This board has turned into ps4 vs PC shitfest

This board has turned into ps4 vs PC shitfest

Other urls found in this thread:

Its all that matters now...

>he uses xbox

>implying Sup Forums isn't NintendoGAF

This board has always been retards having console wars, and what originally started as jokes turned into actual retards either seriously believing what they say or just baiting other retards with blatantly obvious false flags.

It's fucking disgusting.

What do you expect?

Xbox a shit now
Nintendo don't have a clue
PS sorta has an idea what needs to be done but pushes everything back a year over and over
And PC is suffering from 8-bit indie garbage.

Take your pick.

Yes, it fucking did.
But it's not like Sup Forums was any good recently, it's land of normalfags and Sup Forums cucks now.
Make more specific vidya threads to save it somewhat i guess.


I've been around since 2005


If something is at "War" with PC, it means PC is losing at that point in time. Which it is. PS4 Pro has absolutely 200% killed the "aww y *insert console here* is getting old now, let's move to PC for the new hotness! Look at these amazing graphics on *insert PC title here*" thing that usually happens each gen.

There will be no people switching from their PS4's to PC's this gen. They will more affordably trade in to upgrade their current ecosystem.

Sony have literally killed PC this time, but the fruits of that won't show for another 5 years. PC by then will be actually and literally on deaths door by then.

>has turned into
Console wars have been the essence of Sup Forums since 2007.

>spent $1200 on a PC
>I mostly play games you can play on a craptop
>feel bad
>have to use my brother's $700 craptop once
>runs like asssssssssssssssssssssssssss

What the fuck ever man, if this is the price I have to pay to have a 20 second startup time and web pages that don't lag my entire computer then so be it.
Also free games
And tons of discounts. I've spent less on games in 4 years with a PC than I spent on Xbox Live alone in 5, to say nothing of how much I spent on the $60 games themselves.


You don't type like someone that's been here since 2005.

can you fly bobby?


Because of asspained xbots, the mustard race are too busy watercooling their rigs fo argue here, it's all the xbots making all the "pc port of X confirmed!!" Because they know how twitchy the psfags are about exclusives.

>mfw this is my first pokemon game
>it's fun
How hard did i fuck up?

They might as well at this point. It's over, Sony won, and there's no Sega to take the hit this time.

I've been around since 2004 and a half and I can verify that this user is full of shit

I've been around since 2002

The Sega genesis is making a comeback any day now.

check my 6

Why can't PC users understand, that console users are not going to switch to PC, the same way pirates were never going to actually buy their games?

I agree

3 get

At least we have FPS and RTS


I think consoles will die off and it's just going to be phones and PC for gaymin
Maybe not this decade, maybe not next.
But i think it'll happen

>pirates will never buy

Fuck off. The moment you have disposable income, buying games is no problem. Fuck consoles though. Buying a PS3 was my biggest regret and that shit is collecting dust now while all the games I wanted on PS3 are now in PC anyway. Such a wasted investment.


plenty of people pirate a game just to try it out and buy it later desu

No, it turned into a playground for 15-20 year old children who are just terrible fucking people in general today.


You've been around since 2016 user, and you are the most pathetic man on this board.

lmao virgins im not in a corner i get laid

We don't want you to, fuck off back to your containment unit.

When it's in a bundle on a -95% sale 3 years after the release?


I think you will find it is a PS4 vs everyone else. Damn they shitpost the loudest longest and most unnecessarily.

Guess we will never know why any dev who respects themselves jumps to consoles at the earliest opportunity, then.

Worse than hitler

Well user, when do you plan on stopping used game sales?

You realize its far more damaging to the industry than piracy, right?
Or its ok when consoleshits do it since its convenient to you and isn't exactly stealing (just like piracy isn't exactly stealing)?

Dumb, hypocritical, overagressive fucks who compensate for their buyers remorse through shitposting here.

this isn't surprising at all

Its simple dumbo - dumb people are easily parted with their money, and you are all on ps4 now.

Oh shut the fuck up.
Bloodborne is GOTY for a reason.
What good exclusives does PC have?
What does xbone have?

its always been PC vs everything else

your claim is disingenuous at best famalam

Along with all the games.

And all the deflection.


come on now, what good games can you name on the PS4 that aren't multiplats and aren't bloodborne?

I'm not even trying to start shit I bought a PS4 and I'm having trouble justifying my purchase because most of what I would get I could just get on my PC

>tfw the only xbox posting is that one guy making "best multiplayer since Halo 2" threads
>every once in a great while there's a Sunset Overdrive thread or something like that, but they're all easy to miss

how about all those steam games you haven't played user

I don't know what the hell is going on in this thread.

>no damage to the walls at all
they must be pretty good shots

But I thought all the games are on PS4 and we play with coloring segments in MS Excel.

Spend $500 on hookers so you can get laid and beyond your virginity and also it'll help you forget about the 400+ you wasted on your console that just keeps burning you up and making you post these inane things.

I will give you an entire series:

Its better than 99% of PC games you will play.

Any Pokemon game would rightfully be fun if it was your very first go around; it's one of the biggest franchises in history for a reason after all. The problem comes from the fact that they innovate very slowly and don't experiment.

Luckily SM is there biggest leap from the old formula by far, so you should try out one of the earlier games, you might get a good, freshish experience out of that. I recommend HGSS, Platinum, or any of the 5th gen games.

With a side of Nintendo shaming.
It's months I refuse to enter a Nintendo thread because I know I'll just find autistic shitposters spamming the usual ""criticism"" in them. Why bother?

>The problem comes from the fact that they innovate very slowly and don't experiment.

To be fair, people react violently to change. Look at RE7.


I hear people spouting this shit every fucking gen and it's less true every fucking gen.

At least consoles used to have the advantage of specialized hardware.

You'd have to pay me to play that shit.

Combines the thrilling experience of
>waist high cover shooting nobodies
>extremely boring nigh automated climbing through linearly-climbable locations
>C tier movie story with political agenda pushing, even made amy hennig seem like a fucking retard

Mods don't like me.
So I don't like mods.

oh i just reverse searched a snapshot, its the punisher

>Any Pokemon game would rightfully be fun if it was your very first go around

I disagree, I tried playing two now and they are boring childrens games.
I'll stick to jacking it to the porn.

Man, it's a shame how the most reasonable post always gets ignored.


Persona 5 is coming out in the future if you're open to JRPGs. KIngdom Hearts 3 as well.

>turned into
Fucking newfags
It is, was and always will be a warzone for broke ass faggots and children.

You are so pathetic its unreal.

When people say "memeing fucks" they mean you.

>PC by then will be actually and literally on deaths door by then
Do you even know what a PC is?
Microsoft office would like a word with you.


Not an argument.

Obviously it would be PC fan club

That seems like a lot less gayer than what Sup Forums actually does.

What a creative new way to shitpost, if we keep going at this rate you guys will regress into
>gu gu ga ga
With how highminded your "baiting" is becoming.

>Someone made has a good argument
>Let me just say bait and shitpost at them
Im leaving this thread, your clearly baiting for replies and bumps.
Eat a dick retard.

Its because the MS and Nintendo consoles are complete non-factors this generation so the shitposting is much more focused and oncentrated

PC already has walking simulators though

Not really, but of course you are going to have flaming between the largest groups impotently struggling for literally meaningless "supremacy".

single fact? with the backing up and shebang?

Consoles are on life-support since way too long and there is not a single valid argument for the consumer to keep them on it.
Let's face it, consoles were always only good for playing games, and since a very long time now they are not even good at that anymore.
They overstayed their welcome.

>I'm a 14 year old little shitbrat please rape my face

>Nintendo thread someone critiques bad Nintendo practices
>SONY thread someone critiques bad SONY practices
>PC thread someone critiques bad PC practices
>Xbox thread someone critiques bad Xbox practices
. . .

+1. I'm very agree with you, sir. PC is nothing but thrash

Who is this viking guy? Why he keep getting posted all the time?

This is what happens when mods shut down everything that isn't console wars.

Revel in your own shit, janitors. You made it so.

>Any Pokemon game would rightfully be fun if it was your very first go around
I've tried Blue, Yellow, Silver, and Black and gave up within hours of leaving the starting area every single time. I'm actually really interested in getting into S&M because people have insisted that it shakes up the formula in enough that I'd enjoy it, but I've been burned so many times by that series that I look like Freddy Krueger.

Sure it has.

>console vs console thread
>PC feels left out and always barges in


sony always wins babeh

I never thought I'd look back on fucking 2013 fondly.

ban all phone posters

problem solved


what a dumbass

>Enter Nintendo thread
>Only anti Nintendo shitposting and bait in sight
>Enter any other not Nintendo thread
>Someone always brings up Nintendo with a shitpost for no reason
Totally Nintendogaf, am I right

not him but I just spent over an hour watching retards argue over the Switch price rumor and try to justify charging $400 for it so OP isn't entirely accurate.

Also what said is pretty much true, Sup Forums has been a lost cause for the majority of its existence at this point and console wars are the only consistent vidya topic we can even post about nowadays.

Hey I remember that thread!

He said that aren't multiplats.

Guys, why do we have to fight?

Why can't we all just get along and talk about our favorite games, and not endlessly fling shit at each other for whatever platforms we prefer?

If you saw that thread, you should take in consideration that the thread was mostly shitposting about Nintendo in general and only few actually "discussed" the "news". The OP was also wrote sourceless shit about the specs as well.

Again, saying this board is Nintendogaf is something only those same shitposters say. They use it as a justification to keep shitposting in every single thread, even the once not about Nintendo. I can't enter a Crash bandicoot thread without an idiit shitting on Mario out of the blue. Enough bullshit.



>If you saw that thread, you should take in consideration that the thread was mostly shitposting about Nintendo in general

How is that any different than threads shitposting about Sony in general or shitposting about PC in general

OP rumormongering doesn't change any of the facts in my post

I'm not saying this board is Nintendogaf I'm saying there are Nintendo shitposting threads and the board isn't just "ps4 vs PC"

Also why the fuck would you entre a thread full of Crash Bandicoot fanboys and excpet Mario not to get shit on? The exact same thing happens in Sonic the Hedgehog threads.