Pre-Patched or Patched Demon Souls/Dark Souls?

Should I play these games patched or just as they came?

holy fucking christ do NOT play pre-patched dark souls.

Play Dark Souls both ways. Abuse the glitch that lets you transfer things in your box to a new save file before patching it.


pre-patched versions of these games have game breaking bugs, overall it's not better unless you know the cheats and just want to fuck around

Demon's Souls won GOTY? I don't remember that.

Heard it was way more fun to play it as it is, but I am not sure.

This is why.

It does say Greatest Hits, don't know about GOTY

Why would you ever play a game unpatched? They patched it for a reason.

How bad is it? I am newbie to the series, but you guys make it aounds like the hardest yet most rewarding videogames there are

My PTSD is acting up

>game breaking bugs
There are exploits that allow you to share items in Dark Souls, and the one in Demons Souls was never fixed. I have never heard of anyone's games going broke over the release editions however.

>play through unpatched
>dupe items for new character
>patch the game
>go online mode
>farm noobs in the beginning area with overpowered weapons/armor
>laugh all day


It's more of the fact that patches eliminated both fun and not-fun game breaking shit, if it's your first time I would recommend playing patched then going for a second play through unpatched

Those things used to have an enormous aggro range. They're also gigantic, powerful, and numerous.

In unpatched game they have a rather large aggro radius and there's several of them in Lost Izalith close to one another and considering that fighting one of them is quite difficult already fighting groups of them would be unthinkable

How do I unpatch them?

There's an area in the game where you have to go by a bunch of those. In the pre-patched version, they have an absolutely enormous aggro-range and it makes an awful zone even worse.

The patch is also better for a LOT of balance reasons. If you want to look stuff up and potentially break the game and make it easy, play pre-patched for some nonsense. But if you want an enjoyable experience where things are more balanced and you can learn on your own, go with patched. I highly recommend this. The fun in the game is completely from figuring everything out yourself, and people who look up anything about the game are only depriving themselves of a more enjoyable experience.

This only excites me. What about DS1?

Delete the data for the game on your ps3, should get rid of the patches

Thanks user

I actually have no idea about DeS. I played it years ago and I'm not sure if it was patched or pre-patch, it was probably somewhere between the first and final patch of the game.

It says it right on the bottom of the case retard

Pre-patched Dark Souls is the most fun you'll have with the series, and you'll be able to get the experience most people did on their first time.
Even after playing Demons Souls and getting good, Day 1 Dark Souls was fucking horrifying to me. It was such a step up
Anyone who says Demons Souls and Dark Souls are equal in difficulty is absolutely fucking wrong.

pre-patched dark souls for a more hardcore experience. They doubled the soul drop rate in patch 1.06 so the game is significantly easier throughout. Plus some areas had monster aggro adjusted so you don't have to fight as much.

pre-patch means no online though right? Which means you miss out on a lot of mechanics and surprises.

Pre Patch Dark Souls, and for one reason:

Mother. Fucking. Pre-nerf. Homing. Crystal. Soulmass.

Day 1 Dark Souls is harder and I'm pretty sure the amount of souls you earn is toned down a bit, too. Pre-patched console Dark Souls is where the 'dark souls is hard' meme actually came from

Was Demons Souls ever patched? All the gamebreaking over-powered glitches still exist.

Dark Souls pre-patch is a nightmare. Souls are hard to comeby and it's just less user friendly. But you get the true Havelmom experience, which is a thing to behold.

Demon's was patched, but the American English copies have the patches already.

Notable patch changes from the hong kong/jap version are changes in item drop rates (pure blade stones) and nerfing of the meat cleaver.

> Pure Bladestone droprates changed
> Meat Clever nerfed

Wait, are you telling me that Pure Bladestone used to be even rarer? And Meat Cleaver used to be even more overpowered?


Yes and yes.

World tendencies changes were also shuffled around. Killing a boss adding towards white and dying in body form adding towards black was added in a patch. They also added the ability to hold the dpad to start going up or down in 10's when buying arrows or something in large quantities.

>I want my games half-baked

Why would you even ask this? Fucking idiot.


essentially there is a late game area where its 90% lava that although wont insta kill you(as long as you wear a ring required to cross some of it) essentially limits where you can move, and these things are strewn about in a vast field of lava you mostly skirt around. if they were to attack you at most parts in this area, it would be impossible to make it to a decent safe zone.

So... greatest hits re-issues always have the early/critical patches, or only most often?

patched unless you won't 3fps in blight-town

Short and simple question.

Does Dark Souls 1 have a decent ending, or is it open-ended and you HAVE to play 2 if you dig the story?

The story is rather simple on the surface, most of the interesting stuff is ambiguous or tied into lore that you can read off of item descriptions. You do not have to play 2, period.

Two is barely connected to one, you won't need need two to be satisfied by one's story. The endings are very simple and definitive.

Prepatch DeS:
>Soul suck your character to -99 luck and level up with an extra 105+ stat points.
>Meat Cleaver is slightly stronger.

Prepatch DkS:
>Can shoot infinite firebombs/kunai at sanic speeds with dragonhead glitch.
>Butterfly shield projectile can easily kill someone due to bug where is deals primary weapon damage.
>TWoP has a MASSIVE radius and lasts forever.
>Greater Magic Shield just makes you invincible.
>Toggle Cast allows you to cast any spells instantly from any school without meeting the requirements, having a catalyst, at sanic speeds all while getting the insanely high spell assist of the pyromancy glove.
>Combine these together for instant cast TWoP and Invincibility shield with nigh infinite charge, and the glove can even apply the shield buff to itself.

Don't forget dragon head glitch prism stone invaders that could crash and potentially overheat and damage ps3s

Fanks. If 2 was made because 1 made money, and had everything streamlined and distilled down, guess I'll just play 1.

You really need to be able to piece information together to make the story cohesive and to link things together to make a bit more sense.

DS2 kinda fucks up the plots by adding minor plotholes and forgetting shit that has been established.

DS3 kinda wraps things up but leaves much to be explained. Currently awaiting the last DLC in hopes its actual fucking lore and not just us going to some irrelevant area with literal fucking WHO's again. if its not Londor or some established placed we have read about, then i give up entirely on Miyazaki and will never buy any of his games again.

im just sick of the fucking pussyfooting around Lore and leaving it way to fucking open so it feels like we never fucking accomplished anything and everything we learned throughout the series just gets tossed out the fucking window.

Frampt and Kathe, if they are not shown or atleast fucking mentioned, im out.

2 has better spells and more varied weapons and weapon movesets and enemy types, but worse level design and atmosphere. Some bosses are much better, some are much worse.

Dark Souls is better on PC. Can get full 60fps.

Console is 30fps, and has occasional drops. Blighttown is 15fps AND has drops on top of that. Demon Souls in contrast is a morestable 30fps.

Again, PCfags with their 60fps masterrace crap.

Why is used DS and DS2 so expensive compared to other used games?

At the very least, PC can do stable 30fps and consoles can't. Blight town is really annoying to play at 5-15fps.

Video games were originally all 60fps. That's what TVs could display as. That's normal. Then consoles went 3D and they keep pushing their visuals and then cutting on the fps. Really ALL games should be 60fps as a base, and then have the visuals that can run at that that fps. But that would mean poorer graphics and normies are swayed by pretty visuals and shallow gameplay.

PC Dark Souls is nerfed to shit and not the original experience at all


>not the original experience at all

You're right.

It's better.

Boy, do I love there being only one person who can cure curse, way the fuck off at the other side of the game in some deep dungeon of ghosts! Totally not a pain in the ass to go there early game.

1. Getting a game to run at 60 is extra work, sometimes a LOT of extra work.
3. Old TVs were not 6op, they were 60i, which is 30p cut horizontally and artificially doubled.

>tfw when still searching for unpatched das1 torrent

Damn, meant to write 30i, not 60i. 60i would be 60p interlaced into 120 fields.

Oh that'll stop when you have 4 of the fuckers on you at once. And good luck trying to hit them with any melee weapon.

>3. Old TVs were not 6op, they were 60i, which is 30p cut horizontally and artificially doubled.

Old consoles output 320x240 progressive @ 60fps, or at 640x480 interlaced @30fps. The majority of 2D games were 60fps.

Don't forget not being able to leave a covenant without sinning. Oswald's ability to dissolve your covenant affiliation without sin was a late addition. IIRC even talking to Alvina while in another covenant used to count as a sin.

Okay, how would you display 60p on a CRT?

>Unpatched DaS1

Play patched so online features work.
Dark Souls isnt as good without invasions

>muh atmosphere
Fucking faggot

why not? physical copies should be unpatched, tho i guess the game would require that stupid GFWL

>muh not atmosphere
True faggot.

dark souls is objectively better unpatched
as long as you're playing the original console release and not the PC release
i dont know if greatest hits has the original version

>muh not not atmosphere
Absolute faggot.

>muh not not unatmosphere
Pure faggot

I can't tell if I'm being retarded or if you're actively degrading my mental ability but Dark Souls wasn't released on PC until a year later as the Prepare to Die edition with the DLC.
There isn't an unpatched version on the PC. If you want the day 1 experience you need the console version.

i see. i didnt know that, thought the pc version released together with console version.

>he wasn't around for all the literal NEVER EVERS on Dark Souls
>he wasn't around for the dumb shit that was the PC announcement

Fucking awful.

i guess i missed some good stuff. didnt get interested in the soulsborne series until BB was released. played through all games by now tho

all i remember from playing prepatch das was getting shit for souls from killing bosses

the early bosses gave a lot less souls
gargoyles gave 2000
now they give 10000
skeletons didnt give any souls

>should i play the good version or the shitty version

I played it unpatched and it was fine. Just move slowly.

When will they close servers for Souls games? I want to play with no online already without an urge to turn it on.

Just play a pirated version.

>PS3 Dark Souls
>FPS Town
>Tomb of Giants
>Chasm of the Abyss
You triggered my PTSD, hell even with DSFix Chasm of the Abyss still makes my fps counter drop to shit on pc for REASONS.

Don't forget Lost Izalith on literally any brightness setting other than the lowest. Fucking headache inducing eye cancer.