set you idiot
Why is it all you can do is project? You obviously think life is shitty without belief in an afterlife and you're projecting this view onto me to insinuate that my life must be even worse than yours because I don't believe in an afterlife. I'm living my life to the fullest because I believe I only have one shot at it while you're clearly wallowing in misery and holding out for your 'reward' in the afterlife, and trying to convince yourself other people are more miserable than you to feel better about yourself.
I'll do you a favor and stop replying to you now so you can leave the argument and find something fun to do in your life, though I get the feeling your hobby of choice is shitposting.
Watch you don't cut yourself with your katana, pal
Just stop giving him attention. His vision on the world was clearly indoctrinated by fedora-wearing atheists while we have done some thinking by ourselves. That's why his peanut brain can't see obvious logic while we can. He's basically a devout member of the atheist religion, as I said in the post that started this.
>game is set in the medieval times
>characters talk with American grammar and accent
Triggers me everytme.
>le fedora meme
this has to stop
And everyone else was girls
Like Einstein?
Even a lot of people constantly exposed to religion, like physicists, are religious. It's just a very basic way of socializing and framing your life and thoughts. Hell, even fully scientific-minded people fall into the same patterns. Note all the bizarre rituals and customs most universities have. Honestly the kind of person who gives the most weight to rational criteria when determining abstract beliefs is just not that common either. A lot of people are driven by flimsy, group instinct, emotions and so on, and this is not a bad thing either -- you probably don't want too novelists who are to rational-minded. It would be dry and boring entertainment. In sum, I just think a world without religion is very unlikely.
>implying the world is constantly becoming better
Just the fact that you live in 2017 implies that the human population is likely going to start dropping soon as the chance of living is the highest when the human population is also the highest that it will ever be.
Devil May Cry
"God" is whichever powerful demon humans wish to worship, "angels" are a demonic deception.
This is my first time posting here in months and I didn't even post half the crap your spewing.
You literally just assumed everything in your post and twisted my words to fit your bullshit so you feel smart. Well done you dumb cunt
>game set in future
>islam isn't the dominant religion
>So many religion fags getting triggered in this thread
Nice job OP, upvoted ;)
his iq is like 150, and he figures out pretty much anything in a few seconds
What's the difference between Mother Nature and God?
>Stop truth please
Odd idea to hold as an Atheist.
>game is set in the future
>white people still exist
>life is literally pointless for the majority of people if you think there's no afterlife.
literally how
if there's an afterlife, why stop wasting time and just get there now? kill yourself senpai
>le im too intelligent meme
You're delusional
>black people think they'll be the majority in the future
hahahaha the chinese are coming for all of us, negroes included
>but also let me chalk up easily explainable science to a deity
yeah man, attacking someone for claiming they're smarter than you totally makes sense in your shoes
A lot of games have religion in them. I just got done playing The Last Guardian and it had heavy religious tones.
I wouldn't be shocked if Nier Automata has it too.
good thing there are literally thousands of more intelligent people that aren't