How come Sup Forums never talks about this? I would have bought it at launch if I had seen some threads, but I barely heard of it before buying it because a friend recommended it(and it was on sale).
Game seems pretty amazing so far.
How come Sup Forums never talks about this? I would have bought it at launch if I had seen some threads, but I barely heard of it before buying it because a friend recommended it(and it was on sale).
Game seems pretty amazing so far.
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh boy, a designated Evangelion shitposting thread
been a while
This is a video game, nerd.
Aside from secret hunting the game is extremely short. Had it had double the playtime I'm sure people would be raving over it.
It's ok
The combat is fun but you'll realize by the second or third zone it doesn't have enough variety, even if the guns mix it up a little. The upgrade system fixes it a bit but not nearly enough
Music is meh, nothing amazing
Atmosphere is amazing though, really stylish and cool
Story, of what little is told, seems interesting but could have used just the smallest amount of explanation. Even adding it like DS with story being hidden on items would have been better than the picture based system from NPC's
Also too short
Overall 7.5/10
>Music is meh
I want to slap you, bitch boy.
Music is great, and a big part of what makes the atmosphere so.
Really reminds me of Mort Garson's work.
It was the only game released in 2016 that I had fun with.
It wasn't great, but it was the only decent game in an ocean of shit.
>releases in 30fps
>they actually bother patching it to 60
>but also add in Iframes for casuals who want to pretend they're good at games
Also it missed a lot of it's stretch goals.
The music is definitely great for setting the atmosphere, but there was nothing on the OST that really astounded me
You have to look at those moments in a game where you hear the music and it blows you away, making the scene more than it was without it, and most of the game's music, while good background music, was nothing more than background music besides the beginning and ending songs
>never talks about this
there were plenty of talk when it was released
It's pretty damn good. A little short though. Gameplay can get kind of stale too but other than that the only real flaw I can find with the game is that there isnt more of it.
so the music is great but not good enough to please you
fuck off
Music should do more than just sit there to be pleasant, You could rearrange these songs and it wouldn't make a difference for your experience
sorry if you disagree
Poor man's Furi
>this game full of mobs and exploration is just a worse version of a game with zero exploration and no mobs
alright lad
3 0 F P S
I pirated it for a while. It was alright but didn't really keep me interested. I can get over the no text/speech meme if it's made clear why I'm doing what I'm doing but it felt like I was just fighting mobs and getting to the next area.
The only thing the game had going for it was the cool music.
You get the same feeling playing both games
Dash, pistol and sword
Similar Artstyle
Similar protagonist
Cryptic story that is very vaguely told
>but also add in Iframes for casuals who want to pretend they're good at games
Yeah, I hated this as well; sadly it was due to popular demand from casuals. I actually liked the dash and having to be a lot more reactive and predict more; it works well because it's a 2d top down game.
But nope, people's gotta whine if they can't git gud.
Agree for the most part, though I actually loved the combat system and it was varied enough for me but I can see why you'd think it's not varied enough.
It's a good game that had huge potential so it's a bit of a shame that the game didn't have more minibosses and bosses along with alternate endings to reward you more for collecting stuff. That would've made it a 10/10 for me I think.
It's not even like the game was really that difficult in the first place once you got a few movement upgrades.
Furi manages to at least carry some weight in it's melee portions, HLD never really does.
I think you are thinking of Hyper Light Drifter
You are an uninformed shitposting faggot.
Isn't the game capped at 30 fps? I'll give you the shitposting faggot, but why am I uninformed?
It has bee long since it was patched with 60 fps
It's good but it's waaaay too much of a collectathon for me.
It's like they wanted to stretch the game length by just having soooo much shit to collect.
but it didn't get patched until long after most people played it.
>OP posts a vague mostly unknown indy game
>excepts all us fags to even know what it is
Neat. Didn't know about that.
People who played it at 30 fps are faggots.Why does it matter?
Oh boy, an indy dev is astroturfing because he needs to pay the bills
if it actually was an indie dev astroturfing dont you think they would actually link to the game or even say what the name is?
Why do people praise Furi? It just makes you look dumb.
It didn't appear like it was going to be patched at first. It got a patch shortly after launch that wasn't the fps one.
>not liking Furi
Did old man Time fuck you up or something?
The machine of curiosity works on it's own.
Post an iconic looking screenshot, build a little thread hype, and the gears turn themselves.
>m-muh difficulty
The game isn't that hard, and all of the bosses feel the same. The music is pretty good, but everything else is the video game equivalent of a fedora.
>vague mostly unknown indy game
Except that it's not.
the developers are shameless plagiarizers.
Protip, Sup Forums talked about everything, A LOT.
You just don't come here enough.
>the video game equivalent of a fedora.
Great work
For a moment I actually thought I stumbled into an evangelion thread.
>locked to 30 fps
>devs list Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian in the credits
>is just above average zelda rip-off
It's trash,son!
good game but triggers anti-sjws
I mean, come on now.
Framerate got unlocked to 60. It actually feels nice to play now.
When was that?
Evangelion vs the faggot from MGQ?
A couple of months ago I think
>I would have bought it at launch if I had seen some threads
You're a blind fucking cunt
There were plenty of threads during launch.
Because it was decent but shallow and short, so everyone was done with it after a week.
Didn't help that practically half the shit promised in the Kickstarter was cut, including almost everything from the trailer.
That monster never appeared in the actual game. Same goes for the pictured spider, golem, and beast next to the golem.
>getting hit
was that supposed to be impressive?
Lie many kickstarters, it overstretched with it's development, and by the time of release everyone forgotten about it. At least that's how it was for me.
It's good game, of sort which leaves good impressions, but there is ultimately nothing to talk about too much. Story was bit of let down, honestly - with all Fez atmosphere going on, including deciphering literal walls of plot text, I was expecting at least something like "Haha, this was just one of loops, your fight still goes on!", but in the end, it was just... Victory? It felt like dev at this point didn't know what to do, so he concluded story with "And they lived happily ever after". Why this black monster took so much time to kill? Why MC finally killed it?
nigga you fucking die at the end
>special thanks to anita sarkeesian
It did get some love when it first came out, but it sort of got overshadowed by Furi.
Which, in terms of indie retro-futuristic neon story-light top-down dash-heavy slasher/shooter hybrids with bullet hell elements and high difficulty, is arguably the better game.
Failed to deliver on many of the stretch goals from the original Kickstarter campaign. Not even worth pirating now.
I played it for like 30 minutes and found the controls weirdly annoying and unresponsive and the level hazards asinine.
i was not up to dealing with a game that has pretensions to being like Dark Souls while feeling like shit (granted, Dark Souls also feels like shit but has a pace to match, HLD doesn't) so I basically just insta-dropped
I liked it more than Furi 2bh
yeah, sure, Furi's bosses were better, but it would be embarassing if they weren't in a game that's 100% bossfights
I liked the secrets and exploration
I liked the artstyle more
I liked how the sword has some weight and isn't rendered useless by the gun(s)
I liked the actual dodges instead of iframe shit
I liked how the protagonist didn't look like a parody of a parody
>It got overshadowed by a game that came out half a year later
Listen to yourself.
it has zoe quinn and anita in credits
fuck you all for even talking about this shit #GamerGate
dumb gator
no u
Evangelion is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
Liked it enough to chip in for the artbook. When does that drop?
Cautious about this after Owlboy disaster.
Controls are shit so I'm not playing it. Just because I want to use KB it doesn't mean I want to use KB+M.
It's a great game, with a seriously old school vibe. It's actually more old school than hard, but most of Sup Forums are under 20 so they've never played original Zelda or anything.
Still 100%ing the game is a really good challenge
Anyway, it was probably my GOTY, but the competiton wasn't stiff
>Game seems pretty amazing so far.
No lol. Fast refund.
Experienced everything and didn't lose NEET bucks.
Sup Forums is one of the worst places you can visit if you want to keep up to date on game releases or discuss anything even slightly obscure. For all the traffic this shithole gets it is like there are only ever a couple dozen anons posting, so you always get the same threads: dark souls, final fantasy, zelda, overwatch, the witcher, cdprojekt vs. bioware, Japan vs. the west, nintendo generals, giant bomb, some nostalgic thread, fallout and Todd, e-celebs, some flavor of the month game spammed constantly and so on. Only a fraction of the the games released at any given time get any discussion going on Sup Forums, because anything else gets buried in the catalog instantly. Most of the time if you make a thread about a game you liked you'll get called a shilled a few times and that'll be it.
All that being said, there were HLD threads here, years ago when it was announced and the pixel art looked promising, and then again when the devs turned out to be sjws.
I finally pirated Owlboy the other day after all the shilling it got and I can honestly say it is the most boring game I played in all of 2016. I also played it right after Half Genie Hero and Pharaoh Rebirth and that made it look even worse by comparison.
Even worse it took eight years (nine years on some sites) to finish it.