I just bought tier 2 of this turd

I just bought tier 2 of this turd.

Which asscreed game should I play first? I have never played any.

Also what do you guys think of the bundle?

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its Uplay cancer, I'd rather shove a golf umbrella up my ass and open it than use Uplay.

I got Black Flag and Unity Xbone keys for 2 dollars each on g2a and that's probably better than anything on there

does xbone make you fuck around with uplay for consoles or is it just play the game with no anal leakage?

Did nobody else get this?

it's got Uplay what did you expect?

>even the first one is Uplay only

>not just pirating it without the UPlay shit
nu-Sup Forums everyone.

You don't use it to play black flag on xbone. Not sure about others.

Play in release order. Also that bundle is shit, you got gypped. Asscred games go for really cheap if you don't mind Uplay store

Not even with a gun to my head.

they're shit games, why would anyone else get this? most plebs who would play them already have on their consoles.

I paid 3.80 for it, not the price on the sticker.

I feel that's about what they are worth.

They gave out ACIII for free on uplay and after forcing myself to beat it because I didn't believe Sup Forums when they said it was bad, I regret wasting 12 hours on that piece of shit

$3.80 for three portable spin offs and the first assassin's creed is just... Dumb. Literally the worst 4 games of the series.

hmm I might get it on console one day, but ubisoft can suck my dick through my asshole if they think I'll ever use Uplay ever again.

I really dislike Uplay

I got it for ACII, my friend said it was good.

Ac2 is amazing...

In comparison to Ac1. The assassin's creed games get progressively better with every release, people just get upset when the games don't improve as much as 2 did to 1, or brotherhood to 2. I've played through quite a few, and I can confidently say the newer, the better.

Still play through 2 though. Fun game, good story. Play 1 first if you haven't yet, it's fun but only if played before the other games.

Uplay is just harmless middleware anons, why are you so flustered about it?

get out Yves Guillemot, you're not fooling anyone.

I already have steam. I don't want another fucking game distribution platform separate from that.
I was everything easily accessible in one place.

This should be a no-brainer, even to an Ubisoft employee.

this is exactly why I hate Uplay, well that and when I last used it there were memory leaks coming from the Uplay service that slowed down the games even though I had enough resources to play them.

Did they ever took out AC2's nightmareish DRM?

>paid money for a bunch of asscreed
>didn't get Black Flag

Play the first one. I feel its the best one in the series.

3 was a definite step back, though, if only because Connor has the personality of moist dirt.

>Buy ubi game on steam
>Requires Uplay to run
>Try starting game directly from Uplay
>Requires steam to run

Did 3 actually do anything particular bad outside of being extraordinarily fucking dull?

yes, they only had one chance with me, and that was "From Dust" I will continue to boycott all Uplay asscancer.

The Frontier

>The assassin's creed games get progressively better with every release
Bullshit, each and every one of the games is 70% tutorials of various shitty new mechanics or worse the retreading of old mechanics, then 30% okay levels 12 hours later.

Not to mention the boring collection items which is their only justification for the dead open worlds.

Remember, Uplay is cancer but yes, please Gaben, keep fucking me with your DRM.

The gameplay was better, smoother.

What problems do you have with Uplay? Or are you just parroting shit to fit in?

You run the game through Steam and it boots via Uplay seamlessly without you having to touch it. Gosh you two are so dumb, are you British? Arab?

The first one you mug, what??

>I bought it
>b-b-but I think it's shit so that makes it okay and lets me look cool

Did you come here from Leafyishere?

Not those guys, but it provides zero benefit over other identical services that are more widely used. If you use Uplay then you use Steam, so the idea of being forced to have both because Ubisoft wants to pretend to be relevant is tedious.

It's like asking why I don't want to wear pants over my pants because I already wear pants, so clearly I have no problem with pants, just French pants! No I just don't see the benefit in more restrictive movements.

has anyone spare 1 americandolarydoo gift for poor user?
[email protected]

>china features old man ezio as the tutorial guy
>completely different voice actor
Why would you even do it.

So your only problem with it is that it's not called Steam or Origin? Jesus fuck.

Smoke a dick, Ubishill.
Uplay is the reason I own no Ubisoft games and never will.

I understand that French is your first language, so your English might be a bit rusty, but no I didn't say that.

I said they lost the digital store front war, and are hanging on to some semblance of control which only serves to annoy me and offer me zero benefit over more successful clients.

For your information I find Battle.net and Origin equally as tedious. Also if Ubisoft won the war and Valve lost it, I'd be annoyed at Steam/Valve instead if it too insisted it's corpse was still worth stinking up my house with.

>waaah cancer it's terrible put a gun to my head and I still won't use it :(
>o-only because it's not muh steam

I had to check but the rules still say the site is 18+ so what are you doing here?


Did you learn a new completely unrelated word today and you wanted to let me know? Awww, that's cute, little boy.


will the $1 bundle work with a ds4 controller, especially AC1
Steam just recently added ds4 support which works for almost anything now

This is such a terrible bundle

Apart from AC2 and Brotherhood it has literally every AC game that no one gives two shits about. Unity? AC3? Liberation? Really? Where is Black Flag? Where is Rogue? Where is Syndicate?

it's like they don't want you to buy it

>all those DLC's in AC3
Now I understand why it was a christmas freeby.

i have China and AsscredIII up for trade fellas
